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Arena Discussion Thread (inc. Assault)


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Moved down to tier 19 again and just outside the top 10k in AA. Really need to find a team that can get me the points to go higher as I've currently hit a ceiling. 

The new rotation really irritates me as it reminds me yet again that I don't have Rebecca or Raven. So I can use my +1 +SPD/-RES Marth or I can run my Fury+Desp Anna.


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25 minutes ago, Zeo said:

Moved down to tier 19 again and just outside the top 10k in AA. Really need to find a team that can get me the points to go higher as I've currently hit a ceiling. 

The new rotation really irritates me as it reminds me yet again that I don't have Rebecca or Raven. So I can use my +1 +SPD/-RES Marth or I can run my Fury+Desp Anna.


Do you normally bounce between 19 and 20? Also what's your usual AA starting line-up?

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1 hour ago, Johann said:

Do you normally bounce between 19 and 20? Also what's your usual AA starting line-up?

Yeah I do so that's fine. Might be cutting it a bit close but I usually make it into tier 20 as of the last few weeks.

As for my AA team.



  • I have an additional Ike I could use to merge him but he's potential Aether/HB3 fodder so I'm sitting on him.
  • I have an additional Fjorm but she's Drive ATK 3 fodder so I'm sitting on her.
  • I've also got a +1 Effie I could make +2 but she's potential DB3 fodder.
  • My +3 Matthew is also a thing and you've seen his build already, not sure how many points he gives but unlikely as many as these.
  • I've got a +1 +SPD/-RES Marth.
  • I've got BK and Arden but neither of them have full kits sadly. (Defense 2 on Arden and QR2 on BK.)
  • I have Joshua but he has no skills.
  • I have a NY!Camilla who has 163 BST that I could also make +1
  • I have Mia also.
  • Also have Nowi but she has Fury 2 and QR 2

Most of my high BST/Point units are red units as you can see and few if any of my armor units are built so they don't give me much (if any) more points than the units you see.


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14 minutes ago, Zeo said:

Yeah I do so that's fine. Might be cutting it a bit close but I usually make it into tier 20 as of the last few weeks.

As for my AA team.

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  • I have an additional Ike I could use to merge him but he's potential Aether/HB3 fodder so I'm sitting on him.
  • I have an additional Fjorm but she's Drive ATK 3 fodder so I'm sitting on her.
  • I've also got a +1 Effie I could make +2 but she's potential DB3 fodder.
  • My +3 Matthew is also a thing and you've seen his build already, not sure how many points he gives but unlikely as many as these.
  • I've got a +1 +SPD/-RES Marth.
  • I've got BK and Arden but neither of them have full kits sadly. (Defense 2 on Arden and QR2 on BK.)
  • I have Joshua but he has no skills.
  • I have a NY!Camilla who has 163 BST that I could also make +1
  • I have Mia also.
  • Also have Nowi but she has Fury 2 and QR 2

Most of my high BST/Point units are red units as you can see and few if any of my armor units are built so they don't give me much (if any) more points than the units you see.


Hmm... SP values of many of your skills are bringing things down lower than they ought to. Your Matthew (assuming the skills you posted in the thread before) is actually your second highest scoring unit, just barely behind Fjorm. Each of your units' scores and some tips:

  • Fjorm - 700. She's in great shape, only major thing you could do is merge her, which I would recommend since she's your highest scoring unit (and can offer the sweet water season bonus). As great a skill as Drive Atk 3 is to give out, merging her is the kind of thing that can bring your Arena score over a threshold, and thus generate feathers, etc faster.
  • Matthew - 698. Always good to run your most heavily invested unit. Furthermore, if you have extra Matts around and have been considering merging him, it's not a bad idea to do so since you're going to anyway, might as well boost his score value now if you can do so. There are a few ways you could bring up his SP value but that depends how far you're willing to alter his setup for points, and what kind of fodder you're willing to part with.
  • Hector - 694. Like Matthew, it's a matter of whether or not you're willing to invest even more heavily into his skillset to bring his value up. Will be tricky to bring his score up in long term since it's hard to merge him.
  • Ayra - 692. Her seal and C skill are dragging her value down a bit. Giving her Threaten Spd 3 would make her worth another 2 points. Her seal is worth very little, and if you have any more 240 SP valued skill seals to swap, that'd bring her up by another 4 points over Phantom Spd 1.
  • Ike - 688. His skills and seal are really really dragging him down. Even with modest 200 SP skills for B, C, and seal, he'd be worth as much as Hector. I don't blame you if you'd prefer to hold onto your spare for foddering, Ike's only valuable from the get-go because of Aether and Ragnall.
  • Your other units I can't determine since it'll depend entirely on the skills you're giving them. Black Knight and Effie are both really strong choices (BK's default skill kit offers a tremendous point value, and has great synergy with Hector). If you can list me the skills of any other units, I can calculate their values for you. Or play around with this site.
  • Adding a single merge to any unit is another 4 points to their value. This, along with the SP value of skills you've given him, is why Matthew scores higher than your others.
  • Active blessing (conferred, proper season, matching legendary hero on the team) is worth a whopping 8 points per unit. Due to their rarity, I'd only recommend that for someone you're super attached to, and who has synergy with the legendary hero.
  • Please oh please don't fodder off a 5* Effie for Deathblow, I beg of ye
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Hate to double post, but for some reason I can't edit my post above. Ike's value is actually 692, I didn't see his merge. With a little bit of skill swapping, he'd be worth as much as Matthew.

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Oh my gosh i actually got a late minute defense win in my main because I received 900 feathers insead of the 200 i  was expecting after rigging AA to find myself and surrender to myself lol

i wish i checked to see the win but yeah, hooray for last minute miracles because i decided to try a new defense team of Fjorm with QR seal, Iote's shield Brave Axe+ Cherche, Airzura and Firesweep Lance LaD 2 Cordelia. Is Flier Emblem the new go team for defense wins?

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Well, got this out of the way pretty fast. Normal arena with a score of 4939 which is a bit low I admit but it should be more than enough to go back into tier 20. 

AA ended first try too with a score of 4969, not enough for top 5k but at this point I'll take what I can. 


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Arena has been a breeze for the past months since I assembled my core team, I feel unbeatable, like I can counter the meta and beat any off meta by sheer strenght of dragons steady breath and blade tome, this week was easier in particular because i could use my +10 4 star hana


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4,896 for normal arena

4,874 for arena assault 

I really need a better way to raise my score threshold. Having my best units be 5* exclusives probably isn't helping things, and neither is having QR2 on 2 units.

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@tobuShogi Forget to take a screenshot of the username because my fingers were quicker than my brain. I was just doing my easy run for AA (starting off with one 5 star and autobattling for the daily quests), and I think I finally met my first Serenes member. I at least recognized the username at least and figured it was uncommon enough that it had to be you.

'Twas just a lone Camus. Decided to give you a defense win...even though I think they're halved for Arena Assault, but it's the thought that counts. XD


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On 23/01/2018 at 8:42 AM, Ledrert said:

Changed my phone, and I can't make the same pic as before, so I go back to writing all.

Got 4865 points, deathless run, but not sufficient to go to rank 20. So I dropped to rank 18.

Team :

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W!Robin+1 (+Atk -Res) | (Slaying Lance+ (+Spd), Reposition, Bonfire) | (Brazen Atk/Spd 3, Desperation 3, Armor March 3, Def+2)

W!Lissa (+Atk -Def) | (Slaying Axe+ (+Atk), Reposition, Ignis) | (Brazen Atk/Def 3, Bold Fighter 3, Armor March 3, Atk+2)

W!Tharja (+Def -Spd) | (Candelabra+, Reposition, Ignis) | (Close Counter, Vengeful Fighter 3, Hone Armor 3, /)

Zelgius (+Atk -Def) | (Alondite, Reposition, Black Luna) | (Fierce Stance 2, Vantage 2, /, Quickened Pulse)

Went back to rank 19 with the same team. Didn't manage a deathless run (one death) after giving Hone Atk 2 to Zelgius, but strangely, got more points than a deathless run before giving Zelgius the skill. 

Encountered two interesting units during these runs. Pics here: http://imgur.com/a/i8DWy (can't upload correctly since I'm on phone). 

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Once again tried to field dragon emblem, but looks like it's nowhere near built enough to get into T20. It's danged effective though, Myrrh with -atk is still wrecking stuff easily (such as taking 0x2 damage from Ayra). Probably have to finagle a Fjorm-based team to get promotion, ugh.

Team is ATiki+1, Nowi+1, Myrrh and Ninian, but missing quite a few points - ATiki still only has her default Defiant Attack (have to wait until I finish Hinata quests before giving her Fury) and only has QR2, Myrrh only has QR1 while I gather SP for QR2, and Ninian's weapon is unrefined.

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IS needs to overhaul Arena, I am getting sick of all those Zelgius Effies Hectors C!Tharja etc and now Myrrh.
Pls remove/abolish the BST calculation into points (with the ecxeption of Dancers) so a wider spread of different more interesting Teams can be fought.


Most interesting unit faced today: Nowi +10 with Life and Death 3, Dark Breath with Attack refinement, Wrath 3 sporting 60 attack... and yet she still did hit my Clair for 0 dmg lol. But at least it wasnt the steady breath QR built you face every damn time

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2 hours ago, Hilda said:

IS needs to overhaul Arena, I am getting sick of all those Zelgius Effies Hectors C!Tharja etc and now Myrrh.

At least this is more interesting than a few months ago where it was literally literally all Hector, Amelia, Brave Ike, Sheena, and 2 stray Gwendolyns.

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That's gotta be a special in play. A +Atk +10 Myrrh with her Prf breath and Fury 3, but no buffs puts her at 59 Atk. WTD turn that into 47 Atk. A +0 -Res Lucina has 43 HP and 16 Res. That means Myrrh would leave her with 12 HP. That's not enough for a Threaten Res or Res Ploy to mess up. Hell, even if Myrrh had Hone Dragons and Lucina had Res Ploy 3 on her, Lucina would live with 2 HP.

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9 minutes ago, Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi said:

That's gotta be a special in play. A +Atk +10 Myrrh with her Prf breath and Fury 3, but no buffs puts her at 59 Atk. WTD turn that into 47 Atk. A +0 -Res Lucina has 43 HP and 16 Res. That means Myrrh would leave her with 12 HP. That's not enough for a Threaten Res or Res Ploy to mess up. Hell, even if Myrrh had Hone Dragons and Lucina had Res Ploy 3 on her, Lucina would live with 2 HP.

Yeah, that's what I was thinking.  My Lucina has 22 Res/43 HP, and yup, Myrrh did have 59 Attack.  Neither had engaged in any combat yet, so they both had full HP.  Usually I pay attention to a special going off, but I guess I missed it this time.  She must have had quickened pulse and maybe another skill that shortens specials if there is one?!  I don't recall what her other skills were.  I was just confused and kinda rage quit after that, haha.  

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Hmmm, you know, I'm not entirely sure what it could be. Quickened Pulse isn't fast enough and as the only flying dragon, she's not subject to Infantry Pulse shenanigans (I've seen turn-1 Ignis/Glacies before). There are a number of ways Myrrh could do it if she was the one defending, but since Lucina was baiting... I don't know. Moonbow and Glimmer wouldn't be fast enough with just Quickened Pulse. Heavy Blade also wouldn't be fast enough.

I did just realize I forgot to account for the +3 Atk built into her weapon, but that'd only put her up to 62 Atk, which is still only 49 Atk after WTD. That's not enough of a boost to kill the weaker Lucina I listed, never mind yours.

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1 minute ago, Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi said:

but that'd only put her up to 62 Atk, which is still only 49 Atk after WTD.

Pretty sure it's not making much of a difference here, but weapon triangle disadvantage is the one thing that rounds up because it's the modifier (12.4) that is rounded down.

Namely, the math is

62 − floor(62 × 0.2) = 62 − floor(12.4) = 62 − 12 = 50

and not

floor(62 × 0.8) = floor(49.6) = 49

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1 hour ago, Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi said:

Hmmm, you know, I'm not entirely sure what it could be. Quickened Pulse isn't fast enough and as the only flying dragon, she's not subject to Infantry Pulse shenanigans (I've seen turn-1 Ignis/Glacies before). There are a number of ways Myrrh could do it if she was the one defending, but since Lucina was baiting... I don't know. Moonbow and Glimmer wouldn't be fast enough with just Quickened Pulse. Heavy Blade also wouldn't be fast enough.

I did just realize I forgot to account for the +3 Atk built into her weapon, but that'd only put her up to 62 Atk, which is still only 49 Atk after WTD. That's not enough of a boost to kill the weaker Lucina I listed, never mind yours.

I must be misremembering something because it makes no sense, according to those calculations.  :wacko:

It caught me off guard and I quit pretty fast afterwards, haha.  Who knows, maybe I'll run into that team again.  It was Clarine/Firesweep Bow Lyn/Myrrh/Fanlivia and worth 720-something points.

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I decided to try to train up a Dragon Team for Defense, since they are the new OP meta.

My team is okay with Baby Tiki, Ninian, Fae, and Myrrh, but it needs a lot more SP, and not having access to double SP skills or the weekend makes grinding up a bit of a pain right now.

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On 1/30/2018 at 3:41 AM, Rafiel's Aria said:

@tobuShogi Forget to take a screenshot of the username because my fingers were quicker than my brain. I was just doing my easy run for AA (starting off with one 5 star and autobattling for the daily quests), and I think I finally met my first Serenes member. I at least recognized the username at least and figured it was uncommon enough that it had to be you.

'Twas just a lone Camus. Decided to give you a defense win...even though I think they're halved for Arena Assault, but it's the thought that counts. XD




Thanks for the defense win! Been struggling to get even one defense win recently.

Armors and horses weren't getting me defense wins so my last resort usually is to just leave Camus in by himself in and hope for a win. They need to bring back his GHB so I can give him merges. 

As for opponents in the arena, I don't think I've faced anyone from SF. But I do know that PM1 faced @Hilda in his most recent arena showcase video. I double checked to make sure because Clair was on the team and I don't think she's a unit that one would face often in the arena.

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