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All Hail the Dancing Manakete: New Banner Revealed


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3 minutes ago, Ryu Yuki said:

To be honest it does kind of feel you borderline bash Elibe every other line. Don't get me wrong, it is completely valid to be upset that your favorite characters haven't appeared yet. I get that, I can honestly see that it's rather frustrating from your point of view. Ike being #1 on the polls is more than enough reason for at least his standard version to appear. But you go out of your way to repeatedly mention how Elibe has a bad story or that Ninian is just there as Eliwood's wife even though she had a whole plot revolving around her (She doesn't need to be an awesome combat unit to have a compelling story). I don't know if that's defined as bashing, it does come off as rather rude to fans of the series. I'm pretty sure you wouldn't like it too much if Ike was stereotyped as a bland muscle-figure protagonist despite everything he does in his game. So just chill, I think it's fine it's fine to complain about why Ike isn't here yet but being passive-aggressive or bashing other games isn't the way to go about it, especially since no one here has any actual control over who shows up.

Where have I gone out of my way to say any of that? I've only mentioned Elibe's story ONCE in this thread and it was to agree with someone ELSE that said the story was bad. And I said Ninian was REVIVED AFTER HER DEATH just to be Eliwood's wife, not existing only for that purpose.

And like you said, my frustration is understandable. I'm just venting it. It shouldn't be mistaken for an intent to bash anyone. I would never do that.

Edited by Anacybele
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12 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Yeah, Elibe's story is pretty bad, I agree. It's generic and not interesting (the good guys stopping a power-hungry idiot from getting more power, woop dee doo). Ninian being killed and then revived is stupid too. How can people criticize Emmeryn in Awakening and give Ninian a pass here? I feel like she was only brought back so she could marry Eliwood. And people still love her.

That being said, it's not as bad as the rushed, stupid, and hole-filled mess that's Awakening's story. I never really liked time-travel stuff either. If I had to choose between Elibe banners and Awakening ones, I'd pick Elibe. So it could be worse, really.

I cannot take eliwood ninian srsly when she can't fight and disappear for more than half the game (it's a weaker version of runan and enteh (tearring)).

I liked awakening until Walhart death. Then it just became predictable and boring. I am not a huge fan of kids in their parent game that serve no purpose. I do support shipping however. Like the ending which tellius lack.

12 minutes ago, Lord-Zero said:

@Anacybele ...

@Ryuke: I'd say a proper remake of Mystery of the Emblem would come first. Westerners never got that game nor the DS remake and Japan LOVES Mystery of the Emblem. 

Ugh. Ds + fan translate (better than official) is more than enough. We will see. I hope not. Japan already got their mystery of the emlbme.

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2 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

I'm glad I saved my orbs after getting Eldigan last focus, because now I can use them trying to get Ninian! Truly my foresight is 20/20.

You'll have to wait until Tokyo Mirage Sessions gets representation before that happens.

I know. TMS stuff in FEH is basically a Paralogue gold mine waiting to happen.


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2 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

lol no. I don't know where at all you would get such an idea. I never referred to Elibe fans or anyone at all, no even indirectly.

Then be embarrassed. I don't really care. I've met people who tell me they grew fond of Ike thanks to me. Your view of me makes no difference.

I don't even have to explain it. Ryu Yuki did it for me.

Then you have not grown at all in social ability and maturity your time here at Serenes, only a semblance of it when something you like is involved.

You say you understand and sympathize with others when their likes are different from yours. Your actions do not.

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8 minutes ago, shadowofchaos said:

I don't even have to explain it. Ryu Yuki did it for me.

Then you have not grown at all in social ability and maturity your time here at Serenes, only a semblance of it when something you like is involved.

You say you understand and sympathize with others when their likes are different from yours. Your actions do not.

And I explained why he's wrong too. But can you not try to make this thread about me please? I disagree with you entirely, and so would others, I might add, but this is not the place for it. This is about a Heroes banner, not me.

Ryuke is doing the same thing I am, in fact. Why is no one complaining to him? He was the one that first mentioned Elibe's story. I only agreed. Not that I think either of us should be getting complaints, I'm just making a point.

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9 minutes ago, Ryuke said:

Ugh. Ds + fan translate (better than official) is more than enough. We will see. I hope not. Japan already got their mystery of the emlbme.

I mean for the general audience. Not everyone would be willing to go "nah, there's some fan-translated version" especially when Nintendo is aware of the fact that they never released New Mystery of the Emblem overseas. Perfect excuse to release that alongside amiibo figures of Marth and Caeda. Japan will never get "enough" of Mystery of the Emblem especially if this gives them a chance to hear Marth & Co.'s voices outside Smash, Heroes and Fates. 

Edited by Lord-Zero
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9 minutes ago, shadowofchaos said:

I'm assuming you were the original Ice Dragon before Serenes.

And therefore supercede me before my waifu lord reputation with Ninian.


I have Belinda and two pets to take care of. I don't have as much disposable income compared to you even though I'm in the same field as you.

I'm scared my 132 orbs won't be enough.

Yep. FESS's original Ice Dragon here. Ninian was the waifu that got me into the online Fire Emblem community in the first place, and I have every obligation to get her to +10.

I can dream. Let me dream. It's the day after daylight savings started.


Time to go check my credit card balances again and cry. Hoo boy.

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4 minutes ago, DraceEmpressa said:

Let's be real, we all know FEH is fanfic material, be it the angst, crack, or simple crossover. I even saw an Eliwood/Olivia fic in Ao3.. 

We'll have to wait and see how far are they willing to go with this game. 

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22 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:


They really, really need to slow down on characters that I actually care about because at this rate, my wallet is not going to last.



You could alternatively care about less characters :]

Also, by the looks of this focus, it seems I don't have to bungee jump off a cliff.

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6 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Yep. FESS's original Ice Dragon here. Ninian was the waifu that got me into the online Fire Emblem community in the first place, and I have every obligation to get her to +10.

I can dream. Let me dream.


Time to go check my credit card balances again and cry. Hoo boy.


I have mixed feelings about this statement. Simply because... wow just thinking about it is embarrassing.

I want to punch myself in the face.

I have embarrassing archives of it in the FE4 thread too.

I got my reputation from the older members here because of Ninian. My GBA critical collection video (which is now unlisted until the remake) showed how into a collection of pixels I was.

Ninian was the waifu...the reason I got into GBA FE hacking. Which got me into programming. Which got me a career.

Which let indirectly made me make videos about GBA FE hacking. Which got me my sub base. Which got me my IRL waifu.

So much regret. But ironically, the 2d waifu which I'm so embarrassed about... got me the IRL waifu.

Part of me is still unsure about trying to roll for her.

Man, I thought I was *THE* FE guy associated with her in the community back then.

Seems like I only continued your legacy for a time.

While also stealing the name of another FESS member unintentionally haha.

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Yeah, what he said, SOC. That's pretty fascinating. no joke. It definitely wouldn't hurt to try to pull her out of appreciation. I kinda know the feeling too, Ike got me one of my closest friends, made me an FE fan, and made me an artist. He also helped with some depression because of the deaths of my grandma and brother. Just months after my grandma passed, he appeared in Smash Wii U/3DS. Ah, I was the happiest I'd been in ages. My brother also indirectly got me into Ike and FE. He was the first of us to play Ike in Smash. We eventually started arguing over who would be him in the SSE. lol

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32 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

That is not what I said at all. Don't twist my words. I speak for all Tellius and Magvel fans, not just myself. I'm not a selfish bitch.

Speaking as a Tellius fan, let me allow to say that when you trash other games and other games' character, you most definitely don't speak for me.

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2 minutes ago, salinea said:

Speaking as a Tellius fan, let me allow to say that when you trash other games and other games' character, you most definitely don't speak for me.

Um...what? Why am I not allowed to have a negative opinion about something?

I'm not even the only person "trashing" other games and characters in here. What about Glac having said Ike deserves to be killed? Or Ryuke also complaining about Elibe? Why am I constantly the ONLY one being called out for these things?

I'm seriously considering leaving this site again. I'm tired of being treated as poorly as I am.

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7 minutes ago, Lord-Zero said:

We'll have to wait and see how far are they willing to go with this game. 

The more they blazing when script writing the paralogues, the better. For example, shoving guys into girl clothes for the lulz like my avatar hahaha and I saw someone played a hacked Genealogy game and changed Leif into a priestess on tumblr. Amazing shit. 


12 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Yep. FESS's original Ice Dragon here. Ninian was the waifu that got me into the online Fire Emblem community in the first place, and I have every obligation to get her to +10.

I can dream. Let me dream. It's the day after daylight savings started.


Time to go check my credit card balances again and cry. Hoo boy.

Yes you can cry. I found this crazy doujinshi author in twitter who did this. I'm sure you can do the same. C4ZsE0uUoAArbYK.jpg

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15 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Where have I gone out of my way to say any of that? I've only mentioned Elibe's story ONCE in this thread and it was to agree with someone ELSE that said the story was bad. And I said Ninian was REVIVED AFTER HER DEATH just to be Eliwood's wife, not existing only for that purpose.

And like you said, my frustration is understandable. I'm just venting it. It shouldn't be mistaken for an intent to bash anyone. I would never do that.

Well maybe I phrased myself poorly. What I meant was that you seem to mention Elibe negatively quite a bit, not that you repeat those specific complaints every time. Like, I've definitely seen you mention over several posts how you're tired or sick of it, which admittedly is fine to think (Yeah they do have over-representation, it's very obvious) but you just seem to feel the need to mention it a lot, which feels at the very least rather passive-aggressive against those games. But I won't bring this up anymore though, since it seems like you didn't really mean to be rude and you're just feeling very frustrated with Ike's situation. I really can sympathize with your frustration over that, because Ike *does* definitely deserve to be in the game. Even I have no idea why his regular version hasn't appeared yet. [ Also I didn't complain to the other guy because I just happened to notice you first. I wasn't really specifically targeting you, it was just kind of chance. ]

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5 minutes ago, DraceEmpressa said:

The more they blazing when script writing the paralogues, the better. For example, shoving guys into girl clothes for the lulz like my avatar hahaha and I saw someone played a hacked Genealogy game and changed Leif into a priestess on tumblr. Amazing shit. 


Yes you can cry. I found this crazy doujinshi author in twitter who did this. I'm sure you can do the same. C4ZsE0uUoAArbYK.jpg

LMAO. Are they all +10? Because that's some crazy dedication.

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Welp, looks like a solid cast of characters! I'm looking forward to getting Jaffar, Ninian, and Priscilla on my team. Karel and Rebecca would be nice, while I'll pass on Lucius.

Although, if they stick with the "3 Paralogue" system, then that's only gonna be 9 Orbs (+1 from quests if precedent stays on course). I can see Priscilla and Lucius being on the same team. Maybe they will go Ninian/Rebecca and Jaffar/Karel, since FE7 Karel is more bloodthirsty than his FE6 counterpart.

...I need more Orbs.

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13 minutes ago, pianime94 said:

Roll for her as a show of gratitude and appreciation? As mixed as that is, she uh led you into the you right now.




At least Belinda pretty much "takes all of my sins" woth 踊り子 related stuff.

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5 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

You could alternatively care about less characters :]

How does I say no to Ninian? :[


2 minutes ago, shadowofchaos said:


I have mixed feelings about this statement. Simply because... wow just thinking about it is embarrassing.

I want to punch myself in the face.

I have embarrassing archives of it in the FE4 thread too.

I got my reputation from the older members here because of Ninian. My GBA critical collection video (which is now unlisted until the remake) showed how into a collection of pixels I was.

Ninian was the waifu...the reason I got into GBA FE hacking. Which got me into programming. Which got me a career.

Which let indirectly made me make videos about GBA FE hacking. Which got me my sub base. Which got me my IRL waifu.

So much regret. But ironically, the 2d waifu which I'm so embarrassed about... got me the IRL waifu.

Part of me is still unsure about trying to roll for her.

Man, I thought I was *THE* FE guy associated with her in the community back then.

Seems like I only continued your legacy for a time.

While also stealing the name of another FESS member unintentionally haha.

The Fire Emblem community was also where I got the start to my current career as well (software developer) and also rekindled an old flame for pencil-and-paper drawing (I have so many drawings of Ninian from back then).

Honestly speaking, the Fire Emblem community from back in my high school days was what got me to where I am right now. It's really not a stretch at all to say that Ninian is the reason I'm where I am today.


3 minutes ago, DraceEmpressa said:

Yes you can cry. I found this crazy doujinshi author in twitter who did this. I'm sure you can do the same.

I'm a few Takumis short of pulling that off, unfortunately. Before I started merging my people, I could have done that with Lucina, though, (and I still can with a few other characters that I haven't bothered to merge yet) since I pulled an absurd 21 (game, why?) of her while trying for a few Tikis to merge.

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1 minute ago, Ryu Yuki said:

Well maybe I phrased myself poorly. What I meant was that you seem to mention Elibe negatively quite a bit, not that you repeat those specific complaints every time. Like, I've definitely seen you mention over several posts how you're tired or sick of it, which admittedly is fine to think (Yeah they do have over-representation, it's very obvious) but you just seem to feel the need to mention it a lot, which feels at the very least rather passive-aggressive against those games. But I won't bring this up anymore though, since it seems like you didn't really mean to be rude and you're just feeling very frustrated with Ike's situation. I really can sympathize with your frustration over that, because Ike *does* definitely deserve to be in the game. Even I have no idea why his regular version hasn't appeared yet. [ Also I didn't complain to the other guy because I just happened to notice you first. I wasn't really specifically targeting you, it was just kind of chance. ]

Yeah, I'm really just frustrated at Tellius and Magvel's situation (not just Ike, but he is part of it, yeah). But now I see. You're making sense. Maybe I could've been a bit less harsh.

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17 minutes ago, shadowofchaos said:


I have mixed feelings about this statement. Simply because... wow just thinking about it is embarrassing.

I want to punch myself in the face.

I have embarrassing archives of it in the FE4 thread too.

I got my reputation from the older members here because of Ninian. My GBA critical collection video (which is now unlisted until the remake) showed how into a collection of pixels I was.

Ninian was the waifu...the reason I got into GBA FE hacking. Which got me into programming. Which got me a career.

Which let indirectly made me make videos about GBA FE hacking. Which got me my sub base. Which got me my IRL waifu.

So much regret. But ironically, the 2d waifu which I'm so embarrassed about... got me the IRL waifu.

Part of me is still unsure about trying to roll for her.

Man, I thought I was *THE* FE guy associated with her in the community back then.

Seems like I only continued your legacy for a time.

While also stealing the name of another FESS member unintentionally haha.

It makes me quite happy to see so many Ninian fans here. I sort of feared that Azura replaced her in the fandom community due to their many similarities and the fact Azura is way more advertised and recent, but it seems like she still has a place here. I will wish both of you luck at getting Ninian, because she is definitely very worth it. I will do my best to get her as well, as I've been quite the fan since early BS days.

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I'm pretty out of touch with the newer FEs so I have really no say in this matter, but Ninian is and will always be remembered. As a matter of fact, my friend started playing BS because of Heroes.

OTOH, I'm sad Rebecca looks like she got a bad artwork.

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