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1 hour ago, tobuShogi said:

Is it required to have a bonus unit on your arena defense team to get a high score or does it not matter?

A bonus hero on your team doubles your score both on offence and on defence. The only exception is arena assault; there are no bonus heroes there, and defence win points in assault are never doubled.

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Okay how does Adept Slayer (Cancel Affinity) work on each level for a dagger user?

Level 1:

Any weapon triangle affinity granted by unit's skills is negated. Also negates any weapon triangle affinity granted by foe's skills.

Would killing Raven Adept tomeusers pretty much be already done at skill level 1?

It removes the "advantage to grey units" doesn't it?


Because at Level 2:

If affinity disadvantage exists, weapon triangle affinity granted by foe's skills is negated.

Wasn't it already canceled by Level 1 already? So what does level 2 and 3 even for grey units?


Edited by shadowofchaos
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30 minutes ago, shadowofchaos said:

Okay how does Adept Slayer (Cancel Affinity) work on each level for a dagger user?

Cancel Affinity 1 negates your own Triangle Adept always and negates your opponent's Triangle Adept always.

Cancel Affinity 2 negates your own Triangle Adept always and negates your opponent's Triangle Adept only if your opponent has weapon triangle advantage. For colorless units, this is identical to Cancel Affinity 1 (because colorless units never have weapon triangle advantage themselves).

Cancel Affinity 3 negates your own Triangle Adept always and reverses your opponent's Triangle Adept only if your opponent has weapon triangle advantage.


Gem weapons count as Triangle Adept, though that's not relevant for dagger users.

Edited by Ice Dragon
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2 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Cancel Affinity 1 negates your own Triangle Adept always and negates your opponent's Triangle Adept always.

Cancel Affinity 2 negates your own Triangle Adept always and negates your opponent's Triangle Adept only if your opponent has weapon triangle advantage. For colorless units, this is identical to Cancel Affinity 1 (because colorless units never have weapon triangle advantage themselves).

Cancel Affinity 3 negates your own Triangle Adept always and reverses your opponent's Triangle Adept only if your opponent has weapon triangle advantage.


Gem weapons count as Triangle Adept, though that's not relevant for dagger users.

So is there even any value in giving a dagger user a Cancel Affinity higher than 1 against Raven users?

"Also negates any weapon triangle affinity granted by foe's skills."

This description pretty much confuses the hell out of me.

It makes it sounds like it immediately negates triangle advantage granted by a raven tome.

But I guess not. From google searches and what you tell me, Raven tomes THEMSELVES are not affected by Cancel Affinity at any level. The whole 無効 kanji order is ALSO confusing.

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19 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Triangle affinity means exclusively Triangle Adept in its pure form and via gem weapons.

So, is my understanding now, correct?

his skill is literally only a counter to the *EXTRA* damage granted by a Triangle Adept skill.

Level 1 always negates the bonus. Meaning if you were advantageous against the adept users, you help them.

Level 2 negates the bonus on disadvantage.

Level 3 is the only time when it REVERSES on disadvantage. Meaning you end up at neutral. (+20% from the skill reversed to -20%, added to the +20% from the initial disadvantage = 0%)

The skill itself isn't the anti-raven tome despite how the wording might be interpreted... but if you have a raven tome with adept, you end up at neutral (better than if they never had the adept skill at all)

Is that right?

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1 hour ago, shadowofchaos said:

So is there even any value in giving a dagger user a Cancel Affinity higher than 1 against Raven users?

"Also negates any weapon triangle affinity granted by foe's skills."

This description pretty much confuses the hell out of me.

It makes it sounds like it immediately negates triangle advantage granted by a raven tome.

But I guess not. From google searches and what you tell me, Raven tomes THEMSELVES are not affected by Cancel Affinity at any level. The whole 無効 kanji order is ALSO confusing.

Triangle Adept changes the bonus that weapon triangle advantage gives (i.e. "affinity") whereas Litrraven changes the weapons that the unit has weapon triangle advantage against.

Perhaps I'm just too used to both reading and writing technical writing that the difference between the two comes naturally to me.


"無効化" simply means "takes no effect".

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57 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:


For my sanity.

I need to know.

Is +Spd/-HP good for Athena to have? Is there a good build that I could give her with that?

41 speed even before LaD is pretty sweet. Personally, I'd say the Spd boon is better than an Atk boon (which is the one I have for my 4 star Athena)

HP banes are easily fixable by a Sacred Seal in case you're really bothered by the slightly less bulk, but Quickened Pulse would go great with Wo Dao

LaD or Swift Sparrow is great A skill but Sturdy Strike is also a cheap alternative (and makes up for her slight decrease in physical bulk from the HP loss)

Desperation and Threaten Def seems like solid choices for B and C slots. If going Desperation, then Ardent Sacrifice is a good assist.


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2 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

41 speed even before LaD is pretty sweet. Personally, I'd say the Spd boon is better than an Atk boon (which is the one I have for my 4 star Athena)

HP banes are easily fixable by a Sacred Seal in case you're really bothered by the slightly less bulk, but Quickened Pulse would go great with Wo Dao

LaD or Swift Sparrow is great A skill but Sturdy Strike is also a cheap alternative (and makes up for her slight decrease in physical bulk from the HP loss)

Desperation and Threaten Def seems like solid choices for B and C slots. If going Desperation, then Ardent Sacrifice is a good assist.


Thank you so much for telling me this. I needed to hear some good news right now. For reasons that may or may not be related to me not getting Katarina.

I'm not too bothered by the lower bulk, so I'll probably forgo the HP Seal. I still plan to eventually give Seliph Panic Ploy as well, which would mean letting him have an HP Seal whenever possible.

How dare you suggest giving her Swift Sparrow, considering the circumstances. LaD and Desperation sounds good then, though I'll probably stick with Sturdy Strike until I have enough spare feathers for LaD3. Although I really hope an upcoming banner gives me a good reason to pull on blues, because... I have zero Shannas. Not even a 3-star. And I have, like, five or more units that want Desperation. That FEH broadcast can't arrive fast enough...

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3 minutes ago, Kevinleon96 said:

Is this a decent horse team set up? — Sigurd, Leo, Cecillia, and jagen. I also have luke and gunter, but that would make a unbalanced team. What do you guys think?

Unless Jagen has been built, replace him ASAP. His statspread doesn't do him many favors, and he's generally outdone by most any other Lance Cavalry. Camus would be a good replacement since he has Gradivus.

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What's a good build for Y!Tiki? I've been using her exclusively for Arena assault for a while but I feel like giving her some love. I have 40k feathers for skills but no Steady Breath (maybe if I get a second Bike one day).

Here's her current build:




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9 hours ago, Kevinleon96 said:

Would abel be a good replacement for jagen?

Yep. It really isn't hard to outdo Jagen (who requires heavy investment to do... decent against certain mages). Abel can run a simple Brave Lance+ build with much less investment costs than Jagan (DB3, a breaker or Hit and Run/Drag Back, Cavalry Buffs, Attack+ SS, Luna).

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3 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

@Alexmender Who are Tiki-Young’s teammates? On a team with mostly breath users, Tiki with Triangle Adept is your best option for handling enemy Julias and Deirdres. Since most breath users run enemy phase builds, Tiki gets more mileage from Quick Riposte rather than Axebreaker.

I haven't considered one yet. I'd use Dragon Emblem but I don't have Ninian so it occurs to me a mixed approach with Tana and B!Lyn.

How well does a team of Y!Tiki, Fae and Nowi holds if there's no Fortify Dragons nor Dark Aura buff?

She has Quick Riposte 2 currently, Axebreaker is more for specific cases like Legion GHB or some Amelias in AA but I wasn't planning on leaving it on her.

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2 minutes ago, Alexmender said:

I haven't considered one yet. I'd use Dragon Emblem but I don't have Ninian so it occurs to me a mixed approach with Tana and B!Lyn.

How well does a team of Y!Tiki, Fae and Nowi holds if there's no Fortify Dragons nor Dark Aura buff?

Fury should be fine, but triple Triangle Adept is good for mitigating damage since you don’t have Fortify Dragons.

Tiki Adult makes good use of Fury, but that’s mostly because she can’t handle Julia nearly as well.

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11 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

Fury should be fine, but triple Triangle Adept is good for mitigating damage since you don’t have Fortify Dragons.

Tiki Adult makes good use of Fury, but that’s mostly because she can’t handle Julia nearly as well.

All right! Then TA is better for a Fae, Nowi, Y!Tiki core while Fury works relatively better in a mixed comp. 

I guess in that case I'm going to give her QR3 and wait for the small chance of getting SB to maximize her damage (mostly because I'm not sure if Fae with TA+Bowbreaker is good enough to take care of B!Lyn).

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This is more of a question about the community than about the game, but do you guys know where our convention of "Descriptor!Name" came from? Like, why "!" and not any other symbol?

Also, for those that participate in other communities, is this convention followed in other non English fan communities? If it is say a Spanish community, would it be something like "Name!Descriptor"? Or do they use something else entirely?

I remember I first encountered it during Awakening, but I am not sure if the convention goes back further than that.

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4 minutes ago, XRay said:

This is more of a question about the community than about the game, but do you guys know where our convention of "Descriptor!Name" came from? Like, why "!" and not any other symbol?

AFAIK, it comes from the Harry Potter fandom, much like the convention of marking homo pairings with a slash (hence slashing, slashfics etc.) came from the Star Trek fandom.

At least that’s what my googling on the topic gave me a while ago.

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7 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

AFAIK, it comes from the Harry Potter fandom, much like the convention of marking homo pairings with a slash (hence slashing, slashfics etc.) came from the Star Trek fandom.

At least that’s what my googling on the topic gave me a while ago.

I see. I was trying to Google it earlier but I had no idea what to type in other than "exclamation mark" and nothing I wanted came up. I read your reply, and typed in "exclamation mark fandom" and I found what I was looking for!

According to this article, it may have came from the X-Files fandom way, way back. Or, it could have been from early emails. The "!" is also referred as a bang when used this way. That is a pretty cool name.

I never knew homo pairings were with a slash. That is so interesting. So instead of "ReinhardtXSethXSummoner," it would be "Reinhardt/Seth/Summoner" then?

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2 minutes ago, XRay said:

According to this article, it may have came from the X-Files fandom way, way back. Or, it could have been from early emails. The "!" is also referred as a bang when used this way. That is a pretty cool name.

I never knew homo pairings were with a slash. That is so interesting. So instead of "ReinhardtXSethXSummoner," it would be "Reinhardt/Seth/Summoner" then?

Aha, X-Files. I knew I must have mixed something up. Most probably yes, slashes all the way.

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4 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Aha, X-Files. I knew I must have mixed something up. Most probably yes, slashes all the way.

Cool. I learn something new every day.

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