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In case anyone knows this one, still.

2 hours ago, Rezzy said:

Does Poison Strike stack with Jaffar's Deathly Daggers?  I might sacrifice Matthew over to him, if it does.

Also, why is it that when Olwen kills someone in Arena, she gets 3SP, but when Hector does, he only gets 1SP?


Oh, this thread got pinned?  When did that happen?  I remember saying it should have been.

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What's a good A-slot skill for Marf? Obv nothing like Defiant anything since he heals so what's the point, but otherwise....?? S'hard to find something definitively good for that. 

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3 minutes ago, BANRYU said:

What's a good A-slot skill for Marf? Obv nothing like Defiant anything since he heals so what's the point, but otherwise....?? S'hard to find something definitively good for that. 

A lot of it depends on what you have available.  It's hard to go wrong with A Skills, since +Stats work well on everybody.

What extra units do you have up for sacrifice, and we could see what might work better.

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30 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

A lot of it depends on what you have available.  It's hard to go wrong with A Skills, since +Stats work well on everybody.

What extra units do you have up for sacrifice, and we could see what might work better.

Oh well I was more asking just in general... if it helps though, my Marth is Atk-/Res+. So yeah.... some Attack+ would probably help him haha ;; I've got a spare Cherche I could use to give him that tryna get a grasp of my options first (there are others who'd want that too hehe... and only got the one I'm willing to scrap...) But uh, here's my current crop: 



Favorites don't necessarily mean anything, I've since gone back and remarked them based on which of the doubles have the best IVs, who I want to keep for favorites, etc. so just... whatever lol

Just a general idea of what to use or keep an eye out for would be fine, I'm in no big rush lol. 

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20 minutes ago, OKigen said:

For the -blade tomes, is the in-combat buff such as spur skills counted for additional damage?

No, I believe those are not counted for the blade tomes. It's only stuff that displays on their stats on the map when combat isn't happening. 

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39 minutes ago, BANRYU said:

Oh well I was more asking just in general... if it helps though, my Marth is Atk-/Res+. So yeah.... some Attack+ would probably help him haha ;; I've got a spare Cherche I could use to give him that tryna get a grasp of my options first (there are others who'd want that too hehe... and only got the one I'm willing to scrap...) But uh, here's my current crop: 

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Favorites don't necessarily mean anything, I've since gone back and remarked them based on which of the doubles have the best IVs, who I want to keep for favorites, etc. so just... whatever lol

Just a general idea of what to use or keep an eye out for would be fine, I'm in no big rush lol. 

If you're not using ursula, lace this man up with some death blow. Or darting blow for extra speed from florina. Palla gets moonbow so that's also a major key. Life and death for extra awesome strats from Hana

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10 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

If you're not using ursula, lace this man up with some death blow. Or darting blow for extra speed from florina. Palla gets moonbow so that's also a major key. Life and death for extra awesome strats from Hana

My only hangup with Ursula was the fact that DB3 is 5* only .w. I guess DB2 would be worth it....?? I definitely don't plan to upgrade Ursula to 5* just for that, though, or even at all actually haha. I'll definitely consider that but it's a skill in high demand so I def want to be sure before I do it. Was thinking about Darting Blow since IIRC Florina can pass the third tier at 4* which I would be willing to do, since he doesn't double as often as I'd like. LoD I'd prefer to use on Nino since Marth actually tanks pretty good for me most of the time and I'd prefer not to compromise that; Nino can get more out of the boost IMO. 

Thanks! I'll be considering these. 

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21 hours ago, eclipse said:

There's two different schools of thought to this:

1. "It's one of the worst boon/bane combos, so fodder"
2. "I will make this work".

Assuming the second point, you're working with 32 Spd and 29 Def, which means he can take a physical hit (just. . .not Effie, it's gonna suck).  It looks like his niche is being a terror at half health.  You can either give him Fury (patches up his Speed, gives him physical tankiness on par with Young Tiki and helps him to get into Brash Assault range), Life or Death (net -1 Def on neutral Karel, makes his Speed respectable), or give him Reciprocal Aid, so he hits the half health threshold faster.  His C skill is mostly irrelevant, since it's either buffs or Breath of LIfe.  I think he can still be a terror!

Training Tower. . .here we go!

- Armor: You have three distinct options.  Have fun.
- Horses: Reinhardt is awesome.  Therefore, the team will revolve around him.  Gunter is also an amazing unit on an all-horse team, so in he goes.  Clarine can patch people up.  For the final slot, you can either grab Cecilia for colorless advantage, or Stahl for positioning shenanigans and red coverage.
- Fliers: Camilla and Cordelia are explosive player-phase nukes, so the team will be made around them.  Palla has Goad Fliers and a sword, so she'll balance out the team. The final slot is up in the air - Florina can act as an anti-armor team healer, or Subaki can be used as repositioning and arrow bait (really).

Thank you for the response! Fury sounds pretty tempting to me for Karel; I'm not a fan of how vulnerable he'd be to mages with Life and Death on. I might try Ardent Sacrifice on him instead since I have a ton of spare Florinas. Considering my drought of decent swords I'm inclined to make him work, so the advice is much appreciated!

I'm probably going Reinhardt/Gunter/Stahl/Clarine for the horses and Camilla/Cordelia/Palla/Florina for the fliers, though I have no intention of upgrading Clarine so I'll replace her with Jagen if she ends up too fragile to contribute. Thanks again!

12 hours ago, red-and-soulless said:

My apologies for the delayed response.  

Unfortunately, I've only got roughly 10k feathers, so I'm not likely to have enough to upgrade Reinhardt anytime soon (their boon/banes are also pretty terrible: +Spd, -Atk and +Res, -Spd respectively, so the min-maxer in me would hate to pour feathers into such units).  In that event, would Ursula be slightly preferable to a 4* Reinhardt?  Either way, I'll get to work training up Gunter as soon as possible.  The Flyer's sounds doable, so I will get to work on that as well.  Thank you very much for your help :)

Just pitching in to say that -Spd isn't actually a bad bane for 5* Reinhardt since he can always double on player phase. The -5 speed from his prof weapon means that he's doubled by pretty much everything anyway, and a speed bane adds a grand total of five units to that list (most of whom he can annihilate on player phase), so there's very little difference between -Spd and neutral. +Spd stops him from being doubled by a fair few characters, but I don't think it's worth the attack loss in your case. +Res is pretty horrible, but if you ever do decide to upgrade one of the two, I'd still recommend the +Res -Spd over the +Spd -Atk.

For your question though, I personally think that 4* Ursula is preferable over 4* Reinhardt. Without his prof weapon to help him double, Reinhardt's main draw of player phase power is pretty much kaput so the cavalry advantage will be much handier.

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13 minutes ago, BANRYU said:

My only hangup with Ursula was the fact that DB3 is 5* only .w. I guess DB2 would be worth it....?? I definitely don't plan to upgrade Ursula to 5* just for that, though, or even at all actually haha. I'll definitely consider that but it's a skill in high demand so I def want to be sure before I do it. Was thinking about Darting Blow since IIRC Florina can pass the third tier at 4* which I would be willing to do, since he doesn't double as often as I'd like. LoD I'd prefer to use on Nino since Marth actually tanks pretty good for me most of the time and I'd prefer not to compromise that; Nino can get more out of the boost IMO. 

Thanks! I'll be considering these. 


Don't put death blow 2 on him! It's not worthwhile.

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13 hours ago, red-and-soulless said:

My apologies for the delayed response.  

Unfortunately, I've only got roughly 10k feathers, so I'm not likely to have enough to upgrade Reinhardt anytime soon (their boon/banes are also pretty terrible: +Spd, -Atk and +Res, -Spd respectively, so the min-maxer in me would hate to pour feathers into such units).  In that event, would Ursula be slightly preferable to a 4* Reinhardt?  Either way, I'll get to work training up Gunter as soon as possible.  The Flyer's sounds doable, so I will get to work on that as well.  Thank you very much for your help :)

5-star Reinhardt does not care about his Spd at all. To give you an idea of just how futile it is to care about his Spd, every A+ or higher character in the game (prior to skill inheritance) double attacks neutral Reinhardt. Even -Spd Effie would double attack neutral Reinhardt if she de-equipped Wary Fighter.

The only A+ or higher character that fails to double attack +Spd Reinhardt is -Spd Effie (if she de-equipped Wary Fighter).

Your [-Spd, +Res] Reinhardt is fine.

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45 minutes ago, Arcanite said:


Don't put death blow 2 on him! It's not worthwhile.

okay no worries xD Yeah it does feel like kind of a waste. It's a shame there are no 4* units that can get DeB3 (or are there??)...

EDIT: What about Life or Death 2 on Nino? Is that acceptable or does it REALLLY need level 3 on that? (I realllllly don't want to boost Hana up to 5*.... but... if I must.... ;;;;; )

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16 minutes ago, BANRYU said:

okay no worries xD Yeah it does feel like kind of a waste. It's a shame there are no 4* units that can get DeB3 (or are there??)...

EDIT: What about Life or Death 2 on Nino? Is that acceptable or does it REALLLY need level 3 on that? (I realllllly don't want to boost Hana up to 5*.... but... if I must.... ;;;;; )

Klein's the only 4* unit that can get DB3 iirc. 

Honestly, I think LoD 2 should be fine since Nino usually overkills things with sufficient buffs as is, but you can always do calcs against common matchups to see if the extra atk/spd from LoD 3 makes a difference. 

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5 minutes ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

Klein's the only 4* unit that can get DB3 iirc. 

Honestly, I think LoD 2 should be fine since Nino usually overkills things with sufficient buffs as is, but you can always do calcs against common matchups to see if the extra atk/spd from LoD 3 makes a difference. 

Ahh darn ;; Klein is pretty hard to come by... I guess I'll hold up and hold out for him, though x___x

Ahh yes, calcs... that thing I need to learn how to do =w= Yeah I've got a bit of that to work on haha. 

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So, I pulled Marth and Roy in my most recent summon, though neither are 5 star. I'm not a big fan of either of them either, but I'm willing to try using one of them, maybe even both, until something better comes along (or unless I eventually 5 star one or both, you never know what might happen in the future).

But I don't know which one I should go for. Roy is neutral, Marth is -spd and +res. Marth still looks like he could be more defensive but still good in attack though, while Roy looks like he'll be squishy as heck, but a bit better in the attack and speed departments.

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3 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

So, I pulled Marth and Roy in my most recent summon, though neither are 5 star. I'm not a big fan of either of them either, but I'm willing to try using one of them, maybe even both, until something better comes along (or unless I eventually 5 star one or both, you never know what might happen in the future).

But I don't know which one I should go for. Roy is neutral, Marth is -spd and +res. Marth still looks like he could be more defensive but still good in attack though, while Roy looks like he'll be squishy as heck, but a bit better in the attack and speed departments.

Roy would be better between the two, since his offense is greatly bolstered by Triangle Adept 3.

I would hold back on upgrading either though, at least for now.

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1 minute ago, MrSmokestack said:

Roy would be better between the two, since his offense is greatly bolstered by Triangle Adept 3.

I would hold back on upgrading either though, at least for now.

I would think you're right, but I'm not good at keeping units like him alive because of their bad defenses... I always preferred tankier units too. But I suppose I should try...

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1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

So, I pulled Marth and Roy in my most recent summon, though neither are 5 star. I'm not a big fan of either of them either, but I'm willing to try using one of them, maybe even both, until something better comes along (or unless I eventually 5 star one or both, you never know what might happen in the future).

But I don't know which one I should go for. Roy is neutral, Marth is -spd and +res. Marth still looks like he could be more defensive but still good in attack though, while Roy looks like he'll be squishy as heck, but a bit better in the attack and speed departments.

Personally I think they're both good, though I favor Marth because he has Falchion for dragon slaying.

Roy's actually deceptively tanky though with his weapon giving him bonus def/res on enemy phase. 

Marth is hurt a bit by -Spd, but -Spd Marth has the same Spd as neutral Roy so that shouldn't be a deciding factor when comparing the two. 

Anyways overall I prefer Marth unless you have a good way to deal with dragons, but they're both good.

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3 minutes ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

Personally I think they're both good, though I favor Marth because he has Falchion for dragon slaying.

Roy's actually deceptively tanky though with his weapon giving him bonus def/res on enemy phase. 

Marth is hurt a bit by -Spd, but -Spd Marth has the same Spd as neutral Roy so that shouldn't be a deciding factor when comparing the two. 

Anyways overall I prefer Marth unless you have a good way to deal with dragons, but they're both good.

Thing is, like I said, this is a 4 star Marth, so he wouldn't have Falchion right now. That would require 20,000 feathers and 20 red great badges. Which I don't have and I plan to spend my next 20,000 feathers on Sharena.

So between a 4 star Marth and 4 star Roy, who's better is what I'm asking. And this Roy has 3 res, seriously...

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Just now, Anacybele said:

Thing is, like I said, this is a 4 star Marth, so he wouldn't have Falchion right now. That would require 20,000 feathers and 20 red great badges. Which I don't have and I plan to spend my next 20,000 feathers on Sharena.

So between a 4 star Marth and 4 star Roy, who's better is what I'm asking.

Oh I see, I didn't catch that. Well then, since neither have their Prf weapon, it depends on whether Threaten Def or Spur Spd helps more with your team as that's really the main difference between the two.

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4 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Thing is, like I said, this is a 4 star Marth, so he wouldn't have Falchion right now. That would require 20,000 feathers and 20 red great badges. Which I don't have and I plan to spend my next 20,000 feathers on Sharena.

So between a 4 star Marth and 4 star Roy, who's better is what I'm asking. And this Roy has 3 res, seriously...

Level 1 stats are not representative of their final stats at level 40. Roy actually has quite decent res.

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5 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Thing is, like I said, this is a 4 star Marth, so he wouldn't have Falchion right now. That would require 20,000 feathers and 20 red great badges. Which I don't have and I plan to spend my next 20,000 feathers on Sharena.

So between a 4 star Marth and 4 star Roy, who's better is what I'm asking. And this Roy has 3 res, seriously...

Their stats are pretty close to each other at 4 stars with those natures. Roy will have more HP and Marth will have more Def. Their other stats will end up pretty close to each other.

Roy has the benefit of Triangle Adept to increase is offensive and defensive capabilities against green. Roy also comes with Seal Def to make it easier for other units to finish off anything he doesn't kill.

Marth has Spur Spd, which increases the Spd of adjacent units and is more mobile with Pivot and Escape Route.

You really can't go too wrong with either of them.

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My main team has a couple slowpokes in Freddy and Hawkeye, so Spur Spd could help them. But you know what, I'll just level up both and see who I feel more comfortable with. xP

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