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Characters that you once detest but Heroes made you like/love them.


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Lucina makes me want to buy FE13... I'm also doubly fond of her because she was my first 5* unit.

Wasn't too fond of Raven in FE7, but he is my best green atm. Murders M!Robin/Linde (my Red!Sword Lords biggest threats).

I overlooked Roy in FE6 ( like most of us ) but he is the best Hector counter in the game. Just the fact that he no longer sucks as a unit ( I was lucky enough to pull him as a 5* ) makes him all right in my book now.

Never played FE14, but I love Effie, Oboro and Setsuna ( whose voice is amazing. Even if you don't use her, keep her for that xD )

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Eirika: I used to dislike her for being garbage in FE8, but her contribution to Nino nuke is so great I forgive her. I also like her voice, it is very fitting.

Nino: I always liked her as a character, but as a unit she sucked hard. She is now my MVP, and I also like her voice.

Azura: I disliked her for being the stupidest woman in Fateslandia, but her general utility is so great I rerolled just to get her. Took 17 tries but I got her. 

Narcian: Sadly I don't have him anymore and he is kinda low tier, but man, this guy is a masterpiece of personality. Everything that comes out of his mouth sounds perfect. If anyone liked Narcian, I suggest you to read Hasha no Tsurugi and read his lines with the Heroes voice, I had such a good time even if he is the biggest douche there is.

Catria: Before rerolling I had her in my team, and I was indifferent to her because she is from Sucky Dragon. She impressed me with her performance, Luna charged fast so she killed things, and she took a lot of hits, and I was like "Haruna has boobs of steel, nothing kills her!"  

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16 hours ago, JSND said:



I disliked FE6 Narcian since i put so little attention he feels like a really evil guy instead of the comedic narcisist that he actually potrays, and that elements is something that is highlighted in Heroes which make him really enjoyable

Problem with most character in heroes is that IS essentially took their gimmick and run with it for most character, which usually highlights why i dislike a character so much, or deprive them or what makes me like them(HOLY SHIT what happen to Ephraim and Lachesis). This doesn't work and easilly make me dislike a lot of characters, but this works like a charm for Narcian. I can't wait for more characters like this tbh.

Same goes here. I had blotted out Narcian from the game he was in, and he's still a vile thing to listen to (his dialogues are... well, Narcian). But I can't deny his usefulness to me on the battle field. I guess you work best together with those who you only appreciate for their skills' sake (I'm feeling shallow now :P:)

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I was pretty neutral/negative about Setsuna, but she's pretty much gone up my list of which unit to make my unit's waifu in my next Fates run. Same with Felicia.

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Nobody I detest, because every time I roll Corrin I just send them home. Not that they'd be much useful for me, anyway--FCorn looks solid, but I also have plenty of good blues that pair better with my other team members, and MCorn is just another sword who isn't as good as Ryoma is, and I don't need swords who I'm not a fan of character-wise AND doesn't really have anything that I find useful over Ryoma as an alternate.

But my opinion of Nino certainly wasn't that good before heroes--she's a fine-written character, sure enough, but I don't usually like young characters and I find her overhyped as a unit (i was here back in the days where late-joining growth units are a lot more hyped) and so I never really liked her much but I didn't like, hate her either so I was willing to give her a try here.

And she's fucking huge. 

Shoots right up my favorites list now.

Also MRobin is cool with me now.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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The closest I have to this is Gwendolyn. I actually had no opinion of her before Heroes as I didn't know she existed, but she turned out to be a decent unit. Too bad I have no place for another lance user on my team.

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Sophia and Gwendolyn - I didb't detest them, but they're such a pain to use in FE6. Sure, here they still have some of their FE6 problems here (Gwendolyn, ur still as mobile as a wall, Sophia, ur still slow as a molasses), but this time they're actually usable from the start. Though Gwendolyn? Do you really need to show up every other summon?

Gameplay-wise Heroes also redeemed FE11!Linde in my eyes - there she came late, and Aura is just one tome, and not the most durable one, not to mention Merric outspeeding her greatly. So I decided to give her a chance on my Hard run, and she ended up kicking about as much ass as she did in Heroes.

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Even though I find Sophia useless at first; but to find out she's basically my equivalent of Lilina or Sanaki for the meanwhile kicked her upstairs to my favorites.

Azama, even though I haven't played Fates was useful. Pain spell is guaranteed 10 damage and handy for raising my lower-leveled folks. Mine ended up having decent ATK, SPD, DEF and HP meaning I can park him in front of Physical units and wall them. I have to watch out for enemy mages though since mine also ended up having mediocre RES.

Catria is impressive.

Nino is fun to use; doubling stuff and nuking the heck out of things. Although I'd wanna make her quiet down about her babbling about trying her best at some points. XD

Henry has some darkly amusing lines especially if he activates Ignis... "IT'S CURSE O' CLOCK!"... Haven't played Awakening though.

While I am sour towards Est leaving Abel behind in FE11, she did at least became "Neutral" tier to me thanks to this game. She wrecks everything but she's also a bit of a Glass Cannon.

I'm still trying to get Cain and Shanna because I like them.


On the opposite side though, this game is igniting my distaste for Takumi. He's everywhere...

Edited by Frosty
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Heroes hasn't really flopped me from the dislike of anyone to the like spectrum, BUT it has made me appreciate Kagero a little more haha ;; I never disliked her or anything, but I was never big on her design or her design (I like the fact that she does art and her style is apparently really grimdark though haha), but Fates had good art of her and better voicework IMO as well as making her probably the best dagger unit in the game currently. 

I guess Palla 'cause she's pretty and I like green-haired ladies....?

Oh, Wrys. I love his voice. He's such a nice old man.

Edited by BANRYU
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I didn't hate sully, but I love her heroes lines. The voice actors nailed it. 

Someone mentioned M!Robin lines are funny. I partially agree. His summoning line is great. 

His line, "Thank goodness, I still have my memories of being in Ylisse," broke me though, as the first thought that goes through my head is, "poor Elise..." D:

Selena is alright. Unlike most of you, I have to live my life sounding almost exactly like her (I kid you not. I tap her lines and then say them to freak my friends out). It gets annoying. Her attitude has improved since awakening so that's a plus. That and she (and Virion) carried me through the early game alone. Call it some sort of newfound respect, if you will.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Topic is not quite a month old, hope bumping it isn't too much of a problem ;; Yeah lately I've had a bit of a turnabout in feelings for several characters who I've been using recently... 

Abel I initially resented for not being Ephraim when I was trying to pull for him, but he's really come through for me a lot and become one of my most reliable units... and I can appreciate that. He's done some good work. 

Subaki I never cared for much in Fates; he had a cool voice, but never found him useful as a unit and wasn't super interested in his character... It's interesting to see what a brick wall with wings he makes in Heroes, though. A lot of people know about the GBH budget-roster videos that utilize him, and I think those are great at showcasing Subaki's overlooked worth and potential, and while not much use in the arena, his tankiness can definitely be of use and I think that's pretty neat.

Reinhardt I didn't particularly care about since I never played Genealogy and didn't have much attachment to him, but my wife pulled him for me and took an interest him him (might have been the german name as she's half-german herself), and even though he's 4* and lacks Dire Thunder for now, I'm working on training him up on her behalf-- his distinctive non-anime-traditional look and cool voice have been growing on me quite a bit. 

...it's unfortunate that I just learned he gets Vantage 3 at 4* ;;;;; Now I have to grapple with the decision of using a pretty cool & rare unit (with a decent nature at Atk+/Def- as well) VS burning him for useful skill fodder ;;;

Edited by BANRYU
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14 minutes ago, BANRYU said:

Topic is not quite a month old, hope bumping it isn't too much of a problem ;; Yeah lately I've had a bit of a turnabout in feelings for several characters who I've been using recently... 

Abel I initially resented for not being Ephraim when I was trying to pull for him, but he's really come through for me a lot and become one of my most reliable units... and I can appreciate that. He's done some good work. 

Subaki I never cared for much in Fates; he had a cool voice, but never found him useful as a unit and wasn't super interested in his character... It's interesting to see what a brick wall with wings he makes in Heroes, though. A lot of people know about the GBH budget-roster videos that utilize him, and I think those are great at showcasing Subaki's overlooked worth and potential, and while not much use in the arena, his tankiness can definitely be of use and I think that's pretty neat.

Reinhardt I didn't particularly care about since I never played Genealogy and didn't have much attachment to him, but my wife pulled him for me and took an interest him him (might have been the german name as she's half-german herself), and even though he's 4* and lacks Dire Thunder for now, I'm working on training him up on her behalf-- his distinctive non-anime-traditional look and cool voice have been growing on me quite a bit. 

...it's unfortunate that I just learned he gets Vantage 3 at 4* ;;;;; Now I have to grapple with the decision of using a pretty cool & rare unit (with a decent nature at Atk+/Def- as well) VS burning him for useful skill fodder ;;;

Spend the feathers to 5* Reinhardt. Vantage is overrated and can be easily obtained from Lon'qu instead.

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3 minutes ago, Korath88 said:

Spend the feathers to 5* Reinhardt. Vantage is overrated and can be easily obtained from Lon'qu instead.

I know that it's available from 4* lon'qu, the question is simply whether I'll ever HAVE one of those.

But, as with many things, it seems the best answer is to wait and see lol. Rein's cool and all but I've already got Robin/Cherche/Nino lined up for feathers and then Eliwood on the backburner lol... ;; we'll see tho. 

Anyway yeah he seems neat. I needed more boss male characters anyway the bulk of my good ones are ladies lol ;;

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21 minutes ago, BANRYU said:

...it's unfortunate that I just learned he gets Vantage 3 at 4* ;;;;; Now I have to grapple with the decision of using a pretty cool & rare unit (with a decent nature at Atk+/Def- as well) VS burning him for useful skill fodder ;;;

I pair Vantage with Defiant skills, so Vantage 3 is overkill for my purposes.

That's one of Reinhardt's best natures, so I don't see why you'd do anything other than PROMOTE HIM.

EDIT: Right, topic. I have a new appreciation for Leo now.  He hits pretty hard, and can sort-of take a beating.

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1 minute ago, eclipse said:

I pair Vantage with Defiant skills, so Vantage 3 is overkill for my purposes.

That's one of Reinhardt's best natures, so I don't see why you'd do anything other than PROMOTE HIM.

EDIT: Right, topic. I have a new appreciation for Leo now.  He hits pretty hard, and can sort-of take a beating.

Ahh true ;; better to use a poor-natured one for skill fodder lol ;; Actually... between Rein and Eliwood I have the makings of a pretty badass cavalry team without even needing to sack Gunter for his cav skill (which I'll probably still do anyway lol). Also got access to Leo/Abel at 5* and Ursula/Cecilia at 4* so...... haha... yeah... might as well make use of that shit jeez y'all right what was I thinking

Yeah Leo's pretty good! I realized lately that he makes a great anti-Nino as well, since he can approach and kill from outside her attack/movement range.

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5 hours ago, BANRYU said:

Ahh true ;; better to use a poor-natured one for skill fodder lol ;; Actually... between Rein and Eliwood I have the makings of a pretty badass cavalry team without even needing to sack Gunter for his cav skill (which I'll probably still do anyway lol). Also got access to Leo/Abel at 5* and Ursula/Cecilia at 4* so...... haha... yeah... might as well make use of that shit jeez y'all right what was I thinking

Yeah Leo's pretty good! I realized lately that he makes a great anti-Nino as well, since he can approach and kill from outside her attack/movement range.

Lon'qu is available from 3 and 4 stars so you're also more likely to get him in the future. Reinhardt was one of the main killers for my cavalry quest in the training tower. He's a bit squishy (might just be me being rubbish) but he hits like a falling piano.

Leo... I need to learn to use better. I adore my Leo but he just takes a step and dies >.<

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3 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

Lon'qu is available from 3 and 4 stars so you're also more likely to get him in the future. Reinhardt was one of the main killers for my cavalry quest in the training tower. He's a bit squishy (might just be me being rubbish) but he hits like a falling piano.

Leo... I need to learn to use better. I adore my Leo but he just takes a step and dies >.<

Put Leo on a team with Fae or Nino, or someone else with draw back.  1Range units will stuggle a lot, because you can attack, pull Leo out of range due to Brynhildr having a gravity effect during p phase, rinse, and repeat.

noontime might be a good idea to keep quick ripose up with Leo's speed.

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2 minutes ago, Glaceon Mage said:

Put Leo on a team with Fae or Nino, or someone else with draw back.  1Range units will stuggle a lot, because you can attack, pull Leo out of range due to Brynhildr having a gravity effect during p phase, rinse, and repeat.

noontime might be a good idea to keep quick ripose up with Leo's speed.

Ooooh, that's a nasty idea. Love it :D Will definitely give that a shot :D

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I had married Cherche and Virion to each other in Awakening because I love the pairing, but was sort of neutral towards them until this game. I'm not too good on meta, but Cherche and Virion have been mainstays with me and helpful for training new units I get.

I've also taken to Catria, who I didn't have a strong opinion of til now. Her Heroes art is very pretty, and I like her Killer Lance making her a killing machine.

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There is only 1 character, from the playable ones, that I hate, and he is still not in the game, so... But anyway, even if he gets in the game, I doubt that Heroes make me like him haha

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2 hours ago, Cute Chao said:

Lon'qu is available from 3 and 4 stars so you're also more likely to get him in the future. Reinhardt was one of the main killers for my cavalry quest in the training tower. He's a bit squishy (might just be me being rubbish) but he hits like a falling piano.

Leo... I need to learn to use better. I adore my Leo but he just takes a step and dies >.<

Ahh Leo was one of my best guys in that quest actually >w< Abel was my MVP but Leo was hitting harder than Ursula and Eliwood was basically just there for Ward Cavalry lol. Then again my Leo is Def+/Spd- so that might help. 

59 minutes ago, Faye said:

I had married Cherche and Virion to each other in Awakening because I love the pairing, but was sort of neutral towards them until this game. I'm not too good on meta, but Cherche and Virion have been mainstays with me and helpful for training new units I get.

I've also taken to Catria, who I didn't have a strong opinion of til now. Her Heroes art is very pretty, and I like her Killer Lance making her a killing machine.

Ugh Cherche.... I really like her but I've actually had the opposite reaction to her lately... Cherche was one of my main squad members playing through the story chapters and I was really happy with her, but she has NOT been performing up to snuff during the 4x Fliers training tower challenge... probably doesn't help that mine is Atk-/Spd+ but I've become very frustrated with her performance ;; And now that my wife pulled me a Atk+/Res- 4* Cherche it looks like I'll be scrapping the OG one which kinda makes me feel bad ;;

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