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20 minutes ago, Rezanator said:
I have been making vegetable and fruit sacrifices. Anna looks like someone that likes strawberries.

Wait a minute. You give her fruits and vegetables? And you got a +Atk unit?

Teach me sensei

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My next set of bought orbs (added onto the orbs from the May quests) got me to two full pulls for today in another chapter in my Ryoma quest.

And on the first red...I pulled...another 5 star...Eirika. *headdesk*


But that's the fourth Eirika I've pulled in like the last week. She really wants to be with her brother...and forgive me for the first time I had a 5 star Eirika (ditched her for skills). So I suppose for that I'll give her a chance.

Oh well, I'm probably going to buy orbs a couple more times before the Hero Fest banner ends. And watch me end up with Ryoma AFTER his banner ends, like a lot of my pulled 5 stars ended up being (Bunny Xander and Ike are the only exceptions and I wasn't giving up on Ike at all). xP

Edited by Anacybele
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1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

And...I pulled...another 5 star...Eirika. *headdesk*


Well now when you get Nino you can buff her into Oblivion and slaughter everything in your path like I do :)


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Made two pulls from Battling Xander in search of Linde or any other 5* that might like to join up. First one was trash.

  • 3* Wendy: Meh.
  • 3* Subaki: QR fodder if I feel I need it.
  • 3* Florina: Already got too many.
  • 3* Felicia: Meh.
  • 4* Arthur: Had me seriously hoping, then the silver stars showed up...

The second was quite nice, although not what I wanted.

  • 3* Oboro: The first time I've gotten her, actually.
  • 4* Abel: Same with him. He might be worth checking out.
  • 3* Shanna: Desperation fodder.
  • 4* Raven: Eh. Already have one.
  • 5* Chrom: Nice! Been a while since I got a sword lord, although he's rather outclassed by his daughter and Eirika. Unfortunately not a Linde...:(:
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1 minute ago, Arcanite said:

Well now when you get Nino you can buff her into Oblivion and slaughter everything in your path like I do :)


I actually did pull another Nino not long ago. But I'd have to see what her bane and boon are. Nino looks like one of those units that's screwed by a bad combo.

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2 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

I actually did pull another Nino not long ago. But I'd have to see what her bane and boon are. Nino looks like one of those units that's screwed by a bad combo.

As long as she isn't -Rezzy or -Spd, you're good!

*crosses fingers*

Please Rezzy don't strike again!!

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2 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

As long as she isn't -Rezzy or -Spd, you're good!

*crosses fingers*

Please Rezzy don't strike again!!

-Rezzy implies that she's not Rezzy, so since Rezzy is usually -Atk cursed, then if you want it to be -Rezzy it would have to be - -Atk, which means you're effectively saying "As long as she isn't +Atk or -Spd, you're good!" which doesn't seem quite right to me :P


Sorry, I just like messing with you <3


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2 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

As long as she isn't -Atk or -Spd, you're good!

*crosses fingers*

Please Rezzy don't strike again!!

Sorry, but she's +HP, -Res. That's very bad for her because then she's easily killed by ANYTHING. I'd rather wait and see if I pull a different Nino.

Eirika's not great either. This new 5 star is -Atk. So Rezzy did strike. She'll just sit and do nothing along with Chrom.

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Just now, Anacybele said:

Sorry, but she's +HP, -Res. That's very bad for her because then she's easily killed by ANYTHING. I'd rather wait and see if I pull a different Nino.

Eirika's not great either. This new 5 star is -Atk. So Rezzy did strike. She'll just sit and do nothing along with Chrom.

+HP is not that bad Ana. In fact, you can still use her!

And don't bench Eirika! If you can give her a rally skill, she can buff THREE STATS at once. perfect for your Nino!

-Atk may stink, but she's used for buffs anyway!

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4 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Sorry, but she's +HP, -Res. That's very bad for her because then she's easily killed by ANYTHING. I'd rather wait and see if I pull a different Nino.

Eirika's not great either. This new 5 star is -Atk. So Rezzy did strike. She'll just sit and do nothing along with Chrom.

+HP, -Res Nino is still capable of ORKOing nearly every unit in the game from simply standing next to Eirika (Eirika automatically grants Nino +4 Spd and +10 Atk from doing literally nothing besides standing next to her at the start of a turn).

Like Arc said, as long as Nino isn't -Spd or -Atk (and even -Atk can be salvaged since Nino often overkills), she's a monster that'll destroy everything around her. 

Nino is killed by anything no matter what her nature is. The entire point of Nino is to kill things before they get to her. She's as standard of a glass cannon as you get.

Edited by MaskedAmpharos
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Just now, Arcanite said:

+HP is not that bad Ana. In fact, you can still use her!

And don't bench Eirika! If you can give her a rally skill, she can buff THREE STATS at once. perfect for your Nino!

-Atk may stink, but she's used for buffs anyway!

I don't like using units just for buffs and nothing else though. It essentially leaves my team with fewer attackers than what the enemy has and that can be bad.

I just don't like this Nino...

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5 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

I don't like using units just for buffs and nothing else though. It essentially leaves my team with fewer attackers than what the enemy has and that can be bad.

I just don't like this Nino...

Not really?

A team with, say... Nino, Eirika, and Azura has one attacker and two support units (the 4th unit is irrelevant here). 

But because of the support from Eirika and Azura, Nino can instantly ORKO two enemy units in one turn, which is not something you can just do with anyone. 

If, instead, you had 3 attacking units, optimally they would each get one kill on their turn, but it very often doesn't work that way. Many times, they'll be able to kill the opponent in one hit, and you'll only end up getting a kill, maybe two, in a single turn. 

Heck, Nino + support + two dancers can essentially wipe out an entire enemy team on Advanced by herself (source: I've literally done this multiple times just for fun. Pretty much anyone else with a Nino can probably also attest to how good she is with support). 

If you don't want to use Nino and/or a support unit, that's perfectly fine. But that's completely different from saying that doing so is bad (which is what it sounded like you were saying to me. If that's not what you meant, then I apologize). 

Edited by MaskedAmpharos
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7 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Sorry, but she's +HP, -Res. That's very bad for her because then she's easily killed by ANYTHING. I'd rather wait and see if I pull a different Nino.

Eirika's not great either. This new 5 star is -Atk. So Rezzy did strike. She'll just sit and do nothing along with Chrom.

The thing with Nino is that she is designed to murder things in one round. I have a -def Nino and even being counter attacked once by most bows and daggers is t much of an issue. The minus -res would only matter if you were sending her up against red mages that she couldn't one shot for some reason. Just give her a chance and she should pay off

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5 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

I don't like using units just for buffs and nothing else though. It essentially leaves my team with fewer attackers than what the enemy has and that can be bad.

I know this isn't the topic for "Arena discussion" but I was able to get a score of 4,714 last season. Completely deathless. 

Who did I use? Nino, Olivia Sharena, and Lyn. Sharena sat there and did nothing but buff my Nino! and I'm a free to player

You have the luxury of even better skills to choose from since you probably have a lot more units than I do!

But, its your choice. Anywho, I'm happy that you got another 5 star!


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3 minutes ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

Not really?

A team with, say... Nino, Eirika, and Azura has one attacker and two support units (the 4th unit is irrelevant here). 

But because of the support from Eirika and Azura, Nino can instantly ORKO two enemy units in one turn, which is not something you can just do with anyone. 

If, instead, you had 3 attacking units, optimally they would each get one kill on their turn, but it very often doesn't work that way. Many times, they'll be able to kill the opponent in one hit, and you'll only end up getting a kill, maybe two, in a single turn. 

Heck, a Nino + support + two dancers can essentially wipe out an entire enemy team on Advanced by herself (source: I've literally done this multiple times just for fun. Pretty much anyone else with a Nino can probably also attest to how good she is with support). 

If you don't want to use Nino and/or a support unit, that's perfectly fine. But that's completely different from saying that doing so is bad (which is what it sounded like you were saying to me. If that's not what you meant, then I apologize). 

That's assuming I can actually get that to happen with the units you mention, and with my skill, I can't. I simply have never known how to use glass cannons like Nino well. It's not a playstyle I'm familiar with at all.

Look, nobody can force me to use one unit or another.

I'm not happy I got this Eirika. She reset my 5 star chances back to 3% and 5%. My chances of ever getting Ryoma are lower again.

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Just now, Anacybele said:

That's assuming I can actually get that to happen with the units you mention, and with my skill, I can't. I simply have never known how to use glass cannons like Nino well. It's not a playstyle I'm familiar with at all.

Look, nobody can force me to use one unit or another.

Oh absolutely!

I have no intention of forcing anyone to use one character or another. I never have, and I never will. 

I just wanted to be sure you knew what you were giving up first to ensure your decision is as informed as possible. 

I'm only trying to help :/

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5 minutes ago, DarkLordIvy said:

The thing with Nino is that she is designed to murder things in one round. I have a -def Nino and even being counter attacked once by most bows and daggers is t much of an issue. The minus -res would only matter if you were sending her up against red mages that she couldn't one shot for some reason. Just give her a chance and she should pay off

Yeah, but no thank you.

3 minutes ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

Oh absolutely!

I have no intention of forcing anyone to use one character or another. I never have, and I never will. 

I just wanted to be sure you knew what you were giving up first to ensure your decision is as informed as possible. 

I'm only trying to help :/

I know, and I appreciate the help. But I just don't know anything about using the playstyle you're telling me of.

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Just now, Anacybele said:

Yeah, but no thank you.

Well it's all up to you in the end.

Just remember: variety is the spice of life!


I'm sorry it seems appropriate I couldn't resist.


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2 minutes ago, DarkLordIvy said:

Well it's all up to you in the end.

Just remember: variety is the spice of life!

  Reveal hidden contents

I'm sorry it seems appropriate I couldn't resist.


Don't worry, I'm aware, but thanks.

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2 minutes ago, DarkLordIvy said:

Well it's all up to you in the end.

Just remember: variety is the spice of life!

  Reveal hidden contents

I'm sorry it seems appropriate I couldn't resist.


Don't worry, I'm aware, but thanks.

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4 minutes ago, Glaceon Mage said:

I would gladly take a -Atk Eirika over no Eirika.

I just want Eirika ;~;

I haven't pulled a single one too......

Just a poor girl and a poor robot stuck with no Eirika


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Just now, Arcanite said:

I haven't pulled a single one too......

Just a poor girl and a poor robot stuck with no Eirika


Eirika is literally my #1 most wanted unit in the game right now, she's my fourth favorite FE character and I love her and she still refuses to come to me.

Eirika please come home.  Even though I mostly run horses.  

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10 minutes ago, Glaceon Mage said:

Eirika is literally my #1 most wanted unit in the game right now, she's my fourth favorite FE character and I love her and she still refuses to come to me.

Eirika please come home.  Even though I mostly run horses.  

Know the feeling, she and Lyn are the reason why I'll always keep finding reasons to pull red orbs, even though 4 out of my 11 5-stars are perfectly fine sword units.

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So... wait. Is Ana complaining about units that she can essentially get the 4000+ points (for feathere, not ranking) in the arena she wants?

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