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16 minutes ago, Javi Blizz said:

What would be a good asset to give to Masked Marth? I have mine at +10 and I’m considering to give her an asset (after making Aversa +HP)

Attack. Speed. Whatever Lucina wants really, there won''t be any true difference between them any longer after all.

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The Heroes I would like to fix or change by using Trait Fruits are: -HP Bride Fjorm to +HP, -Atk Bramimond, -Spd Thrasir, change +Def Young Merric to +Spd, -Atk Young Caeda to +Atk, my +Spd L! Edelgard to +Atk, and maybe make Aversa +HP.

I am also considering give a +Spd trait to my Forma Mist, and if Sothe is in the next Forma Heroes, I will pick him and make him +Atk.

About Bramimond and Thrasir, they can stay that way for a while... Since a merge can fix them and different from the others cases that are seasonals and formas, I want to merge those two.

Edited by Diovani Bressan
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1 hour ago, Javi Blizz said:

I’ve been thinking about +Atk, since mine is currently sitting at 55, which I think isn’t half bad. 

I would go with +Spd. The meta keeps getting faster and faster, and +Spd is better for future proofing.

We are talking about reaching 50+ Spd as the minimum Spd for regular super tanks in Aether Raids these days. A BH!Ike super tank on Light Season can reach 60+ Spd for example. Slow super tanks can get away with dumping Spd, but they will have issues when going against units like SK!Alm and QOV!Celica so you will need another team deal with those units.

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I think I'll change my Brave Ike to +Res with trait fruit. Make him even more of a massive tank. lol. His Def is already pretty high even without factoring in +Def. It'll be above 40 no matter what. His Res though, it's lowish and if it's higher, he'll take 0 damage or close to it from just about everything. XD

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I been thinking about my Traits to... I got a lot to think about though... among my 5* +10 Heroes, ergo those who I am not motivated to summon ever again...

  • Mia is +Atk
  • Spring Palla is +Spd
  • Santa Ephraim is +Def
  • Brave Ike is +Atk
  • Yune is +Atk

While none of these are particularly bad, Mia would appreciate the extra Spd, Palla and Ephraim were only +10ed cause I couldn't summon +Atk on either of them before hitting the 11th summon so I just took the next best result on both, Brave Ike is now wanting to be as fast as possible, and Yune... well, she might just appreciate the little extra Res boost for inflicting her stat penalties. She has a good amount of Atk as-is. Although among the Grail units I own...

  • I'm not sure if I need to fix Clive. He's alright as-is.
  • Naesala would appreciate the extra Spd more than the one extra Atk and HP.
  • Legion would love the extra Spd. Man, never expected him to get such a good axe when I +10ed him all that time ago on a crazed whim...
  • Walhart I'm still deciding between Atk and Def.
  • Did I ever mention I'm working toward getting Groom Hinata to +10 now? Cause I am. I think giving him +Def would be fun...

And that's just my 5* +10s, there's a number of other heroes I could change the traits of if I thought I would never summon them again, such as my +HP -Res Hel or +Def -Res Lysithea...

Edited by Xenomata
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7 minutes ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

I've been debating about my Brave Lyn. She's +10 and +Atk, but with how fast the game keeps getting, I've been considering +Spd. But, I don't want to leave her too weak, since she's still pretty freaking fast even with neutral Spd.

I would go with +spd because her weapon gives a boost to all four stats if her visible speed surpasses her opponent's. 

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33 minutes ago, Icelerate said:

I would go with +spd because her weapon gives a boost to all four stats if her visible speed surpasses her opponent's. 

So, her refine doesn't take into account any invisible buffs or anything? Which units (without buffs) would she not out-speed at +10, +Spd?

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12 minutes ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

So, her refine doesn't take into account any invisible buffs or anything? Which units (without buffs) would she not out-speed at +10, +Spd?

Well, without accounting for outside buffs and A slots etc, a +Spd +10 Blyn hits 45 spd with Mulagir. So she loses out to +Spd Mareeta, FIke, MiniCaeda, Ingrid, and Summer Byleth at +0 unless she runs something like Fury and they don't. The +Spd units she ties at +0 and still fails to proc is a bit longer, at about 10. But with a few merges under their own belts, the 40 base units can also start to fall out of Blyn's reach, some more easily than others since they aren't nearly all superboons like the base 41 and 42s.

Edited by Ether
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59 minutes ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

So, her refine doesn't take into account any invisible buffs or anything? Which units (without buffs) would she not out-speed at +10, +Spd?

No, because her weapon only checks speed at the start of combat so drive buffs or buffs from swift sparrow don't count. 

It depends on her build. I think you should give her life and death 4 to maximize her visible speed which could allow her to reach a visible speed of 54 without visible buffs. With visible buffs, she can reach 60/61 speed before accounting for invisible buffs. You should be able to destroy all those OP close call/repel units with hyper fast speed. 

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1 hour ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

I've been debating about my Brave Lyn. She's +10 and +Atk, but with how fast the game keeps getting, I've been considering +Spd. But, I don't want to leave her too weak, since she's still pretty freaking fast even with neutral Spd.

I would not bother with Mulagir unless you want her to dual phase or something, but dual phasing with her level bulk is a bit questionable in my opinion. If you have already given her Brave Bow, I would stick with +Atk, as Brave Bow is far superior to Mulagir for damage output on player phase.

Challenger List: Against Hard List, both sides +10 and 6/6/6/6 bonus buffs. Challengers at 1 HP.


Lyn (Brave) (5*+10 +atk -hp)  
Weapon: Mulagir  
Special: Moonbow  
A: Life and Death 4  
B: Desperation 3  
S: Brazen Atk Spd 3  
Upgrade Path: 5  
Lyn (Brave) (5*+10 +atk -hp)  
Weapon: Mulagir  
Special: Moonbow  
A: Brazen Atk Spd 4  
B: Desperation 3  
S: Brazen Atk Spd 3  
Upgrade Path: 5  
Lyn (Brave) (5*+10 +atk -hp)  
Weapon: Brave Bow+  
Special: Luna  
A: Brazen Atk Spd 4  
B: Desperation 3  
S: Brazen Atk Spd 3  


Edited by XRay
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3 hours ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

I've been debating about my Brave Lyn. She's +10 and +Atk, but with how fast the game keeps getting, I've been considering +Spd. But, I don't want to leave her too weak, since she's still pretty freaking fast even with neutral Spd.

Dont let yourself be fooled by others. +SPD +10 Brave Lyn with refined Mulagir and Life and Death 4 hits like a truck and is fantastic .52 visible Speed and 58 Atk, 53 and 59 with Dragonflowers and then Mulagir buffs kick in for 57 Spd and 63 Attack. Her Weapon also ignores buffs on ranged units which is good. She also negates the bulk lost from Life and Death 4.

Mulagir is the better pick in this current meta of Close Call/Repell. Close Call/Repell tanks cant counter with no Null-C-Disrupt, because of Brave Lyns B-skill and eat the full Damage of her.

Brave Bow Lyn is in my eyes only good in PVE and maybe a coople match ups.

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8 hours ago, Hilda said:

Dont let yourself be fooled by others. +SPD +10 Brave Lyn with refined Mulagir and Life and Death 4 hits like a truck and is fantastic .52 visible Speed and 58 Atk, 53 and 59 with Dragonflowers and then Mulagir buffs kick in for 57 Spd and 63 Attack. Her Weapon also ignores buffs on ranged units which is good. She also negates the bulk lost from Life and Death 4.

Mulagir is the better pick in this current meta of Close Call/Repell. Close Call/Repell tanks cant counter with no Null-C-Disrupt, because of Brave Lyns B-skill and eat the full Damage of her.

Brave Bow Lyn is in my eyes only good in PVE and maybe a coople match ups.

Brave Bow can still punch a hole through Spurn, and it can punch through it 2 more times.

Mulagir is worse on player phase, and I do not think dual phasing is a good idea when stuff like SK!Alm, Blazing nukes, and Pulsed Moonbow/Glacies/Ignis are still pretty common.

Challenger List: Filtered full list. Both sides +10 with 6/6/6/6 bonus buffs. Enemies have Distant Counter if empty, Spurn overwrite, and Darting Stance Sacred Seal. Mulagir-Brazen Atk/Spd has 31 HP, Brave Bow has 1 HP.


Lyn (Brave) (5*+10 +spd -hp)  
Weapon: Mulagir  
Special: Moonbow  
A: Life and Death 4  
B: Sacae's Blessing  
S: Swift Sparrow 2  
Upgrade Path: 5  
Lyn (Brave) (5*+10 +spd -hp)  
Weapon: Mulagir  
Special: Moonbow  
A: Brazen Atk Spd 4  
B: Sacae's Blessing  
S: Brazen Atk Spd 3  
Upgrade Path: 5  
Lyn (Brave) (5*+10 +atk -hp)  
Weapon: Brave Bow+  
Special: Luna  
A: Brazen Atk Spd 4  
B: Desperation 3  
S: Brazen Atk Spd 3  

Against infantry only:
Mulagir-Life and Death
Mulagir-Brazen Atk/Spd
Brave Bow

Against all units:
Mulagir-Life and Death
Mulagir-Brazen Atk/Spd
Brave Bow

Even against the filtered full list where it favors higher Spd over higher Atk, Brave Bow still wins out on player phase. In my opinion, 20,000 Feathers for Brave Bow is cheaper than 200 Divine Dew for Mulagir. 20,000 Feathers can be easily gained a in week, while 200 Dew takes a lot longer.

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55 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

@XRay Out of curiosity, what are the numbers like for Brave Bow with Life and Death 4 instead of Brazen Atk/Spd 4?

BH!Lyn has 39 HP, so I figured players would just step on a Bolt Trap and not bother with Life and Death. Even with double Peonys and Mulagir, unless you are dual phasing, BH!Lyn would still rather step on a Bolt Trap and use Brazen Atk/Spd since Sacae's Blessing would offer protection that Desperation would have provided.

For Brave-Life-Swift, Mulagir-Life-Swift does win out in that scenario.

For Brave-Life-Brazen, Mulagir-Life-Brazen wins out by a few kills, but it is getting close.

I guess Mulagir is better if you are going with lower stat boosting A skills, but if the player is actually planning to invest in her for nuking, there is no reason to go with Life and Death when Brazen Atk/Spd is just as expensive. Brazen Atk/Spd does have lower availability though since it only comes around once a year.

Challenger List: Filtered full list. Both sides +10 with 6/6/6/6 bonus buffs. Enemies have Distant Counter if empty, Spurn overwrite, and Darting Stance Sacred Seal. Mulagir-Brazen Atk/Spd has 31 HP, all Brave Bows have 1 HP.


Lyn (Brave) (5*+10 +spd -hp)  
Weapon: Mulagir  
Special: Moonbow  
A: Life and Death 4  
B: Sacae's Blessing  
S: Swift Sparrow 2  
Upgrade Path: 5  
Lyn (Brave) (5*+10 +spd -hp)  
Weapon: Mulagir  
Special: Moonbow  
A: Brazen Atk Spd 4  
B: Sacae's Blessing  
S: Brazen Atk Spd 3  
Upgrade Path: 5  
Lyn (Brave) (5*+10 +atk -hp)  
Weapon: Brave Bow+  
Special: Luna  
A: Brazen Atk Spd 4  
B: Desperation 3  
S: Brazen Atk Spd 3  
Lyn (Brave) (5*+10 +atk -hp)  
Weapon: Brave Bow+  
Special: Luna  
A: Life and Death 4  
B: Desperation 3  
S: Swift Sparrow 2  
Lyn (Brave) (5*+10 +atk -hp)  
Weapon: Brave Bow+  
Special: Luna  
A: Life and Death 4  
B: Desperation 3  
S: Brazen Atk Spd 3  

Against infantry only:
Mulagir-Life and Death
Mulagir-Brazen Atk/Spd
Brave Bow-Brazen-Brazen

Against all units:
Mulagir-Life and Death
Mulagir-Brazen Atk/Spd
Brave Bow-Brazen-Brazen

Edited by XRay
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27 minutes ago, XRay said:

BH!Lyn has 39 HP, so I figured players would just step on a Bolt Trap and not bother with Life and Death. Even with double Peonys and Mulagir, unless you are dual phasing, BH!Lyn would still rather step on a Bolt Trap and use Brazen Atk/Spd since Sacae's Blessing would offer protection that Desperation would have provided.

For Brave-Life-Swift, Mulagir-Life-Swift does win out in that scenario.

For Brave-Life-Brazen, Mulagir-Life-Brazen wins out by a few kills, but it is getting close.

I guess Mulagir is better if you are going with lower stat boosting A skills, but if the player is actually planning to invest in her for nuking, there is no reason to go with Life and Death when Brazen Atk/Spd is just as expensive. Brazen Atk/Spd does have lower availability though since it only comes around once a year.

Challenger List: Filtered full list. Both sides +10 with 6/6/6/6 bonus buffs. Enemies have Distant Counter if empty, Spurn overwrite, and Darting Stance Sacred Seal. Mulagir-Brazen Atk/Spd has 31 HP, all Brave Bows have 1 HP.

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Lyn (Brave) (5*+10 +spd -hp)  
Weapon: Mulagir  
Special: Moonbow  
A: Life and Death 4  
B: Sacae's Blessing  
S: Swift Sparrow 2  
Upgrade Path: 5  
Lyn (Brave) (5*+10 +spd -hp)  
Weapon: Mulagir  
Special: Moonbow  
A: Brazen Atk Spd 4  
B: Sacae's Blessing  
S: Brazen Atk Spd 3  
Upgrade Path: 5  
Lyn (Brave) (5*+10 +atk -hp)  
Weapon: Brave Bow+  
Special: Luna  
A: Brazen Atk Spd 4  
B: Desperation 3  
S: Brazen Atk Spd 3  
Lyn (Brave) (5*+10 +atk -hp)  
Weapon: Brave Bow+  
Special: Luna  
A: Life and Death 4  
B: Desperation 3  
S: Swift Sparrow 2  
Lyn (Brave) (5*+10 +atk -hp)  
Weapon: Brave Bow+  
Special: Luna  
A: Life and Death 4  
B: Desperation 3  
S: Brazen Atk Spd 3  

Against infantry only:
Mulagir-Life and Death
Mulagir-Brazen Atk/Spd
Brave Bow-Brazen-Brazen

Against all units:
Mulagir-Life and Death
Mulagir-Brazen Atk/Spd
Brave Bow-Brazen-Brazen

Bolt Traps aren't always conveniently placed. Your opponent doesn't even have to use them.

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1 hour ago, XRay said:

Brave Bow can still punch a hole through Spurn, and it can punch through it 2 more times.

Mulagir is worse on player phase, and I do not think dual phasing is a good idea when stuff like SK!Alm, Blazing nukes, and Pulsed Moonbow/Glacies/Ignis are still pretty common.

Challenger List: Filtered full list. Both sides +10 with 6/6/6/6 bonus buffs. Enemies have Distant Counter if empty, Spurn overwrite, and Darting Stance Sacred Seal. Mulagir-Brazen Atk/Spd has 31 HP, Brave Bow has 1 HP.

  Reveal hidden contents

Lyn (Brave) (5*+10 +spd -hp)  
Weapon: Mulagir  
Special: Moonbow  
A: Life and Death 4  
B: Sacae's Blessing  
S: Swift Sparrow 2  
Upgrade Path: 5  
Lyn (Brave) (5*+10 +spd -hp)  
Weapon: Mulagir  
Special: Moonbow  
A: Brazen Atk Spd 4  
B: Sacae's Blessing  
S: Brazen Atk Spd 3  
Upgrade Path: 5  
Lyn (Brave) (5*+10 +atk -hp)  
Weapon: Brave Bow+  
Special: Luna  
A: Brazen Atk Spd 4  
B: Desperation 3  
S: Brazen Atk Spd 3  

Against infantry only:
Mulagir-Life and Death
Mulagir-Brazen Atk/Spd
Brave Bow

Against all units:
Mulagir-Life and Death
Mulagir-Brazen Atk/Spd
Brave Bow

Even against the filtered full list where it favors higher Spd over higher Atk, Brave Bow still wins out on player phase. In my opinion, 20,000 Feathers for Brave Bow is cheaper than 200 Divine Dew for Mulagir. 20,000 Feathers can be easily gained a in week, while 200 Dew takes a lot longer.

Honey irrelevent data against irrelevent units. How many of those listed units can run Spurn/Repell competent Meta defining with high speed? Mulagir wins in a Defensiv Team by large margin.

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13 hours ago, Othin said:

Bolt Traps aren't always conveniently placed. Your opponent doesn't even have to use them.

That is true, and some of the Bolt Traps of well designed maps are much harder or impossible to get to, but I think crappy Bolt Trap placement is still common enough for lower tiers.

I do not think I have seen anyone not use a Bolt Trap yet though.

13 hours ago, Hilda said:

Honey irrelevent data against irrelevent units. How many of those listed units can run Spurn/Repell competent Meta defining with high speed? Mulagir wins in a Defensiv Team by large margin.

I picked out Larcei and Mareeta as the enemies because they are some of the fastest units and comes with Repel/Close Call by default. Mulagir does not actually kill them either. Brave-Brazen 7-Desperation does die to them, but Brave-Brazen 7-Sacae deals more damage than Mulagir-Life-Swift and Mulagir-Brazen-Brazen because Brave Bow was able to hit twice.

Challenger List: Same as above, but added Brave-Sacae.


Lyn (Brave) (5*+10 +spd -hp)  
Weapon: Mulagir  
Special: Moonbow  
A: Life and Death 4  
B: Sacae's Blessing  
S: Swift Sparrow 2  
Upgrade Path: 5  
Lyn (Brave) (5*+10 +spd -hp)  
Weapon: Mulagir  
Special: Moonbow  
A: Brazen Atk Spd 4  
B: Sacae's Blessing  
S: Brazen Atk Spd 3  
Upgrade Path: 5  
Lyn (Brave) (5*+10 +atk -hp)  
Weapon: Brave Bow+  
Special: Luna  
A: Brazen Atk Spd 4  
B: Desperation 3  
S: Brazen Atk Spd 3  
Lyn (Brave) (5*+10 +atk -hp)  
Weapon: Brave Bow+  
Special: Luna  
A: Life and Death 4  
B: Desperation 3  
S: Swift Sparrow 2  
Lyn (Brave) (5*+10 +atk -hp)  
Weapon: Brave Bow+  
Special: Luna  
A: Life and Death 4  
B: Desperation 3  
S: Brazen Atk Spd 3  
Lyn (Brave) (5*+10 +atk -hp)  
Weapon: Brave Bow+  
Special: Luna  
A: Brazen Atk Spd 4  
B: Sacae's Blessing  
S: Brazen Atk Spd 3  

Enemy List: Got 6/6/6/6 bonus buffs.


Larcei (5*+10 +spd -hp)  
Weapon: Larcei's Edge  
Special: Regnal Astra  
A: Distant Counter  
B: Repel 3  
S: Spd Res Bond 3  
Mareeta (5*+10 +spd -hp)  
Weapon: Mareeta's Sword  
Special: Ruptured Sky  
A: Distant Counter  
B: Close Call 3  
S: Spd Res Solo 3  

Larcei: 34
Mareeta: 32

Larcei: 26
Mareeta: 22

Larcei: 13
Mareeta: 21

Math corrections.

Mareeta: 18
Larcei: 32

Mareeta: 17
Larcei: 22

Mareeta: 13
Larcei: 21

Edited by XRay
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1 minute ago, XRay said:

That is true, and some of the Bolt Traps of well designed maps are much harder or impossible to get to, but I think crappy Bolt Trap placement is still common enough for lower tiers.

I do not think I have seen anyone not use a Bolt Trap yet though.

That's fair. I think I've seen some blatant joke/theme maps that didn't use traps, but I don't think I've ever seen a serious map that was missing one.

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There's only two good strategies to fight an Evasion tank.

1) Match their speed to negate the damage reduction, and ideally double them. Mulagir is particularly good for this strategy since it effectively reduces the doubling threshold.

2) Go all in on offense with Atk and a Brave weapon (or guaranteed follow-ups, but that loses to Mareeta or Byleth). There's no difference between losing the speed check by 10 or 50, so you might as well use a unit like Legendary Leif. 

Brave Bow Lyn has -8 speed compared to Mulagir, so if Mulagir is not doubling then Brave Bow is losing at least 32% damage. Coupled with the 7 might difference, the two attacks are likely doing less than half the damage of one Mulagir attack.

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4 hours ago, Baldrick said:

Brave Bow Lyn has -8 speed compared to Mulagir, so if Mulagir is not doubling then Brave Bow is losing at least 32% damage. Coupled with the 7 might difference, the two attacks are likely doing less than half the damage of one Mulagir attack.

Hitting twice still deals more damage than hitting once in most cases. Larcei got hammered by Brave Bow with only 13 HP left compared to 26 HP left from Mulagir. For Mareeta, Mulagir-Brazen 7 still deals 1 point less damage than Brave-Brazen 7, so maybe if she had Phantom Spd, Mulagir might win out against Brave Bow.

11 hours ago, XRay said:

Larcei: 34
Mareeta: 32

Larcei: 26
Mareeta: 22

Larcei: 13
Mareeta: 21

Math corrections.

Mareeta: 18
Larcei: 32

Mareeta: 17
Larcei: 22

Mareeta: 13
Larcei: 21

Math corrections.

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2 hours ago, XRay said:

Hitting twice still deals more damage than hitting once in most cases. Larcei got hammered by Brave Bow with only 13 HP left compared to 26 HP left from Mulagir. For Mareeta, Mulagir-Brazen 7 still deals 1 point less damage than Brave-Brazen 7, so maybe if she had Phantom Spd, Mulagir might win out against Brave Bow.

Hang on a sec, working out

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