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Unfitting VAs

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17 hours ago, unique said:

lyn's is okay but not really anything like i thought she'd sound???? but it's alright


17 hours ago, Topaz Light said:

I also didn't really like the voice casting for Lyn very much… It sounds too high-pitched and, like… not quite the right attitude, I guess? I guess I'd imagine her voice sounding more like Caitlin Glass's performance as Winry Rockbell. I mean, not that exact personality, but like, that sort of pitch of voice.

At least Wendee Lee's Lyn is a drastic improvement over Lani Minella's Lyn (Super Smash Bros. Brawl, 3DS, Wii U).

I honestly think Florina's voice could be better; she's a little high-pitched to the point of sounding somewhat like a young child.

I expected a rather bratty voice for Serra considering her personality -- not unlike Selena's or perhaps a similar character heard in a Funimation dub. However, she sounds like Maribelle which isn't a bad thing but not what I expected.

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2 hours ago, Roflolxp54 said:

At least Wendee Lee's Lyn is a drastic improvement over Lani Minella's Lyn (Super Smash Bros. Brawl, 3DS, Wii U)

i mean sure but that's kinda hard to judge since it's literally two lines and it's mainly just because she sounded too old there

the tone of her voice was a lot closer there to what I imagined her sounding like

not saying her newer voice is worse but it isn't too much better

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15 hours ago, Blade_of_Light said:

Well She's 18 In the west, which is technically an adult

Yeah, Brawl was where I first heard Lyn, so when I actually got to see what she was like in 7, I was like "that voice doesn't suit her at all,". 

Technically speaking '18' is also a teenage year =3= That age makes way more sense for her anyway TBH she does NOT look younger than 17 at most

7 hours ago, Glaceon Mage said:

Roy is 15, not 13.  Raigh, however, is 13.

Man I'm an old fart, they all feel the same to me. I can sorta buy what someone said earlier about teens having potentially deep voices, but Roy's is just... I dunno man... There's a difference between a deep-voiced kid and an obvious adult to me and I'm not into it haha ;;

3 hours ago, Delfino said:

Florina: Not a big fan of squeaky toy voices.

Yeah same TBH... I'd have expected more of a soft, delicate voice for her (similar to Sophia's I guess...?? I get not wanting them to sound the same but that's what different voices are for isn't it...???).

3 hours ago, Roflolxp54 said:

I expected a rather bratty voice for Serra considering her personality -- not unlike Selena's or perhaps a similar character heard in a Funimation dub. However, she sounds like Maribelle which isn't a bad thing but not what I expected.

Dude Serra's voice is so good though... and they wrote some great new lines for her as well. 'Battles have such a terrible cost... All that time in the sun, my skin is SO dry!'  The delivery on her lines is great, haha. 

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21 hours ago, Smog said:

I expected Nave a similar voice to Gangrel. Instead, he ends up sounding as if Odin was a Butler instead of a Dark Mage. 

That's funny since they have the same VA

23 hours ago, Sentinel07 said:

I wouldn't know about Lon'qu or Olivia since I don't use them. Lilina's voice isn't too different from my expectations. Perhaps a bit squeakier than I thought, but it's in the general area.

Overall, I love the voice cast, with only a couple standing out to me as eyebrow-rising.

There's Raigh, in which Sam Riegel sounds way too old, and Peri, where I think Cindy Robinson went overboard on the "cutesy" thing.

Raigh has my least favorite artwork in the game. The shading is strange to me and he looks super childish. Sophia and Raigh are supposed to look like they are the same age but Sophia looks much older than him. So it makes my ship weird.


Also, does anyone know who voices Palla? She sounds almost exactly like Rise Kujikawa from Persona 4 so I suspect she is Laura Bailey. This means Nanako AND Rise are in this game which is amazing.

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42 minutes ago, 1japanfan said:

Also, does anyone know who voices Palla? She sounds almost exactly like Rise Kujikawa from Persona 4 so I suspect she is Laura Bailey. This means Nanako AND Rise are in this game which is amazing.

she's not credited but it's definitely laura bailey

sounds like her and no one's credited for lucina either

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On 2/20/2017 at 10:34 PM, Radiant Dragon said:

The voices of Virion and Donnel kinda startle me occasionally, not because they're bad (they're both rather fitting in Heroes, actually), but simply because they're different from how they sounded in Awakening, where they both had very distinct voices. Olivia's voice sounds quite a bit higher than before, also, which is odd because isn't she voiced by the same person in both games?

As for those who are getting voices for the first time, I actually really like most of them. Barst, Cecilia, Florina, Shanna and especially Serra all sound excellent. The only one I've heard so far that I kinda don't like is Raven's.

I've only really listened to the characters I've pulled myself, though, and I only have approximately 45 unique ones.

Donnel's VA is the same in Heroes if I'm correct, and I think Taylor Henry/Jamieson Price does a good job imitating Dan Woren's Virion (better than Laslow's new VA for sure...sigh...). I think the reason Karen Strassman is performing Olivia slightly higher now is because Olivia in the Japanese version has a freakishly high kawaii-baity voice (that hurts my eardrums), and the English voice director for Heroes probably wanted to stick closer to that. I don't have a preference, really; just English over Japanese to preserve my hearing!

I know what you mean, though, the same VA sounding different to you for some reason. Apparently Kate Davis is just a pseudonym for Kate Higgins, yet Lissa sounds a bit different to me. Oh well.

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59 minutes ago, twistedxgrace said:

Donnel's VA is the same in Heroes if I'm correct, and I think Taylor Henry/Jamieson Price does a good job imitating Dan Woren's Virion.

I believe it turned out that Jamieson Price WAS Virion all along! Which is still amazing to me honestly. It's a lot different than his usual roles.


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18 hours ago, twistedxgrace said:

Donnel's VA is the same in Heroes if I'm correct, and I think Taylor Henry/Jamieson Price does a good job imitating Dan Woren's Virion (better than Laslow's new VA for sure...sigh...). I think the reason Karen Strassman is performing Olivia slightly higher now is because Olivia in the Japanese version has a freakishly high kawaii-baity voice (that hurts my eardrums), and the English voice director for Heroes probably wanted to stick closer to that. I don't have a preference, really; just English over Japanese to preserve my hearing!

I know what you mean, though, the same VA sounding different to you for some reason. Apparently Kate Davis is just a pseudonym for Kate Higgins, yet Lissa sounds a bit different to me. Oh well.

NO MORE LIAM O' BRIAN!!!!???? :(

Edited by 1japanfan
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4 hours ago, 1japanfan said:

NO MORE LIAM O' BRIAN!!!!???? :(

Well, not for this game at least.

Unfortunately, it's not too much of a surprise. He's been extremely busy of late with other roles he's gotten. Plus I think he's been spending more time with his family as well. So, he's had a few roles recasted over the past year or so.

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