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1 minute ago, Birdy said:

You're ranked on more than just winning the battles. Losing units in a battle gives you less points. Using more turns and taking damage might aswell. I got rank 65 myself by using 4 Bonus characters and not letting a single one die in those sevenĀ battles.

That's pretty unfair, imo. Even intermediate battles are not easy. It's very difficult not to lose any units.

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Just now, Anacybele said:

That's pretty unfair, imo. Even intermediate battles are not easy. It's very difficult not to lose any units.

I agree it is a bit unfair. Intermediate and especially advanced put you against enemies with units that are higher level than you are. I got completely wrecked the first time I did advanced at lvl 20 or something. It wasn't until I got my characters to level 40 that they COULDN'T outlevel me anymore and the playing field was finally fair. At that point, it becomes somewhat easy to trick the AI into doing things and putting up your units in the right positions. A bad map and placementsĀ can still screw you though.

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3 minutes ago, Birdy said:

I agree it is a bit unfair. Intermediate and especially advanced put you against enemies with units that are higher level than you are. I got completely wrecked the first time I did advanced at lvl 20 or something. It wasn't until I got my characters to level 40 that they COULDN'T outlevel me anymore and the playing field was finally fair. At that point, it becomes somewhat easy to trick the AI into doing things and putting up your units in the right positions. A bad map and placementsĀ can still screw you though.

Except you can't control the map or placements?

Also, it seems like every map I get is bad, because they're almost always walls with enemies on the other side that can attack from behind them while I have to sit there and break the damn walls first before I can deal damage. I've yet to get an archer I want to use (the Virion you start with is kind of a waste of time) and I don't use mages because they die too easily.

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Just now, Anacybele said:

Except you can't control the map or placements?

Also, it seems like every map I get is bad, because they're almost always walls with enemies on the other side that can attack from behind them while I have to sit there and break the damn walls first before I can deal damage. I've yet to get an archer I want to use (the Virion you start with is kind of a waste of time) and I don't use mages because they die too easily.

That's exactlyĀ what I said, a bad map and placements can still screw you.Ā 

We're talking about story and not arena right now, right? Because for Arena, you can just let enemies come to youĀ Well, some maps are better for ranged units, others for close combat units. Refusing to use mages when you have no archers is a choice, but you'll be on a disadvantage on those maps you just described.Ā 

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7 minutes ago, Birdy said:

That's exactlyĀ what I said, a bad map and placements can still screw you.Ā 

We're talking about story and not arena right now, right? Because for Arena, you can just let enemies come to youĀ Well, some maps are better for ranged units, others for close combat units. Refusing to use mages when you have no archers is a choice, but you'll be on a disadvantage on those maps you just described.Ā 

I'm talking about pretty much anything, honestly. I do typically let enemies come to me too. I'm more of a defensive/conservative player. I only get aggressive if I know for sure that I can just send a guy or two out there in the middle of the action without them getting killed.

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So I'm on a quest for good lance users. I would like Azura, but I don't think I'll get her anytime soon unless she gets a focus event or something. So how is my quest for lancers going? The answer is "of questionable quality."

On my first roll after my last post, there were no blue orbs. I didn't have any healers, so I used a colorless orb and got Azama (4*), which is good.

On my next roll, there was one blue orb. I used it and got... 3* Donnel (after getting Donnel earlier that day though a special map). Unsatisfied, I chose a red orb and got Selena (also 3*), which is better.

A few minutes ago I rolled again, and once more there were no blue orbs. I picked a green orb and got Frederick (4*) and after that a red orb (because I thought that I might get Roy or Lyn or Caeda or something) and got Fir (4*). If nothing else my luck with four stars is pretty good, and now Bartre is reunited with his daughter! At this point I might stock up on orbs instead of using them whenever I reach 20 so that I can try for blues repeatedly later.

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For some reason, I'm no longer able to upload screenshots.

Yesterday, I got:

3ā˜… Selena (Repeat)

3ā˜… Shanna

4ā˜… Lon'qu

4ā˜… Palla

4ā˜… Serra (Higher rank than theĀ one I already have)

This is the first time I didn't get a single 5ā˜… unit in my five pulls.

Today, I got:

3ā˜… Shanna (Repeat)

3ā˜… Draug

3ā˜… Adult!Tiki (Repeat)

4ā˜… Robin

5ā˜… Jakob

I really hope I can get through the rest of the story on Hard and Lunatic quickly enough to manage to get a Takumi before his Focus ends

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20 hours ago, eclipse said:

They serve two different purposes.Ā  Tiki is a hell of a wall.

1. Virion and Setsuna are two different niches.

2. Combine the duplicates, and watch the fireworks.Ā  Especially Marth.

So, I tried to, but for some reason, the game wouldn't allow me. Ā I think it's because they're both focus characters? When I went to 'merge allies' and put the leveled up Marth in the 'enhance' and my level 1 Marth in the 'lose' box, a red X appeared and it wouldn't let meĀ continue. Ā I was also unable to merge my two Virions together, though I think that is because I was losing the Virion you get at the beginning of the game when I tried to merge him with a 3 star version. Ā I WAS able, however, to lose the Matthew from the beginning of the game when I merged him with a 4 star Matthew that I received later on. Ā It's so strange :O

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9 minutes ago, mewyeon said:

So, I tried to, but for some reason, the game wouldn't allow me. Ā I think it's because they're both focus characters? When I went to 'merge allies' and put the leveled up Marth in the 'enhance' and my level 1 Marth in the 'lose' box, a red X appeared and it wouldn't let meĀ continue. Ā I was also unable to merge my two Virions together, though I think that is because I was losing the Virion you get at the beginning of the game when I tried to merge him with a 3 star version. Ā I WAS able, however, to lose the Matthew from the beginning of the game when I merged him with a 4 star Matthew that I received later on. Ā It's so strange :O

I'm pretty sure you need both Marth to be 5* to get the full effect of merge anyway tbh. Think I heard you will only get sp from merging a unit of lower rarity, don't hold me to it though lol.

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11 minutes ago, mewyeon said:

So, I tried to, but for some reason, the game wouldn't allow me. Ā I think it's because they're both focus characters? When I went to 'merge allies' and put the leveled up Marth in the 'enhance' and my level 1 Marth in the 'lose' box, a red X appeared and it wouldn't let meĀ continue. Ā I was also unable to merge my two Virions together, though I think that is because I was losing the Virion you get at the beginning of the game when I tried to merge him with a 3 star version. Ā I WAS able, however, to lose the Matthew from the beginning of the game when I merged him with a 4 star Matthew that I received later on. Ā It's so strange :O

Make sure they're not favorited -- you can't merge favorite units, and the game auto-favorites some units if you haven't turned the setting off.

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Ladies and Gentlemen... I caved in. I spent $40. This is partly due for my desire for a Lyn and Takumi and partly due to support the game itself as I see many more hours of playtime ahead of me (provided I can get past the "unlock potential" bottleneck...)

So, here we go with 4 pulls! (I had some extra Orbs lying around for the 4th pull.)

Round 7Ā [Deep Devotion]: 3* Henry || 3* JeganĀ || 3* OboroĀ || 3* LissaĀ || 4* Arthur
Round 8Ā [Legendary Heroes]: 3* Henry || 3* BarteĀ || 3* FlorinaĀ || 3* NilesĀ || 3* Saizo
Round 9Ā [Deep Devotion]: 3* SerraĀ || 4* CaedaĀ || 4* CaedaĀ || 4* SubakiĀ || 4* Gwendolyn
Round 10Ā [Deep Devotion]: 3* SelenaĀ || 3* SelenaĀ || 3* RobinĀ || 3* HenryĀ || 4* Chrom


Note: I do not have pictures for the first two pulls.


Arthur, I love you man. But I dare say your poor luck rubbed off on me. First pull were a bunch of repeats or undesirables save for Oboro who shall remain in the reserves for the time being.

The second pull, while terrible when considering 3* ranking, is technically not that bad in terms of character selection and the fact that I'll have a use for normal Badges (Great Badges, earned from Tower 6Ā or higher, are only used for 4* -> 5* promotions). Florina and Niles areĀ okay, but the big win here for me is Saizo. Henry and Barte are sent home.

The third pull is arguably the "best" one. I am surprised at getting two 4* Caedas, and as I plan on using her, I'll use the other for merging since it discounts her eventual promotion. Subaki and Gwendolyn come as a nice surprise as I originally only had Subaki due to the special map and dismissed the 3* version of Gwendolyn. However, while they may be good in terms of star level, I personally would rather have other characters. The completionist in me tells me to keep them for the time being though. We also do not speak of Serra.

Round 9. First thing I got was a Selena, then I got another one.Ā Selena's cute and all, but I don't need two of her. I am unsure if I want to merge one with the other or just dismiss one for the feathers while I wait for a 4* variant. My third orb presented me withĀ a Robin cutscene! (in Deep Devotion? What is this?!)Ā When the truth showed me his true ranking, I could not help but laugh at the predicament, especially after Robin wondered "where he woke up this time." Otherwise, got yet another Henry (I seem to get a lot of Henry and Hinata, characters I do not want). At the end, Chrom made his glorious appearance, but at a mere 4* ranking. Still, I'll take him and 3* Robin.

Do I have some buyer's remorse? Somewhat (was desperately hoping for a 5* character. Lyn, Takumi, Elise, Leo, Hector, Azura...), but when considering the odds again, I guess I got a decent roster. I could definitely live without the duplicates (Henry can go away, and I did not need another Caeda or Selena), but I'll make do with what I have.

On the positive side, I supposeĀ my chances of a 5* character went up by 2% (every 5 heroes it goes up by 0.5% I think). I still got some Lunatic left to clear and there are the bonus orbs from logging in due to the launch event, as well as the special orb maps. There is still hope for a Lyn and a Takumi! Hope will never die!

Past Pulls & Other Info

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Round 6 [Deep Devotion]: 3* Shanna || 3* Frederick || 3* Barst || 4* Hinata || 4* Nino
Round 5 [Deep Devotion]: 3* Gunter || 3* Hinata || 3* Sully || 3* Tiki (Adult) || 4* Serra

Round 4 [Deep Devotion]:Ā 3* Jegan || 3* Gwyndolyn || 3* Henry ||Ā 4* SheenaĀ ||Ā 5* Ryoma
Round 3 [Deep Devotion]:Ā 3* Lissa ||Ā 3* BarteĀ ||Ā 4* RoyĀ ||Ā 4* ArthurĀ ||Ā 5* CamillaĀ 
Round 2 [Legendary Heroes]:Ā Jegan 3*Ā || Shanna 3* ||Ā Sakura 4*Ā ||Ā Cain 5*Ā ||Ā Marth 5*Ā 
Round 1 [Legendary Heroes]:Ā Hana 3* ||Ā Hinata 3* ||Ā Gunter 3* ||Ā Felicia 4*Ā ||Ā Sheena 4*
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Priority Wishlist: Takumi (Main Team), Lyn, Lucina, Azura, F!Corrin, Elise, Leo, Hector

Dream Team A:Ā 5*Ā Felicia, 5*Ā Sakura, Ryoma, Takumi
Dream Defense: 5* Felicia, Ryoma, Takumi, Hector

Main Team: 4* Sakura, 5* Ryoma, 5* Cain, 5* Camilla
Askr Team: Alfonso, Sharena, Anna, Matthew (Matthew can be subbed for anyone, he is just here since he was my main starter unit.)

Priority Promotions: 4* Felicia, 4* Sakura
Awaiting Promotions: 3* Alfonse, 3* Sharena, 3* Tiki, 3* Matthew, 3* Lissa,Ā 3* Gunter, 3* Hana,Ā  4* Anna, 4* Sheena, 4* Roy,Ā 4* Nino, 4* Arthur

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3 hours ago, Fly_or_Die said:

Make sure they're not favorited -- you can't merge favorite units, and the game auto-favorites some units if you haven't turned the setting off.

That did the trick. Ā I feel dumb af nowĀ tryna come up with theories to explain itĀ lol but thanks! XD

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3 hours ago, mewyeon said:

So, I tried to, but for some reason, the game wouldn't allow me. Ā I think it's because they're both focus characters? When I went to 'merge allies' and put the leveled up Marth in the 'enhance' and my level 1 Marth in the 'lose' box, a red X appeared and it wouldn't let meĀ continue. Ā I was also unable to merge my two Virions together, though I think that is because I was losing the Virion you get at the beginning of the game when I tried to merge him with a 3 star version. Ā I WAS able, however, to lose the Matthew from the beginning of the game when I merged him with a 4 star Matthew that I received later on. Ā It's so strange :O

Sounds to me you have them favorited (heart). Remove and go ahead.

I've made 2 summoning sessions from both Legendary Heroes and Deep Devotion, haven't spent money because I prefer to wait for some extra content. My team so far is Lyn, Alfonse, Sharena and Robin and they work pretty well so far, even at knocking down advanced players in the arena. I have strong buffs like Fortified Def, Spur Attack, Speed and Defense, plus Lyn and Alfonse are my heavy hitters, and as soon as a blue unit comes into play, Robin doubles them and puts them in KO range. I'd like to mess with other options but the best I have is probably Felicia, Female Corrin, Arthur, Serra and maayybe Roy but he's red.

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14 minutes ago, LordFrigid said:

So I was all set to just start saving all my orbs for future use, but I caved and let a friend of mine do one more pull, and this happened:Last Pull.png


The only logical conclusion is to have your friend do all of your pulls from mow on.

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My latest pull gave me this:


I already have a Lyn, so this one will get merged. A Raven will undoubtedly be a great axeman while Peri will fill a lance niche. Cecilia will also get merged into another 3ā˜… I already have (or even dismissed? not sure yet what to do with her) and Gordin is cute.

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7th pull:

3 star versions of Clarine (repeat x2 now), Oboro (repeat), Belka, and Barst.

4 star Palla

I have a really great joke, you guys: in the home/palace, Arthur likes to say 'I have terrible luck, friend. Ā Maybe if we patrol together, your good luck will rub off on me.' Ā That's the punchline.

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Used the next 20 orbs... I only got 3* characters (another Jagen, Palla, another Stahl, and can't remember the other 2)... Really, it was a bad roll... Still no Oboro... The game really want me to throw my money for her right? C'mon game, I will be super happy even if is a 3* Oboro D;

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1 hour ago, Disu said:

I really wanted Lyn but instead I got another Takumi. Guess I can run Two Headed Takumi offense with his Threaten Spd skills.IMG_3545.PNG

Double Takumi is crazy, especially in the new Arena season. One of the maps splits your team into two groups of two, so having a Takumi on either side is amazing lol.

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