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Free Brave Lyn was a thing.

Everything else was fodder, but I did do a little green sniping as well. My latter 20 of my 40 should have been a full pull like my first. There may have been a brave unit waiting for me but I really wanted Ike and I mostly just got a bunch of trash + another Fae.

Will try again in another 20 orbs. Then it's off to the Voting Gauntlet banner for Lyn pulls for a bit.

Edited by Zeo
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I'm so glad I waited after doing some pulls to pick my free Brave (Ike), because I managed to get B. Roy (+ATK/-HP, 4th in a Full 5 pulls), B. Lucina (+SPD/-HP, 3rd in 4 Pulls) and FREAKING B. Lyn (+ATK/-HP, Single Pull through Colorless Hell) in just three summoning sessions.

I'm never gonna get this lucky in a long time.

EDIT: And also a -ATK/+RES Boey before Lucina because the RNGodess loved to mess around.

Edited by AstraSage
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Brave Lyn was my free 5 star pick and 30 orbs later I got an Attk-, HP+ Brave Lion Roy. I read its best to have a speed or attack boon for him, but I can work with what I have. 

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I can't I finally got Innes...on the on the Banner that started a day after Innes's own banner ended. Thinking about it, the same thing happened with Reinhardt and Boey...My luck is weird. Did someone similar to this happened to anyone else?

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So, after much debate, I picked Roy as my free summon, since he was the only one I actually wanted. The rest I kinda want 'cos they're strong units, but am meh on them otherwise. I didn't go for Lucina at all, since I feel I don't need her.

I had 80 orbs and was prepared for colourless hell, along with green hell since it looks like only Seth has dropped down to 4* (can someone tell me I'm missing something).

First colourless (I think) was Lyn :O

I'm in shock. I prepare myself for green hell, and end up getting very few green orbs, with every single pulled character being 3* (although couldn't grumble due to shock of before). Had one with no greens so pulled blue and got my first Clair (4*).

And then, with eighteen orbs to go, I pulled Ike, too!

Welp, I have the units I want. Already back up to 25 orbs and saving for whatever comes next :D

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I've had the weirdest time with pulling over the past month or so.

On the one hand, I sank a fair number of orbs into each of the summer banners, did a full pull on each of the new gauntlet banners, 100 orbs on the CYL & not a single focus unit from the lot (and only one 5 star this week, from a ~140 orb spree.)

On the other hand, I went all out on hero fest & sniped until I got Ninian, the unit I wanted most, showed up (after about 100 orbs...), I've picked up a +ATK Reinhardt, my first Hector & a Linde, and I got Innes as my free pull on the Sacred Stones banner (then stopped.)

I can't say I've had bad luck. The highs and the lows sure do balance out.

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Do I have good or bad luck?

I after spending 60 orbs I get the new Lucina and Lyn but my Lucina is negative def, plus hp, & Lyn is negative res and plus def, I also get a 5* Delthea with minus atk & plus def


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31 minutes ago, Raybrand said:

Do I have good or bad luck?

I after spending 60 orbs I get the new Lucina and Lyn but my Lucina is negative def, plus hp, & Lyn is negative res and plus def, I also get a 5* Delthea with minus atk & plus def


I'd kill to get three 5 stars from three summoning sessions to be honest xD. I went up to 5% pity rate FeelsBadMan.


1 hour ago, Nowi said:

332 orbs and one -ATK Ike for me :(

Auch. Wanna hug it out? ;_;

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Spent 100+ orbs to get Ike and I didn't even get a single 5* unit (aside from the free 5* Lyn of course). I'm hoping the brave heroes stick around after the banner goes away because this isn't looking good. Oh well, I got some good 4* units at least (Titania, Seth, Boey, Seliph) and some good units for skill inheritance.

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2 hours ago, LordFrigid said:

So um...that just happened.

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Natures are meh, but tbh I don't even care.


Damn. o.o Talk about luck.

Meanwhile Gunter is just sitting there looking out of place. lol

Meanwhile, my pull, including the free one.


I've collected all three Macedon siblings now? I'm cool with that! First 5 star Healer too. Also, Death Blow and Draw Back/Swordbreaker fodder.

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Ok, I'm about to pull 200 orbs, I will be sniping for Brave Ike, priority being: Ike>Roy>Lucina; I plan on Lyn being my freebie, will post relevant pulls; will Cherche keep stalking my free pulls? Let's find out!


free pull: 3* Arthur (the fun thing? I was in dire need of one for Lancebreaker until a few days ago... then Narcian came along)

+Hp -Def Brave Roy on 4th pull! Maybe I can get a better one?

Let's go, 4 green orbs! ...... Not really what I wanted ): 4* ceciliax2 4*Nino 3*Gunther

AAAhhhhhh! Not you, not now!!!!!! 5* Soren

Down to 130 orbs, no Ike yet...

Then suddenly...



IIIIIIIIIIIKKKKKKKKKKKEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (+HP -Res, just like my regular Ike!)

Ok, so I have 115 F2P orbs left, what do you think I should do? Keep sniping for better ivs, snipe for Hector on that other banner or spend another 50 for SI fodder (I could do with more skill inheritance, especially from blue units) and keep the rest?

Edited by Koumal8
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Did the typical choice and picked Lyn as my free summon. Also, ended up with enough orbs for two whole summons. They were all red and blue, so I guess the game really doesn't want me getting Ike. It's Julia all over again...


Pull 1:

  • 3* Hana. Basically useless, also made me question if the raised 4* rate was still a thing for just a second.
  • 5* Peri, +HP/-Spd. If anything, I'm glad she appeared before I could build up a pity rate. Fortunately, I'm building a Subaki, and I hear Killer Lance+ is ideal for him.
  • 4* Severa. Immediately sent home.
  • 3* Jagen. See above.
  • 4* Lukas. I'm ambivalent, but only because Fortress Def 3 is 5* exclusive.

Pull 2:

  • 4* Stahl. Might make a good 4* +10, I suppose?
  • 3* Olivia. Maybe if I need fodder for Hone Atk..
  • 3* Eliwood. Absolutely useless. I made a comment to the effect of wanting to give Roy his clothes and sword. Immediately got sent home.
  • 5* Brave Roy, +Def/-Atk.  I guess the game heard me there? Unfortunately he's -Atk, but with Blazing Durandal's Atk boost he's still better than a neutral Eliwood, so it's workable.
  • 4* Odin Moonbow.

Two Brave Heroes down, two to go, I guess. I'll see how my hunt pans out from here.

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I got freebie Neutral CYL Lyn.

- Atk+Spd CYL Lucina.

+Spd-Res CYL Ike.  This looks like a good nature at first glance.


I'll Pull more after work.  I want them all.

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After my 15 orb/free summon this morning getting +spd/res BLyn I tried draining my other 33 orbs for the rest. Nothing special but some SI fodder... probably going to keep it save and get free Ike and give roy/lucina a chance (3.75% pity)

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1 hour ago, Rezzy said:

I got freebie Neutral CYL Lyn.

- Atk+Spd CYL Lucina.

+Spd-Res CYL Ike.  This looks like a good nature at first glance.


I'll Pull more after work.  I want them all.

Dump Lucina, use Ike! That is pretty decent for him!

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Picked Lyn, then went to pull green for Ike. Free summon didn't have any green orbs, so I picked a red one instead and got CYL Roy, which is great because Heavy Blade and Galeforce are two skills I've really wanted to try out. After that, I quickly got Sonya, and my 4*s included my first Clair and (regular) Camilla. (Clair was from another no-green session, since Lucina is the only other one I'm missing.)

No Ike yet, but I'm happy with what I have so far. Sure went better than spending about as many orbs going for regular Ike last month and getting no 5*s.

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