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After 3 banners and 200 hundred orbs wasted getting only crappy 3 and 4* stars today finally got lucky with my hero fest pull. I aimed for an Hector and... I got two! 


They are +spd -res and +def -spd  I guess the best one is the +def right? since speed doesn't matter much on him.


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6 minutes ago, Thalyon said:

They are +spd -res and +def -spd  I guess the best one is the +def right? since speed doesn't matter much on him.

Yea take Mr. +Def


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I decided to pull just once, just to scratch the itch.

4* Clair (neutral)

I wanted to get her at some point, so it was nice. But I wanted Hector, yet green orbs continue to evade me. The 5% chance isn't doing me any favors this time around.

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in my continuous search for Hector, i pulled two non-focus 5 stars?? pretty cool!


they're BOTH +Def/-Res hmmm.

and then my next pull...


she's +Spd/-Res. -Res for days in here. i haven't had luck like this in a while though. the game must be celebrating the fact that today was my last day of finals~

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Well, I pulled another Ike.


This Ike is the opposite of my last one, -HP,+Res.  I'm not sure whether to merge them, use both, or maybe use him for skills, but I'm wary about sacrificing 5* exclusives for skills.

The rest were

4* Lachesis -Atk,+Spd

4* Priscilla +HP,-Def

4* Clarine +HP,-Atk,

3* Felicia -Atk,+Spd

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Sooo, got Ryoma in my last full pull, got my 20 orbs together for one last attempt at the juicy 5% and got this in the next full attempt.



Fascinating. Only getting reds was kinda a bummer as I wanted the other  colours more, but I couldn't waste any orbs, not on this banner, where every colour is a good pick. Oh well, farewell Hector and Azura, you will forever be lost in the pool of 5* units.

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So, after a lot of thinking, I deccided to use my orbs to pull from the hero fest banner for Azura, instead of saving them for the mage banner to try and get Linde and Sanaki.

So of course I pull Linde instead of Azura...

I really can't complain, since I wanted her almost as much as Azura, but it's still weird. On that note, how good is a +atk -res Nature on Linde? I'm guessing +spd would have been better, but it's still good right?

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My Linda is +Def and -Res. And she does fine.

I didn't even know her nature until now.

I mean I don't get why natures are so important to people. Like unless you're in the upper 4.8k points in the arena, does nature really matter that much?

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1 minute ago, shadowofchaos said:

My Linda is +Def and -Res. And she does fine.

I didn't even know her nature until now.

I mean I don't get why natures are so important to people. Like unless you're in the upper 4.8k points in the arena, does nature really matter that much?

Yeah, fair enough. I'd still use her even if her nature is bad and my Takumi and Klein are -atk and still doing fine. She is compting with a +atk Reinhard for a spot on my team though, but Nino really likes that fortify res, so it should be fine.

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I finally got 5 orbs this morning so I decided to do one pull in the Xander banner and the result was this:



She's +Res/-HP so I think I'll just merge her in my neutral Linde, but still I'm really happy with this pull.

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Alright, I built up another set of 20 for the gold banner. With 80 orbs total, surely I will obtain at least one 5 star as my appearance rate approaches 10%. And...!



What a load of pegasus dung. There's no way I'll build up another 20 by May 7th. I need to take a day to meditate on whether I should put money down. It's not like I'm short for cash, I would just be real embarrassed if I pulled again and got nothing. And the 10% odds! It's like I'm back in Vegas rn. Argh!

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50 minutes ago, Gustavos said:

Alright, I built up another set of 20 for the gold banner. With 80 orbs total, surely I will obtain at least one 5 star as my appearance rate approaches 10%. And...!

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What a load of pegasus dung. There's no way I'll build up another 20 by May 7th. I need to take a day to meditate on whether I should put money down. It's not like I'm short for cash, I would just be real embarrassed if I pulled again and got nothing. And the 10% odds! It's like I'm back in Vegas rn. Argh!

I know that feeling, its either or. 10% ap rate doesnt come by easily. On the other hand a high ap rate means nothing if you dont pull.

However, a high ap rate can mean more than on 5* if u do a full summon.

Its up to you!

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4 hours ago, shadowofchaos said:

My Linda is +Def and -Res. And she does fine.

I didn't even know her nature until now.

I mean I don't get why natures are so important to people. Like unless you're in the upper 4.8k points in the arena, does nature really matter that much?

Nature matters sort of. A better nature means a better fighting chance. The difference between Linde taking out takumi OHKO or Linde dying while trying.

Of course its again, pure luck, but chances are one day you will get another and then you may want to keep the better one.

If you unlock potential, you might want to have a look at what you are upgrading. I think it was my fifth or sixth 3*Nino that came with +SPD-HP. +SPD is definitely the better Nino, if I had just upgraded what I got, neutral SPD or -SPD, then I would have just invested lots of feathers and not have gotten the very best result.

BTW have a mediocre 5* Nowi, chances are I might get +SPD Nowi one day, maybe she is gonna be 4* - so I might actually upgrade and merge her with my existing Nowi.



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20 minutes ago, Jedrus Lilac said:

Nature matters sort of. A better nature means a better fighting chance. The difference between Linde taking out takumi OHKO or Linde dying while trying.

Of course its again, pure luck, but chances are one day you will get another and then you may want to keep the better one.

If you unlock potential, you might want to have a look at what you are upgrading. I think it was my fifth or sixth 3*Nino that came with +SPD-HP. +SPD is definitely the better Nino, if I had just upgraded what I got, neutral SPD or -SPD, then I would have just invested lots of feathers and not have gotten the very best result.

BTW have a mediocre 5* Nowi, chances are I might get +SPD Nowi one day, maybe she is gonna be 4* - so I might actually upgrade and merge her with my existing Nowi.



I'm one of the players that don't care about nature.

Considering how 4k is enough for 2500 feathers, it's meh to me.

7 deathless runs with a unit gives the same matchups and point ceiling as another same unit with a better nature so I don't fuss over it.

What I do fuss over is strategery with what I have. Like, I'm not gonna go looking for skills that fit her matchups.

I'm looking for a Sol for Linda, because light magic user and her line "Hikari yo!"

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30 minutes ago, shadowofchaos said:

I'm one of the players that don't care about nature.

Considering how 4k is enough for 2500 feathers, it's meh to me.

7 deathless runs with a unit gives the same matchups and point ceiling as another same unit with a better nature so I don't fuss over it.

What I do fuss over is strategery with what I have. Like, I'm not gonna go looking for skills that fit her matchups.

I'm looking for a Sol for Linda, because light magic user and her line "Hikari yo!"

I view it more like a side quest of sorts. Like I said what u get is based on luck, so if I ever get lucky to merge two 5* heroes I will try to make the most of it. 

Of course 2500 feathers is OK - I managed to get 4000 last week due to a deathless run - this week I have failed so far - probably bad strategy (dont like to blame my units!) - but like I said sometimes Linde will OHKO Takumi and sometimes not - so should I ever get a better Linde I will definitely merge the Linde that I have got and get a better unit.

Just btw - I like the other sets of arena maps better I guess - I have the feeling that  Iperform worse on the current ones. Wonder what the maps will be like after the update.

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5 hours ago, shadowofchaos said:

My Linda is +Def and -Res. And she does fine.

I didn't even know her nature until now.

I mean I don't get why natures are so important to people. Like unless you're in the upper 4.8k points in the arena, does nature really matter that much?

+Spd natures double -Spd natures. Also, a lot of KOs are nearly exact, so -Atk can ruin some units.

The very best units (like Linde or Cordelia), have spreads so good that even the worst possible IVs make one of the best offenses units, but a lot of borderline units become nearly unusable with a crippling bane. (Ex. just imagine what happens to Setsuna with -Atk.)

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7 minutes ago, DehNutCase said:

+Spd natures double -Spd natures. Also, a lot of KOs are nearly exact, so -Atk can ruin some units.

"Ruin some units" seems a bit of an extreme unless you're in the upper levels of the arena.

Regardless I'll stop getting the pull topic off topic.

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Decided to try again for Titania and Ike (or Eirika/M!Corrin/Tharja).

Got Titania and Tharja, so two new units :D Annoyingly, used all my orbs and still no M!Corrin. Why does that boy hate me so >.<

Got more lovely vantage and swap fodder to add to that, so I'm happy enough. I'm going to keep going for M!Corrin and Klein. They've become my two most wanted units since they're 4* and refuse to drop for me!

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With my alternate account, I finally pulled Hector after about 70 orbs.  It would've been impossible on my main account since there aren't nearly that many orbs left to get.  Perhaps at some point, I'll get enough to pull a Ryoma or a Takumi before the banner is out, but so far everything I've pulled on there is a 3* dupe.  In my most recent full pull:

3* Lon'qu

3* Wrys

3* Fir

3* Gordin

5* Hector

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1 hour ago, mewyeon said:

With my alternate account, I finally pulled Hector after about 70 orbs.  It would've been impossible on my main account since there aren't nearly that many orbs left to get.  Perhaps at some point, I'll get enough to pull a Ryoma or a Takumi before the banner is out, but so far everything I've pulled on there is a 3* dupe.  In my most recent full pull:

3* Lon'qu Vantage fodder

3* Wrys

3* Fir Iceberg

3* Gordin Atk 3

5* Ax user of death Hector

You are one of the fellow members of the free to play club, right?

It seems we've both got something good on this one XD. Congrats!

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On 5/2/2017 at 11:17 AM, shadowofchaos said:

Sorry for going off topic, but is there a way to move the posts in the General Discussion or Arena threads?

Is there a way?  Yes.  Do I have time?  No.  I'm in the middle of moving.

EDIT: Oh, right, An Actual Pull.  Total pulled units: 158



And now, the thing that few people care about: boons and banes:


Oboro (+Spd/-Res): 30 Speed is respectable.  This one should make good use of Fury/Ignis!  Not bad for my first Oboro!
Clair (+Res/-HP): I guess it could be worse.  36 Res means that she's gonna tank mages like no one's business.  26 Atk worries me, though.  Regardless, I have a target for Iceberg~!
Jakob (+HP/-Atk): . . .not again.  Welp, let's see who works with Renewal 2 and Rally Resistance.
Draug (+Def/-Spd): Perfect wall stats.  Really wants Bonfire.
Clarine (+HP/-Atk): I think Maria can make use of Martyr/Fear.

This was a very interesting pull.  Will definitely need to think about how to use these guys, since I can't pull Bonfire/Ignis to save my life.


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