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15 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Yeah. Items in the present box never expire (unless the item itself expires, like with flags).

Do we know when the flags expire? I forgot to claim my login bonus flags during one round of the the previous VG and was still able to collect them the day after the event ended. I would assume the game saves VG data until the next one begins as we're able to see how many flags we have left even after the event ends if we had any leftover.

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Is this the right topic?

Any suggestions on this build? wOPAjLs8ySThgAAAABJRU5ErkJggg.png


I gave Shigure the Fork weapon as a joke, but I actually want to make him good. I got him to +10 yesterday. I have a Say'ri whom I am not really going to use, even though she is +Spd. Unfortunately, fliers can't get Close Call, otherwise I would have given it to Shigure. What's a good build that uses this weapon?

Speaking of Close Call, which common infantry unit wants it the most? I can also feed Say'ri or a spare Mareeta to someone. I don't think I'll give it to a 5* exclusive because I am likely not going to heavily merge those infantry units.


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6 hours ago, GuiltyLove said:

Is this the right topic?

Any suggestions on this build? wOPAjLs8ySThgAAAABJRU5ErkJggg.png


I gave Shigure the Fork weapon as a joke, but I actually want to make him good. I got him to +10 yesterday. I have a Say'ri whom I am not really going to use, even though she is +Spd. Unfortunately, fliers can't get Close Call, otherwise I would have given it to Shigure. What's a good build that uses this weapon?

I assume you are using him on Enemy Phase

Spd Tank:


Gilt Fork -- Vanguard -- Barrier Lance

Spd Refinement

Reposition -- Swap

Steady Posture -- Swift Stance (tier 3 not out yet)

Quick Riposte -- Dull Close

(Any C) -- Atk Smoke -- Panic Smoke -- Pulse Smoke

Steady Posture -- Swift Stance -- Quick Riposte

6 hours ago, GuiltyLove said:

Speaking of Close Call, which common infantry unit wants it the most? I can also feed Say'ri or a spare Mareeta to someone. I don't think I'll give it to a 5* exclusive because I am likely not going to heavily merge those infantry units.

Any fast infantry unit you want to turn into Spd tank. You can consult the stats table on Gamepedia here. I think the last infantry unit we got in the 3*/4* pool is Echidna. If you do not mind spending Grails there is also Astram.

In my opinion, BH!Ike works the best with it if you can Spd stack him. He does not need a lot of merges to do well with Close Call/Repel, although it certainly helps.

You can also use it with fast dual phase Galeforcers, although I personally rather use those units as pure Player Phase Galeforcers rather than dual phase Galeforcers.

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5 minutes ago, XRay said:

I assume you are using him on Enemy Phase

Spd Tank:


Gilt Fork -- Vanguard -- Barrier Lance

Spd Refinement

Reposition -- Swap

Steady Posture -- Swift Stance (tier 3 not out yet)

Quick Riposte -- Dull Close

(Any C) -- Atk Smoke -- Panic Smoke -- Pulse Smoke

Steady Posture -- Swift Stance -- Quick Riposte

Any fast infantry unit you want to turn into Spd tank. You can consult the stats table on Gamepedia here. I think the last infantry unit we got in the 3*/4* pool is Echidna. If you do not mind spending Grails there is also Astram.

In my opinion, BH!Ike works the best with it if you can Spd stack him. He does not need a lot of merges to do well with Close Call/Repel, although it certainly helps.

You can also use it with fast dual phase Galeforcers, although I personally rather use those units as pure Player Phase Galeforcers rather than dual phase Galeforcers.

Thanks. I put +Res because I wanted him to at least be able to tank dragons or something. I'll just use +Spd. Does anyone actually want Kestrel Stance?

I'm probably gonna give Close Call to Echidna. I still need to save up more feathers (and pull greens)

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2 hours ago, GuiltyLove said:

Thanks. I put +Res because I wanted him to at least be able to tank dragons or something. I'll just use +Spd. Does anyone actually want Kestrel Stance?

I lean towards Spd Refine since there is a lot of Spd creep going on, and Spd tanks cannot afford to get doubled since their Def/Res is not that high.

For Spd tanks, I generally prioritize their Spd first, then Def or Res (or balance them if a mixed Spd tank), and I prioritize Atk last. Atk usually is not necessary in my opinion since you can rely on the Special to secure a kill, and having Def/Res will allow the tank to better go against the same color.

You could also make the argument for prioritizing Atk over Def/Res since if you are only using the tank to go against the color it is strong against, then Def/Res is not necessary.

Whether Kestrel Stance is useful is down to personal preference I guess. Personally, I think it is weakest Stance, as I think every other stat combo is more useful or has a better niche in my opinion.

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4 hours ago, GuiltyLove said:

Thanks. I put +Res because I wanted him to at least be able to tank dragons or something. I'll just use +Spd. Does anyone actually want Kestrel Stance?

Kestrel Stance is best used on units with percentage damage reduction and decent-enough defenses since Def and Res aren't quite as useful in that case.

It's also useful on one-hit kill enemy-phase builds if you don't need Distant Counter or already have it on the weapon.

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Thanks for the answers

I'm trying to get Duo Ephraim for Heavy Blade 4 because I wanted to give it to OG Catria, but I ended up getting Eleanora, who has Atk/Spd Push 4 on the legendary banner. Would it be better to give that to Catria to replace Fury 3 or to give her Heavy Blade 4?

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17 minutes ago, GuiltyLove said:

Thanks for the answers

I'm trying to get Duo Ephraim for Heavy Blade 4 because I wanted to give it to OG Catria, but I ended up getting Eleanora, who has Atk/Spd Push 4 on the legendary banner. Would it be better to give that to Catria to replace Fury 3 or to give her Heavy Blade 4?

I'm of the opinion that Heavy Blade 4 is not worth running except on units that have zero use for their Spd stat (or if the Heavy Blade Sacred Seal is already occupied by another unit on the same team). This is also the same with Flashing Blade 4, which is also not worth running except on units that have zero use for their Spd stat (yes, Spd stat, which is why Flashing Blade 4 is an awful skill since that's an obvious contradiction).

Specifically, Heavy Blade 4 and Flashing Blade 4 are essentially side-grades of Death Blow 4. You get +5 damage and can run a Special with 1 higher cooldown.

A Special with 1 higher cooldown is effectively equivalent to an additional 6-10 damage on the second attack during a round of combat, which corresponds to +3 to +5 Atk over two hits. This comes out to somewhere around +8 to +10 Atk, which is close to Death Blow 4's +8 Atk. However, Heavy Blade 4 and Flashing Blade 4 have a chance of not activating if you don't pass the stat comparison.

The reason why I don't think either skill is worth running on units that use their Spd stat is the same reason why I wouldn't recommend Death Blow 4 on those units: it doesn't boost their Spd at all, meaning it would generally be better to be running Swift Sparrow or Life and Death instead of Heavy Blade 4.


Galeforcers are obviously an exception to this because they usually need one of Heavy Blade or Flashing Blade on their build to function at all.

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5 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

I'm of the opinion that Heavy Blade 4 is not worth running except on units that have zero use for their Spd stat (or if the Heavy Blade Sacred Seal is already occupied by another unit on the same team). This is also the same with Flashing Blade 4, which is also not worth running except on units that have zero use for their Spd stat (yes, Spd stat, which is why Flashing Blade 4 is an awful skill since that's an obvious contradiction).

Specifically, Heavy Blade 4 and Flashing Blade 4 are essentially side-grades of Death Blow 4. You get +5 damage and can run a Special with 1 higher cooldown.

A Special with 1 higher cooldown is effectively equivalent to an additional 6-10 damage on the second attack during a round of combat, which corresponds to +3 to +5 Atk over two hits. This comes out to somewhere around +8 to +10 Atk, which is close to Death Blow 4's +8 Atk. However, Heavy Blade 4 and Flashing Blade 4 have a chance of not activating if you don't pass the stat comparison.

The reason why I don't think either skill is worth running on units that use their Spd stat is the same reason why I wouldn't recommend Death Blow 4 on those units: it doesn't boost their Spd at all, meaning it would generally be better to be running Swift Sparrow or Life and Death instead of Heavy Blade 4.


Galeforcers are obviously an exception to this because they usually need one of Heavy Blade or Flashing Blade on their build to function at all.

That makes sense. However, I am running Catria as a Galeforce user, so do you think HB4 would be worth it on her then? She is +Atk with 55 atk or so. With TA's effect, she'll have 58, not including potential Goad or Hone Fliers buffs.

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38 minutes ago, GuiltyLove said:

That makes sense. However, I am running Catria as a Galeforce user, so do you think HB4 would be worth it on her then? She is +Atk with 55 atk or so. With TA's effect, she'll have 58, not including potential Goad or Hone Fliers buffs.

Atk/Spd Push and the Heavy Blade 3 seal would give her 7 Atk, 7 spd and the HB effect, whereas Heavy Blade 4 and Swift Sparrow seal would give her effectively 9 Atk*, 4 spd and the HB effect. I would go with the former unless you have a lot of competition for the HB seal.

* for the purposes of activating Heavy Blade it’d be only 4, since HB4 gives +5 damage instead of attack.

Edited by Baldrick
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10 minutes ago, Baldrick said:

Atk/Spd Push and the Heavy Blade 3 seal would give her 7 Atk, 7 spd and the HB effect, whereas Heavy Blade 4 and Swift Sparrow seal would give her effectively 9 Atk*, 4 spd and the HB effect. I would go with the former unless you have a lot of competition for the HB seal.

* for the purposes of activating Heavy Blade it’d be only 4, since HB4 gives +5 damage instead of attack.

That does make sense. I was considering Heavy Blade 4 more because Atk/Spd Push will eventually lower Catria's HP too much for the stat boosts to activate, and she will be attacking a lot if I deploy her in Abyssal maps. I'll keep thinking about it...

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2 minutes ago, GuiltyLove said:

That does make sense. I was considering Heavy Blade 4 more because Atk/Spd Push will eventually lower Catria's HP too much for the stat boosts to activate, and she will be attacking a lot if I deploy her in Abyssal maps. I'll keep thinking about it...

The main issue with Galeforce builds is the fact that Heavy Blade 4 boosts your damage, but not the Atk stat that you need to activate the effect. Against opponents in Abyssal maps, this can become a problem because of their inflated stats.

Since you're likely going to need Spd anyways on that build, it would be best to run Swift Sparrow 3 or Life and Death 4 and the Heavy Blade Sacred Seal instead of Heavy Blade 4 and a Sacred Seal that boosts Atk and Spd.

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4 minutes ago, GuiltyLove said:

That does make sense. I was considering Heavy Blade 4 more because Atk/Spd Push will eventually lower Catria's HP too much for the stat boosts to activate, and she will be attacking a lot if I deploy her in Abyssal maps. I'll keep thinking about it...

I used TSOIA!Palla to Galeforce the most recent Abyssal, and I forgot to run Heavy Blade on her, but I still managed to clear the map. I think Catria can probably solo Abyssal too without needing Heavy Blade.

If you are not using Catria with three Dancers/Singers though, you might need Heavy Blade to better time her Galeforce.

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1 hour ago, GuiltyLove said:

All right, I'll give Catria Atk/Spd Push 4 instead. So in the end I suppose that Heavy Blade 4 isn't really worth it for most units, right? Who would want it?

Galeforcers with guaranteed follow-ups, like Dimitri and Legendary Ephraim, are probably the best units for it.

It's hard to justify it on non-Galeforcers since Death Blow 4 + Death Blow 3 is just as strong and more consistent.

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2 hours ago, GuiltyLove said:

All right, I'll give Catria Atk/Spd Push 4 instead. So in the end I suppose that Heavy Blade 4 isn't really worth it for most units, right? Who would want it?

The best units I can think of are Galeforcers with guaranteed follow up, and you probably also want to give them Death Blow Sacred Seal, and maybe Lull Atk/Def depending on the unit.

Edelgard, FE!Edelgard, Dimitri, Tibarn, Ephraim, LL!Ephraim, DM!Ephraim, TSOIA!Palla, Hríd, Líf, and I think that is it? There is also Gustav whenever he gets released.

Lyn probably wants Flashing Blade 4 with Lull Spd/Def and Time's Pulse, and her Sacred Seal can be Swift Sparrow, Darting Blow, or Brazen Atk/Spd.

For ranged units, you cannot use Galeforce, but you can spam Moonbow and Ruptured Sky. We got Flora (only against melee units, but she can spam Iceberg), Yune, Bramimond, and DB!Julia.

You can also try Blazing Blade mages, although that would just be Nino, Tharja, and Odin, and I guess Laevatein works too
Exclusive Blade (inheritable Blades do not work due to the extra cooldown penalty)
Blazing Wind — Blazing Light — Growing Wind
Heavy Blade
Special Spiral
Savage Blow
(Any Sacred Seal that boosts Atk) — Hardy Bearing

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29 minutes ago, GuiltyLove said:

Thanks. It looks like I'll just save this for Duo Palla or something, then.

I just checked the Tempest Trial thread, and we are getting SOLO SACRED SEALS now! With such strong A skills available in the Sacred Seal, I think is much more justifiable to run Heavy Blade 4 on the A slot now, especially for dual phase Galeforcers with guaranteed follow up.

Our first Solo is Spd/Res Solo, but I imagine Atk/Stat Solos will all be released within the next year or so.

38 minutes ago, XRay said:

Edelgard, FE!Edelgard, Dimitri, Tibarn, Ephraim, LL!Ephraim, DM!Ephraim, TSOIA!Palla, Hríd, Líf, and I think that is it? There is also Gustav whenever he gets released.

Tibarn, TSOIA!Palla, and Gustav are player phase only, but everyone else on that list got guaranteed follow-up on both phases.

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So I would like some help to finish my Dark defence. 


I run Sothis, Bramimond, Fae, CYL Camilla, Ninian and I have an open slot currently. The team is meant to be an Infantry pulse setup. Ninian and Fae both have the skill and I have only one last IP to give as I need 3 IPs in order for Bramimond to have Luna at turn 1 as he is -Atk. Sothis is currently with a bonus doubler build using buffs that Camilla gives (she also has restore utility), however I will change that for a solo build in the future. Ninian is a high HP dancer with IP and Fae is a semi tanky unit with the skill and a rally so that she won't initiate combat that much. I have one open slot for a unit and one last IP to give. 

My question is, should Sothis or the last unit receive IP? Also who should the last unit be? I am thinking of an AOE spamming Ophelia, is she good or I should go for another dancer/restore healer?


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3 hours ago, XRay said:

I just checked the Tempest Trial thread, and we are getting SOLO SACRED SEALS now! With such strong A skills available in the Sacred Seal, I think is much more justifiable to run Heavy Blade 4 on the A slot now, especially for dual phase Galeforcers with guaranteed follow up.

Our first Solo is Spd/Res Solo, but I imagine Atk/Stat Solos will all be released within the next year or so.

If neither Swift Sparrow 2 nor Death Blow 3 are worth running with Heavy Blade 4, then none of the Solo skills other than Atk/Spd solo will at all be worth it unless your Heavy Blade 3 Sacred Seal is already occupied.

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11 hours ago, XRay said:

I just checked the Tempest Trial thread, and we are getting SOLO SACRED SEALS now! With such strong A skills available in the Sacred Seal, I think is much more justifiable to run Heavy Blade 4 on the A slot now, especially for dual phase Galeforcers with guaranteed follow up.

Our first Solo is Spd/Res Solo, but I imagine Atk/Stat Solos will all be released within the next year or so.

Tibarn, TSOIA!Palla, and Gustav are player phase only, but everyone else on that list got guaranteed follow-up on both phases.

Too late, I gave Atk/Spd Push 4 to Catria already ;( 

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9 hours ago, SuperNova125 said:

My question is, should Sothis or the last unit receive IP? Also who should the last unit be? I am thinking of an AOE spamming Ophelia, is she good or I should go for another dancer/restore healer?

Not sure about Sothis getting Infantry Pulse since she is a Mythic, so she does not get an HP boost from other Mythics, so she might not be able to Pulse others very well.

I lean towards have another Dancer/Singer since they are the hardest units to predict, and unless the player runs dual Milas, it is pretty hard to shut down two Dancers/Singers. Ophelia is hard to counter too unless the player has a dedicated super tank or something strategy to counter it.

8 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

If neither Swift Sparrow 2 nor Death Blow 3 are worth running with Heavy Blade 4, then none of the Solo skills other than Atk/Spd solo will at all be worth it unless your Heavy Blade 3 Sacred Seal is already occupied.

Death Blow only give 6 stats and Swift Sparrow gives 8 stats. Atk/Spd Solo gives a total of 12 stats.

Dual phase units guaranteed follow up Galeforcers would usually be running a Solo on the A slot with Heavy Blade on the Sacred Seal slot. With Solos out as Sacred Seals, dual phase Galeforcers would basically be trading away 2 points in stats for an extra 5 damage per hit.

Stat/Stat Solo 3-Heavy Blade
Atk/Stat Solo 4-Heavy Blade: Get Atk/Stat+1 compared to the first setup.
Heavy Blade 4-Stat/Stat Solo: Get 5 extra damage compared to the first setup, assuming stat comparison succeeds.

I guess dual phase guaranteed follow up Galeforcers can run double Solos, but they would not be able to activate Galeforce as consistently.

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50 minutes ago, XRay said:

Death Blow only give 6 stats and Swift Sparrow gives 8 stats. Atk/Spd Solo gives a total of 12 stats.


9 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

If neither Swift Sparrow 2 nor Death Blow 3 are worth running with Heavy Blade 4, then none of the Solo skills other than Atk/Spd solo will at all be worth it unless your Heavy Blade 3 Sacred Seal is already occupied.

I already said Atk/Spd Solo is the only one worth using.


54 minutes ago, XRay said:

Dual phase units guaranteed follow up Galeforcers

Exactly which dual-phase Galeforcer are you thinking of that isn't an armor (because any armor Galeforcer not named Edelgard is running either Special Fighter or Bold Fighter instead of Heavy Blade) and can reliably survive 2 rounds of combat on player phase and then survive another round of combat on enemy phase such that Atk/Def Solo or Atk/Res Solo would be worth it to run in the Sacred Seal slot with Heavy Blade 4?

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58 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:


I already said Atk/Spd Solo is the only one worth using.


Exactly which dual-phase Galeforcer are you thinking of that isn't an armor (because any armor Galeforcer not named Edelgard is running either Special Fighter or Bold Fighter instead of Heavy Blade) and can reliably survive 2 rounds of combat on player phase and then survive another round of combat on enemy phase such that Atk/Def Solo or Atk/Res Solo would be worth it to run in the Sacred Seal slot with Heavy Blade 4?

They are not going to be amazing tanks that can survive everything, but they should be able to take out the most threatening enemy nukes on player phase and tank some of the weaker foes on enemy phase.

15 hours ago, XRay said:

Edelgard, FE!Edelgard, Dimitri, Tibarn, Ephraim, LL!Ephraim, DM!Ephraim, TSOIA!Palla, Hríd, Líf, and I think that is it? There is also Gustav whenever he gets released.

Ignoring the few player phase only ones, the rest got guaranteed follow-up on both phases, and they generally have pretty bulky stat distribution. I am not sure I would bring them into Aether Raids, but they should be good enough for Tempest Trials and Lunatic Grand Conquest.

Neutral Edelgard at +0+0 with Lull Atk/Def and Atk/Res Solo got 40 Def and 30 Res, and Rouse Atk/Res brings that Res up to 36. If the player wants to go all out on Def with her skills, then Edelgard could reach 52 Def with Lull Atk/Def, Rouse Atk/Def, and Atk/Def Solo Sacred Seal.

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Thinking of trying to make my Hrid into a more player phase focus nuke. His whole DC debuff tanking is kinda falling flat these days, and Seliph does the whole thing a ton better.

So any good build suggestions to turn him into a more player phase focused unit? I already have him at +attack with a +4 merge level. So he is more or less good to go.

Mostly thinking of swapping out distant counter for a more pure player phase focused skill. I just want to make him function a bit differently then legendary Seliph. While still having it be possible for him to consistantly trigger his pref weapon doubles.

And on a completely unrelated note. Perceval coming up -attack isn't the end of the world right? He just randomly showed up for me off the awakening summer rerun.

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