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Axe Laegjarn looks awesome. Muspell Hauteclere looks really pretty, though it's a bit disappointing it can't get updated on her battle sprite.

The Resplendent bonuses bump her offenses up to 33/35, which is still kind of underwhelming, but it's not like there are many options for fast axe fliers anyways. Well, at least she'll tie Young Minerva in Spd now if you use a 7 Spd A skill (assuming you keep Dragoon Shield on Young Minerva).

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So I, uh, completely forgot Mila has that anti-dance functionality. She's been my AR bonus unit for the last three weeks or whatever and yet for some reason I assumed her whole schtick was just the global combat buff, the sabotage skill and the extra turn. Yeah, would have made my battles a fair bit easier had I realised what she could do - I played every AR single battle with her this month while totally ignoring the biggest thing about her.

I only remembered this today on reading someone post on the subreddit, after I'd kicked Mila out of my team this week because her utility (or what I thought was her utility) wasn't worth it. So yeah, that's my facepalm of the month.

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Well, this is interesting. Looks like our upcoming legendary hero is a bonus unit. I'm thinking either Claude, Elincia, or Seliph. Blue is full for this month, so it wouldn't be Dimitri since he'd have Aredbhar. Micaiah just got an alt, so it shouldn't be her.

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20 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Well, this is interesting. Looks like our upcoming legendary hero is a bonus unit. I'm thinking either Claude, Elincia, or Seliph. Blue is full for this month, so it wouldn't be Dimitri since he'd have Aredbhar. Micaiah just got an alt, so it shouldn't be her.

They've made a point to emphasis this Legendary with a Twitter tease, and an actual release date for the trailer/reveal in the tweet. That tells me it's gonna be someone either A: HIGHLY requested, meaning either Seliph or Micaiah, or, B: A Three Houses character, meaning Claude or Byleth. It's gonna be very interesting seeing how this one plays out.

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3 minutes ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

They've made a point to emphasis this Legendary with a Twitter tease, and an actual release date for the trailer/reveal in the tweet. That tells me it's gonna be someone either A: HIGHLY requested, meaning either Seliph or Micaiah, or, B: A Three Houses character, meaning Claude or Byleth. It's gonna be very interesting seeing how this one plays out.

Micaiah literally JUST got an alt. They can't seriously give her another one in such a short time frame. In fact, it'd be the shortest time frame between alts of the same character that's ever been seen in the game. The tweet doesn't mention when the reveal is though?

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1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

Micaiah literally JUST got an alt. They can't seriously give her another one in such a short time frame.

Adrift Azura and Legendary Azura laugh at that assumption.

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1 minute ago, Sunwoo said:

Adrift Azura and Legendary Azura laugh at that assumption.

Wasn't that still a bigger gap? Also, you don't have to sound rude.

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1 minute ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

Pardon, the *in-game notification* mentions it. Miss-typed.

Oh. So you're right. That's weird, they've never released a trailer right when its associated banner drops, if I recall.

But this sucks to me, I won't be awake for it. 😕

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Just now, Anacybele said:

Wasn't that still a bigger gap? Also, you don't have to sound rude.

It was just under two months, about a month and 2-3 weeks. If Micaiah is indeed the next legendary, it'd be about a month gap. But Azura proves they have no problem releasing alts of characters they think will sell well in quick succession. And there's nothing that says they can't release a character with a shorter gap than Azura.

Also, if you're offended by my choice of language then you're just looking to be offended to begin with.

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Huh, I'm honestly not sure what I'm going to do with myself after finishing off what little is now left of my HM feather backlog.

Oh and of course, several of the characters pictured above are ones that are no longer in my possession so there is even less left than it looks. I probably don't need to point out which characters fall under that category.

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7 hours ago, Sunwoo said:

It was just under two months, about a month and 2-3 weeks. If Micaiah is indeed the next legendary, it'd be about a month gap. But Azura proves they have no problem releasing alts of characters they think will sell well in quick succession. And there's nothing that says they can't release a character with a shorter gap than Azura.

And if I recall, quite a few people complained about how short the time was between those two Azuras. Not to mention one wasn't even a banner unit, she was free. Both Micaiahs would be banner units. It's still very unlikely.

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Well, who would have guessed that Chrom would have been the one to finish off my 5* cookbook. I'd been trying to get the fried eggs to 5* for a couple months now and Chrom just comes in and lays it out, no special ingredients needed. I now feel required to draw a pic of Chrom delivering breakfast just for this accomplishment of his.

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Looking at Kaden's rerun history, the next probable banner will be Heroes with Goad skills. Candidates include: Hector, Reinhardt, A!Camilla, F!Kana, and Kaden. This does not look well for Kaden as Hector is more incentivizing to pull for given Distant Counter and I can see them putting Camilla and Reinhardt on the banner for color balance.

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26 minutes ago, Flying Shogi said:

Looking at Kaden's rerun history, the next probable banner will be Heroes with Goad skills. Candidates include: Hector, Reinhardt, A!Camilla, F!Kana, and Kaden. This does not look well for Kaden as Hector is more incentivizing to pull for given Distant Counter and I can see them putting Camilla and Reinhardt on the banner for color balance.

Maybe they'll do a one-day rerun of Heroes with Link Skills at some point? Interestingly, that one also had Adrift Camilla.

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31 minutes ago, Othin said:

Maybe they'll do a one-day rerun of Heroes with Link Skills at some point? Interestingly, that one also had Adrift Camilla.

Hopefully. They usually announce these one day reruns on a Feh Channel so we might hear about it on the next one, which will most likely be the one for CYL4.

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10 hours ago, Anacybele said:

And if I recall, quite a few people complained about how short the time was between those two Azuras. Not to mention one wasn't even a banner unit, she was free. Both Micaiahs would be banner units. It's still very unlikely.

Unlikely but not out of the realm of possibility.

I don't want it to be Micaiah this month either, since it'd be bullshit to give her a fourth alt before Sigurd and Seliph even get one, but I wouldn't put it past IS to do that. In the off-chance that it is Micaiah, accepting her as a possibility, even if not a likely one, will make the shock and disappointment less strong than if you didn't see her coming at all.

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28 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Unlikely but not out of the realm of possibility.

I don't want it to be Micaiah this month either, since it'd be bullshit to give her a fourth alt before Sigurd and Seliph even get one, but I wouldn't put it past IS to do that. In the off-chance that it is Micaiah, accepting her as a possibility, even if not a likely one, will make the shock and disappointment less strong than if you didn't see her coming at all.

It'd be the fifth Micaiah, actually since there are four versions of her in the game now. But yeah, that would be BS. Just as BS as her getting a fifth version before Elincia gets three. I know she's popular while Elincia isn't, but I still prefer the attention be spread a bit more and characters not get spammed like Camilla and Lyn were.

I don't know. I had to admit Min Min was a possibility for the ARMS Smash character even though I wanted almost anyone else over her, and yet I was still very disappointed when it was revealed to be her. I doubt any acceptance of Micaiah being a possibility will do much to help any disappointment for me. What I would do though, is be thankful that Ike is no longer the only Tellius legendary after SO DAMN LONG. Seriously. He's the first non-OC legendary over TWO years ago and Tellius still has not gotten another one. I don't care if it has three mythics as this point, there still could've been at least one more Tellius legendary in there.

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Heh... let’s not forget we got Hrid in late November 2018 and we got his NY alt literally on the first day of 2019 (though the announcement/datamine was in around exactly a month from his initial release(. Is that the shortest New Unit -> Seasonal (or any new form) time frame we have?

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6 hours ago, Anacybele said:

It'd be the fifth Micaiah, actually since there are four versions of her in the game now. But yeah, that would be BS. Just as BS as her getting a fifth version before Elincia gets three. I know she's popular while Elincia isn't, but I still prefer the attention be spread a bit more and characters not get spammed like Camilla and Lyn were.

Fifth Micaiah, fourth alt. I'm not counting her base form.

17 minutes ago, SockPuppet said:

Heh... let’s not forget we got Hrid in late November 2018 and we got his NY alt literally on the first day of 2019 (though the announcement/datamine was in around exactly a month from his initial release(. Is that the shortest New Unit -> Seasonal (or any new form) time frame we have?

I forgot about Hrid, but in his case that NY alt is also his ONLY alt so far as well.

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5 hours ago, Sunwoo said:

Fifth Micaiah, fourth alt. I'm not counting her base form.

I forgot about Hrid, but in his case that NY alt is also his ONLY alt so far as well.

Oh okay.

And yeah, Hrid did only get his first alt at that time even though it didn't take long.

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21 hours ago, Anacybele said:

It'd be the fifth Micaiah, actually since there are four versions of her in the game now. But yeah, that would be BS. Just as BS as her getting a fifth version before Elincia gets three. I know she's popular while Elincia isn't, but I still prefer the attention be spread a bit more and characters not get spammed like Camilla and Lyn were.

I don't know. I had to admit Min Min was a possibility for the ARMS Smash character even though I wanted almost anyone else over her, and yet I was still very disappointed when it was revealed to be her. I doubt any acceptance of Micaiah being a possibility will do much to help any disappointment for me. What I would do though, is be thankful that Ike is no longer the only Tellius legendary after SO DAMN LONG. Seriously. He's the first non-OC legendary over TWO years ago and Tellius still has not gotten another one. I don't care if it has three mythics as this point, there still could've been at least one more Tellius legendary in there.

because giving us 4 Ike alts was spreading the attention... yet its totally fine for you. yeah.

I am not saying that so many alts are justified, but if you gonna shun one char for too many alts you might wanna shun your favourite char for too many alts too.

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5 minutes ago, Hilda said:

because giving us 4 Ike alts was spreading the attention... yet its totally fine for you. yeah.

Except Ike's alts were pretty spread out and I'm definitely not asking for him to get another one anytime soon. What I meant by spamming a character was not just how many alts they got, but the general timeframes between each too.

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