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3 hours ago, Rezzy said:

Off the top of my head, Camilla, Spring Camilla, Spring Lucina, Rebecca, Ephraim, Effie, Faye, Baby Tiki.

I think my most common bane is Res. Lessee, Lyn, Ryoma, Eirika, Seliph, Minerva, Reinhardt, and Lyn again

-Atk is 2nd common for me: Julia (why), Azura, Lucius, Palla, Eirika

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23 minutes ago, Extrasolar said:

Aw crap, I feel bad haha. I know I'm not responsible, but geez... I've seen a couple of other -Atk Alms in here, and I didn't mean to hex you or anyone else with the -Atk Alm curse.

At least you know there are others (Rezzy most of all, and looks like LuxSpecs isn't far behind) that share your pain? It's somewhat comforting to me. :P:

And, huh, I didn't even know there was a 4* Seliph at all. Guess that gets my hopes up that Alm will be released as a 4* after the banner, so hopefully I can get one with a better nature and promote him if need be.

I was the opposite. I pulled a Faye first, and then an Alm. Looks like her man he came to her for once.

As a side note, one of Alm's quotes is wondering where Celica is...and one of Faye's quotes is wondering what Alm is thinking at the moment. I've seen that scenario before. Lol.

Wow... I've gotten repeated units in the same pull before (the most notable example is two 3* Matthew, and then a 4* Matthew), but never have I had the luck of three 5* pulls in one batch, duplicate or not. That's insane. I wonder just what the mathematical odds of that are.

The Faye spam is real, lol.

Now if I could only pull 3 Alms in one session...

Happy late birthday, by the way!

Yeah, those are what my pulls looked like for a while before Faye and Alm broke the streak... I feel like my luck rolls in waves. Sometimes it's great (pulling 5* Seliph and 5* Julia back during that banner as my first and second ever pulls, respectively), and sometimes it's awful enough that I get like two 3* Firs, two 3* Matthews, a 3* Barst, like a 3* Hinata or something.

Ah, I think you quoted me quoting other peeps, but thanks!

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3 hours ago, Extrasolar said:

Aw crap, I feel bad haha. I know I'm not responsible, but geez... I've seen a couple of other -Atk Alms in here, and I didn't mean to hex you or anyone else with the -Atk Alm curse.

At least you know there are others (Rezzy most of all, and looks like LuxSpecs isn't far behind) that share your pain? It's somewhat comforting to me. :P:

And, huh, I didn't even know there was a 4* Seliph at all. Guess that gets my hopes up that Alm will be released as a 4* after the banner, so hopefully I can get one with a better nature and promote him if need be.

I was the opposite. I pulled a Faye first, and then an Alm. Looks like her man he came to her for once.

As a side note, one of Alm's quotes is wondering where Celica is...and one of Faye's quotes is wondering what Alm is thinking at the moment. I've seen that scenario before. Lol.

Wow... I've gotten repeated units in the same pull before (the most notable example is two 3* Matthew, and then a 4* Matthew), but never have I had the luck of three 5* pulls in one batch, duplicate or not. That's insane. I wonder just what the mathematical odds of that are.

The Faye spam is real, lol.

Now if I could only pull 3 Alms in one session...

Happy late birthday, by the way!

Yeah, those are what my pulls looked like for a while before Faye and Alm broke the streak... I feel like my luck rolls in waves. Sometimes it's great (pulling 5* Seliph and 5* Julia back during that banner as my first and second ever pulls, respectively), and sometimes it's awful enough that I get like two 3* Firs, two 3* Matthews, a 3* Barst, like a 3* Hinata or something.

Now I feel bad


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4 minutes ago, Shoeboogie said:

Now I feel bad


Oh my why can't this happen to me? The only time I've pulled more than one 5* in a single summon was when I pulled my Karel and Sakura. Then the next day my friend pulled 5* Jaffar, Ninian, Lyn AND Takumi in one summon. All I want from this banner is Lukas, why can't I have him lmao one of my friends pulled 3 in the same summon I'm like pls go die

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24 minutes ago, Shoeboogie said:

Now I feel bad


You must have given Anna a Full grown cow. I remember I did the same when I did my double 5 star pull on Karel and Jaffar


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The first and only double 5* pull I had was, funny enough, my first ever two pulls in the game, Seliph and Julia.

Which, now that I think about it, is also really thematically appropriate. :lol:

Kiran must've been playing a lot of FE4 that day...

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Had a crummy day, so I pulled 2 units to (hopefully) feel better. The result was...

Raven 4* +Atk, -Def

Catria 4* Neutral (New unit!)

Not a bad outcome at all!  I've been wanting a Catria, and her stats are fairly balanced so a neutral boon/bane fits nicely. This Raven fills in for my previous 4* Raven who got promoted and fed to Cherche. 

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Alm's for the poor



And he's +Spd,-Def, too.  Thankfully a good nature for a change!

I'm torn, since I've already trained Faye up, but I think Alm might be better, what to do...

I've actually had pretty good luck this Banner,

4 hours ago, Shoeboogie said:

Now I feel bad


But, not as good as you.  I wonder if I should quit while I'm ahead.

7 hours ago, pianime94 said:

I think my most common bane is Res. Lessee, Lyn, Ryoma, Eirika, Seliph, Minerva, Reinhardt, and Lyn again

-Atk is 2nd common for me: Julia (why), Azura, Lucius, Palla, Eirika

Thankfully, Res is a pretty good bane for a lot of units.

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Ok get ready for me to throw my salt everywhere.



WHY CAN'T THIS HAPPEN ON MY MAIN ACCOUNT?! Literally all I need is Lukas and I go off my account for 5 seconds and summon on an unlinked profile just for fun and the first thing I pull is Lukas. My luck is never this good on my normal account.

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2 hours ago, MidnightFE said:

Ok get ready for me to throw my salt everywhere.

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WHY CAN'T THIS HAPPEN ON MY MAIN ACCOUNT?! Literally all I need is Lukas and I go off my account for 5 seconds and summon on an unlinked profile just for fun and the first thing I pull is Lukas. My luck is never this good on my normal account.

Second Acoounts are statistically proven to sap all the luck out of your main account due to extensive anecdotal evidence.

I got Minerva and Azura on my second F2P Tablet account.

Make sure to drink plenty of water, excess sodium can dehydrate you.

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2 hours ago, MidnightFE said:

Ok get ready for me to throw my salt everywhere.

I don't want your salt dude!

Besides, everyone knows second accounts are way better than main accounts!

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4 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

I don't want your salt dude!

Besides, everyone knows second accounts are way better than main accounts!

For every secondary account better than my main, I've rolled hundreds that were worse.


(I know you were joking, of course.)

Edited by DehNutCase
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"I really need someone with Hone Speed, so I can put it on Ephraim.  That way, he can be a tanky, angry version of his sister."

Total character pull count: 138




Yes, my jaw dropped.  So, here's everyone's boons/banes:

- 5* Ryoma (+Spd/-Def): WTF GET ON THE ARENA TEAM NOW!  That's 5* the tenth, and I am NOT complaining!  It'll drop my arena score a bit because not much beats Young Tiki, but it's an acceptable sacrifice.  This means that Ephraim keeps Threaten Defense, and my arena team will be Ryoma, Ephraim, Spring Camilla, and Virion.  Let the Speed shenanigans commence!  Virion will inherit Rally Resistance and Fortify Resistance, one day.
- 4* Abel (+Res/-HP): Still usable!  Need to think about what I want to do with him, though.
- 4* Stahl (+Res/-Def): I guess?  Need to compare him with the other one I have leveled.  He may donate a Ruby Sword and Def +2 to someone (like Olivia).
- 3* Eliwood (+Spd/-Def): I think I have one with the exact same boon/bane combo.  Who wants Axebreaker?
- 3* Raigh (+Spd/-Atk): I need to run some numbers to see if this is better than +Res/-HP.  Gut says yes, since his job isn't to ORKO things, and the extra Speed means that the 36 Speed guys can't double him (in other words, Lucina).



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5 hours ago, DehNutCase said:

For every secondary account better than my main, I've rolled hundreds that were worse.

All that means is you didn't play on those accounts long enough for them to out-strip your main. Stop deluding yourself and awaken to the truth!

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I had 30 orbs again and decided to blow them again in search of Karel, Lyn, or any other red I might stumble upon. It… didn't quite work out.

Pull 1: 1 red, 3 greys, 1 green (3⋆ Draug) (30→25);
Pull 2: 1 green, 3 reds, 1 blue (3⋆ Hinata, 3⋆ Hinata, 3⋆ Eliwood, 3⋆ Arthur, 4⋆ Donnel) (25→20) ← made a full pull for some reason here, this is full of shit;
Pull 3: 2 greys, 1 green, 2 blues (3⋆ Barst) (5→0) ← no reds here, randomly chose green in hopes of Julia or Hector and of course got shit.

Assets and flaws of the gang:

⋆⋆⋆ Draug A +Def −Res
⋆⋆⋆ Hinata   +Def −Spd
⋆⋆⋆ Hinata   +Atk −Res
⋆⋆⋆ Eliwood C +Def −Res
⋆⋆⋆ Arthur   +Def −Res
⋆⋆⋆⋆ Donnel   +Atk −HP
⋆⋆⋆ Barst   +HP −Spd

+Def, −Res roll sure loved me this session. All is shit, shit is all, woe is me.


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17 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

I had 30 orbs again and decided to blow them again in search of Karel, Lyn, or any other red I might stumble upon. It… didn't quite work out.

Pull 1: 1 red, 3 greys, 1 green (3⋆ Draug) (30→25);
Pull 2: 1 green, 3 reds, 1 blue (3⋆ Hinata, 3⋆ Hinata, 3⋆ Eliwood, 3⋆ Arthur, 4⋆ Donnel) (25→20) ← made a full pull for some reason here, this is full of shit;
Pull 3: 2 greys, 1 green, 2 blues (3⋆ Barst) (5→0) ← no reds here, randomly chose green in hopes of Julia or Hector and of course got shit.

Assets and flaws of the gang:

⋆⋆⋆ Draug A +Def −Res
⋆⋆⋆ Hinata   +Def −Spd
⋆⋆⋆ Hinata   +Atk −Res
⋆⋆⋆ Eliwood C +Def −Res
⋆⋆⋆ Arthur   +Def −Res
⋆⋆⋆⋆ Donnel   +Atk −HP
⋆⋆⋆ Barst   +HP −Spd

+Def, −Res roll sure loved me this session. All is shit, shit is all, woe is me.


I see a hilarious Hinata boon/bane combo, and a godly Donnel one.  Give the latter something like Moonbow and watch the fireworks.  The former is an armor unit with two move.

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19 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

I had 30 orbs again and decided to blow them again in search of Karel, Lyn, or any other red I might stumble upon. It… didn't quite work out.

Pull 1: 1 red, 3 greys, 1 green (3⋆ Draug) (30→25);
Pull 2: 1 green, 3 reds, 1 blue (3⋆ Hinata, 3⋆ Hinata, 3⋆ Eliwood, 3⋆ Arthur, 4⋆ Donnel) (25→20) ← made a full pull for some reason here, this is full of shit;
Pull 3: 2 greys, 1 green, 2 blues (3⋆ Barst) (5→0) ← no reds here, randomly chose green in hopes of Julia or Hector and of course got shit.

Assets and flaws of the gang:

⋆⋆⋆ Draug A +Def −Res
⋆⋆⋆ Hinata   +Def −Spd
⋆⋆⋆ Hinata   +Atk −Res
⋆⋆⋆ Eliwood C +Def −Res
⋆⋆⋆ Arthur   +Def −Res
⋆⋆⋆⋆ Donnel   +Atk −HP
⋆⋆⋆ Barst   +HP −Spd

+Def, −Res roll sure loved me this session. All is shit, shit is all, woe is me.


Okay I'm going to meme a bit and only talk about Donnel since Donnel is a legendary meme. In all honesty that +Atk is really good for him since he comes with Brave Lance if I'm not mistaken. I'd recommend doing something with that such as slap Dragon Fang/Draconic Aura or Moonbow on him. Also if you actually want to do something with that Donnel, which isn't the smartest idea in my opinion since there are many better lance users, you could give him fury 3, seal atk 3, and threaten def 3 or something like that.

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10 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

Welp I just pulled a second Alm. This one's +HP -Def, which is whatever I guess. Better than my -Atk one. Should I merge? I'm not sure if Windsweep will ever be useful to pass on to someone.

Depends on what the boon is on your -Atk Alm. In my opinion, -Def Alm is worse than -Atk Alm in terms of how much lower the bane makes each stat. As to whether you should pass Windsweep, I'm not sure. All I can say is that Wary Fighter is pretty similar to Windsweep but Windsweep can always be in effect whereas Wary Fighter 3 is only in effect when a unit is at 50%HP or above so it'd be worth looking into depending on the unit. If they have high speed and attack but somewhat low HP, that sounds like it could be worth your while since neither of your Alms have good boon/bane.

EDIT: Be sure to take into account that Windsweep only activates when you initiate combat. Wary Fighter is in effect no matter who initiates combat.

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1 minute ago, MidnightFE said:

Depends on what the boon is on your -Atk Alm. In my opinion, -Def Alm is worse than -Atk Alm in terms of how much lower the bane makes each stat. As to whether you should pass Windsweep, I'm not sure. All I can say is that Wary Fighter is pretty similar to Windsweep but Windsweep can always be in effect whereas Wary Fighter 3 is only in effect when a unit is at 50%HP or above so it'd be worth looking into depending on the unit. If they have high speed and attack but somewhat low HP, that sounds like it could be worth your while since neither of your Alms have good boon/bane.

EDIT: Be sure to take into account that Windsweep only activates when you initiate combat. Wary Fighter is in effect no matter who initiates combat.

The -Atk one is +HP.

Also, Wary Fighter is Armors only, so it doesn't really matter to me.

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7 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

The -Atk one is +HP.

Also, Wary Fighter is Armors only, so it doesn't really matter to me.

Ohh ehhhhhhhh...

Well I hate to say this but a +HP boon doesn't do all that much for Alm. To accommodate for that -atk, you could give that Alm Death Blow and keep Windsweep since his speed is decent and he lacks a little in def. If you can think of a character that could use Windsweep, save your other Alm to pass it, but otherwise merge him. Wait for others opinions tho because I've barely slept and I don't trust my thoughts rn lmao.\

EDIT: I forgot for a moment that Wary Fighter is Armor only, my bad.

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