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Summoning up to the freebie.

4* Special Azura appeared, bringing her to +9 merge. She also happens to be +Spd, which apparently my base Azura was completely neutral, so... out the window with you Neutral.

Petra and Hapi appeared in the same session. Petra was +Atk -HP, Hapi was +Spd -Res... kinda thinking I summoned them in the wrong order...

Constance appeared +Atk -Res. Pretty good.

As for the free summon, I'm taking Muspell. Even if I wanted to freebie Yuri, I think it'd be far easier to just snipe for him. I'll still summon Blue though since Hapi could actually be quite useful...
...well, as long as Farina isn't appearing and trying to rob me... wait shit she's right there MY WALLET NO-

EDIT: And the rest of summoning went... well, coulda gone better.

I did get Yuri... +Res -Spd though, and I actually wanna summon two of him so that I can have some C Duel Infantry 4 fodder on hand. So... unfortunately the night was not over. And he did NOT make it easy to summon him again.

-Did get +Def -Res Muspell, which... was kinda embarrassing after what I said earlier.
-Got another Hapi... +Def -HP though...
-Brave Eliwood, Caineghis, Julian, and Larum all crashed my summons. Larum I actually forgot had Disarm Trap, which I want to give to my Ninja Lyn, so I kinda appreciate summoning her. The others... not exactly enthused...
-Only other 4* Special summon was Hardin.

I did eventually get Yuri +Atk -Def. That's good. Hapi I'm not a fan of her assets, but maybe I can make at least +Spd work.

Just hoping this months Mythic isn't too enticing, or at least is easy to summon. I need to save some orb money if I wanna +10 merge Halloween Grima when her banner is revived, and tonight didn't necessarily help matters...

Edited by Xenomata
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Let's see if I can get someone from the dancer banners. Red for Duo!Sigurd.

  1. 4* Chrom: No.

Grey for Soiree!Nephenee.

  1. 4* Shigure: No.

And now to spend the Abyss & Muspell tickets. Red to double up on my 5* odds.

  1. 3* Raigh: No.
  2. 5* Mia: Another 4* Special. +Def/-HP is bad, but she's merge fodder anyway for my +Spd/-Def copy.
  3. 4* Bantu: No.
  4. 5* Fiora: Huh, not bad. +Spd/-Def is just about perfect too.
  5. 3* Fir: No.

No focus unit, but I'm still satisfied with what I got. Now to try again on the Scion banner with 42 orbs.

  1. 4* Saizo: No.

37 orbs left.

  1. 4* Eirika: No.

32 orbs left.

  1. 3* Linhardt: No.
  2. 4* Tethys: No.
  3. 4* Linhardt: Seriously?

A 5% pity rate now. This game is out to get me...19 orbs left.

  1. 3* Natasha: No.

14 orbs left.

  1. 5* Exalted!Chrom: Another 4* Special, and the first 5* I've gotten from this banner after 201 orbs. +Spd/-Res is okay, but I already have a +Atk/-Def copy. Merge it is.

9 orbs left. One last try...

  1. 4* Ares: No.

Still no Harmonic!Leif...I'm still getting everything except what I'm actually trying to get.

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Managed to summon my first ever copy of GL!Ethlyn (+HP -Def) on her re-run with only 4 orbs! Couldn't ask for better luck than that, and while I'm still missing DD!Sigurd and LP!Quan I'm not particularly bothered about them. 

Taking my time with the New Heroes banner; I might end up Sparking even though I'd decided against it initially, mostly because this banner's being unusually generous for me combined with the color-sharing and having not had any green show up so far luckily. 

2nd summon: WS!Corrin (+Atk -Res)

3rd summon: Constance(!) (+Def -HP); admittedly she was my least favorite 3H DLC character but no complaints! 

7th summon: WS!Corrin again lol (+Def -HP); pretty weird I thought. Shouldn't it be pretty unlikely to pull the same off-focus 5* hero basically back-to-back?

12th summon: DE!Hardin (+Atk -Def)

Still got 25 summons to go before a Spark, and I still have two tickets to use as soon as I have some more orbs. I'm not totally sure what to do with either WS!Corrin or Hardin. WS!Corrin basically just seems outclassed in the current meta without a refine, and I have no idea if she's theoretically scheduled to receive one anytime soon, so she might just provide A/S Solo 3 fodder, which works out fine since I had really run out of that. Hardin I had summoned and foddered I guess at some point, and I hadn't summoned him again since his refine. Besides his rather unfortunate IVs, I guess he could work decently by absorbing one of the couple copies of Dedue I have lying around--especially since my other 3 Near Save tanks atm are all either red (DD!Idunn and SM!Myrrh) or green (AE!Edelgard)--but it's a shame how un-min-max'd his stats are. 

EDIT: 17th summon: GV!Lethe(!) (+Res -Spd), bad IVs but always happy to collect a 'new' 5* nevertheless. Ran into green here on this circle, so still got 23 summons to go with just one ticket left. 

EDIT: 21st summon: TG!Ishtar(!) (+HP -Atk), luckily was able to immediately fix her flaw with the Limited Time manual of her that I had held onto since whenever that was. Sadly I might not be able to Refine her tome for a good while; I've got like 7 or 8 heroes wanting their Refine while I continually have next to no Arena medals. Still, missing the focus units but it's pretty cool to finally grab these old heroes that had strangely eluded me until now. On the downside, starting to run into a lot of green, which is hurting orb optimization. Now 18 summons to go to Spark. 

EDIT: 24th summon: LotP!Lyn (+Spd -Atk), always nice to have GF fodder. 

25th summon: tP!Dimitri (+Atk -Spd), good fodder here too! Worth being pity-broken? Hm probably not but I'm fine with it. 13 summons to go to Spark.

EDIT: Sadly nothing else popped up; Sparked for Hapi, who may not be turn out to be the most meta-relevant unit on this banner but was my favorite 3H DLC character. I have a pity-rate of 3.75% now, might summon some more until I break it. Overall I'm satisfied with how this banner went!

Edited by zoologicwoo
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I got, like three Asbels at the beginning, and then was pity-broken by Forsyth. I wanted Constance, Hapi, and Muspell, and the game gave me Asbels and a Forsyth. I fortunately did pull Hapi on my final pull before Sparking Muspell, but man did this banner mess me up. And my current 4* merges are still unfinished! I would thought that after this and the 160 pulls for CYL5, I would at least pull one Vanilla Camilla, to complete my 5* +10 projects, but the only one I got working towards my current projects. (A 4* Seteth) 

So yeah...I know that the Legendary Hero Remix and Mythic banners won't get me Constance (or Nifl...), but I do hope they'll give me the units I want without too much fuss...or at least give me the 3* and 4* merges I need to make up for it...

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 Managed to pull Yuri and Hapi on the new banner. Sparked for Constance. Yuri’s IV’s are awful but Hapi’s are perfect. Also got a 4* special Zelgius, who’s new, so that’s nice. And I got everyone I wanted, pretty good luck overall!

 And since I didn’t post in this thread before might as well brag about my luck on the CYL banner. Didn’t spend orbs on it, but picked Eirika for my guaranteed pick, got Brave Marianne on the free pull, and got F!M!Morgan on a ticket. Pretty damn good haul!

Just hope my luck holds for the remix and Mythic banners.

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Abyss summons!

I really wanted Yuri and Muspell.

I pulled full circles, got a 4* +Atk Balthasar which was AMAZING!

Then I got pity broken on the last ticket by a dupe +Res -Def OG Marianne… Meh, into a manual she becomes 

Then I got NOTHING, no 4* specials, at all. I chose muspell as my freebie, and then I had a like 4.75% to break. I kept going, sniping colorless… eventually got my Yuri! +Spd -Atk but whatever. I’m done here though it was not the best session

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Green for Weekly Revival 35.

  1. 3* Echidna: No.

And a few more shots at the Scions banner with a 5.25% pity rate. 27 orbs on hand.

  1. 3* Felicia: No.

22 orbs left.

  1. 5* Fallen!Edelgard: Finally an actual 5*, but still not Harmonic!Leif. +Res/-Atk is fine given her main role is to not die.
  2. 4* Brady: No.

Why is my orb spending giving me everything but focus units? 13 orbs left.

  1. 3* Merlinus: Reposition fodder.
  2. 4* Matthew: No.
  3. 3* Gaius: No.

This is completely absurd...

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6 minutes ago, KMT4ever said:

Green for Weekly Revival 35.

  1. 3* Echidna: No.

And a few more shots at the Scions banner with a 5.25% pity rate. 27 orbs on hand.

  1. 3* Felicia: No.

22 orbs left.

  1. 5* Fallen!Edelgard: Finally an actual 5*, but still not Harmonic!Leif. +Res/-Atk is fine given her main role is to not die.
  2. 4* Brady: No.

Why is my orb spending giving me everything but focus units? 13 orbs left.

  1. 3* Merlinus: Reposition fodder.
  2. 4* Matthew: No.
  3. 3* Gaius: No.

This is completely absurd...

Oh. You're having the same problem too, huh?

I'm pulling a lot of 5-stars and special 4-stars. But very little zero actually focus units. It's literally insane.

Edited by Sunwoo
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Pulled a Muspell with a ticket and a -speed Scion Leif while trying to pull for spd/def solo fodder. Also got a random Hector, foddered his distant counter to Muspell.

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Legendary Remix banner is here, and I got what I wanted! I officially have L!Hector and Hrid! Adding to that, I got the final Vanilla Camilla and Soleil needed for my 5* +10 merge projects, along with another Seteth, Lex, Mustafa, and Erk for later ones. (Seteth is now at +7 though - only three more to go!)

I also got a "4* turned into 5*" for B!Lucina, Saber, and Leo...all of which I already owned at 5*, so it wasn't really much. 

It was a weird banner to me though, since I didn't pull any 5* until L!Hector at pull 37. And while I'm incredibly glad it was Hector and not another Green, it took so long I was getting worried about a pity-breaker hero. Fortunately getting L!Hector allowed me to Spark Hrid, and all's well that ends well. 

I'm about 13 orbs behind schedule, but that's nothing I can't make up somewhere in the game. Overall, I'm happy for this banner, but the results and my overall minimal funds have me sweating when it comes to the Mythic one at the end of the month...

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September is just crazy awesome for me for some reason! I've been editing my above post with progress on the 3HDLC banner, but to sum: 8 5* heroes pulled before Sparking Hapi. Never got Yuri or Muspell but I did get decent fodder and 2 new off-focus heroes. 

The Legendary Remix banner I'm not planning to bother with, but this was purely awesome:



Free Duessel(!) (+Atk -HP)

Immediately after, L!Hector(!) (+Def -Res)


It's so weird to have pulled Duessel so suddenly when I had previously tried hard and failed to get him on any prior appearance. 


EDIT: Pulled more on the 3H DLC since, hey why not when it's been giving me pretty good returns imo. Now at a 4% rate but...

42nd summon: Ayra(!) (+Spd -HP)

EDIT: 47th (or 48th? lost count) (and final for sure) summon: tBP!Mareeta (+Atk -Spd). Now puts her at +2, plus a better asset than she had before (+HP). For some reason I thought off-focus 5* heroes only set back the pity rate by 0.5% but my 4% is now cleared completely so guess this is it for the banner for me. Just have to hope for Yuri (and Muspell although not a big fan of his design even though I guess it's kinda funny) in future. 

Edited by zoologicwoo
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I wanted Armads Hector for sure, and maybe snatch a Duesell on the way...

But nope, pity broke by Ephraim TWO times (also the only 5* in the whole pull) and only got Hector from the spark.

Geez, after the massacre that was Micaiah, I hoped for some luck. I had just about recovered a bit, now I'm under 10 orbs again.

And what did they even do to Ephraim? He still looks vastly inferior to his recent sister's version by a large margin unless I'm missing something here.

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Went for 40 summons on the remix banner, cause... I dunno, Hector has some good Armor fodder, and Ephraim seems like a good unit.

I managed 1 copy each of the two golden boys, and also a copy of Fallen Lyon. That would theoretically make my copy of him +6 if I was merging him up and also wasn't confused about where all these Fallen Lyons came from. As for the freebie summon... Hector cause hey, Crafty Fighter.

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Time for some more pulls. I've got everyone on the Fury banner, all +Spd at that, so I'll go blue for the heck of it.

  1. 4* L'Arachel: No.

Green for the Legendary Remix.

  1. 4* Tethys: Nope.

Green again for Weekly Revival 26.

  1. 4* Ross: No.

And back to the Scion banner yet again...46 orbs on hand.

  1. 4* Tethys: Go away.
  2. 3* Klein: No.

This is beyond frustrating. 37 orbs left.

  1. 3* Lissa: No.

32 orbs left.

  1. 4* Cain: No.

27 orbs left.

  1. 3* Caeda: No.

4.75% pity rate. 22 orbs left.

  1. 5* Takumi: Another worthless 4* Special. +Spd/-Res would have been good 4 years ago, but not anymore. I can't even be bothered to level you, so merge fodder for my neutral +1 copy.

This banner genuinely hates me. 17 orbs left.

  1. 3* Jeorge: No.

Still nothing from this banner. I've spent ~250 orbs and gotten a grand total of one pitybreaker and two garbage 4* Specials.

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Still no Legendary Ephraim, but I did free pull my first original Azura. Maybe this bodes well for me getting her singing son when the Performing Arts banner reruns.

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I wasn't planning on pulling on anything, but Deirdre's revival banner dropped today and i just couldn't ignore it. with about 143 orbs i thought it was fine to see if i go down to a 100. and so:

2 Deirdre

1 Annette

I keep dreaming i can one day +10 her, but i'll have to wait until she shows up again in some form of seasonal alt since revival banners are about once a year. for now, i'm only focused on her legendary.


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And they're -atk. Because of course they are.

That's fine, nothing that can't be fixed with trait fruits.

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I got a -Spd 5 star Jeorge from the VG banner. I couldn't even try for Igrene because of course there's no red orbs on the circle. Ehh, I'm keeping him around to feather hunt during the VG, then he''ll go into oblivion in one of my reserves.

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This banner hurt, but I got what I wanted. 

This banner drained me of my main stash, my backup stashes, and even forced me to splurge a little just to get L!Chrom and L!Byleth. But I got them...L!Chrom came in right about when I realistically expected a hero to, while L!Byleth came in after exhausting my main supply, my backup orb supply, and forcing me to splurge a little real-life money. He showed up on my FINAL FOUR ORBS in a summoning circle with THREE GREENS. I chose two, and blessedly, that last one was L!Byleth. Granted, at that point, I was just looking for a pity-breaker to save me from that 14%, but I'm very happy it was the unit I wanted. 

Other than that, this banner was meh. I got a nice 4*-to-5* Dreamer Corrin (that went immediately to the barracks since I have one already), a few more Orochi's, a Seteth, and probably enough Lex's to fully 5* +10 the unit if I had enough feathers*, but sheesh was this an expensive banner...

The rest of the year will be low on spending, and I'm fine with that. I'm not a big seasonal banner person outside of a few favorites that I've already got; besides, I'd rather look forward to saving for next year's summer. 

Otr will have to wait for a Legendary Heroes Remix banner, and frankly, I'm fine with that too. 


*Currenlty working on Kaze, Seteth, and Knoll. Once those three are finished, I'll probably move to Mustafa and Lex next, with Orochi next on the docket. 

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