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55 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


It would be funny to see someone go from playing FEH to a base game and then overreacting when they discover X FEH god/dess is weak in their base game, and that Y FEH peon is really strong. Although subjective tastes and a willing to do things from from efficient means this could easily not happen.

And at least for Mareeta, she from what I am aware is an incredible Esty character in her game. Although from what I'm aware, breaking baddies isn't hard in Thracia, and regardless, said unit will still be broken by status staffs. Be one Mareeta or Marty, Sleep is cheap and will make them reaped (and of course it's an elegant way to neutralize Reinhardt- sometimes I wish FEH units had unremovable nega-skills as a check on them).


In fairness it sterms from FE's weirdness where before FE7, or arguably FE6, FE is kind of a "nobody shines" game. It says a lot that the most problematic balance concern in the entire series isn't your main protagonist, some amazing figure, or a legendary sword


Its the cheap Javelin you could buy in random vendors. Even FE4 with their explicit NOBLES IS AWESOME trope the game defied this by having Leif as the only character who rivals Seliph in overall power level entirely because he can use Staff on a horse. FE5? Healer is so overpowered and Saias is so broken that he NEVER get used as anything but the plot's way of saying "you fucked up"

no seriously. That "underwhelming" Saias from FEH is the equivalent of fighting Etrian Odyssey bonus boss at night in FE5. They hyped him as someone who could singlehandedly won a war from his pressence alone and they are not kidding

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2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Blame FE3 for this. Since Dragons there always ignore Def and Res, like it or not, you will take 16-20 damage a hit. Barring a dodge, which is a 50-50 thing in a pre-2 RN game. The only units who don't suffer this are other Dragons. It is a neat idea to reference, I admit, even if one criticizes it's execution in FEH.

FE3 isn't the only game that does that. Off the top of my head Sacred Stones and Gaiden does it too (for the post game dragons that have breath and claw attacks).

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22 minutes ago, Jotari said:

FE3 isn't the only game that does that. Off the top of my head Sacred Stones and Gaiden does it too (for the post game dragons that have breath and claw attacks).

True, although it is definitely much more noticed in FE3, owing to the dragon onslaught many chapters have. You only have to fight three dragons in SS, and Thabes and the Seaway is totally optional.

Also, I just remembered the FE7 Fire Dragon's Flametongue is the same way. So it's been an off-on thing with dragonkind for numerous games, but never consistently enforced. Likely because back in FE3B2, it makes Draug very useless during Anri's Way and the finale.

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15 hours ago, Rezzy said:

I would be scared of accidentally deleting skills, if that was an option.  (Or having my kids do so)

Speaking of OCD, I wish there was something that would allow us to use non-5-divisible amounts of feathers.  Seeing my feathers not end in 5 or 0 really bothered me back circa a year ago.

I'm sure they'll add an extra prompt before actually committing to it. As for kids... that's another story.

Speaking of feathers, I'm still trying to get rid of that annoying feather count that ends in a 1. Collected feathers from a visiting in game friend too early at reset one time and I've been paying the price ever since.

It seems like Faye might be getting a new weapon refine judging from the banner map sprite.

Edited by Flying Shogi
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31 minutes ago, Flying Shogi said:

It seems like Faye might be getting a new weapon refine judging from the banner map sprite.

That's just the Firesweep Bow without the glow it normally has.  Roderick's lance is the same way, it just looks weirder on Faye because Firesweep Bow doesn't actually have much red on it without the glow.

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5 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:



As a reminder, Binding Blade with the next banner, barring an Adrift-level altfest, will tie or more likely surpass Tellius in non-Seasonal PC representation both in absolute numbers and as a percentage of their total roster. It presently has 12 PCs, Tellius, discounting the BK as a playable, has 16 PCs. Why already, Binding Blade is still a few tenths above RD in PC rep- 22.22% vs. 21.92% (T766 has with five characters 9.61%).

A game with no units at launch and has had many banners vs. one that has had only characters from launch and now one banner. I think this supports your argument with hard evidence.


Thanks for the support!  Yes I remember arguing with someone about Thracia representation vs Binding Blade, unfortunately many disregard launch characters.  Looking back it is actually quite shocking how many games had zero representatives at launch.  You would figure they would at least put two minimum from each game.  

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9 hours ago, Othin said:

Indeed, they weren't, because FE5's fans are not that numerous. There's no contradiction here.

It's not a contradiction, but a vicious cycle. Thracia isn't popular, so it gets no attention, which means it isn't popular.

9 hours ago, Othin said:

He's popular enough that there are guaranteed to be some people who get more interested in the rest of FE5 due to it being "that game Reinhardt is from".

That's the only way to break the cycle. Which is exactly why the Thracia banner starring Reinhardt stopped it before it could start.

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32 minutes ago, Baldrick said:

It's not a contradiction, but a vicious cycle. Thracia isn't popular, so it gets no attention, which means it isn't popular.

That's the only way to break the cycle. Which is exactly why the Thracia banner starring Reinhardt stopped it before it could start.

To improve its odds of getting new characters, Thracia needs more interest in Thracia characters not yet in Heroes. That is inherently something Heroes has very little ability to influence, and is not something there is any basis for saying the alts caused harm to.

Like I said: Reinhardt brought attention to FE5 from people who otherwise hadn't cared about it. Playing up Reinhardt is, in fact, the main thing Heroes can do to get more people to play FE5 and get interested in its characters that aren't yet in Heroes, like Mareeta and Osian and Salem, to in turn improve their odds of getting into the game.

Edited by Othin
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I seriously can't wait until IntSys remakes FE5 and the first thing you have to do when starting a new game is pick your Lord: Leif or Reinhardt.

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32 minutes ago, Othin said:

To improve its odds of getting new characters, Thracia needs more interest in Thracia characters not yet in Heroes. That is inherently something Heroes has very little ability to influence, and is not something there is any basis for saying the alts caused harm to.

Like I said: Reinhardt brought attention to FE5 from people who otherwise hadn't cared about it. Playing up Reinhardt is, in fact, the main thing Heroes can do to get more people to play FE5 and get interested in its characters that aren't yet in Heroes, like Mareeta and Osian and Salem, to in turn improve their odds of getting into the game.

But the only reason Reinhardt is popular is because he's a great unit in Heroes. Releasing other characters that are fun or useful would be a way of increasing popularity too. Reinhardt went form virtually unknown to being the face of the series basically over night. As I said somewhere before, they could have made Leif a seller on his banner had they given him Distant Counter as his A skill. He might have been a seller just for fodder purposes, but still a seller. There are other ways to handle popularity besides throwing Reinhardt at something. No one suggests that's a bad move on IS's part (from my half paying attention to this conversation). It's just the rather disappointingly safe option for them. They know Reinhardt's popular so they know he'll sell. There's no experimentation beyond a single character (and his sister who inexplicably got a green tome instead of her actual prf weapon). 

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It finally happened. I FINALLY did well enough in the Arena to get promoted to Great Summoner, so I finally got a crown. I finished in the Top 400, with a full +10 team of Marth, Valentine Lyn, Legendary Lyn, and Rebecca. This is the best I've ever done. I scoff at anyone who says Legendary Lyn is a bad unit, she freaking ROCKED against +10 Surtrs, and severely damaged AND survived against +10 Tikis. Rebecca was super handy as well and swept in for most of the knock outs, giving me all the bonus points I needed.




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3 hours ago, Othin said:

That is inherently something Heroes has very little ability to influence, and is not something there is any basis for saying the alts caused harm to.

New banners have the opportunity to provide additional information and about the world, so that you understand the context of what the characters in it were doing, and why. New banners also draw people’s attention; but that attention is based on the novelty of shiny new units and will be divided amongst the units based on how good they are.

Alts, especially of an irrelevant miniboss, provide no additional information. In Reinhardt’s case, his powerful and not gimmicky kit made him the centre of attention and reduced Leif to a footnote.


Like I said: Reinhardt brought attention to FE5 from people who otherwise hadn't cared about it. Playing up Reinhardt is, in fact, the main thing Heroes can do to get more people to play FE5 and get interested in its characters that aren't yet in Heroes, like Mareeta and Osian and Salem, to in turn improve their odds of getting into the game.

If the original Reinhardt hadn’t inspired somebody to play FE5 yet, his alts won’t.

Edited by Baldrick
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Reinhardt isn't an irrelevant miniboss though. Like narratively speaking he's practically the final boss of Thracia. After he's done and over with, the story pretty much considered Leif all but victorious, to the point that FE5 Black Knight went all pussy in the dialogue


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2 hours ago, JSND Alter Dragon Boner said:

Reinhardt isn't an irrelevant miniboss though. Like narratively speaking he's practically the final boss of Thracia. After he's done and over with, the story pretty much considered Leif all but victorious, to the point that FE5 Black Knight went all pussy in the dialogue


That's a bit of an exaggeration. Leif has no personal connection to Reinhardt. Reinhardt has no significant influence on the direction of the plot. The party never encounters Reinhardt before that point. Reinhardt's defeat closes zero plot arcs aside from Olwen's. And important stuff still continues to happen once he's dead. You can even not engage Reinhardt in combat at all or capture and release him and it makes absolutely no difference to the story. Maybe in terms of gameplay he's the climax of the game, but definitely not in terms of narrative. That would be like claiming Murdock is the final boss of Binding Blade (which is a pretty apt comparison given Murdock's stats, that he's fought in a chapter with two other bossess and that both chapters are the last offensive of the enemy army).

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3 minutes ago, Jotari said:

That's a bit of an exaggeration. Leif has no personal connection to Reinhardt. Reinhardt has no significant influence on the direction of the plot. The party never encounters Reinhardt before that point. Reinhardt's defeat closes zero plot arcs aside from Olwen's. And important stuff still continues to happen once he's dead. You can even not engage Reinhardt in combat at all or capture and release him and it makes absolutely no difference to the story. Maybe in terms of gameplay he's the climax of the game, but definitely not in terms of narrative. That would be like claiming Murdock is the final boss of Binding Blade (which is a pretty apt comparison given Murdock's stats, that he's fought in a chapter with two other bossess and that both chapters are the last offensive of the enemy army).


Different case, the "effective final boss" of Binding Blade was Zephiel. The story of Binding Blade didn't go into enemy going "oh shit what should we do" until Zephiel is down.


Gameplay wise, it was certainly not the climax of the game. That "honor" goes to the conclusion of 24x and FE5 is one of few game where the final chapter is actually fairly taxing. Even C24 itself is pretty heavy. And even then the ONLY reason Reinhardt is difficult is the game actually expect you to remove Saias from equation, a guy so broken he's basically a failure state. Doing Reinhardt map without Saias around is pretty darn easy since it had Thracia classic of joke stats enemies

Narratively it had more backing. The fight after Reinhardt is we saving Sety and Saias which is just a glorified version of "Leif are of getting his own Falchion" which is Braggi Sword. After that, both Black Knight and Berd pretty much shat their pants to Leif army. C24 and 25 is a clean up session

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33 minutes ago, JSND Alter Dragon Boner said:


Different case, the "effective final boss" of Binding Blade was Zephiel. The story of Binding Blade didn't go into enemy going "oh shit what should we do" until Zephiel is down.


Gameplay wise, it was certainly not the climax of the game. That "honor" goes to the conclusion of 24x and FE5 is one of few game where the final chapter is actually fairly taxing. Even C24 itself is pretty heavy. And even then the ONLY reason Reinhardt is difficult is the game actually expect you to remove Saias from equation, a guy so broken he's basically a failure state. Doing Reinhardt map without Saias around is pretty darn easy since it had Thracia classic of joke stats enemies

Narratively it had more backing. The fight after Reinhardt is we saving Sety and Saias which is just a glorified version of "Leif are of getting his own Falchion" which is Braggi Sword. After that, both Black Knight and Berd pretty much shat their pants to Leif army. C24 and 25 is a clean up session

You're being very dismissive of eveyrthing that happens afterwards. Here, I'll do the same for FE6. "After Murdock, you only need to fight Zephiel who has already given up as he's sent Idoun away. Then you fight a battle against Bern troops that are basically commiting suicide with no hope of victory, and finally you stroll through the dragon temple where Roy doesn't even bother killing Idoun."

After the river battle Lief is still having his doubts about his ability to lead. Saving Sety is a major event that's depicted in Holy War too for a reason. Leif also is still in his selfdoubt phase after fucking up and needing Seliph to bale him out. This isn't resolved by the river battle. It's resolved by meeting Sety and either saving Evyel or avenging her death by defating Rayrik and Veld. And you say they're shitting themselves, but just take a look at their dialogue.



“Reidric…I hear you have allowed the rebels inside the castle.”

“Yes… But if you would give me some time, I will be sure have them eliminated…”

“Don’t make promises you can’t keep. It is obvious that the rebels have the upper hand…”


“Pity…I would have expected you to do better than this. This is it, Reidric. I am finished with you.”

“B-Bishop Berdo, please… Without you, we would all be…”

“Then do your best… Here, I shall give you a squad of the Schwarze Rosen to aid you. I wish you luck…”


Raydrik is actually rather confident. He's panics when it looks like Veld might abandon him, but defeating Leif doesn't seem to be something he thinks is beyond his ability. Veld on the other hand is more cautious, but he's definitely not panicking. And come the final chapter as well, he's reasonably confident he can win.



“Hm…so Reidric was useless… Now, how shall I kill those eyesores…”


“B-Bishop Manfroy? When did you…”

“That is not important. What is taking you so long to kill that boy from Lenster?”

“Yes, I’m sorry. I promise that I will have Prince Leaf’s head soon…”

“Make sure that you kill him. If you don’t, our efforts of assassinating Cuan would be for nought.”

“…They still think Trabant is the man responsible for Cuan’s death…”

“Hahaha…pathetic fools. Thracia doesn’t have the means of getting accurate information on Lenster… Taking advantage of Trabant’s ambitions to make Northern and Southern Thracia kill each other… Your plan has been a marvelous success.”

“Thank you, Bishop Manfroy…”

“But the problem lies after that… We have underestimated the heir to Lenster. Perhaps we should have killed him when Lenster first fell…”

“Yes, but Prince Leaf has successfully united the rebel forces in Northern Thracia. If we can strike them when their hopes for the prince are the highest, their morale will plummet. Also, the prince has been getting rid of the Freejis for us. He has proven to be of some use. Anyway, while he is a descendant of the Holy Warriors, he is still a child unable to even use the Gae Bolg. He is no match for me.”

“I hope so… Just in case, I will give you five of my Dark Warriors.”

“Ah, thank you. Now I have six counting the one that I made. The force field should be flawless now…”

“Hm… Well, Berdo, I will leave the rest to you. I shall be waiting for the good news…”

“Yes, Bishop Manfroy…”


When he does panic is when you finally defeat the Dread Lords and expose him.

“Wh-What! The seal has been broken!? Ergh… Leaf…always getting in the way of my plans… If I am to die, I shall take all of you down with me! I will crush you all with the Stone spell!”

And even then it's not shitting himself waiting to die. It's clear he is a present threat that must be dealt with.

And then versus the River Battle which has basically no narrative weight to it. Nothing actually happens to change the story during the Reinhardt fight. It's just a stepping stone to finally liberate Munster. Remove the river fight and the story wouldn't change. It doesn't even serve as Sais's turn to the allies side. He just sort of randomly does that in the next chapter. The river chapter is appreciated, we finally get to see Reinhardt in action and learn some more about Sais's backstory, but to anyone not named Olwen, it's mostly inconsequential. It's strategically important for the flow of the war, but for Leif's narrative of liberating his country, it's nowhere near as important as him actually liberating his country.

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1 hour ago, Jotari said:

You're being very dismissive of eveyrthing that happens afterwards. Here, I'll do the same for FE6. "After Murdock, you only need to fight Zephiel who has already given up as he's sent Idoun away. Then you fight a battle against Bern troops that are basically commiting suicide with no hope of victory, and finally you stroll through the dragon temple where Roy doesn't even bother killing Idoun."

After the river battle Lief is still having his doubts about his ability to lead. Saving Sety is a major event that's depicted in Holy War too for a reason. Leif also is still in his selfdoubt phase after fucking up and needing Seliph to bale him out. This isn't resolved by the river battle. It's resolved by meeting Sety and either saving Evyel or avenging her death by defating Rayrik and Veld. And you say they're shitting themselves, but just take a look at their dialogue.

  Hide contents


“Reidric…I hear you have allowed the rebels inside the castle.”

“Yes… But if you would give me some time, I will be sure have them eliminated…”

“Don’t make promises you can’t keep. It is obvious that the rebels have the upper hand…”


“Pity…I would have expected you to do better than this. This is it, Reidric. I am finished with you.”

“B-Bishop Berdo, please… Without you, we would all be…”

“Then do your best… Here, I shall give you a squad of the Schwarze Rosen to aid you. I wish you luck…”


Raydrik is actually rather confident. He's panics when it looks like Veld might abandon him, but defeating Leif doesn't seem to be something he thinks is beyond his ability. Veld on the other hand is more cautious, but he's definitely not panicking. And come the final chapter as well, he's reasonably confident he can win.

  Reveal hidden contents


“Hm…so Reidric was useless… Now, how shall I kill those eyesores…”


“B-Bishop Manfroy? When did you…”

“That is not important. What is taking you so long to kill that boy from Lenster?”

“Yes, I’m sorry. I promise that I will have Prince Leaf’s head soon…”

“Make sure that you kill him. If you don’t, our efforts of assassinating Cuan would be for nought.”

“…They still think Trabant is the man responsible for Cuan’s death…”

“Hahaha…pathetic fools. Thracia doesn’t have the means of getting accurate information on Lenster… Taking advantage of Trabant’s ambitions to make Northern and Southern Thracia kill each other… Your plan has been a marvelous success.”

“Thank you, Bishop Manfroy…”

“But the problem lies after that… We have underestimated the heir to Lenster. Perhaps we should have killed him when Lenster first fell…”

“Yes, but Prince Leaf has successfully united the rebel forces in Northern Thracia. If we can strike them when their hopes for the prince are the highest, their morale will plummet. Also, the prince has been getting rid of the Freejis for us. He has proven to be of some use. Anyway, while he is a descendant of the Holy Warriors, he is still a child unable to even use the Gae Bolg. He is no match for me.”

“I hope so… Just in case, I will give you five of my Dark Warriors.”

“Ah, thank you. Now I have six counting the one that I made. The force field should be flawless now…”

“Hm… Well, Berdo, I will leave the rest to you. I shall be waiting for the good news…”

“Yes, Bishop Manfroy…”


When he does panic is when you finally defeat the Dread Lords and expose him.

“Wh-What! The seal has been broken!? Ergh… Leaf…always getting in the way of my plans… If I am to die, I shall take all of you down with me! I will crush you all with the Stone spell!”

And even then it's not shitting himself waiting to die. It's clear he is a present threat that must be dealt with.

And then versus the River Battle which has basically no narrative weight to it. Nothing actually happens to change the story during the Reinhardt fight. It's just a stepping stone to finally liberate Munster. Remove the river fight and the story wouldn't change. It doesn't even serve as Sais's turn to the allies side. He just sort of randomly does that in the next chapter. The river chapter is appreciated, we finally get to see Reinhardt in action and learn some more about Sais's backstory, but to anyone not named Olwen, it's mostly inconsequential. It's strategically important for the flow of the war, but for Leif's narrative of liberating his country, it's nowhere near as important as him actually liberating his country.


Fair enough but it kinda does for Saias


Saias didnt exactly went to defect to Leif until the bishop dude exposition dumps him his family history which happened during the river war. Yeah it happened next chapter but that part was when Saias realized hes on the "wrong" side


Mind that i dont think Reins really still a minor mini boss in the grand scheme of things. America is much more minor than he is despite much more appearance to his name

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13 minutes ago, JSND Alter Dragon Boner said:



Fair enough but it kinda does for Saias


Saias didnt exactly went to defect to Leif until the bishop dude exposition dumps him his family history which happened during the river war. Yeah it happened next chapter but that part was when Saias realized hes on the "wrong" side


Mind that i dont think Reins really still a minor mini boss in the grand scheme of things. America is much more minor than he is despite much more appearance to his name

I suppose Saias learning his backstory should have some influence on his actions after that chapter, but it's not really implemented well considering the info dump is delivered at the start of the chapter and Saias continues to fight you throughout. He also doesn't have any displayed reaction to learning about it, which made me think it was info more for the benefit of the player than Saias himself. It definitely should have been used to prompt his turn, but the game kind of fumbles there.

Reinhardt certainly isn't a minor mini boss, but he is of lesser importance than Veld or Raydrik...I'm not sure who you mean when you say America though.

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52 minutes ago, Jotari said:

I suppose Saias learning his backstory should have some influence on his actions after that chapter, but it's not really implemented well considering the info dump is delivered at the start of the chapter and Saias continues to fight you throughout. He also doesn't have any displayed reaction to learning about it, which made me think it was info more for the benefit of the player than Saias himself. It definitely should have been used to prompt his turn, but the game kind of fumbles there.

Reinhardt certainly isn't a minor mini boss, but he is of lesser importance than Veld or Raydrik...I'm not sure who you mean when you say America though.

So basically i played Thracia so long ago i forgot most of the villain name

America was that guy who tried to slander Olwen 



But yeah its kind of weird how at the end of the day Saias role after that was just to deliver Blaggi Sword something thats weirdly inconsequential in the long run(even the delivery was all "ok this is an awesome sword that can kill Raydrick..... anyone with name can actually use it)


Clearly that part is why Leif decided being a glorified healer on horse was his true calling

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Remembering the note about the upcoming arena changes in april, I really hope they do something with AA. The last 2-3 weeks I don’t remember even trying to do more than the 3 matches that gived you the 100 feathers quest, because:

1. It’s getting very boring to have to use 7 teams of units using a certain blessing to defeat 7 times Surtr, H!Myrrh and L!Tiki, plus some Ikes and Hectors.

2. Many of my units (excluding the ones with A) Premium Fodder B) Refined prf C) Pain+ Healers) feels completely useless in AA even with Gem Weapon/Steady Stance/Breaker, since most of the new units have so much bulk that they can’t even scratch them. If we add to the ecuation that my main team of +10s hates to see a Surtr...

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1 hour ago, JSND Alter Dragon Boner said:

So basically i played Thracia so long ago i forgot most of the villain name

America was that guy who tried to slander Olwen 

You mean Kempf? The guy whose name isn't anything like America. Well assuming you do, both Reinhardt and Kempf are basically enemy versions of Jill. By that I mean they are minor characters that don't drive the plot and could be removed, however, they are exceedingly well integrated into the world of the game and add a lot of flavor to the story even if they aren't direct movers of the narrative.

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32 minutes ago, Jotari said:

You mean Kempf? The guy whose name isn't anything like America. Well assuming you do, both Reinhardt and Kempf are basically enemy versions of Jill. By that I mean they are minor characters that don't drive the plot and could be removed, however, they are exceedingly well integrated into the world of the game and add a lot of flavor to the story even if they aren't direct movers of the narrative.

A popular patch added an "In America!" line to Kempf's dialogue for no apparent reason.

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24 minutes ago, Othin said:

A popular patch added an "In America!" line to Kempf's dialogue for no apparent reason.

Huh...that is random. His name is super German.

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19 minutes ago, Jotari said:

Huh...that is random. His name is super German.

More like "German". (Kampf = Fight. Kämpf = Fight!. Kempf = Nothing, except maybe in some dialect.)

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6 minutes ago, Nanima said:

More like "German". (Kampf = Fight. Kämpf = Fight!. Kempf = Nothing, except maybe in some dialect.)

I don't getcha. That's what I said.

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