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Thinking about potential dragon cavalry:

Fallen Gunter is certainly the most popular pick, and for good reason, but he's not the only good option. Heroes already has two dragon characters that don't really transform: Grima and Sothis. So either of them could get a cavalry version as just a matter of sticking them on a horse, without any real shenanigans.

Grima already has a pair of versions with Robin's normal Grandmaster outfit, but they could find some way to justify a mounted seasonal Grima, maybe a Halloween version on a Dark Knight horse. Sothis is even easier, she'd just need a second regular seasonal alt or a Brave version or something and wouldn't need any shenanigans, just a random horse.

Between those two and Gunter, that's three, but ideally we'd get four eventually to fill out all the colors. I'm not sure of a way to get a fourth without finding a way to double up on one of those three or using one of the more questionable approaches, though. Are there any other non-transforming dragons that could plausibly go on a horse?

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3 minutes ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

Gotcha. Well, here's hoping we get something in an hour, before the update!

I don't see why this wouldn't happen since we're supposed to get an update tomorrow. The update would be datamined and the banner leaked.

Anyway, plz gimme a great birthday trailer, IS! I just gotta see someone I'll want to get my hands on. My birthday's been kind of blah this year because icky weather and crap.

Edited by Anacybele
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The trailer may happen in 40 minutes, but it could also be tomorrow alongside the last hour of the Voting Gauntlet.

The update will probably be tomorrow, aftet the Voting Gauntlet has ended.

Edited by Diovani Bressan
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I was really hoping the earlier trailers would become a regular thing. It was a lot more convenient, albeit confusing due to the lack of precedent.

Well, just a bit over half an hour more, at least.

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5 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

I don't see why this wouldn't happen since we're supposed to get an update tomorrow. The update would be datamined and the banner leaked.

I just got confused because Edelgard's Legendary trailer was early.

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1 minute ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

I just got confused because Edelgard's Legendary trailer was early.

Yeah, understandable. This is why I checked to see if a trailer went up at 10PM in my timezone too, just in case. lol

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25 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Yeah, understandable. This is why I checked to see if a trailer went up at 10PM in my timezone too, just in case. lol

Yeah, I checked too. Was really expecting it too, I refreshed a few times to be sure.

Wonder why they did it like that if it's not supposed to be a regular thing.

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1 minute ago, Othin said:

Yeah, I checked too. Was really expecting it too, I refreshed a few times to be sure.

Wonder why they did it like that if it's not supposed to be a regular thing.

It might have been a mistake. That did happen once or twice before.

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I think the reason why the Edelgard trailer was an hour early was because, at 7PM PST during that week, the twitter account was posting those countdown videos of the #FERetrospective tag. The video for that day was the Three House retrospective one, perfectly debuting on the very same day at the Edelgard trailer drop. Since the retrospective video actually featured the new legendary Edelgard alt as part of its 3 character lineup, they HAD to post the Edelgard trailer beforehand. Of course, they could have easily NOT included Edelgard at all in that trailer, or wait until 8pm to start posting those videos, specifically a few minutes AFTER the Edelgard trailer, but, for whatever reason... they didn't... lol. Weird and unorthodox, but, alas...

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Ashnard better fucking have Atk as his highest level 1 stat, >= 40 base Atk at level 40, and Gurgurant with "Grants Atk+3. If unit initiates combat, grants Atk+6 during combat. If unit initiates combat, grants Atk+6 during combat", as its effects. No, that was not a typo. Double Death Blow 3 as two of its effects. 59 Atk with Gurgurant equipped and 71 Atk when initiating with Gurgurant. 77 Atk when initiating Death Blow 3 or Atk/X Solo or Sturdy Impact that also grants whatever effects. 82 Atk at +10 merges. MORE ATTACK.

Alternatively, Gurgurant with "Grants Atk+3. Inflicts Special cooldown charge -1 on foe per attack during combat. (Only highest value applied. Does not stack.)" and either Lull Atk/Def 3 or Atk/Def Solo 3 could work too.

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One reason I was really hoping this would be a Tellius banner is that it would mean that over the course of a year, we'd (sort of) have a New Heroes banner representing every game, which would be really cool.

It's still possible, just a bit more complicated now. The loop would now start with the FE1/3 banner we got in September, so we just need both Tellius and Awakening to get banners by the end of August. We should get three non-CYL New Heroes banners over that timeframe, so there's even a bit of leeway.

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IS seriously needs to remove the score cuts taken when your units die in modes like arena and AR. Or at least lower the amount your score is cut by a large margin. It's become far too difficult not to have deaths. I'm sick of my score being severely lowered due to having had just one or two deaths overall.

Edited by Anacybele
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18 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

IS seriously needs to remove the score cuts taken when your units die in modes like arena and AR. Or at least lower the amount your score is cut by a large margin. It's become far too difficult not to have deaths. I'm sick of my score being severely lowered due to having had just one or two deaths overall.

It's a key part of the challenge - survival is the skill based part of scoring. You can still get most of the rewards with a lot of deaths, just not all of them. 

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10 minutes ago, Othin said:

It's a key part of the challenge - survival is the skill based part of scoring. You can still get most of the rewards with a lot of deaths, just not all of them. 

No it isn't. The only key idea is to win. It shouldn't matter how many of your units die, so long as you win. The same should apply to any other mode or battle like GHBs and LHBs and all. Why should you lose if even one unit dies when you still could've won even with said unit dead?

And if you always are at tiers 18-19 in arena, you'll drop a tier if you get deaths because for whatever reason, the game doesn't allow you to just stay in those tiers. This is another change that should happen, especially with how BS this mode and AR are.

Another thing, I've attempted a butt load of runs in arena this week and could only get three wins in a row because I run into so many stupid enemy teams that not even my best units stand a chance against. I'm starting to wish that going against player-made teams would be removed too because it's too ridiculous now.

Edited by Anacybele
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29 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

IS seriously needs to remove the score cuts taken when your units die in modes like arena and AR. Or at least lower the amount your score is cut by a large margin. It's become far too difficult not to have deaths. I'm sick of my score being severely lowered due to having had just one or two deaths overall.

Removing the penalty for lost units in AR means the mode becomes true Pay2Win because the highest scores would be achievable by those who have +10 Mythics in their teams. It would also completely change the meta, since now people can play Sacrifice with their units, basically sending units out to die with no penalty, as long as they get one unit to survive.

Lowering the penalty would only make the mode more frustrating for most players because, AR being a ranked mode, it would make the score ceiling higher to reach higher ratings, thus making stuff like thrones much harder to get.

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5 minutes ago, Jave said:

Removing the penalty for lost units in AR means the mode becomes true Pay2Win because the highest scores would be achievable by those who have +10 Mythics in their teams. It would also completely change the meta, since now people can play Sacrifice with their units, basically sending units out to die with no penalty, as long as they get one unit to survive.

Lowering the penalty would only make the mode more frustrating for most players because, AR being a ranked mode, it would make the score ceiling higher to reach higher ratings, thus making stuff like thrones much harder to get.

Players with +10 mythics and all already get the highest scores anyway though. And not everyone wants the highest scores all the time, I just want to be able to get one silver throne and gold throne because I like how they look.

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1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

Players with +10 mythics and all already get the highest scores anyway though. And not everyone wants the highest scores all the time, I just want to be able to get one silver throne and gold throne because I like how they look.

This is not true, plenty of people on this very forum have reached Tier 27 and even Top 1,000 without the need of +10 Mythics. Removing penalties would only make that more difficult.

Thrones are rewards for the best players which is why they're rank-based and not Tier-based. Lowering penalties makes the game easier for everyone, so it won't make you get a throne any easier.

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18 minutes ago, Jave said:

This is not true, plenty of people on this very forum have reached Tier 27 and even Top 1,000 without the need of +10 Mythics. Removing penalties would only make that more difficult.

Thrones are rewards for the best players which is why they're rank-based and not Tier-based. Lowering penalties makes the game easier for everyone, so it won't make you get a throne any easier.

If it's easier, why is it a bad thing? It should be easier. Less frustration and less hassle.

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6 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

If it's easier, why is it a bad thing? It should be easier. Less frustration and less hassle.

It removes variables. Now, you can maybe get a throne because others play worse or you maybe have a bonus unit at +10 that not a lot of other have (F!Robin for example). Removing the variables means that even if you win everything, all people that have a score of 1 higher than you always score higher, whereas in the current system, people might play worse and you might score higher because you play better than them.

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7 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

If it's easier, why is it a bad thing? It should be easier. Less frustration and less hassle.

Making it easier for everyone doesn't mean those at the bottom will suddenly jump to the top. It'll make everyone score higher, and as such it won't be any easier to score high for a throne (which again, are Rank-based, not Tier-based).

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1 minute ago, Vicious Sal said:

It removes variables. Now, you can maybe get a throne because others play worse or you maybe have a bonus unit at +10 that not a lot of other have (F!Robin for example). Removing the variables means that even if you win everything, all people that have a score of 1 higher than you always score higher, whereas in the current system, people might play worse and you might score higher because you play better than them.

Well, I'm still tired of being severely punished just because I'm not an extremely skilled player and don't really care to be at the tip top of scoring. I just want to not have a lot of trouble getting five wins in arena or staying in my tier in AR or whatever.

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1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

Well, I'm still tired of being severely punished just because I'm not an extremely skilled player and don't really care to be at the tip top of scoring. I just want to not have a lot of trouble getting five wins in arena or staying in my tier in AR or whatever.

Well, getting the 5 wins in Arena is pretty easy these days, now that the bonus unit don't need to get all the kills.

In AR, you need to learn how AI works before making a strategy.


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