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I'm sorta hopeful for a Tellius banner because I'm assuming they'll do Soren and Ike with that. That'll make those fans happy, but it'll mean I probably won't have any incentive to pull (unless they make the art amazing). I want to save my orbs for Finn and Legendary Ephraim xD 

That being said, I did really like the Easter units, especially Bunny Chrom, from last year, so I'm also sorta hopeful they're units I like :D 

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I honestly think its Archanea's time time to shine here, especially since poor Marth hasn't gotten anything. Possible people to accompany him could be a good Merric, Linde, Caeda, Jagen (lol), Tiki, and even Katarina. Tellius characters could be interesting but I find it hard to imagine Ike looking like a bunny. I'd definitely pull for a Soren/Mia/Nephenee/Ilyana though.

...Or it could be a smorgasbord of popular characters similar to the bride banner... or it could return to the previous habits of showcasing the 3DS era which, depending on the characters, I guess I wouldn't mind too much. Special Felicia maybe?

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48 minutes ago, SilvertheShadow said:

I honestly think its Archanea's time time to shine here, especially since poor Marth hasn't gotten anything. Possible people to accompany him could be a good Merric, Linde, Caeda, Jagen (lol), Tiki, and even Katarina. Tellius characters could be interesting but I find it hard to imagine Ike looking like a bunny. I'd definitely pull for a Soren/Mia/Nephenee/Ilyana though.

...Or it could be a smorgasbord of popular characters similar to the bride banner... or it could return to the previous habits of showcasing the 3DS era which, depending on the characters, I guess I wouldn't mind too much. Special Felicia maybe?

They should make a power crept Jeigan, who has a BST of 138 and NES style art.

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3 hours ago, Cute Chao said:

I'm sorta hopeful for a Tellius banner because I'm assuming they'll do Soren and Ike with that. That'll make those fans happy, but it'll mean I probably won't have any incentive to pull (unless they make the art amazing). I want to save my orbs for Finn and Legendary Ephraim xD

I hope they don't make any pairing implications there. That would step on a lot of people's toes. But they haven't made any implications for any pairings so far except those that are 100% canon like Sigurd and Deirdre, so I doubt they will actually do so, thankfully.

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14 hours ago, Cute Chao said:

Sometimes I wish we could have more dialogue between the characters, but I know that would be too much. That being said, I wish some of these BHBs weren't characters from the same game, but characters that maybe had something in common (thinking back to the Klein and Sanaki moment in the story, which I really liked). I mean, the BHB story bits are a bit pointless to me 'cos we already see how the characters are in the game. Why not see how they react to others from different games?

I wish that we had that too. I really want a Cherche and Minerva BHB or for them to be on a seasonal banner and share a map together where they interact. Maybe Gerome can be in the back somewhere too. BHBs so far have been about connections characters have had in their home games, but some characters have connections to other games like Marth and Lucina being an obvious one and you could have wackier stuff like Gunter and Jagen teaming up. It's kind of weird since FEH involves all the FE games and some character acknowledge the presence of other characters from other worlds, yet there's only a few instances where you have characters from different games talking with each other like Klein and Sanaki, Seth and Xander, and Dorcas and Joshua. And then there's FEW where we get supports between characters from different worlds and they're pretty fun like Anna and Celica's support.

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8 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Is this even guessable?

Probably not, but i think one of themis Felicia based on the hair-fanning of one. The Niles guess is based on the "cape" visible, and they may have made him a staff user based on his Trickster promotion

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Hopefully there's no incentive to spend orbs. I have 2 tome fliers (albeit the same color) so the whole class rarity thing I don't really care about (unless it's like a flying archer or something) so unless it's something like the Elibe seasonals again (pls no) I can safely pass and save for the legendary banner (No, I don't care about Thracia.)

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Just now, Vaximillian said:

I want actual Sharena to be relevant.

Oooo. So you're a purist.
Just joking. I'm also hoping for Sharena refine

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1 minute ago, Vaximillian said:

My disdain towards the seasonals and recently the alts is well-known in this subforum. …I think.

Seasonals yes. Chrom yes. Dunno about Celica, Takumi and Ephraim

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6 hours ago, Anacybele said:

I hope they don't make any pairing implications there. That would step on a lot of people's toes. But they haven't made any implications for any pairings so far except those that are 100% canon like Sigurd and Deirdre, so I doubt they will actually do so, thankfully.

I don't understand what you mean with pairings? I meant just as an Easter banner. Unless you're implying the last Easter banner made Xander x Camilla and Chrom x Lucina canon in some way Oo I figured since Soren and Ike are the most popular Tellius males normally, those two would be on a banner.

Or that the Halloween banner meant Sakura x Jakob is definitely backed :/

Even the Valentine's banner didn't make pairings in the end, despite how some people tried to pretend it did. None of the characters confirmed anything and it was more a love between friends, etc.

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1 hour ago, Hawk King said:

Am I the only one that sees beast units? Like big long bunny ears and stuff?

It is the Easter banner, so it wouldn't be that surprising to have bunny ears as a decorative headpiece like last year, unlikely (though not impossible) to be actual ears; the left character also seems to be holding some sort of weapon, making it less likely to be a beast unit, even though long ears are visible. However, Easter banners would be a funny way to introduce Panne and Yarne.

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