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1 minute ago, Hilda said:

replace brash assault 3 with Quick riposte 3 seal and replace vengeful fighter 3 with bold fighter 3 and you have got yourself a nice LA hector.

Ah, that was what I wanted to do, but unfortunately I do not have a spare Hardin to give Hector Bold Fighter. And I've built an Armor Emblem team that is hopefully viable(?) that gives that combo to the actual Hardin, so I don't have Quick Riposte 3 for Hector either since you can only have one of each seal. :/ If I ever pull another Hardin, though, you bet I'll be immediately conducting a blood sacrifice in the name of turning Hector into a weapon of mass destruction.

I really do thank you for your input, though! Much appreciated.

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10 hours ago, Reddazrael said:

In the mean time, my attempt at Armor Emblem:

I personally don't like Pivot on a full armor team, especially if you have Armor March available. Swap and Reposition are more flexible.

If you have the resources, a good way to make a Valentine Hector that doesn't rely on Quick Riposte (or any of the Fighter skills, even) is to use Wrath (yes, that's still expensive). You don't need to hit twice if the opponent is dead in one hit from 95 effective Atk worth of damage (38 Atk + 16 Mt + 21 Bonfire + 10 Berserk Armads + 10 Wrath), 41 of which ignores the weapon triangle and 20 of which cannot be mitigated by Def.

I'm also not sure Deflect Magic helps Zelgius at all. First, you shouldn't be letting him get targeted by Reinhardt to begin with, and second, even with Deflect Magic, a buffed Reinhardt will still kill Zelgius unless you can get three stacks of Ward Armor on him (and you only have two stacks of Ward Armor available to him). Merges will help (I have no idea how many merges you have), but I will still argue that you should use a skill that is more generally useful than a skill that lets him survive attacks he has no reason to need to take in the first place (unless this team is for Arena defense).

Edited by Ice Dragon
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1 hour ago, Ice Dragon said:

I personally don't like Pivot on a full armor team, especially if you have Armor March available. Swap and Reposition are more flexible.

If you have the resources, a good way to make a Valentine Hector that doesn't rely on Quick Riposte (or any of the Fighter skills, even) is to use Wrath (yes, that's still expensive). You don't need to hit twice if the opponent is dead in one hit from 95 effective Atk worth of damage (38 Atk + 16 Mt + 21 Bonfire + 10 Berserk Armads + 10 Wrath), 41 of which ignores the weapon triangle and 20 of which cannot be mitigated by Def.

I'm also not sure Deflect Magic helps Zelgius at all. First, you shouldn't be letting him get targeted by Reinhardt to begin with, and second, even with Deflect Magic, a buffed Reinhardt will still kill Zelgius unless you can get three stacks of Ward Armor on him (and you only have two stacks of Ward Armor available to him). Merges will help (I have no idea how many merges you have), but I will still argue that you should use a skill that is more generally useful than a skill that lets him survive attacks he has no reason to need to take in the first place (unless this team is for Arena defense).

Thanks so much for all of your input! Unfortunately, I don't have Wrath available. I'm about one step away from sacrificing a goat in the name of summoning Nephenee, because so far I've had no luck in getting her. I wouldn't think twice before giving her Wrath to Hector.

I'll find another skill for Zelgius, then, especially as I don't have any merges. Would Atk Smoke 3 or Heavy Blade 3 be better choices?

I'll swap out Pivot for Reposition/Swap. Probably Reposition, actually, since I'm already going to put Swap on Hector and Robin.

Thanks again for taking the time to help!

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12 minutes ago, Reddazrael said:

Thanks so much for all of your input! Unfortunately, I don't have Wrath available. I'm about one step away from sacrificing a goat in the name of summoning Nephenee, because so far I've had no luck in getting her. I wouldn't think twice before giving her Wrath to Hector.

I'm in the opposite boat where I would love to give Hector (and a million other people) Wrath, but I refuse to give up 5-star exclusive characters before I get a +10 unless the skill is just too good to pass up (Distant Counter, Close Counter, Firesweep Bow) and the character holding the skill is on my meh list (Hector, Takumi, Faye).

That and the opposite boat where a Nephenee came to me as a pity breaker when I was pulling for Morgan.


14 minutes ago, Reddazrael said:

I'll find another skill for Zelgius, then, especially as I don't have any merges. Would Atk Smoke 3 or Heavy Blade 3 be better choices?

Atk Smoke is a great skill for pretty much anyone in the front lines if you're not sure what else to do.

Heavy Blade might not be quite as reliable since you're not running much in terms of Atk buffs (just Mirror Stance) on a character with high, but not overwhelmingly high, Atk.

Drive Def is also an option. Armored Boots could also work since you're only running one Armor March.

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On 18.3.2018 at 8:52 PM, Xenomata said:

-Hp on Shiro (despite being an HP superbane, you don't usually want to hurt Shiro's Def), and I'd personally pick +Spd on Sothe if you don't plan to give him Poison Dagger or Kitty Paddle.


On 18.3.2018 at 11:40 PM, XRay said:

I would go with Fury-Desperation or Life and Death-Desperation. I would also go with Hinoka's Spear [Spd] instead of the special Refinement if you do not find the special Refinement effect useful.

Okay, thank you both. :)

There are some further questions I've been thinking about recently though, so more opinions would be appreciated:

  • I've summoned a +Spd/-HP Nowi today, and I think I quite like the +Spd nature as it makes her rather hard to double, though I could switch to +Def/-Res alternatively. What should I use as her breath refinement and proc skill when the rest of the build will be pretty standard Fury+QR?
  • Similarly, proc and B slot for Hector (without access to Bold/Vengeful Fighter)? I know Vantage used to be common, but I'm not sure how good it is. Assuming he gets doubled and then doubles back with Bonfire, he wouldn't have a special charged for when he gets attacked later on, leaving him unable to OHKO out of Vantage. So maybe Vantage + Ignus, as his attack should be high enough to KO even without Bonfire on the first engagement, letting him hold onto the special for the second one? Or Renewal to keep the QR up?
  • Is +Res/-Spd Jaffar even worth using for something like, I dunno, maybe Poison Strike + Death Blow or should I instantly fodder him for LoD?
  • What builds does Valentine!Eliwood like? He's so very balanced for someone armored, I'm not quite sure what to do with him.
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59 minutes ago, Sias said:

I've summoned a +Spd/-HP Nowi today, and I think I quite like the +Spd nature as it makes her rather hard to double, though I could switch to +Def/-Res alternatively. What should I use as her breath refinement and proc skill when the rest of the build will be pretty standard Fury+QR?

You will need to Speed stack Nowi with Speed +3 AND Speed Refinement:

Nowi +Spd -HP
Lightning Breath [Spd], Bonfire
Steady Breath, Quick Riposte
Speed +3
Enemy +Spd, Fury overwrite
Enemy Phase 182:16:34

For comparison:

Nowi +Def -Spd
Lightning Breath [Def], Bonfire
Steady Breath, Quick Riposte
Close Def
Enemy +Spd, Fury overwrite
Enemy Phase 185:23:24

59 minutes ago, Sias said:

Similarly, proc and B slot for Hector (without access to Bold/Vengeful Fighter)? I know Vantage used to be common, but I'm not sure how good it is. Assuming he gets doubled and then doubles back with Bonfire, he wouldn't have a special charged for when he gets attacked later on, leaving him unable to OHKO out of Vantage. So maybe Vantage + Ignus, as his attack should be high enough to KO even without Bonfire on the first engagement, letting him hold onto the special for the second one? Or Renewal to keep the QR up?

Bonfire-Vantage Hector is generally better on a defense team to be super obnoxious.

If you are using him yourself, I would go with Guard and Cancel Affinity instead. Renewal is okay for points, but for the fast paced Arena, I am not sure if it can heal Hector quick enough.

Between Bonfire and Ignis, I would recommend Bonfire. Maximizing Hector's first round performance is generally better than nerfing his first round performance for a slightly better second round performance.

59 minutes ago, Sias said:

Is +Res/-Spd Jaffar even worth using for something like, I dunno, maybe Poison Strike + Death Blow or should I instantly fodder him for LoD?

I would use him as an Arena Assault and Grand Hero Battle unit. His Magicsweep can be used to take on mages, although he will probably need some much needed buffs to and/or Dancer/Singer support to kill things.

If you do not think you need him in that role, then devouring him for Life and Death is fine.

59 minutes ago, Sias said:

What builds does Valentine!Eliwood like? He's so very balanced for someone armored, I'm not quite sure what to do with him.

Any build you like.

Personally, I prefer the standard Distant Counter-Vengeful Fighter build as it works well with Casa Blanca, but you can also go with Death Blow-Bold Fighter for a Player Phase build.



Edited by XRay
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I have a question for an arena core. I wanted to build the team, but I don’t know what units to use. I’ve decided on the red unit to be either A!Tiki (Tank) or Eirika (Buffer). The green, it’s either Soren or Nino (both an offensive Blade build) or even Fae (Tank). Lastly, blue, with F!Corrin (Tank), Effie (Tank), Taitilu (Blade Build), Lukas (Tank), and Cordelia (Offense). Who should I use?

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I got a pretty decent S!Catria (+Atk/-Spd) and I was wondering how I should build her. I'm planning to run her on a Cavalier Emblem Team, the other units probably being L!Ephraim, BH!Lyn, and Xander. I unfortunately don't really have much more options for Cavalier units, the other ones being 5*: Olwen and Matthilda. 4*: Seth, Reinhardt, L'Arachel, Cecilia, Clarine and Priscilla.

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i know that goads/spurs/drives stack across different units, but if one unit has multiple, do those add up too?

For example, I have Spur Defense 3 on my Sakura and, while juggling seals around, she wound up with Drive Defense 2 seal. So if she's right next to someone, does that mean they get Defense+7 while in combat, or does it only get the larger of the 2 (+4 from the spur, in this case).

Alternatively, if I had Spur Defense 3 skill AND Spur Defense 3 Seal, would that apply +8 defense?

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23 minutes ago, r_n said:

i know that goads/spurs/drives stack across different units, but if one unit has multiple, do those add up too?

Yes, all sources of spur-type buffs do add up.

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13 hours ago, XRay said:

You will need to Speed stack Nowi with Speed +3 AND Speed Refinement:

Yeah, the problem is that I don't really want to sacrifice my only Ike for Steady Breath, so she's probably just going to use Fury instead, unless there is a better option. I guess it's good for +Spd Nowi though, as she gets her Spd+3 without using up the seal slot, though it does make it significantly harder to charge her special and the recoil isn't exactly nice either because it deactivates QR. Should I still run Bonfire in this case or switch to something else that also grants healing in order to prevent her from chipping herself down so quickly?


Any build you like.

Personally, I prefer the standard Distant Counter-Vengeful Fighter build as it works well with Casa Blanca, but you can also go with Death Blow-Bold Fighter for a Player Phase build.

I have neither Bold nor Vengeful Fighter available (and inheriting DC would kill my only Hector), so I'm afraid that's not quite possible. :D

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2 hours ago, Poimagic said:

I have a question for an arena core. I wanted to build the team, but I don’t know what units to use. I’ve decided on the red unit to be either A!Tiki (Tank) or Eirika (Buffer). The green, it’s either Soren or Nino (both an offensive Blade build) or even Fae (Tank). Lastly, blue, with F!Corrin (Tank), Effie (Tank), Taitilu (Blade Build), Lukas (Tank), and Cordelia (Offense). Who should I use?

Depends on your play style.

For a Player Phase team, if you are running nukes, I highly recommend running a Dancer/Singer. If your only option is Olivia, then her teammates would be Nino/Soren and Cordelia running Firesweep L. You can replace Cordelia with Tailtiu, but you might run into trouble from dragons and armor units, so Cordelia with Firesweep L solves that problem. Olivia should ideally run Ruby Sword to shut down bulky greens, and Cordelia can run Poison Strike-Poison Strike to speed up combat against other bulky units. Nino/Soren is fine with a standard Blade build.

If you are running an Enemy Phase team, A!Tiki, Fae, and F!Corrin is fine, although you may want to switch out one of them for a Player Phase nuke if you have trouble with Firesweep and anti-dragon enemies.

1 hour ago, XandaXiloscient said:

I got a pretty decent S!Catria (+Atk/-Spd) and I was wondering how I should build her. I'm planning to run her on a Cavalier Emblem Team, the other units probably being L!Ephraim, BH!Lyn, and Xander. I unfortunately don't really have much more options for Cavalier units, the other ones being 5*: Olwen and Matthilda. 4*: Seth, Reinhardt, L'Arachel, Cecilia, Clarine and Priscilla.

That -Spd hurts her performance. I would still go with a Blade build anyways and give her Speed +3 Sacred Seal.

Reinhardt and L'Arachel would be better options depending on their natures. Olwen with a decent nature could also work too, although she really needs cavalry buffs to excel.

38 minutes ago, Sias said:

Yeah, the problem is that I don't really want to sacrifice my only Ike for Steady Breath, so she's probably just going to use Fury instead, unless there is a better option. I guess it's good for +Spd Nowi though, as she gets her Spd+3 without using up the seal slot, though it does make it significantly harder to charge her special and the recoil isn't exactly nice either because it deactivates QR. Should I still run Bonfire in this case or switch to something else that also grants healing in order to prevent her from chipping herself down so quickly?

Fury is fine. The recoil usually does not matter since Arena battles are over so quickly, and Player Phase nukes are usually the ones carrying the team since they got superior sustainability. If you are worried about sustainability, then I would bring a staff healer along.

Nowi +Spd -HP
Lightning Breath [Spd], Moonbow/Bonfire/Luna
Fury, Quick Riposte
Attack +3
Enemies +Spd, Fury overwrite
Enemy Phase 173:16:43

Here are previous numbers for comparison:

14 hours ago, XRay said:

Nowi +Spd -HP
Lightning Breath [Spd], Bonfire
Steady Breath, Quick Riposte
Speed +3
Enemy +Spd, Fury overwrite
Enemy Phase 182:16:34

Nowi +Def -Spd
Lightning Breath [Def], Bonfire
Steady Breath, Quick Riposte
Close Def
Enemy +Spd, Fury overwrite
Enemy Phase 185:23:24


39 minutes ago, Sias said:

I have neither Bold nor Vengeful Fighter available (and inheriting DC would kill my only Hector), so I'm afraid that's not quite possible. :D

For his B slot, you can go with Wary Fighter or Quick Riposte. For his A slot, Fury is the best option in my opinion, although Stances also work, but they are not as good as Fury in my opinion.

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26 minutes ago, DraceEmpressa said:

which is better for Myrrh, DC + Great Flame or Lightning Breath + (refined) + Fierce/Warding/Steady Stance?


Great Flame-Distant Counter is better. Preventing doubles is more important than stat boosts for general purpose tanks.

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@Ice Dragon Oh jeez, I just don't have the patience to +10 everyone. I tip my hat in utmost respect to you, sir.


Ninian [+ATK / -RES] → Profile Image
    ◉ Light Breath+ (+SPD)
    ☗ Dance
    ▶ Sol
    A: Distant Counter
    B: Wings of Mercy 3
    C: Fortify Dragons
    S: Speed +3

Myrrh [+DEF / -SPD] → Profile Image
    ◉ Great Flame
    ☗ Reposition
    ▶ Bonfire
    A: Distant Counter
    B: Quick Riposte 3
    C: Hone Dragons
    S: Close Def 3

Robin (M) (FH) [NEUTRAL] → Profile Image
    ◉ Expiration
    ☗ Swap
    ▶ Aether
    A: Fierce Stance 3
    B: Vengeful Fighter
    C: Ward Dragons
    S: Distant Def 3

Tiki (Adult) [+DEF / -SPD] → Profile Image
    ◉ Lightning Breath+ (+DEF)
    ☗ Reposition
    ▶ Bonfire
    A: Mirror Stance 2
    B: Quick Riposte 3
    C: Threaten Res 3
    S: Defense +3


I picked Sol for Ninian because it has a lower cooldown than Aether; I worry that she'd take too much damage before getting a chance to replenish her health. I originally had Fury 3 on FH!Robin, but I loathe Fury's damage and he's an enemy-phase unit anyway so I'm wondering if Fierce Stance 3 would be better with the massive ATK boost that comes with it. I could do Steady Stance 3, but I don't really want to give up my only Shiro.

Tiki will be the Great Wall of Archanea. Mirror Stance 2 is a question mark, though. I don't know how much her RES is worth shoring up. It's not horrible, and that extra four points might save her at some point, but...

am i improving yet

Edited by Reddazrael
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So, I already had a Zelgius who was +Res/-Spd, but my free summon in one of the recent banners gave me another one, who is +Def/-Atk. I'm struggling to figure out which one to keep. I managed to get by with my previous Zelgius thanks to the Quick Riposte seal, and his higher Res allowed him to face mages in a way that my Black Knight couldn't. On the other hand, the new one's nature doesn't look that much better, either.

So, which one should I keep? And on a related note, who'd make good use of Fierce Stance?

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14 minutes ago, Jonnas said:

So, I already had a Zelgius who was +Res/-Spd, but my free summon in one of the recent banners gave me another one, who is +Def/-Atk. I'm struggling to figure out which one to keep. I managed to get by with my previous Zelgius thanks to the Quick Riposte seal, and his higher Res allowed him to face mages in a way that my Black Knight couldn't. On the other hand, the new one's nature doesn't look that much better, either.

So, which one should I keep? And on a related note, who'd make good use of Fierce Stance?

I would go with +Def, although if you need him to tank mage, +Res is fine

Alondite, Ignis
Steady Breath
Quick Riposte
Enemies +Spd, Fury overwrite
Enemy Phase [+Res, -Spd] 176:35:21
Enemy Phase [+Def, -Atk] 181:28:33

Ideally, Zelgius should Speed stack; it allows Zelgius to avoid dying from enemy doubles, which in turn allows Zelgius to activate Vengeful Fighter and kill more enemies:

Zelgius +Spd
Alondite, Ignis
Steady Breath, Vengeful Fighter
Speed +3
Enemy Phase [-Res] 204:8:20
Enemy Phase [-HP] 204:9:19

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So I recently pulled on the Spring 2018 banner and got pitybroken by a +Atk -Spd Hinoka. This is the third time she’s pitybroken me, and I already have her at +1 with a +Res -Atk nature. The new nature would have been much better for her if Hinoka’s Spear wasn’t a thing... so now I have no idea whether to use this one or fodder her off. I could just give her to my supermerged +Atk Cordelia so she can have Brave Lance+ at 4* as well as Hone Fliers.

Edit: I ended up giving her to Cordelia, and have now built her accordingly. I don’t regret this decision, Cordelia seems to be the better Brave Lance flier anyway.

Edited by sdgj1994
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6 hours ago, DraceEmpressa said:

I  want to build a dragon emblem, if I were to smack them Lightning breath to all of them, do all of them would like +atk-spd IV? 

Which heroes were you planning on using? Myrrh, for instance, would probably work better with a build of +DEF/Great Flame/Distant Counter (although +ATK/-SPD would not be a bad thing). Fallen Heroes Robin already has Expiration, so Lightning Breath+ is unnecessary but +ATK/-SPD would be a great nature. Ninian is probably better off with a +SPD nature, or at least not -SPD.

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1 minute ago, Reddazrael said:

Which heroes were you planning on using? Myrrh, for instance, would probably work better with a build of +DEF/Great Flame/Distant Counter (although +ATK/-SPD would not be a bad thing). Fallen Heroes Robin already has Expiration, so Lightning Breath+ is unnecessary but +ATK/-SPD would be a great nature. Ninian is probably better off with a +SPD nature, or at least not -SPD.

I don't have Myrrh and Grima yet, but maybe when they got a focus again I'll try. For now, I just want to make budget one with Nowi, Adult Tiki, Fae, and Ninian that I happen to own. 

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1 minute ago, DraceEmpressa said:

I don't have Myrrh and Grima yet, but maybe when they got a focus again I'll try. For now, I just want to make budget one with Nowi, Adult Tiki, Fae, and Ninian that I happen to own. 

Ah, okay. In that case, I feel that Lightning Breath+ certainly isn't a bad weapon choice for all of them.

1. Ninian shouldn't really have a -SPD nature; I'd probably go with +SPD for her with a Lightning Breath+ refine of +SPD as well, although if your Ninian is -SPD it's not the end of the world.

2. Nowi I haven't really worked with; I have her, but I don't use her and haven't built her nor really paid much attention to her stats, so I'm not really in a position to make judgement calls on her usage. Even so, +ATK / -SPD would probably be fine as far as I can tell. Speed can help her avoid doubles, but if she's going up against dedicated speedsters, especially buffed ones, it probably wouldn't matter much anyway.

3. I'm in the process of building an Adult Tiki now and I'm personally going with +DEF for her and refining her Lightning Breath+ to +DEF as well due to her stat spread, although +ATK is never a bad thing and -SPD is fine for her.

4. Fae is another one I haven't worked with, but while +ATK is definitely a good thing, I think I'd avoid -SPD if possible. But again, -SPD would not be the end of the world.

Note that for Fae and Ninian you'll have to sacrifice two 5★ units, either Adult Tiki or Nowi or one of each, to get Lightning Breath+. Lightning Breath on its own will still do the job of being able to counter from any distance, but you can't refine it and it's not as powerful, so I'd save up feathers and raise another Adult Tiki/Nowi up to be fed to your Fae and Ninian.

Disclaimer: This is just my opinion; I am not an expert and I still ask for build help myself.

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4 minutes ago, Reddazrael said:

Ah, okay. In that case, I feel that Lightning Breath+ certainly isn't a bad weapon choice for all of them.

1. Ninian shouldn't really have a -SPD nature; I'd probably go with +SPD for her with a Lightning Breath+ refine of +SPD as well, although if your Ninian is -SPD it's not the end of the world.

2. Nowi I haven't really worked with; I have her, but I don't use her and haven't built her nor really paid much attention to her stats, so I'm not really in a position to make judgement calls on her usage. Even so, +ATK / -SPD would probably be fine as far as I can tell. Speed can help her avoid doubles, but if she's going up against dedicated speedsters, especially buffed ones, it probably wouldn't matter much anyway.

3. I'm in the process of building an Adult Tiki now and I'm personally going with +DEF for her and refining her Lightning Breath+ to +DEF as well due to her stat spread, although +ATK is never a bad thing and -SPD is fine for her.

4. Fae is another one I haven't worked with, but while +ATK is definitely a good thing, I think I'd avoid -SPD if possible. But again, -SPD would not be the end of the world.

Note that for Fae and Ninian you'll have to sacrifice two 5★ units, either Adult Tiki or Nowi or one of each, to get Lightning Breath+. Lightning Breath on its own will still do the job of being able to counter from any distance, but you can't refine it and it's not as powerful, so I'd save up feathers and raise another Adult Tiki/Nowi up to be fed to your Fae and Ninian.

Disclaimer: This is just my opinion; I am not an expert and I still ask for build help myself.

my Ninian is neutral, I am still looking for  a good IV of the other three, and I have more than 340K feathers. So what IV would be applicable to Fae? 

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9 minutes ago, DraceEmpressa said:

my Ninian is neutral, I am still looking for  a good IV of the other three, and I have more than 340K feathers. So what IV would be applicable to Fae? 

Neutral's fine; you don't get a boost to any stat, but you don't have to lose anything either. Fae can probably take a -HP hit? Her DEF stat is okay but not stellar as far as dragons go. I don't think I'd drop her RES, because then she can tank blue mages and take hits from green, and I don't think I'd drop her DEF because it's already, as I said, not stellar. Falchion is probably going to tear her up anyway, though. I also don't think I'd drop her SPD because that would allow for even more doubles, and I definitely wouldn't be dropping her ATK. So that leaves HP.

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