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Spent... an embarrassing amount of money on the Path of Radiance banner, haha. Pulled three Oscars (one got burned to give Sharena Lancebreaker3, since I didn't have enough Narcians), two Nephenees, and one Elincia (finally! Thank you, free orbs!!)

Haven't been luckiest with their IVs, though; Nephenees are +Res/-Atk and +Res/-Spd, and then Elincia is +Def/-Atk.

Having the unit at all is way better than not, though! I'll take what I can get.

Was pretty frustrating spending the orbs I'd bought initially trying to get Elincia, though. My initial wave of orbs gave me my Nephenees and a neutral Oscar, which was when I started splurging. I stopped pulling blue and red (with the intent of maybe also grabbing a +Atk or +Spd Nephenee) after I pulled two more Oscars, and had my 5* rate broken twice, once by Karel and another time by a (poor IV'd) CorrinM. Eugh.

At least I can send Karel's Wo Dao+ to someone who can use it better! Not sure who yet, though.

I really hope all y'all have good luck with the free TT orbs in a few days!

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I want to get a better Elincia, so let's go!

1 Green, Colourless, 3 Blue

3* F!Corrin (Well, it's Draconic Aura Fodder.)

3 Blue, 2 Green (The game knows guys.)

4* Cordelia (NEW UNIT TIME! She's +HP/-Def, so I might just hope I get better Not as good fodder as I expected)

2 Red, Blue, 1 Green (I would have quit if there were no reds here)

4* Stahl (THE CURSE STRIKES AGAIN! He keeps showing up at 4*, wasting my time. +HP/-Def, no point again), 4* Henry (Now this is more useable fodder! He's +Def/-HP, don't care)

2 Green, Blue, 1 Red

4* Raigh (Again with the irrelevant units! +Res/-HP, you're getting sent off)

3.25% chance is against me, but still. 3 Red, 1 Blue, Colourless

4* Henry (OH YOU! +Spd/-HP, it's fodder for you), 4* Hana (Well, she's +Att/-Spd, so she's fodder), 3* Draug (Ward Armour fodder is nice with BK coming to replace my Draug)

2 Colourless, 1 Red, Blue, Green

4* Laslow (+Def/-HP, could have been great, but he's decidedly meh)

3 Blue, 1 Red, Colourless

4* Raigh (I think he's my most common dupe now. Stop. It. Especially with +Res/-Att)

3 Blue, 2 Green

3* Sully (Been a while since I pulled her. She's Neutral, and better than the one lying around I think)

2 Red, 1 each Blue, Green, Colourless

4* Palla (Hey look, more fodder! +Att/-Res, she's a great nature too. I think my raised one is +Spd, I could go with either one), 4* Ogma (Not pulled him in ages. +Att/-Spd, the opposite of the one I have. Another tough one)

3 Blue, 2 Red

5* Chrom (FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU- He's +Res/-Def. This might be the most frustrating pull since Peri in May. At least he has Aether to Sacrifice right?), 3* A!Tiki (If she'd been Elincia, this would have been worth it. As is, dammit), 4* M!Robin (More Bonfire fodder!), 4* Sully (Well, she's +Att, so could be worse), 5* Nehpenee (The rumoured goddess halberdier is here! +Spd/-Def, THAT SPEED THOUGH)

I will get the screenshot as proof of 2 5-stars up later. WOW. Not what I was looking for, but some happy accidents for me and a stunning finish.

Edited by Dayni
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Ughhhhh my Gawwwwwwwwd, maaaaanggg!


Anyone who's seen my post in the Worst Mistakes in FEH thread knows I paid for 280 orbs this month.  With my recent stretch of luck, I figured I'd go ahead and pull for the Dauntless Crimean banner since I've been lusting after a shiny new Elincia for a minute now; would probably get her early on and would either try my luck on the Ike banner or just sit on what remained of my cache and see if anything interesting comes up for the Halloween banner (Speaking of seasonal banners, who else is eyeing themselves a Santa Tharja for Christmas? xD)


Welp, I've clearly expended my luck.  Sorta.  See, I spent every single orb in my attempt to get Elincia and failed to acquire even a crappy IV one.  However, I DID get a couple of decent goodies.  I got me a Sonya with +HP and -Res (5* obviously; also, Dammit), a 5* Titania with +HP and --Spd (Dammit), and a 5* Rebecca (I'm in the middle of leveling her up and can't recall her initial IVs).  Oh, and I pulled another Nephenee which I immediately fused with my current Nephenee to create a Super Sai- urm, Nephenee.


Outside of that, I pulled 5 freaking Olivias (merged with my current main one to make a +5 4* Olivia with near boon stats in three areas and almost neutral attack), 4 Tharjas, at least 3 Henrys and a whole bunch more of Sword and Lance fodder along with a cache of 3* healers that I plan on sending home.


I bought another 48 orbs trying my hand at getting her one more time, but again, no luck.  I'm currently sitting 14 orbs, and plan on grinding out more of them over the next couple weeks through the TT.  All in all, a decent haul, though I fear I'll run out of chances to grab the Amati Wielder before the banner expires.

Edited by Selena4Lyfe
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I was sniping reds until I got no reds, one green, and decided "Hey what could go wrong?" I pull it, and get a god damn Soren -HP/+Res, and completely destroy by rate. Fuucccc.

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Seems the game doesn't want me to get Ike. I think this is the 4th? banner he's been on and despite sniping reds looking for him, I always seem to get someone else. Got to 4.50% on the tempest banner only to get Ogma. The good news is he is +spd/-res. Decided to finish the session and also got Ninian(+res/-def) and Hawkeye(+atk/-def). I would of preferred different units as I already have all 3 of them, but I'll take it. I'll start saving orbs for the next banner now

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I got Ninian, so I figured I'd go back to trying for Elincia/Nephenee/Oscar (I'd be happy with all of them, but priorities are in that order). Got 21 orbs total thanks to the new Warriors maps, so lets go!

First session, only one red, and it's another 4-star Caeda. +Spd/-HP. I have enough Caedas for a 4-star +6, and I've still never pulled on that was +Atk. I want to promote her someday, but without a perfectly ideal nature, I think I'll give non-sword units priority for now. It's a bit hard to justify promoting another sword user when 13 of my 5-stars are specifically sword users.

Anyway, I backed out, and got another single red, with a +Def/-Atk 4-star Seliph. I already have a +Atk/-Spd Seliph at 5-star, so this one'll be Sent Home. I decided to stay in and spend the last of my usable orbs on the two blues that were also there. One was a 4-star Oboro, +Spd/-HP. Not as good as my +Atk/-HP Oboro that I have, so she was also Sent Home. Final blue was a 4-star Est. I didn't even check her boon/bane, because I already have one that's +Atk at 5-stars, and I don't have a use for any of her skills. So that's 900 feathers and +1 to two of Caeda's stats. Not the worst, but definitely not the best. Most if not all of the Tempest orbs will be spent on this banner, though, so Elincia and friends may come home yet.

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All right. I saved 100 orbs which was the challenge my boyfriend gave me. I managed to do it which meant I could do some pulls without going overboard. Well...maybe I went a little overboard. But I decided that I'd be really happy to get either Nephenee or Oscar, so I gave it my best shot. 

I managed to snag a Lukas who is +ATK -RES which is probably better than my +ATK -SPD one. I may promote him and merge him into my existing one. Then came Oboro and two Peris. And Roderick!  Fingers crossed that he's a good nature. I want to promote him. Nope. +RES -SPD. Poor guy. And  Shanna. Yay Desperation! Next was Caeda, and I had my fingers crossed for +ATK but alas, she was +DEF -RES. Maybe next time. I'm tempted to start building my +SPD version of her...  I got another Raigh (more merges bwahahaha), A. Tiki, Effie, Sully, AAAAAAAAAND Nephenee. 

She's even +DEF -RES. Not bad if I do say so myself. I decided to finish out the circle to see what it gave me and I ended up with Henry, Ogma, Lon'qu, and Rebecca. Pretty good fodder overall. Man. I'm so happy. I got the character I wanted most, and I still have some orbs in the bank. We're probably guaranteed at least 40 orbs in the upcoming gauntlet. My stash will be replenished in no time!

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There she blows.



+ATK/-RES. Pretty happy with this I think. Was already ready for the tempest, but something tells me she'll wreck a bit more shop than Oscar. Boom~

And of course no summoning session is complete without-



This one's Marth #8. +DEF/-RES again. 3 more and I'll have enough to make a *5 +10.

The whole haul.



Lucius is +RES/-ATK. Anything that isn't -DEF is garbage honestly. Mae is +HP/-ATK and Tharja is neutral. 

Did one more session with my last 9 orbs and I got a Hana and a Laslow. All in all this was a good 29 orbs. But see... that bugs me because I have 2/3 of the units in this roster and I'm really starting to feel like Elincia was in one of those 3 orbs in that one session I didn't have enough for... Cain was in one and there were 2 more... had I pulled... I could maybe have her, maybe not but I'll never know. Either way today was a victory. Might try one last time for Elincia before the banner's end. No regrets.

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50 minutes ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

All right. I saved 100 orbs which was the challenge my boyfriend gave me. I managed to do it which meant I could do some pulls without going overboard. Well...maybe I went a little overboard. But I decided that I'd be really happy to get either Nephenee or Oscar, so I gave it my best shot. 

I managed to snag a Lukas who is +ATK -RES which is probably better than my +ATK -SPD one. I may promote him and merge him into my existing one. Then came Oboro and two Peris. And Roderick!  Fingers crossed that he's a good nature. I want to promote him. Nope. +RES -SPD. Poor guy. And  Shanna. Yay Desperation! Next was Caeda, and I had my fingers crossed for +ATK but alas, she was +DEF -RES. Maybe next time. I'm tempted to start building my +SPD version of her...  I got another Raigh (more merges bwahahaha), A. Tiki, Effie, Sully, AAAAAAAAAND Nephenee. 

She's even +DEF -RES. Not bad if I do say so myself. I decided to finish out the circle to see what it gave me and I ended up with Henry, Ogma, Lon'qu, and Rebecca. Pretty good fodder overall. Man. I'm so happy. I got the character I wanted most, and I still have some orbs in the bank. We're probably guaranteed at least 40 orbs in the upcoming gauntlet. My stash will be replenished in no time!

Congrats on your pulls and for saving up 100 orbs!  :):  It's tough!

I went through something similar recently.  I was developing a bit of a Heroes spending problem back in July.  I'm not at all opposed to the idea of spending some of my hard-earned money on some pulls, but I went way overboard one night after some bad luck.  My boyfriend made me promise that I wouldn't buy any orbs for all of August.  It was pretty tough, but I made it!  I agreed to only buy a Google Play card once a week from now on to keep track of my spending.  There's also the fact that I have a pretty good roster now, so it's becoming a little less tempting to pull for everything now.  (I still get really excited every time a new banner comes out, though.  I'm kind of a dork, heh.)  I've saved up ~100 free orbs a couple times now, and I felt so proud, haha... Little victories, right?  I never thought I would be able to save so many orbs before.  I have very little self-control when it comes to these kinds of things.

... I did warn my boyfriend that the little bit of self-control I have recently developed will go out the window if another version of Inigo gets released, though.  :sweatdrop:  That is my only exception now.  (Hopefully...)

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I've summoned nothing but 3* Corrin F, Sully, Jagen & Robin M for the last 7 summons. Waste of time.

My last 5* (Whilst attempting to get Nephenee) was an Oscar (Of course) with bad IV's to boot.

In all honesty, I'm almost done with this game. I rarely get anything good from summoning. I've been playing the game since day one and only really have summoned maybe 3 decent 5* units from a good 150+ summons. The rest I've had to promote from 4*. I'm struggling to build towards anything, team wise, as the game doesn't give me anything to work with. Why even bother.

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3 minutes ago, D4RTH said:

I've summoned nothing but 3* Corrin F, Sully, Jagen & Robin M for the last 7 summons. Waste of time.

My last 5* (Whilst attempting to get Nephenee) was an Oscar (Of course) with bad IV's to boot.

In all honesty, I'm almost done with this game. I rarely get anything good from summoning. I've been playing the game since day one and only really have summoned maybe 3 decent 5* units from a good 150+ summons. The rest I've had to promote from 4*. I'm struggling to build towards anything, team wise, as the game doesn't give me anything to work with. Why even bother.

Jeez, I though my early luck was bad. I think I had 4 5* units before the first Hero Fest from easily over 100 summons, and 2 of those had some actual IV issue. 

I'm actually curious as to your unit options, as that might help with figuring out what's best for promoting.

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23 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Jeez, I though my early luck was bad. I think I had 4 5* units before the first Hero Fest from easily over 100 summons, and 2 of those had some actual IV issue. 

I'm actually curious as to your unit options, as that might help with figuring out what's best for promoting.

The main issue I've got atm, is that everytime I summon from the blue stones, I get absolutely nothing. The best I've ever gotten from blue, was a Ninian (Not long ago and was my first and only blue dancer...) & a Nowi (Way, way back). It's given me the odd 5 star unit (Rarely), but when it has, it's generally been a low tier unit with bad IV's (Mae & Mathilda).

Ryoma, Brave Ike & Innes. The only 3 5* units I've ever pulled with good IV's (Kagero I guess as well, with neutral stats). Ninian has ok IV's, but not optimal.

Bad IV units that I currently use: Brave Roy, Cordelia (Yep, a shame), Julia, Lucina, Nowi & Sanaki.

Promotions: Effie, Nino, Reinhardt, Robin M, Tharja

Looking to promote Camus (Need that extra blue lance unit), Frederick, Olivia & Xander.

So yeah, overall, I've summoned really only the 3-4 optimal top tier 5* units. I'm not saying I don't get 5* units, but I do get a lot of junk that just sits there in the collection.

Thank god for the free summon Brave Lyn! :)

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2 hours ago, Infinite Dreams said:

Congrats on your pulls and for saving up 100 orbs!  :):  It's tough!

I went through something similar recently.  I was developing a bit of a Heroes spending problem back in July.  I'm not at all opposed to the idea of spending some of my hard-earned money on some pulls, but I went way overboard one night after some bad luck.  My boyfriend made me promise that I wouldn't buy any orbs for all of August.  It was pretty tough, but I made it!  I agreed to only buy a Google Play card once a week from now on to keep track of my spending.  There's also the fact that I have a pretty good roster now, so it's becoming a little less tempting to pull for everything now.  (I still get really excited every time a new banner comes out, though.  I'm kind of a dork, heh.)  I've saved up ~100 free orbs a couple times now, and I felt so proud, haha... Little victories, right?  I never thought I would be able to save so many orbs before.  I have very little self-control when it comes to these kinds of things.

... I did warn my boyfriend that the little bit of self-control I have recently developed will go out the window if another version of Inigo gets released, though.  :sweatdrop:  That is my only exception now.  (Hopefully...)

I swear we're twins or something. I was spending way too much money on the game. It was starting to become a problem. XD I had to get someone to block in app purchases on my phone. It seemed stupid at the time, but after trying and failing to break into it, I realized it was probably for the best. I think it's been about a month, and now I'm not too worried. XD Plus it's rewarding saving up the orbs. We'll just see how long I feel this way. 

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5 hours ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

All right. I saved 100 orbs which was the challenge my boyfriend gave me. I managed to do it which meant I could do some pulls without going overboard. Well...maybe I went a little overboard. But I decided that I'd be really happy to get either Nephenee or Oscar, so I gave it my best shot. 

I managed to snag a Lukas who is +ATK -RES which is probably better than my +ATK -SPD one. I may promote him and merge him into my existing one. Then came Oboro and two Peris. And Roderick!  Fingers crossed that he's a good nature. I want to promote him. Nope. +RES -SPD. Poor guy. And  Shanna. Yay Desperation! Next was Caeda, and I had my fingers crossed for +ATK but alas, she was +DEF -RES. Maybe next time. I'm tempted to start building my +SPD version of her...  I got another Raigh (more merges bwahahaha), A. Tiki, Effie, Sully, AAAAAAAAAND Nephenee. 

She's even +DEF -RES. Not bad if I do say so myself. I decided to finish out the circle to see what it gave me and I ended up with Henry, Ogma, Lon'qu, and Rebecca. Pretty good fodder overall. Man. I'm so happy. I got the character I wanted most, and I still have some orbs in the bank. We're probably guaranteed at least 40 orbs in the upcoming gauntlet. My stash will be replenished in no time!

Congrats! I was in a similar situation once. Originally I told myself never to buy orbs. But when I bought some orbs during the original Ike banner it slowly became a habit - for example when I ran out of orbs and the pity rate was high. I didnt necessarily mind the money but I had the feeling I didnt really get my moneys worth among others. Finally deleted the account and called it quits. Now I am back since the end if July entirely f2p. Its so much more rewarding to save up orbs. It was kind of tough on the biginning but I had some decent pulls and earned lots of feathers and once I got a decent roster together you feel like I dont necessarily need many more. 

Keep it up!

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Got the orbs together to do a freebie from Dauntless Crimeans, keep in mind I only have a 3% chance to get a 5* at all.

First 2 pulls, Serra and Felicia, nothing special.

5* Cordelia, +HP -Att. That's good Brave Lance fodder or, probably better, Galeforce.

4* Reinhardt, Neutral. Compared to the crap I've been getting out of Reins, this is probably the best I'm gonna be able to do for a long time.

5* Corrin. +Def -Att. Eh, could be better could be worse. I'm just glad to have some more 5* to throw around.

Summonings done with free orbs really do give me better results than when I splurge all the money...

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So uh... I had to. It was too embarassing to be the one guy who had so many Elincias and none of them be any good for one reason or another.

The results? Let's start from the top.

On top of my earlier post, featuring Cordelia and Corrin M at 5*, I got Abel at 5* Neutral. So not only do I have Brave Lance+ fodder with Galeforce, I now have Brave Lance+ fodder who is good for not much else.

It's about here that I realize I will never get Elincia if I keep with my usual "Summon from every Orb" strategy, so I begin sniping Reds. I eventually got another Elincia with a +Res -Def nature.

I unfortunately had to get more orbs at this point.

First summon after more orbs, nothing.

Second summon, Elincia appears.

...+Spd -Res. I couldn't be happier if I had also gotten Life and Death 3 fodder in the same summoning session.



...which I did. Jaffar +Res -HP.

So now I have the power to have an Elincia with +5 merge, Life and Death 3 without spending a single feather, and 42 speed at base.


I am officially DONE spending orbs now. I'll save up for the inevitable Harvest Event banner. As much as I am able to support this game, I like Pokemon a lot more.

Edited by Xenomata
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The Warriors farm allowed me to get 20 orbs for a full summon session (to try and get a better Elincia, although I still love my -Atk one Wry) and all I got was a pity breaker Oscar (+Atk -HP, he knows how to make the best out of a bad situation), a Sophia for my future 4*+10 and a bunch of trash in colorless hell.

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I went and tried for Oscar again. But wound up with this. o.o



+Atk, -Def too!

Neph is fodder since I don't care for her and she's +Res, -HP anyway. But still a good pull! Even if it's starting to look like my Seth quest all over again now. xP

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BHB Banner:

Just used my free summon for this one yesterday. Some time ago I jokingly told my friends, "maybe I'll get a third Ninian." Well, it happened. Got my third Ninian from the free summon. She's +Def/-Spd, which also means that this is the third time I pulled a -Spd Ninian. Just gotta figure out which one to keep and which one to merge.

Tellius banner:

With the orbs from the Warriors Maps, I decided to roll again. This time I got...

ELINCIA! Finally! She's +Spd/-Res, and while I have DB3 on her for the time being, maybe I'll give her LnD2 someday to quad more units.

After getting Elincia on the first pull of the session, I decided to pull the other orbs on the session and got:

3* Virion

4* Sheena

3* Fredward

4* Barst

Edited by Levin's Scarf
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Wow trying to pull Ike has never been harder. First I messed up with Soren, but now a 5* Alm just pops out with Atk boon, but a god damn Def bane.Other than that I got my first 4* Olivia..., and finally another Henry.

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Went for Elincia so only pulled reds. Ended up spending nearly 100 Orbs, but I won't post every image, so have the highlights:









I ended up getting Elincia, along with Seliph and Caeda, and tons of fodder.


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This is the second time I summon the 5* I want !!! (first one was Leo)

I can't believe it!!! I was going to stop after that 3*Sophia arrived, but then I say "Leaving with one more red orbs feels bad!! better open it!!!"

I'm so freaking happy that I didn't stoped!!!

Now, she is -Spd +Res, but I don't care! I'm going to give her Glaciates maybe, since I still have some Felicias after the failure that was my searching of Innes

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