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4 hours ago, Jotari said:

You sound exactly like the kind of person who will be shocked to discover how much they've spent  by looking at their playstore.

I would appreciate if you didn’t make assumptions on my spending. I’m an adult that checks regularly on his financial state and I know perfectly well how much I spend every month and what my budget is.

I made my previous post on this topic in good faith. Please don’t respond to it if you’re not willing to do the same. 

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1 hour ago, Jave said:

I would appreciate if you didn’t make assumptions on my spending. I’m an adult that checks regularly on his financial state and I know perfectly well how much I spend every month and what my budget is.

I made my previous post on this topic in good faith. Please don’t respond to it if you’re not willing to do the same. 

Why do you think my comment was in bad faith?  I was being entirely serious. The comment you made sounded exactly like the kind made by a person who has misplaced confidence in how much they're gaming the gacha system. I don't know how much you tally your purchases (or how old you are, sonce you brought it up), but you have to confess gacha is a predatory economic system that takes a lot more from people than they realise (even those discount  special packs you mention aren't nearly as good a deal as they appear to be). My comment was the opposite of bad faith as, if you aren't aware of how much you're spending then I wish to help you. If you honestly believe yoh do know, well then you do you, but you don't have to jump down my throat over it. That just makes you seem insecure.

Edited by Jotari
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54 minutes ago, Jotari said:

Why do you think my comment was in bad faith?  I was being entirely serious. The comment you made sounded exactly like the kind made by a person who has misplaced confidence in how much they're gaming the gacha system. I don't know how much you tally your purchases (or how old you are, sonce you brought it up), but you have to confess gacha is a predatory economic system that takes a lot more from people than they realise (even those discount  special packs you mention aren't nearly as good a deal as they appear to be). My comment was the opposite of bad faith as, if you aren't aware of how much you're spending then I wish to help you. If you honestly believe yoh do know, well then you do you, but you don't have to jump down my throat over it. That just makes you seem insecure.

You know what? No. If this is the attitude I’m going to get for trusting some information about myself to this community then I’m done. I’ve been discussing this game for six years and if all I get is people here telling me they know better than I do about my own finances then I don’t want to be a part of it anymore.

You people don’t have to worry about my posts on this forum anymore. I’m out.

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41 minutes ago, Jave said:

You know what? No. If this is the attitude I’m going to get for trusting some information about myself to this community then I’m done. I’ve been discussing this game for six years and if all I get is people here telling me they know better than I do about my own finances then I don’t want to be a part of it anymore.

You people don’t have to worry about my posts on this forum anymore. I’m out.

Is that really a mature response? I never claimed to know your fiances better than you. I know literally nothing about your fiances. For me it's the equvalent of someone saying they have their gambling habbit under control. Which, sure, that's definitely possible; a person can gamble for fun in sensible moderation, but it's also very real fact that a lot of people don't and if I hear someone saying thejr gamnling responsibly then yes,  I am going to show some concern and wonder if that's really true. I know nothing about you, and if you step out of your own head for a moment and consider what that means you should realise that that means both realities are equally likely.

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3 hours ago, Jave said:

You people don’t have to worry about my posts on this forum anymore. I’m out.

You can hide a member's posts to never have to engage with them again outside of other people's quotes (hover over their name and click "ignore user") or report offensive posts (top-right corner of every post).

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1 hour ago, Ice Dragon said:

You can hide a member's posts to never have to engage with them again outside of other people's quotes (hover over their name and click "ignore user") or report offensive posts (top-right corner of every post).

That's funny. I didn't know this feature existed, so I went to check it to see how it is with your user name and the option didn't appear. lol (btw, not that I want to ignore you)

My guess it's because you are an Editor and not just another member, right?

I wished I knew about this years ago... I would have ignored Anacybele a long time ago.

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17 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

That's funny. I didn't know this feature existed, so I went to check it to see how it is with your user name and the option didn't appear. lol (btw, not that I want to ignore you)

My guess it's because you are an Editor and not just another member, right?

I wished I knew about this years ago... I would have ignored Anacybele a long time ago.

That doesn't help a lot though when you can see other people you're not ignoring quoting her posts

The ignore feature can lead to some hilarious glitches under very specific circumstances at times. It's also basically impossible to play mafia with someone you're ignoring.

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13 hours ago, Jotari said:

You sound exactly like the kind of person who will be shocked to discover how much they've spent  by looking at their playstore.

Dude, sometimes you have to ask yourself whether or not what you have to say is a good idea.  This was not a good idea.


Other than the one time I got an iTunes gift card, I've spent nothing on this game.  Not that I spend much on gachas to begin with.

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1 hour ago, eclipse said:

Other than the one time I got an iTunes gift card, I've spent nothing on this game.  Not that I spend much on gachas to begin with.


Not spending on gachas is generally a good idea, yeah.

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4 hours ago, eclipse said:

Dude, sometimes you have to ask yourself whether or not what you have to say is a good idea.  This was not a good idea.

I really didn't expect it to be taken so negatively. It was an off the cuff comment.

Edited by Jotari
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I really hate how TMS is in the rotation for Resonant Battles when we haven't gotten a single TMS Harmonic, like ... ever. Because the other game is Awakening and I only have one Harmonic from that, I'm definitely falling out of the tier I'm in right now.

Heroes should either make a TMS Harmonic already or purge it from rotation.

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1 hour ago, Sunwoo said:

I really hate how TMS is in the rotation for Resonant Battles when we haven't gotten a single TMS Harmonic, like ... ever. Because the other game is Awakening and I only have one Harmonic from that, I'm definitely falling out of the tier I'm in right now.

Heroes should either make a TMS Harmonic already or purge it from rotation.

I've been meaning to make a thread about wether they have the rights to TMS anymore. In fact, I'll do that right now.

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Today we got the next Forging Bonds revival twitter polls, and the voting options are:

  • New Heroes & Ascended Mareeta
  • New Heroes & Ascended Ishtar
  • Letizia & More
  • Ymir & More

Ymir & More looks to be the clear winner here, while NH & Ascended Ishtar is not doing well in both polls. To me, both these results were expected.

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These old New Heroes banners do look pretty underwhelming being the last few banners prior to the introduction of Rearmed heroes. No chance of me sparking any of them, though I'd actually say the Ishtar banner is probably the one I prefer, if only for the fact that she's the only one of the four Floretes units I'm missing.

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Lets say Ymir & More wins and NH & Ishtar is the least voted one, so both these banners are removed from next poll. The next banners to appear as voting options are Weave of Fate (CYL 6) and NH & Rearmed Líf (Three Hopes + Líf).

Lets be real... the competition will be between these two. NH & Mareeta and Letizia & More have no chance. And that will repeat on the future banners that appear in the following twitter polls.These two will be removed from the polls in the next two polls, in my opinion.

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I folded. I bought FEH Pass for the first time ever. I feel kind of dirty about it after the fact, but I did it for a combination of reasons, which all came together.

1) Resplendent CYL Lucina is great.
2) I want to test out the trick to get four Resplendent units with one month's subscription.
3) I have enough Google Rewards credit to buy two prior Resplendent heroes, and Eliwood and Raven are clear winners both in terms of upgrading their art, and because I still actively use both units.
4) I had a hanging pity rate on the Legendary banner at 27 pulls in, so sparking it seemed good value, especially as my Shez turned out to be -Spd.
5) The 6th Anniversary Hero Fest will fall within this subscription period and sparking on that may be an attractive proposition too.
6) Not knowing who the upcoming Resplendent was made me itch at the possibility it may be one of my overdue favourites. (Seeing F Corrin pop up as I type this post, and I'm content, she's reasonably above average for a Resplendent)

Yeah, I know, I'm really trying to talk myself into not regretting this. Not that $15.49AUD is much in the scheme of things, but more on the element of not wanting to be a hypocrite. I also need to remember to drain my debit card now so the renewal fails and pray the trick works to get the 10 Feb resplendent. I suppose I may as well do it now.

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- About time, F!Corrin was left out in the cold for far too long!
- Those wings are gorgeous
- Works better than most of the fairy themes IMO


- I'd expect this getup on a Dark Mage from her world
- It also doesn't match the wings
- The thorns in her hair make me nervous

Not my thing, but at least base F!Corrin finally got some attention.  Here's hoping the rest of the debut units get their Resplendents!

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Because I can, here's an analysis of the awfulness of her stats. Her stats are actually not that bad, and you can make an argument to actually use her, but she's still behind.

With max Dragonflowers, Resplendent Female Corrin has 48-/34+/41/41/28.

Now, obviously, Halloween Female Corrin is way better, so we'll go with the second best fast blue dragon infantry, which happens to be Fallen Male Corrin, who also has a very similar stat spread at 46/42+/42+/37/30-.

Female Corrin's Atk stat is actually not so unsalvageable with the Resplendent boost that she is forced to run an Atk Asset, so I can give her a Spd Asset for the initial comparison.

Female Corrin's weapon grants her +6/6/0/0 if the opponent has been hit with Atk/Spd Menace. The -7 debuffs from her weapon are applied with Threaten and Smoke conditions, which make them extremely unreliable, so I'm not going to consider them. But since +6/6/0/0 is pretty underwhelming, I'll give her Arcane Grima [Spd] instead.

Fallen Male Corrin's weapon grants a maximum of +5/8/5/5 plus Guard. That's underwhelming, so he also gets Arcane Grima [Spd], which makes the comparison pretty straightforward.


In the end, Female Corrin ends up having +2/-8/-2/+4/-2 compared to Fallen Male Corrin.

But since I'm using Arcane Grima on both of them for the comparison, Female Corrin can swap over to an Atk Asset and Arcane Grima [Atk] and instead have +2/-2/-8/+4/-2, relying on Arcane Grima for her follow-up and almost catching up in Atk, with the extra damage from Bonfire almost making up for the difference.

Alternatively, you can swap her over to Arcane Grima [Def] and leverage the fact that Female Corrin has a really high Def stat, equal to that of Halloween Rhea, to just sit there and hope to tank physical hits.


Now, because not everyone is going to have enough merges to get Fallen Male Corrin to be better than Female Corrin (because a +10 Female Corrin is quite a bit better than a +0 Fallen Male Corrin) or even have Fallen Male Corrin at all, the best fast free-to-play dragon (extending to all movement types and colors) is Halloween Nils.

Halloween Nils has 45/36/42+/22/36. He has no exclusive weapon, so he also gets Arcane Grima [Spd].

With both running Spd builds, Corrin ends up with +3/-2/-2/+19/-8 compared to Nils, which is kind of sad considering Nils has dancer stats.

And Corrin's Bonfire damage doesn't quite make up for the difference since her Def is only 5 points higher than Nils's Res powering his Iceberg. That said, Corrin does have a good Def stat and doesn't really need defensive skills for sustain against physical opponents, which make up the bulk of melee units.

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Since Corrin has Foe Penalty Doubler on her refined Prf weapon, she could theoretically be paired with someone who inflicts all stat -6 on the enemy at the start of turn en masse (Gregor immediately comes to mind) and then also inherit Panic Smoke 4 (we do have an opportunity to get it with Khadein Ursula) to effectively triple the enemies debuffs. That'd be -18 to all of the enemies stats total not counting any theoretical Panicked stats, as well as assuming no penalty nullification or Unity effects are in play.

I am kind of tempted to get her... the only thing stopping me is the fact that I don't otherwise have any investment in using her when all of my other units are already so good. Plus the only unit I own who can inflict that many penalties en masse is Yune. Maybe if we had a Sabotage Atk or Sabotage Spd sacred seal, then Pirate Vida could help out as well...

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1 hour ago, Xenomata said:

Since Corrin has Foe Penalty Doubler on her refined Prf weapon, she could theoretically be paired with someone who inflicts all stat -6 on the enemy at the start of turn en masse (Gregor immediately comes to mind) and then also inherit Panic Smoke 4 (we do have an opportunity to get it with Khadein Ursula) to effectively triple the enemies debuffs. That'd be -18 to all of the enemies stats total not counting any theoretical Panicked stats, as well as assuming no penalty nullification or Unity effects are in play.

This still comes out to just +6/6/6/6 from her weapon, which is a lot of setup for only 1 point better than Arcane Grima in each stat with none of the additional skill effects or refine stats.

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9 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

This still comes out to just +6/6/6/6 from her weapon, which is a lot of setup for only 1 point better than Arcane Grima in each stat with none of the additional skill effects or refine stats.

Thing is that Arcane Grima just isn't available all the time, and doesn't have the guarantee of being rerun more than twice until she gets added to the 4* special pool in 3 or 4 years. In that regard, her best option is to either try to use Gloom Breath or try to run a different dragonstone, none of which offer Spd increases.

It isn't like seasonal units who get one guaranteed rerun a year and even have a chance of having a combat manual being given out in the limited time exchange.

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20 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

Thing is that Arcane Grima just isn't available all the time, and doesn't have the guarantee of being rerun more than twice until she gets added to the 4* special pool in 3 or 4 years. In that regard, her best option is to either try to use Gloom Breath or try to run a different dragonstone, none of which offer Spd increases.

It isn't like seasonal units who get one guaranteed rerun a year and even have a chance of having a combat manual being given out in the limited time exchange.

The closest comparison is Duo Ephraim, who appeared on six banners before joining the weekly revival pool: two runs of his original banner, two Hero Fests, a legendary banner, and a legendary remix.


With several Rearmed Heroes in the pool, they might not all get the same opportunities, especially since they can't all get New Heroes Revival banners, but I think they'll make a point of giving them all at least one rerun per year.

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9 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

Thing is that Arcane Grima just isn't available all the time, and doesn't have the guarantee of being rerun more than twice until she gets added to the 4* special pool in 3 or 4 years. In that regard, her best option is to either try to use Gloom Breath or try to run a different dragonstone, none of which offer Spd increases.

Rearmed Grima is next in line for a colorless rerun in the Legendary/Mythic lineup, and there is guaranteed to be space for her on the next one, so her next rerun should land right around when Corrin's Resplendent outfit is released.

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