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Arena Discussion Thread (inc. Assault)


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That was a lot harder than it should have been. Had to give Matthew Windsweep. He's considerably less useful as a combat unit without his team. Probably because I kept fighting DC armors and Tharja/Henry armors which give him trouble. Took a good 10-15 crests. Hopefully this is enough to get into T20. Myrrh would have trivialized this run if I had her.

On 1/30/2018 at 12:07 AM, Johann said:

Hmm... SP values of many of your skills are bringing things down lower than they ought to. Your Matthew (assuming the skills you posted in the thread before) is actually your second highest scoring unit, just barely behind Fjorm. Each of your units' scores and some tips:

  • Fjorm - 700. She's in great shape, only major thing you could do is merge her, which I would recommend since she's your highest scoring unit (and can offer the sweet water season bonus). As great a skill as Drive Atk 3 is to give out, merging her is the kind of thing that can bring your Arena score over a threshold, and thus generate feathers, etc faster.
  • Matthew - 698. Always good to run your most heavily invested unit. Furthermore, if you have extra Matts around and have been considering merging him, it's not a bad idea to do so since you're going to anyway, might as well boost his score value now if you can do so. There are a few ways you could bring up his SP value but that depends how far you're willing to alter his setup for points, and what kind of fodder you're willing to part with.
  • Hector - 694. Like Matthew, it's a matter of whether or not you're willing to invest even more heavily into his skillset to bring his value up. Will be tricky to bring his score up in long term since it's hard to merge him.
  • Ayra - 692. Her seal and C skill are dragging her value down a bit. Giving her Threaten Spd 3 would make her worth another 2 points. Her seal is worth very little, and if you have any more 240 SP valued skill seals to swap, that'd bring her up by another 4 points over Phantom Spd 1.
  • Ike - 688. His skills and seal are really really dragging him down. Even with modest 200 SP skills for B, C, and seal, he'd be worth as much as Hector. I don't blame you if you'd prefer to hold onto your spare for foddering, Ike's only valuable from the get-go because of Aether and Ragnall.
  • Your other units I can't determine since it'll depend entirely on the skills you're giving them. Black Knight and Effie are both really strong choices (BK's default skill kit offers a tremendous point value, and has great synergy with Hector). If you can list me the skills of any other units, I can calculate their values for you. Or play around with this site.
  • Adding a single merge to any unit is another 4 points to their value. This, along with the SP value of skills you've given him, is why Matthew scores higher than your others.
  • Active blessing (conferred, proper season, matching legendary hero on the team) is worth a whopping 8 points per unit. Due to their rarity, I'd only recommend that for someone you're super attached to, and who has synergy with the legendary hero.
  • Please oh please don't fodder off a 5* Effie for Deathblow, I beg of ye
  • I'm still going to sit on my Fjorm, but if I happen to pull another one I'll probably merge this first one.
  • I have 0 Matthews and 80k feathers. I'm literally waiting on more of him to merge.
  • Hector is a placeholder for now. He has good BST and is useful in the first battle. In the long term he'll probably be replaced by something like a merged Nino/Serra/Chrom, etc.
  • No Selenas right now. But Ayra will run Hone SPD as her seal and I might give her Threaten DEF 3 in the meantime.
  • Threaten DEF is a better C skill for Ike but he's waiting on a better seal, the HP seal patches up his -HP nature which is why it's there. He'll probably have QR3 for a while though.
  • BK is a Hiatus project but his ceiling is 702 for me based on calculations so it's not worth the investment right now.
  • I'm indecisive with Blessings but I have 2 water ones right now so that may factor in later, but only if Fjorm is a unit I'll be using in the long term for AA and I'm unsure about that.
  • I haven't pulled a Klein in months and I don't really care about Effie or use armors so... meh. She is +HP/-SPD but... I think my +1 Effie is too actually.

For now I'll probably swap out Ike with Matthew and change Ayra's seal.

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So with the TT upon us, I decided to get through my arena tonight so I could save the hassle of optimising seals for the rest of the week. Big mistake, I failed over and over and it's gotten me in a rather sour mood. I finally got it after using about ten duelling swords, but that was an experience I never want to repeat - I think I'd rather drop to tier 18 than maximise for points like that again. Normally arena with horses for me is just doing the minimum number of matches over the first three days of the week, no losses and no stress, but that maxes out at about 4860 points which has fallen below the required threshold most weeks.

Ended up with 4918 points which ought to be safe, and am looking forward to not having to take arena seriously for the next fortnight. Now I need to gorge on some midnight ice-cream to cheer myself up. If I wanted to optimise for arena the best bet might be to splurge on the upcoming Hero Fest for some Sigurd and Lyn merges, but I find pulling for the sake of merges unpalatable. Yeah, I know I should just accept that my priorities brought me here. Apologies for the whinging, I just needed to vent a little.


P.S. For what it's worth I tried the points calc. Fjorm and Olivia 700, Ike 696, Myrrh 692 (which surprised me a little). On my lazy runs I usually field Camus for 690 and Bow Lyn for 686 which really drag me down, despite Cecilia's 696. I could merge Camus for 4 more points but that's probably a losing proposition given that's his limit. A fully built Freddy at 4*+10 would be 700 which could be an option I suppose. Or a promote a bunch of Reinhardts (currently +2 for 690) but I don't typically enjoy using him.

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Doh! I forgot to trade out Sothe on my Defense team. Team Mae is STILL rolling in the wins though. I have no idea what that team is doing right, but whatever it is I hope they can do it without Sothe. I decided to push my 4*+10 Rebecca in over him. The only bonus units I have that are fully built are Rebecca and Raven. Though I am not sure 'fully built' applies to even them. They each have a fully leveled skill for each slot though. But Raven still has his default special and Rebecca still has Darting Blow and Ardent Sacrifice.

For my offensive runs I am waiting for Myrrh to be fully built. Then I'll run a Dragon Team. Thanks to TT I should have enough feathers to grant Tiki Lightning Breath+.


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Whoa... I dunno' what it is, but suddenly I'm getting a ton of defense wins. XD 5 so far which is pretty good. I'm running Raven (+4), Lucius (+3), Merric (+8), and Lyon (+2). I also got my first defense win worth 600. I'm pretty impressed...

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@mampfoid Hey, I wonder whose this team could be?



Quite a nice setup you have there, but no streak broken today!

That was a pretty fun sighting. And I must say, (not specifically relating to yours) I'm glad Myrrh isn't nearly as annoying in arena as I was afraid of. Luckily she's usually not too hard to bait and kill with a simple red. Even frail Hana can take her no problem. On full dragon teams she tends to separate easier as the only flier too, which is nice.

Also just 1 more merge for Camilla and I'll be at +5, and out of copies for moment. She's really made arena a lot more fun for me since being added to the team. I'm definitely preferring her to Hector already and I'm glad I finally went all in for her.

Edited by Alkaid
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1 hour ago, mampfoid said:

@Astellius Haha, hey there! 

Nice score, what has been your highscore in AA? 


I believe 5k, which is also my high score for regular Arena. How about you?

5 minutes ago, Alkaid said:

@mampfoid Hey, I wonder whose this team could be?

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Quite a nice setup you have there, but no streak broken today!

That was a pretty fun sighting. And I must say, (not specifically relating to yours) I'm glad Myrrh isn't nearly as annoying in arena as I was afraid of. Luckily she's usually not too hard to bait and kill with a simple red. Even frail Hana can take her no problem. On full dragon teams she tends to separate easier as the only flier too, which is nice.

Also just 1 more merge for Camilla and I'll be at +5, and out of copies for moment. She's really made arena a lot more fun for me since being added to the team. I'm definitely preferring her to Hector already and I'm glad I finally went all in for her.

Brutal, just brutal... showing him pictures of the shattered remains of his beloved team... Lol! It's fun to randomly encounter SF friends in the wild!

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12 minutes ago, Alkaid said:

@mampfoid Hey, I wonder whose this team could be?

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Quite a nice setup you have there, but no streak broken today!

That was a pretty fun sighting. And I must say, (not specifically relating to yours) I'm glad Myrrh isn't nearly as annoying in arena as I was afraid of. Luckily she's usually not too hard to bait and kill with a simple red. Even frail Hana can take her no problem. On full dragon teams she tends to separate easier as the only flier too, which is nice.

Also just 1 more merge for Camilla and I'll be at +5, and out of copies for moment. She's really made arena a lot more fun for me since being added to the team. I'm definitely preferring her to Hector already and I'm glad I finally went all in for her.

Haha, funny, SF meeting day in arena. Glad Roy and his girls didn't ruin your day, your team is also very cool. 

I guess Myrrh isn't as good as I thought on defense, I'm getting less wins than the last weeks (with bonus units Micaiah and Airzura). Perhaps I'll change her for TA Lyon. 

2 minutes ago, Astellius said:

I believe 5k, which is also my high score for regular Arena. How about you?

Brutal, just brutal... showing him pictures of the shattered remains of his beloved team... Lol! It's fun to randomly encounter SF friends in the wild!

AA highscore 4998, regular Arena 4966 (no fishing). I'm waiting for Cordelia copies to merge to break 5k. 

No problem with showing of winning against my team. They are certainly not optimized for defense, but as long as they give me a win each week ... 

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6 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Haha, funny, SF meeting day in arena. Glad Roy and his girls didn't ruin your day, your team is also very cool. 

I guess Myrrh isn't as good as I thought on defense, I'm getting less wins than the last weeks (with bonus units Micaiah and Airzura). Perhaps I'll change her for TA Lyon.

If I bump into you again while doing my arena quests this week I'll have to toss a friendly defense your way to say hello. Roy and his cheerleaders deserve it.

I think she'd be more troublesome to deal with if paired with a WoM unit. Since when baited she's still likely to survive the initial attack even against most reds, so she's a good WoM target for a dancer or something to mess things up.

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12 minutes ago, Alkaid said:

If I bump into you again while doing my arena quests this week I'll have to toss a friendly defense your way to say hello. Roy and his cheerleaders deserve it.

I think she'd be more troublesome to deal with if paired with a WoM unit. Since when baited she's still likely to survive the initial attack even against most reds, so she's a good WoM target for a dancer or something to mess things up.

Thanks, I'll check my defense section from time to time. I won't do the quests anytime soon though, perhaps they'll resurrect the VG this month. 

WoM dancers certainly help, Airzura and Olivia boosted my wins significantly on their seasons. Also the team hasn't got optimal seals equipped, since I need them for TTs. 

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4 hours ago, mampfoid said:

Also the team hasn't got optimal seals equipped, since I need them for TTs. 

I always thought, the team and skills/seals/position/ etc. are locked for your arena defense team, as long as you do not use the designated team slot again (basically, you use it once and the team gets registered), then you can change skills and seals however you like and the defense team remains the same without screwing it up until you reuse the slot. This is just my assumption, since otherwise I would be really surprised that my TA-team racks up that many wins (TA is atrocious on defense teams). Someone may correct me if I'm wrong, but I definitely do not use my defense setup for anything else.

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5 minutes ago, Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi said:

It updates your defense team any time you do a battle of any kind. Also, TA has somehow worked out for my Nowi and Tiki on defense.

Why would anyone have any difficulty with TA dragons? They suck big time.

I'm not convinced that my defense team updates everytime I do any battle with any team slot after what I have experienced, but whatever, I'll gladly remain delusional if I'm wrong.

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18 minutes ago, MonkeyCheez3K said:

I'm not convinced that my defense team updates everytime I do any battle with any team slot after what I have experienced, but whatever, I'll gladly remain delusional if I'm wrong.

It's the general assumption that it works that way and until now I don't have any reason to think different. I also don't know why people lose to my team, it's just my offense team. 

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1 minute ago, mampfoid said:

It's the general assumption that it works that way and until now I don't have any reason to think different. I also don't know why people lose to my team, it's just my offense team. 

Put a bonus unit back in without using the slot for any battle but while using others for daily stuff. If I get a double points win now you guys will be proven right and leave me baffled over how people had any problems destroying my team.

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Increased my arena score to 4,916 and arena assault score to 4,918

Adding Vanguard Ike and giving Ephraim the earth blessing bumped up my score quite a bit. Also gave Ephraim a dual rally and drive def to further boost score. Myrrh and Hector round out the team with high BST.

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7 minutes ago, Poimagic said:

So I get into tier 20 during both the Christmas Armors and the second Fjorm season with a score around 4916, yet I get a score of 4932 (new high score) and yet it ain’t enough? What is this game

Last week I went to tier 20 with a score of 4918, I would assume 4932 to be more than enough. 

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@mampfoid @Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi Aaaand you were both right (of course), I got a bonus points win, without ever using the defense slot again.... and now I'm here, seriously thinking about last week with my 25+ defense win, how in the flying frek people struggled with pathetic TA dragons. Now I really wish they would add a lock function for defense teams...

Well, at the very least, I now know better, thanks to you.

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Just now, MonkeyCheez3K said:

@mampfoid @Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi Aaaand you were both right (of course), I got a bonus points win, without ever using the defense slot again.... and now I'm here, seriously thinking about last week with my 25+ defense win, how in the flying frek people struggled with pathetic TA dragons. Now I really wish they would add a lock function for defense teams...

Well, at the very least, I now know better, thanks to you.

You're welcome!

I would wish IS to document certain functionality to the users, since so many things are only known because someone did the trial & error route. 

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