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Hector or Nino?


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Would you choose


Hector (all Medium) or Nino( +spd -def) as a reroll?



After rolling for the new banner,


Hector account : gotten Lucius,   PRISCILLA

Nino Account: gotten Jaffar

Edited by Ewwgene
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Hector. You're more likely to roll more Ninos in the future (I've rolled 3 or 4 by now, and I'm sure I'll run into more when I pull for Ninian soon), while Hector is rather rare 'cause he's only available as a 5-Star.

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They're both really good it just depends on the type of player you are and whether or not you're going to get units to buff Nino, or swap, reposition, smite, and/or drawback to move Hector across the map.

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Those IVs on Nino are amazing but she wants buff support so I wouldn't really keep an account with her being the only 5* after rerolling. Plus you might get lucky and pull a 3 or 4 star Nino with similarly good IVs and just promote her.

Edit: On second thought it might be worth playing on the Nino account some more to see what other units you pull. If you get units that synergise well with Nino such as Eirika, Azura etc. then keep it.

Edited by hunty
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Hector for 2 reasons:

1. Hector kills Nino. This is why I would also rate him as being slightly higher than Takumi and Linde, even though they're all in the same tier; he can kill both of them in a 1 on 1.

2. At present, the game isn't super balanced to compensate for how good he is. There just aren't enough armor counters running around, as the past two hero battles proved. Hector could just tank through both of them on hard and lunatic without breaking a sweat. Unless there's a Tiki, Selena, or Roy running around, there's not much that stops Hector.

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35 minutes ago, dragonlordsd said:

2. At present, the game isn't super balanced to compensate for how good he is. There just aren't enough armor counters running around, as the past two hero battles proved. Hector could just tank through both of them on hard and lunatic without breaking a sweat. Unless there's a Tiki, Selena, or Roy running around, there's not much that stops Hector.

Are you specifically talking about story chapters and Hero Battles? Because in the Arena, literally any Sword lord destroys him. Even Alfonse and Seliph, if you bait Hector instead of attacking him first. 

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1 minute ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

Are you specifically talking about story chapters and Hero Battles? Because in the Arena, literally any Sword lord destroys him. Even Alfonse and Seliph, if you bait Hector instead of attacking him first. 

Mainly using to clear chapters and hero battles. :)

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3 minutes ago, Ewwgene said:

Mainly using to clear chapters and hero battles. :)

Well in the last Hero Battle, both Nino and Hector were extremely good units to have. Hector just won the whole thing, and Nino kills Ursula, which basically won you the whole thing. I guess Hector is stronger individually, but Nino hits harder with buffs.

For story chapters, doesn't really matter.

Edited by SatsumaFSoysoy
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3 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

Are you specifically talking about story chapters and Hero Battles? Because in the Arena, literally any Sword lord destroys him. Even Alfonse and Seliph, if you bait Hector instead of attacking him first. 


I have a Def+ Chrom and he could probably take out a team of 4 Hectors by himself. Any sword lord can 1v1 a Hector, and they are running around everywhere in the arena.


Hector is great for story maps and that kind of stuff but he has limited potential for Arena use. And that 1 movement is really annoying sometimes.

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2 hours ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

Are you specifically talking about story chapters and Hero Battles? Because in the Arena, literally any Sword lord destroys him. Even Alfonse and Seliph, if you bait Hector instead of attacking him first. 

That's the thing, see.

Sure, you can beat him... if he's AI controlled.

But if you're the one controlling him... well, nothing stops him. All you have to do is wait for the CPU to attack you. He can kill every sword wielder in the entire game by himself (except for Roy). Lucina, Lyn, Marth, Eirika, it doesn't matter. He kills them all no problem. That's what I mean.

Because that's the thing. A +Def Chrom won't save you. Not when Armands gives him a guaranteed double. He'll survive Chrom's attacks (assuming yours isn't -spd. If it is, a +spd hector can double him.) and then just polish Chrom off, no problem.

I've literally never lost in the arena unless the other team had a Tiki. And now with Julia, even that's not a problem.

Edited by dragonlordsd
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Hector is great for the player, bad for the AI.

Personally, I would choose Nino because I just don't want to deal with 1 move units, but if you have good units with stuff like Draw Back and Reposition you can get around that.

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Hector is powerful, but he's really easy to kite in Arena.  The only problem is if you aren't carrying a Red that can counter him or your Red gets killed.

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6 hours ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

Are you specifically talking about story chapters and Hero Battles? Because in the Arena, literally any Sword lord destroys him. Even Alfonse and Seliph, if you bait Hector instead of attacking him first. 

I am aiming to get Ninian and she is likely to be green.

So i don't think it is encouraged to have 2 green tanky heroes in a team right? too excessive.

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Extremely powerful and extremely difficult to get unlike Nino who can be rolled as a 3* even. And is a powerhouse in player hands, particularly with a dancer. Both Hector and Nino suffer a lot in AI control, Hector moreso. But he's still amazing, and his total amount of stat points lets you reacher the higher levels of arena score due to how the system works.


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Hector, I don't really know why others say Nino.  I love Nino as a character and she is very good in heroes.  However, she is not really THAT good compared to some other units (although she is green in a long list of bad green heroes).  Additionally, you can get good IVs on her as a 3* and up her to 5* later - Hector has never seen a focus so you're probably not going to get him on your Nino account. 

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2 minutes ago, Ewwgene said:

@Lushen  @TheNiddo @Rezzy  @SatsumaFSoysoy


Guys after rolling the banner, i need some advice and i am at a loss.


At first i am leaning towards Hector but now that Nino has Jaffar...i don't know anymore D:

But Hector has one of the best healer Priscilla.. 

Jaffar doesn't really help Nino. Nino needs buffs on her, not debuffs on the enemy.

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6 hours ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

Jaffar doesn't really help Nino. Nino needs buffs on her, not debuffs on the enemy.

Debuffs help everyone. Jaffar is probably the best of the new focus group. And everyone gets a free Sharena who is fantastic for giving Nino buffs, and a fantastic units on her own. Add in a sword Lord (Ryoma and Eirika being the best for Nino) and the team is looking pretty solid.


With 4 colorless heroes in the new focus, the odds of getting Jaffar are quite low. How is his Boon/Bane?

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4 hours ago, Hawk King said:

Debuffs help everyone. Jaffar is probably the best of the new focus group. And everyone gets a free Sharena who is fantastic for giving Nino buffs, and a fantastic units on her own. Add in a sword Lord (Ryoma and Eirika being the best for Nino) and the team is looking pretty solid.


With 4 colorless heroes in the new focus, the odds of getting Jaffar are quite low. How is his Boon/Bane?

But if you're running debuffs, then it really doesn't matter who you run, Nino or Hector. If you're aiming to make Nino a goddess, then Jaffar doesn't do that.

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4 hours ago, Hawk King said:

Debuffs help everyone. Jaffar is probably the best of the new focus group. And everyone gets a free Sharena who is fantastic for giving Nino buffs, and a fantastic units on her own. Add in a sword Lord (Ryoma and Eirika being the best for Nino) and the team is looking pretty solid.


With 4 colorless heroes in the new focus, the odds of getting Jaffar are quite low. How is his Boon/Bane?

Jaffar +spd -atk. :(

While my Nino is +spd -res

you mean the 2* Sharena? So i have to feather her up to 5*? 

For Sword lord, I am thinking of saving all my orbs for Ike. Hope he will be available soon!

4 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

But if you're running debuffs, then it really doesn't matter who you run, Nino or Hector. If you're aiming to make Nino a goddess, then Jaffar doesn't do that.

Jaffar only make Nino a mother of two and dump her after that. 

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5 hours ago, Ewwgene said:

Jaffar +spd -atk. :(

While my Nino is +spd -res

you mean the 2* Sharena? So i have to feather her up to 5*? 

For Sword lord, I am thinking of saving all my orbs for Ike. Hope he will be available soon!

Ouch, that really sucks. Pretty much the reason I don't plan to spend any orbs on this focus group. with 4 colorless you have a 0.75% chance of getting Jaffar and then you need to pray that you get a good Boon/Bane.

And yeah, even just getting Sharena to 4* is well worth the 2,200 feathers. She has Hone def 2 and Rally Attack, which is more than enough to turn Nino into a monster. I have been running 4*Sharena and 4*Nino for a while now and they work really good together.


Nino and Hector are two very different types of heroes for two very different play-styles. Level them both up and see which you prefer. Personally I get really frustrated with the armors 1 movement. In narrow passages and other situation it can be a real nightmare to maneuver them.

While Nino needs a buffer to make her good Armors like Hector need someone who can help to move them. If skills like pivot can be transferred that could change everything though.

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