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Arena Discussion Thread (inc. Assault)


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Ok guys i need some help...

Im making a 3unit team to help the bonus unit of the week.

Two of them are: 


They are a work in progress but eniuei...

My problem is that i don´t know what to put in this team for the 3 place, a blue unit i think...And maybe with legendary status to give bonus?! Or scrap the need of a legendary and place a Cordelia or Reinhardt to act as a solo unit powerhouse?!

My chrom have an extreme weakness to magic, hes a good support tough...And maybe add a blue that can boost res to the team maybe (that could help ploy from sheena too)?!

I have Fjorm, F.Grima and L.Tiki +0 as legendary option...A Cordelia and Reinhardt already 5*

At this point i just don´t know and as a f2p i can´t afford for much stuff. Tks for anyone that can help o/



Edited by Eilanzer
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3 hours ago, Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi said:

1105/2757 halfway through the season is relatively secure. I'd recommend trying to improve the score another 4-6 points just to be safe, but your odds are quite high right now.

Thanks. I will wait until sunday or monday and see if I need to improve my score or not.

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5 hours ago, Eilanzer said:

Ok guys i need some help...

Im making a 3unit team to help the bonus unit of the week.

Two of them are: 


They are a work in progress but eniuei...

My problem is that i don´t know what to put in this team for the 3 place, a blue unit i think...And maybe with legendary status to give bonus?! Or scrap the need of a legendary and place a Cordelia or Reinhardt to act as a solo unit powerhouse?!

My chrom have an extreme weakness to magic, hes a good support tough...And maybe add a blue that can boost res to the team maybe (that could help ploy from sheena too)?!

I have Fjorm, F.Grima and L.Tiki +0 as legendary option...A Cordelia and Reinhardt already 5*

At this point i just don´t know and as a f2p i can´t afford for much stuff. Tks for anyone that can help o/



If you have a good Gwendolyn and a source for inheriting Armor March, consider her (if you don't want to pay out for QR3 or try to pull another Grima for VF3, WF3 can still work out). Otherwise, I think Firesweep Lance+ Cordelia would work well for you. If she's stuck with Brave Lance+, you might as well field Reinhardt instead (unless you're super concerned about points, but then Gwendolyn is the superior choice).

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I would go with L!Tiki for the third. You have a very tanky team with no buffs, Tiki's +5 Def/Res to everyone would make them nigh unkillable. Chrom, Sheena, + Tiki seem like a great core, you have all three colors, great physical and magic tanking, Distant Counter on armors, dragon killing, etc.

Edit: give someone Attack Tactic seal for even more awesome if you don't run an armored bonus unit of which I don't think there are any this week

Edited by dethneer
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1 hour ago, Eilanzer said:

@Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi @dethneer tks for the help guys i will try both options in arena and see what im most comfortable with ^^

You might also want to consider building a mixed team by adding a blue flier. IMO, having a flier with Guidance is such a big advantage in Arena. Shigure is probably the best option as he's f2p friendly and has high BST to boot. Florina can be a dragon counter and a ploy bot. Cordy could work too with Windsweep/Chill, Poison Strike/Guidance. Just throwing out ideas there.

I'm running FE3 tactic team myself featuring Marth, Sheena and Catria. It works great babysitting the bonus unit. Enemy's Panic Ploy is hardly an issue with smart positioning and the bonus unit will likely have more HP anyway because of boosted stat and SS --e.g., My Sharena reaches 58 HP and Aversa 60+ HP.

Edited by Syllabear
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Huh. I had assumed failing to climb last week meant that I wasn't ever likely to climb up. However, right now my 3723 has me at 1581 of 3341. Apparently scoring is a lot more lenient this week since that is nearly 10 less than last week.

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13 hours ago, Javi Blizz said:

So, I can’t kill anything with 4*+10 Hawkeye, and Sharena/Aversa lower my score...time to drop to T19 after a few weeks :(

You could try Male Kana next time. He worked pretty well for me, and I didn't use a expensive skill set with him (Water Breath+ with Spd refinement, Swap, Iceberg, Brazen Def/Res, Vantage, Threaten Res, Brazen Atk/Res Seal).

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7 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

You could try Male Kana next time. He worked pretty well for me, and I didn't use a expensive skill set with him (Water Breath+ with Spd refinement, Swap, Iceberg, Brazen Def/Res, Vantage, Threaten Res, Brazen Atk/Res Seal).

I didn't had the feathers and next week will be easy up to T20, so I don't think I'll make him 5*. Although I'd do if I could. Thx anyway!

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8 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

You could try Male Kana next time. He worked pretty well for me, and I didn't use a expensive skill set with him (Water Breath+ with Spd refinement, Swap, Iceberg, Brazen Def/Res, Vantage, Threaten Res, Brazen Atk/Res Seal).

vantage 3? (i am very loathe to sacrifice my Reinhardts LOL Gordins on the other hand....)
Swap is Arthur (DONE)
whose Brazen Def/Res and Threaten Res? please and thanks :) 



17 minutes ago, Javi Blizz said:

I didn't had the feathers and next week will be easy up to T20, so I don't think I'll make him 5*. Although I'd do if I could. Thx anyway!

do you have Camus? this is the one i did and he can hold his own with a Fury/Vantage/Brazen Atk/Res seal :) (though i gold'ed him - i needed to, due to zero gold lance units on cav)

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2 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

vantage 3? (i am very loathe to sacrifice my Reinhardts LOL Gordins on the other hand....)

Lon’qu, though. He never stops stalking me. If I open a red, it’s always either him, Seth, or Draug.

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1 minute ago, Vaximillian said:

Lon’qu, though. He never stops stalking me. If I open a red, it’s always either him, Seth, or Draug.

Ah right yes.... Lon'qu. muhamuhamuaah. 
I should check the ivs of the ones i have, and use them for vantage fodder. I don't really go for him so i tend to forget he's around...
(I hear you on the Draug. it can't even be like. Cain. or Palla or Athena. no.... Draug......)

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3 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

vantage 3? (i am very loathe to sacrifice my Reinhardts LOL Gordins on the other hand....) Lon'zu also gives Vantage 3 at 4*
Swap is Arthur (DONE) This is given by many units: Arthut (as you said), Stahl, Subaki, Seth...
Iceberg...Niles? Here you have Niles and I think Shanna and Klein too.
whose Brazen Def/Res and Threaten Res? please and thanks :) Brazen is from his original skills. Threaten Res from Nowi.



do you have Camus? this is the one i did and he can hold his own with a Fury/Vantage/Brazen Atk/Res seal :) (though i gold'ed him - i needed to, due to zero gold lance units on cav)

Yes, I have him, but is the same as Sharena and Aversa, since he's in a pony, he lowers my score :(

Answered in bold ;)

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1 minute ago, Javi Blizz said:

Answered in bold ;)

thanks so much!! ooh i can build up my Kana then. thanks

Yah :( I love Camus, but dumb pony ;( (sigh). i'm never gonna see Level 20 in arena. ( simply not enough merges in the units that will score high enough. ah well). i'm fine with the 18-17 bounce.

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42 minutes ago, silveraura25 said:

Hahahaha. Aversa on the final map debuffed my Gunnthra and she died to Rein. Feels bad

It’s both annoying and exciting to maneouvre around Aversa, not letting her panic and debuff my tactics-reliant team.
This is the kind of action that I enjoy in the arena, not endless durguns and refrigerators.

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1 hour ago, daisy jane said:

vantage 3? (i am very loathe to sacrifice my Reinhardts LOL Gordins on the other hand....)
Swap is Arthur (DONE)
whose Brazen Def/Res and Threaten Res? please and thanks :) 

With the Arena Bonus stats, Male Kana has 55 HP, 49 Atk, 40 Spd, 35 Def and 33 Res. (Stats can be increased if I decide to give him Summoner Support, but I don't want to do it)

Thanks to Water Breath+, Brazen Def/Res 3 and Brazen Atk/Res 3 Seal, when Kana has less than 80% HP he will have 46 Def and 51 Res during enemy phase. Not only that, but his allies (Marth, Nowi and Soren) are full of in-combat buff skills and rally skills. At full potential, Kana can reach at the enemy phase:

  • 67 Atk -> 49 + 7 (Brazen Atk/Res) + 2 (Falchion) + 3 (Marth's Drive Atk) + 3 (Soren's Drive Atk) + 3 (Rally Atk/Def); (Atk can increase further, thanks to Threaten Res effect on enemy and in case I want to give him Ally Support)
  • 48 Spd -> 40 + 2 (Falchion) + 3 (Marth's Drive Spd) + 3 (Rally Spd/Res);
  • 58 Def  -> 35 + 4 (Water Breath) + 7 (Brazen Def/Res) + 2 (Falchion) + 3 (Nowi's Drive Def) + 4 (Soren's Close Guard) + 3 (Rally Atk/Def); (54 against ranged units)
  • 63 Res -> 33 + 4 (Water Breath) + 7 (Brazen Def/Res) + 7 (Brazen Atk/Res) + 2 (Falchion) + 3 (Nowi's Drive Res) + 4 (Soren's Close Guard) + 3 (Rally Spd/Res); (59 against ranged units)

This is quite good, right? Of course Lighting Breath would work pretty well on him, but my Nowi is +9 and I don't want to delay her +10.

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20 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

With the Arena Bonus stats, Male Kana has 55 HP, 49 Atk, 40 Spd, 35 Def and 33 Res. (Stats can be increased if I decide to give him Summoner Support, but I don't want to do it)

Thanks to Water Breath+, Brazen Def/Res 3 and Brazen Atk/Res 3 Seal, when Kana has less than 80% HP he will have 46 Def and 51 Res during enemy phase. Not only that, but his allies (Marth, Nowi and Soren) are full of in-combat buff skills and rally skills. At full potential, Kana can reach at the enemy phase:

  • 67 Atk -> 49 + 7 (Brazen Atk/Res) + 2 (Falchion) + 3 (Marth's Drive Atk) + 3 (Soren's Drive Atk) + 3 (Rally Atk/Def); (Atk can increase further, thanks to Threaten Res effect on enemy and in case I want to give him Ally Support)
  • 48 Spd -> 40 + 2 (Falchion) + 3 (Marth's Drive Spd) + 3 (Rally Spd/Res);
  • 58 Def  -> 35 + 4 (Water Breath) + 7 (Brazen Def/Res) + 2 (Falchion) + 3 (Nowi's Drive Def) + 4 (Soren's Close Guard) + 3 (Rally Atk/Def); (54 against ranged units)
  • 63 Res -> 33 + 4 (Water Breath) + 7 (Brazen Def/Res) + 7 (Brazen Atk/Res) + 2 (Falchion) + 3 (Nowi's Drive Res) + 4 (Soren's Close Guard) + 3 (Rally Spd/Res); (59 against ranged units)

This is quite good, right? Of course Lighting Breath would work pretty well on him, but my Nowi is +9 and I don't want to delay her +10.


really good. 
did you + him up? or is this just one? 

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