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1 minute ago, Loocarioh said:

High hopes and no self control. I have nobody to blame but myself.

Patience young grasshopper. I hate to say it, but you probably left one or more 5*s on the table there...

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5 hours ago, Loocarioh said:



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On the brightside, you can do a Falchion healer build on him with that extra HP... 

(Alm and Celica actually have great team synergy, imo I have Marth, not Alm, but still. Synergy.)

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Thanks to Oboro, I now have 333 total pulled units.





Finally got rid of that 5.25% on the swimsuit banner!

And boons/banes:


Chrom (+Res/-Atk): His draw is his high Atk.  This. . .ruins it.  While not completely beyond help, it's a lot more effort than I want to put in.
Lachesis (+HP/-Res): Her stats are kind of a lost cause anyway.
Sully (+Spd/-Res): I think she works better with +Atk, due to her low base.  Still, 37 Speed isn't something to scoff at.
Lilina (+Res/-Spd): One of the few that can deal wtih -Spd, but she really doesn't want more Res on top of that.
Barst (neutral): If it wasn't for the fact that I already had a better one, I'd consider training him.

Matthew (+Spd/-Def): I'm not sure how 37 Speed makes things better, but it's a start I guess?
Sully (+Atk/-Res): That's more like it!  If I already didn't have one with this boon/bane!
Stahl (+HP/-Atk): I. . .uhh. . .maybe someone can use Def +3?
Tiki (+Atk/-Res): This is great!  While -Spd is optimal, this will do just fine~!  But I still need more Bonfire fodder. ;/
Henry (+Spd/-Def): Ow.  And no.  But I do appreciate all the G Tomebreaker fodder!

Gordin (+Atk/-HP): And the good Gordins keep coming!  Man, this is cool.
NIles (+Def/-Res): He, on the other hand, continues to disappoint me.  At least Iceberg is a much-wanted skill!
Bartre (+HP/-Def): I think Smite is useful in edge cases?
Cecilia (+Def/-HP): Oh look, it's Wings of Mercy fodder!
Corrin (+HP/-Res): OH LOOK, THAT'S MOSTLY NEUTRAL!  Unlike Camilla, she doesn't have the right stat distribution for TA -raven, short of me doing a gimmicky Desperation build.  I really wish she had Swift Sparrow instead of Swift Strike, but I'll live.  Desperation's so going in her B slot.

Some interesting pulls.  Am glad to see Corrin.  The flying mage team is coming along nicely. :P:


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And I'm done with the Sacred Stones banner, my pity rate got ruined by a neutral Kagero.....I hope Amelia gets demoted to 4* because not having her nor Tana (who I'm sure will stay 5* exclusive) hurts.

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Well, time's running out. Might as well now before CYL makes me cry.

4 Red, 1 colourless (Not. OK.)

4* Lucius (+Att/-HP. Well, could be worse, might pass Miracle. Who'd want it?)

Again then.

3 Blue, 1 Green

3* Cecilia (I checked, it's not +Att. Moving on), 4* Florina (And here I was wondering if I'd ever get her again! +Att/-HP, could be decent), 3* F!Corrin (THEY KEEP CORRING!), 3* Subaki (My thoughts on Subaki are clear.)

Moving on.

2 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue and Green

4* Abel (Hey look it's that guy! +Res/-HP, Finally swordbreaker fodder!), 4* Barst (Once again, Barst. yay. +Def/-Att, passing Reposition/Spur attack on then.)

Another shot at it.

2 Blue, 1 each Red, Green, Colourless

3* Arthur (SuperAxe could be worthwhile as Lancebreaker fodder at least), 3* Oboro (*Whiff), 3* Est (Trash)

On 3.75% now. Wamp Waom.

Edited by Dayni
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I forgot to say earlier but I did a set of pulls last week and managed to pull Atk+ Hp- Innes who was the unit that made beating turn limit 5 hard doable for me.  Love Innes and I am so glad to have him.  I am waiting to see what the CYL banner is going to look like before I decide if I want to try again for Tana and Amelia.  Honestly other then Hector I don't really need any of the winners of the CYL poll, so I may just use my free pull and save orbs for units I need.

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3 hours ago, EricaofRenais said:

I forgot to say earlier but I did a set of pulls last week and managed to pull Atk+ Hp- Innes who was the unit that made beating turn limit 5 hard doable for me.  Love Innes and I am so glad to have him.  I am waiting to see what the CYL banner is going to look like before I decide if I want to try again for Tana and Amelia.  Honestly other then Hector I don't really need any of the winners of the CYL poll, so I may just use my free pull and save orbs for units I need.

Hector wasn't a CYL winner...? Ike, Lyn, Roy, and Lucina were the four winners. xP

Whether or not I try for Seth again before the Magvel banner ends will depend on how CYL summoning works since there's actually a chance it'll be different.

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I am hoping they do top 3 in guys and girls since I really need Hector, of course if they just do top 2 I will most likely skip the banner since I don't need any more sword units right now.

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Just now, EricaofRenais said:

I am hoping they do top 3 in guys and girls since I really need Hector, of course if they just do top 2 I will most likely skip the banner since I don't need any more sword units right now.

It won't be top three guys and top three girls though. It's already been confirmed to just be Ike, Lyn, Roy, and Lucina.

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Just now, Anacybele said:

It won't be top three guys and top three girls though. It's already been confirmed to just be Ike, Lyn, Roy, and Lucina.

Then I will be skipping except for the free pull.

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1 hour ago, EricaofRenais said:

I am hoping they do top 3 in guys and girls since I really need Hector, of course if they just do top 2 I will most likely skip the banner since I don't need any more sword units right now.

There's speculation that some of them may have a weapon other than sword.  The most popular theory is...

Ike: Axe

Lyn: Bow

Lucina: Lance

Roy: Sword


The would give units that canonically can wield other weapons other weapons, except Roy, who is always Sword locked.

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Since I won't be pulling on the CYL banner since I only want Ike and I can get him for free, I dumped more orbs on Magvel before it ended and holy shit my luck this time.



Better yet, HE'S +ATK!!

-Def too, but +Atk man!

And that isn't all. I said holy shit my luck, after all!

I pulled 5 star Lucina and 5 star Boey too.


I never thought I'd ever say I'll use a Lucina. But I am because man, what is that luck with IVs and 5 stars right there. Definitely making up for my shitty first two months, that's for sure.


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Well it's been a long time since I posted about my pulls and with CYL around the corner now is a good a time as any to post.
Since both June and July left me feeling very blue after missing out on Bridal!Charlotte and Summer!Robin, I thought August would go down the same route, but this August has really been something else. I'm ordering the pulls by Banner - and since I failed to screenshot some of my pulls, some are written in text partially/only.

Nohrian Summer:


As the Nohrian Scum that I am, and since summer has pretty much been all rain and no sun in my part of the world, I wanted to try for the Nohrian Summer's beach quartet. 
So I cast my net wide, fishing for RGB colours, and ignored colourless (Pull #1 was made before the Voting gauntlet, while the rest were made after):

Pull #1 (Made before the Voting Gauntlet started)


[2 blues|3 colourless]

The first blue held a 4* Shanna for me, but the second...



Summer!Corrin landed! In sky-high soaring Atk+/Def- too. (Oh Yes~!)
That certainly was something fittingly sweet to wash away the salty taste of previously missing out on both Bridal!Charlotte and Summer!Robin.
Plus, I knew exactly where that Shanna would go - Summer!Corrin + Desperation 3. Mmm Sweet.
I was very relieved I didn't need to summon many blues to get Summer!Corrin, as the hunt for Bridal!Charlotte and Summer!Robin really bloated my blue numbers.
I have more Jagens and Ests than I'll ever need


Pull #2


[2 red|2 green|1 colourless]

3* Henry
3* Arthur
4* Bartre
3* Raigh

Hm. Oh well.

Pull #3



Oh, a much needed puzzle piece for Armour Emblem - Sheena! 
As my first green armour, she's certain to make those armour emblem quests much easier.

Pull #4




Now this sure was something to brighten up a rainy summer day!
A bright and cheery Summer!Elise! She is Atk+/Res-. Goodie!

Pull #5


[1 red|1 green|1blue|2 colourless]

3* Henry
3* Beruka

Yeah SI.

Pull #6


[3 green|2 colourless]

3* Arthur
3* Arthur
4* Gunter

*Sigh* Mr Misfortune you sure are showing up often as of late aren't you?

Pull #7


[3 red|2 colourless]

3* Henry
3* Henry
4* Henry

And Cawcaw #7, #8, and #9.
Riddle me this fellow summoners: How many crows does a summoner need until they can say they have a Murder of Crows in their barracks?

Pull #8


[1 green|3 red|1 colourless]

Picks the singular green first:



Ahoy Xander! You finally floated ashore in HP+/Def- style! Ah, it'll work out swimmingly I'm sure.

While my pity rate was reset, I figured I might as well see what those red orbs on the table held and...by Naga...I couldn't believe my eyes as I picked the lower left one:





I...I guess the tomato prince didn't want to hang out on the beach on his own...?
He's Atk+/Def- flavour as well. Devil's own luck.

(The other red orbs held a 4* Laslow and a 3* Hinata - While Xander cannot swim, he sure can break axes now)


I'm very relieved that I got the heroes I got on this banner. Not to mention I certainly expected, and was prepared to toss far more orbs than I did to get what got on this banner. 


In summary, this Nohrian Summer sure was quite wild for me. 
Still, I had more orbs so I decided to throw them at the Tempest Trial Banner, hoping to snag a 1.4x bonus hero.

Reunited at Last Tempest Trials



Pull #1 (Free Summon)


[2 reds|3 colourless]

The free summon turned out to be a new unit:


Athena, has crossed my path! She'll help train those sword units.
The other red? A 4* Fir.


Pull #2



Hi Gray! I guess he heard the words "Sword" and "training" when I spoke of Athena earlier and decided his Sword Valor would complement her Exp skill. 
Why, thank you Gray, it sure would! As would his 1.4x TT point bonus


And with that, I was done with the TT banner, so I turned my attention to Hero Fest as I had not used my free summon yet.
Since I already had Julia and Ninian, I thought going for Genny or Ike was my best bet. How did it go...?

Hero Fest


Pull #1
Well yeah about that free summon...


[1 red|4 colourless]


Yeah. That happened. An Atk+/Res- Ike. 
I'm seriously wondering who/what used Rally Luck on me for this one - as they surely must have broken the RNG.

(The non-depicted colourless orbs held 3* Wrys, 4 Serra,  3*Saizo and 3* Matthew)


So uh...yeah, that was Hero Fest. Since for Sacred Stones was just around the corner how did that go...?

Sacred World


Because of my lopside blue bias in my barracks I forfeited on pulling Tana, so it was Red, Green and Colourless sniping only for this banner.

Pull #1


[1 red|2 green|1 blue|1 colourless]

4* Florina
4* A!Tiki
3* Gunter
3* Cherche
3* Wrys

More SI fodder! Wrys was my free summon - Eh, Lucius can get that Rehabilitate/Heavenly Light now. So ok, score!

Pull #2



I...I...game...what are you doing? Your RNG is drunk.
This particular Ogma was Atk+/Res-. O.o
But...he was no SS character, so onward!

Pull #3



Why yes Seth, Eirika and Ephraim are both here!
Oi, before you dash off to to join them let me check your Boon/Bane good sir...
Ah, Spd+/Def-. Sounds workable enough.

Pull #5

Remember what I said when I summoned Sheena? That she was a much needed puzzle piece for my Armour Emblem? Well...





Amelia.  A Spd+/Def- Amelia. I can't...legit, I can't wrap my head around this. My pity rate never increased and still...Tactician_Iris.exe has stopped working
(The non-pictured blue had a 3*Florina)



So..yeah. It really has been quite a month on my summoning end. As for what September will have in store - ah, a tale for another day. :)

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9 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Since I won't be pulling on the CYL banner since I only want Ike and I can get him for free, I dumped more orbs on Magvel before it ended and holy shit my luck this time.



Better yet, HE'S +ATK!!

-Def too, but +Atk man!

And that isn't all. I said holy shit my luck, after all!

I pulled 5 star Lucina and 5 star Boey too.


I never thought I'd ever say I'll use a Lucina. But I am because man, what is that luck with IVs and 5 stars right there. Definitely making up for my shitty first two months, that's for sure.


Congrats, your Seth is better than mine, and I still don't have Lucina.

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5 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Congrats, your Seth is better than mine, and I still don't have Lucina.

Thanks, Rezzy! I'm sorry though, let me try to rub off some of my luck onto you. *rubs* :)

Now let Rezzy pull some awesome 5 stars soon!

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A few days before The Sacred Stones banner expires, and the previous failed attempts to get a 5* and boosting my pity rate have finally bore fruit...

...5* -Def +Res Abel, also known as Brave Lance+ Fodder! Yay yay, rah rah, god freaking-

Well, at least I was able to take advantage of the pity rate. 4* neutral Tiki for Bonfire fodder, and some 3* units that nobody cares about and also have crap natures anyways.

Now I can finally feel motivated to train up my Bridal Charlotte and have part of a dangerous ally on the battlefield.

Edited by Xenomata
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