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Arena Discussion Thread (inc. Assault)


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4 hours ago, MrSmokestack said:

Hey, we have the same score! I guess we can cry together.

The arena update honestly can't come fast enough.

Color-stacking (especially blue) is for people desperate for defense wins honestly, I just use my normal team and get at least 1-3 every season.

It's really a thin line. I got 4558 - just 8 points above and still at 4478. 

I just pray not to be kicked out in the next 4 hours.

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Top Posters In This Topic

3/29/2017 - offense 4,546; rank 1,434 (1:05AM PST) [deathless]
3/30/2017 - offense 4,568; rank 1,935 (3:06PM PST) [deathless]
3/31/2017 - offense 4,568; rank 2,408 (5:58PM PST) [deathless]
4/1/2017 - offense 4,568; rank 2,806 (2:20PM PST) [deathless]
4/2/2017 - offense 4,568; rank 3,200 (12:53PM PST) [deathless]
4/3/2017 - offense 4,568; rank 3,545 (1:31PM PST) [deathless]

(all Level 40 and 5*)
+Atk/-Spd Ninian (163)
+Res/-HP Ryoma (173; +Vantage 2)
neutral Sharena (177; +Threaten Spd 3)
+Def/-Spd Minerva (174; +Draconic Aura)

Surge of 1,456+ people beating this score in two hours, yes/no? Testing Spring Chrom with Fury 3, I should get a similar total score next season with no chances to get scores <650 a match. It's how I got this one anyways. I'm probably keeping Ninian for positioning, Fortify Defense, and as my only magic on the team. She can sometimes stave off the common dragons Nowi and Young Tiki. Giving Spring Chrom Fury 3 hasn't really changed who I'm seeing (Effie's, Hector's). My team is competent for any outliers. That's until the Arena update drops.

Edited by Dual Dragons
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Finally managed an undefeated run after switching out Hector and Ursula for Azura and Priscilla.  Not sure what I'll do for next season, as this current team (them + Lucina and Nowi) is working quite well and I'm not ready to use skill inheritance yet (main reason I swapped out Hector, his BST made me fight too many loaded teams).  Guess I'll switch out Priscilla for either Palla or Micalis... maybe toss an Ardent Sacrifice or Reciprocal Aid on them to replace Priscilla if I can't manage a deathless run without it.

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I thought I posted earlier, but I guess it didn't go through.  I got another deathless streak, but I wound up with the exact same score: 4508.  That's just outside of good enough for top 10K.  I hope my team has a better BST next week.  I've got Bunny Camilla who I guess will push Julia out, since I don't want to run two Greens.  I hope she can work as well as Julia.

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6 minutes ago, salinea said:

This was my worst arena run in a long while :(

You and me both :( 

Its the first week since launch that I haven't beaten my old score. Instead I got set back by a couple hundred points ._.

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2 minutes ago, Kiran said:

You and me both :( 

Its the first week since launch that I haven't beaten my old score. Instead I got set back by a couple hundred points ._.

*fistbump of suckiness*

I'm not sure about the actual score, but my ranking plummeted like whoa.

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Ended with the same score I had before; 4410, which is just good enough to keep me in the top 30k.  This marks the first week in a long time without a single defense win for me.  I shuffled between a balanced team, cavalry squad, and a blue-stacked one, but neither did the trick.  I'm thinking next week I put in Olivia/Kagero/Nino/filler, A!Tiki maybe.  Basically all the things I hate facing.

Edited by DLNarshen
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Score of 4534

  • Ground Zero (3PM PST Apr 1) - #5874
  • 29 Hours Later - #6673
  • 48 Hours Later - #7276
  • Final Rank - #7293

Yeaaaaah, definitely nowhere close with Ursula or Azama's BST dragging me down (a shame with Ursula, since she was a pretty effective unit). Next season Spring Lucina will be +17 versus Ursula and Chrom will be +34 versus her, so if I don't get a higher score next season, something's going to be very wrong. Going triple melee, especially with someone who's kinda squishy like Spring Chrom, scares me a little, though (good thing I've got Linde going... though I really need to find a HInata to sac). >.>

Edited by Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi
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The last hour of Arena battle I managed to squeeze out 10 more points to a Score of 4536. Just got my feathers back and the Final Rank is #7031. Hopefully my Arena score can continue rising!

Will miss having Priscilla being a competitive pick for a bonus unit though.

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Best and worst week for me. Best because I got a new personal best score. Worst because I got 0 successful defenses during that week.

3000 feathers gained total for that week.

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I have an alt account with some decent heroes but I have no idea how to assemble a good Arena team with it. I'm not aiming for anything crazy, securing the 4k offense score is more than enough for me. My main runs a ranged nuking core with Nino and Takumi so melee heroes are new to me.


  • Ryoma (+hp/-atk)
  • Eirika (+hp/-atk)
  • Effie (+res/-spd, pivot)
  • Azura (+spd/-res)
  • Catria
  • Hinoka
  • Hector (+def/-spd, pivot)
  • Spring Chrom (+spd/-def)

4* I could upgrade

  • Nowi (+hp/-atk)
  • Nino (+res/-def)

I was originally banking on a counter heavy lineup with Ryoma + Hector + Nowi but the IVs on Ryoma and Nowi are pretty bad. I've also tried Ryoma + Hector + Effie but 2 armored units are difficult to maneuver especially if the other team has a ranged nuker, although that was before I gave them pivot.

Any ideas? The heroes seem top tier but I'm at a lost. I feel like the lack of magic damage and ranged is a huge issue but all I've really got is Nino which doesn't have that great IVs. There aren't a lot of buffs to go around either unless I include Eirika which has mediocre IVs and seem strictly worse than some of the other choices I have available.


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21 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

On that note, I actually have a question. How do other people typically handle ranged enemies when the only unit you have with weapon triangle advantage is a melee unit? And, how do you specifically handle this situation on the lava map and underground waterway map?

If Robin/Jakob can't handle them (read: Nino), Lucina baits them.  She's +Res, which means I can sort-of get away with it, and then Lucy walks up to her and beats her up.

On the lava map, it's a lot of kiting.  The underground waterway is slightly less tricky, since there's multiple paths down.  If I can get Nino to stand in front of a gap, she dies.

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Placed around 37,00 last season with a score 4,364, extra feathers are great.

Team: Felicia/Abel/Sharena/Selena

4/4: 4,191 Rank: 2,390

Faced so many Julias, Tharjas, and Lindes today that kept sniping members of my team, One Linde had Fury and Moonbow with 43 speed which was quite nasty especially on the map where you had to break out and can't reposition well, four corner map is back as well, can be a pain sometimes.

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Offense: 4528

Defense: 264 (already?)

Current rank: 399

I've seen more Tharjas in these few matches than I have over the past 2 weeks. I think the game knows I subbed Michalis onto the team.

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2500+500+2500 = 5,500

Offense: 4,568
Final rank: 3,572

Now onto the next season with a surprisingly better score after messed up runs which I'll discuss below.

4/4/2017 - offense 4,570; rank 275 (3:07AM PST) [deathless]

(all Level 40 and 5*)

+Res/-HP Ryoma (173; +Vantage 2)
+Atk/-Spd Ninian (163)
neutral Sharena (174; +Threaten Spd 3)
+Atk/-Res Spring Chrom (183; +Fury 3)

And that's a new high score!

Okay so... I must have been very fortunate doing test runs with Spring Chrom previous season because holy crap did I finally see the "horse team."

My first run was ruined by a 5*+1 Ursula w/ Blarblade+ boosted by Eldigan w/ Hone Cavalry... yeah. Needless to say, my team of Infantry no-range except on counter can't deal with that. I had to surrender. I didn't have the range nor the durability to take out Ursula. I think she also had Life or Death 3 because she had 43 Speed.

The second one, yeah, it was bound to happen when there's Linde and Ninian. Of course the team has a problem with range. It was also a Linde with Life or Death 3 so... not happening.

I was more fortunate on the third run. No tomes. Effie's and Hector's. That's what I'm best against.

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Well...I ran Fury Spring Exalt Chrom for the bonus (full team ended up being Effie, Julia, Eirika, Chrom). I was not prepared for the merge onslaught. The worst part was, almost every match was winnable (except one where the enemy's skills just countered mine super hard lol), but the breakable wall map got me so...many...times. Bleh.

Used a few crests because stubbornness and ended up with a deathless streak of 4670 points, which is currently rank 73, but I fully expect that to drop...a lot. Julia carried hard. For the third week in a row. I've stopped being surprised at this point. Hopefully her back's holding up.

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4 hours ago, Korath88 said:

Offense: 4528

Defense: 264 (already?)

Current rank: 399

Holy moly, I got 4600 and got placed rank 26.000. People have been getting scores fast and really high I believe, normally this would be good enough to be under 5k at the end.

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