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This trashy luck of mine has potentially cost me money. I don't want my increased pull rates to go to waste, I've had three goes without a 5* now! How do people pull two of them in one session with their dumb luck... :/


Edited by sdgj1994
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21 minutes ago, sdgj1994 said:

This trashy luck of mine has potentially cost me money. I don't want my increased pull rates to go to waste, I've had three goes without a 5* now! How do people pull two of them in one session with their dumb luck... :/

Three pulls without 5* ? That's correct. I had to wait more than that to have my 5*... And I only have two of them XD

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4 minutes ago, Ledrert said:

Three pulls without 5* ? That's correct. I had to wait more than that to have my 5*... And I only have two of them XD

Same, but I forget how long it took me to get them. I think a better idea for someone who can't afford to spend money on this game like me is this: I'm just not going to play anymore until there's more content or I can do another full summon again without spending. There's nothing left for me to do, really. I would love to upgrade a 4* to 5* but Nintendo needs to make feathers easier to get or reduce the ridiculous 20k feather requirement. Because that isn't happening if I get a measly 10 feathers a day. Come on Nintendo, throw me a bone here!

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1 minute ago, sdgj1994 said:

Same, but I forget how long it took me to get them. I think a better idea for someone who can't afford to spend money on this game like me is this: I'm just not going to play anymore until there's more content or I can do another full summon again without spending. There's nothing left for me to do, really. I would love to upgrade a 4* to 5* but Nintendo needs to make feathers easier to get or reduce the ridiculous 20k feather requirement. Because that isn't happening if I get a measly 10 feathers a day. Come on Nintendo, throw me a bone here!

You can have 1000 feathers per week with the arena. Even with a small team. The balance is quite good.

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7 minutes ago, Ledrert said:

You can have 1000 feathers per week with the arena. Even with a small team. The balance is quite good.

I know, but this time the only bonus hero I have is Narcian and he isn't trained, and I'm not ranking him up cos I wanna SAVE my feathers! Maybe mext month when the quests reset is when I could shine. We'll see.

3 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Hey, I still don't have any 5 star units and I've done 34 summons! Some people have way worse luck than you guys.

I am aware of this, but I just want someone new to train, as the 5*s I have are already max level. So looks like the arena is the place to go at the moment.

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3 minutes ago, sdgj1994 said:

I know, but this time the only bonus hero I have is Narcian and he isn't trained, and I'm not ranking him up cos I wanna SAVE my feathers! Maybe mext month when the quests reset is when I could shine. We'll see.

I am aware of this, but I just want someone new to train, as the 5*s I have are already max level. So looks like the arena is the place to go at the moment.

Didn't use any bonus hero either (just got Seliph and I have Catria... but well...). Doesn't stop me to go to Arena...

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Well, I got 20 orbs again, and went to summon, expecting my usual bad luck. Then this happened.

(Image: 5* Cordelia, 5* Eirika, 4* Gwendolyn, 3* Virion, 4* Arthur)

So now I have Eirika (YES! Free Great Badges!) and a Brave weapon user. Eirika + Kagero + Cordelia + Nino looks like a pretty good team to me!

Edited by Seafarer
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55 minutes ago, sdgj1994 said:

Same, but I forget how long it took me to get them. I think a better idea for someone who can't afford to spend money on this game like me is this: I'm just not going to play anymore until there's more content or I can do another full summon again without spending. There's nothing left for me to do, really. I would love to upgrade a 4* to 5* but Nintendo needs to make feathers easier to get or reduce the ridiculous 20k feather requirement. Because that isn't happening if I get a measly 10 feathers a day. Come on Nintendo, throw me a bone here!

Y'know all those units you've summoned?  Train them.  It's how I managed to jump straight into the arena with a bonus character that was ~1500 exp away from level 40.

If you're F2P, you must rely on your pulls to carry you through, no matter how bad you think they are.  Every unit has a purpose - find it, and make them useful.

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39 minutes ago, eclipse said:

Y'know all those units you've summoned?  Train them.  It's how I managed to jump straight into the arena with a bonus character that was ~1500 exp away from level 40.

If you're F2P, you must rely on your pulls to carry you through, no matter how bad you think they are.  Every unit has a purpose - find it, and make them useful.

It might be an idea, but I'm not going to do any more ranking up because I'm saving for 20k feathers. I pulled a 4* Jagen and Selena recently so they may have to do for now; I did want a half-decent cavalry unit anyway, and another unit that slays armoured foes easily might not be too bad of a choice to train up.

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25 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Mostly full five summons.

Then you must be exceptional unlucky since you get higher chance every time you don't get a 5*. For me on average it seems I get 5* every 4/5th full summon. Do you use the same focus summon or not?

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Just now, FoliFF said:

Then you must be exceptional unlucky since you get higher chance every time you don't get a 5*. For me on average it seems I get 5* every 3rd or 4th full summon. Do you use the same focus summon or not?

I didn't to start with, but after a short time, I did.

And yes, I am very unlucky.

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2 minutes ago, sdgj1994 said:

It might be an idea, but I'm not going to do any more ranking up because I'm saving for 20k feathers. I pulled a 4* Jagen and Selena recently so they may have to do for now; I did want a half-decent cavalry unit anyway, and another unit that slays armoured foes easily might not be too bad of a choice to train up.

That Odin I used in the arena was a 3* when I got him.  The summons were really stingy with blue units, to the point where my other options were Donnel/Jagen.

Even the 3* units are usable.  Train everyone.

1 minute ago, FoliFF said:

Then you must be exceptional unlucky since you get higher chance every time you don't get a 5*. For me on average it seems I get 5* every 4/5th full summon. Do you use the same focus summon or not?

I'm in the same boat as Ana.  Managed to luck out on my early summons, and haven't seen a 5* since.  It's a bit frustrating, but I can work with what I've pulled.

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8th full summon



Raven's nice, I might level him up.  One of them is +Res/-Hp, and the other is +Res/-Def.  Neither of those are particularly good, but they're not debilitating.  I'm thinking -Hp is probably preferable to -Def.

At this point I'm just searching for Nino, Linde, or any other fast mage character.  My RobinM is -Spd, and he just isn't cutting it anymore aside from being Takumi bait in the arena. 

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1 hour ago, Anacybele said:

The more I see Barst, the more I think he looks like Ike's long lost brother. :P

For totes, he looks like it in his art in this game.  I still think Raven is Eliwood's brother from another mother.

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11 minutes ago, mewyeon said:

For totes, he looks like it in his art in this game.  I still think Raven is Eliwood's brother from another mother.

that would go down well with the royal houses in elibe

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Managed to save 35 orbs (just bought 5). I'll wait to get 5 more orbs and make the summon, which will PLEASE give me Ephraim, Eirika, or Julia. 

Will anyone pull in the new banner? I'll probably do it a couple of times to save for the Lyn/Ike focus somewhere in the future.

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Decided to try my luck going for Azura with another pull.

I got 4-Star Sheena, 3-Star Odin, 3-Star Cecilia 150 feathers, 4-Star M!Corrin, and 3-Star Jagen 150 feathers.

Didn't get who I was looking for, but maybe another night. Not like I got a bad pull, really. Sheena and M!Corrin seem like they'll be useful (and now I can make an Avatar team with both Robins and both Corrins, wonder if that'll be any good), and Odin... Well, I'll train him up, and if he doesn't turn out well like Nino has, then I'll sacrifice him to give Nino Moonbow if I can do that next month so she can kill things better.
Also I got 300 feathers. Can't complain about pulling feathers, really.

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I dont have a screenshot and im not sure this is the best place to share it, but I seen a guy who literally had 3 lyns on his defense arena team lol all 5 star of course, mustve been a bit frustrating to draw her that many times but he put it on his team lol before that i didnt even realize you could put multiple of the same hero

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7 minutes ago, Sir TouchMe said:

I dont have a screenshot and im not sure this is the best place to share it, but I seen a guy who literally had 3 lyns on his defense arena team lol all 5 star of course, mustve been a bit frustrating to draw her that many times but he put it on his team lol before that i didnt even realize you could put multiple of the same hero

Wrong topic for this.

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Come on! Seriously ? First time with 2 5* in the same summon, same character, and a unit I don't need furthermore (and I hate his artworks)... A Eirika would be better instead of one of them, I already have too much bulky swordsmen. I mean, I love Seliph, but eh, I'm a bit disappointed because I killed my luck on this.

OK, +Hp/-Atck and +Hp/-SPD. Eh. Which one should I level up ? The -Spd one ?

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