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Voting Gauntlet: Pegasus Knights vs. Wyvern Riders


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3 minutes ago, XhenD said:

I will! Name is Klayton (ingame)!

1 minute ago, Sunwoo said:

@Sylphid I sent you a friend request. Name is Kiran and I should have a 5-star Alfonse as my leader.

Awesome, thanks!

Any wishes on a character? I switched from Sharena to Lucina since I was getting a lot of blue allies earlier. But I could use some other units like vanilla Eirika, Lyn, Tiki (young), Ephraim, Minerva and Hawkeye. Also got Kagero and Ursula at 4* with some inheritance.


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8 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Makes me wonder how a gauntlet with Camilla, Lyn, and Lucina would go.

Slightly tangential but still kind of related. Would Camilla's fanbase be anywhere near as large if she were a guy? Same general personality (kind of smothering, yandere and obsessed with the avatar, been through concubine hell, the works) and just as fanservice-y (to girls) but a dude?

If that were to happen, I think that character will be much less popular, and the way he might dote on the avatar might be a little too far for his stature and will be inferior to Leo, especially in decency. Beruka would then-be the highlight character instead of himself. T-there's just too many things that would change if Camilla was a male.

Just my opinions, of course.

Edited by Lyrai
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5 minutes ago, Suichimo said:

I'm afraid to see the units Ice Dragon actually uses.

Currently babysitting the slowest Sophia ever through the Training Tower to serve as a substitute for Ryoma this arena season.

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3 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Currently babysitting the slowest Sophia ever through the Training Tower to serve as a substitute for Ryoma this arena season.

are you going to bring her up to 5 Star?

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8 minutes ago, Sylphid said:

Awesome, thanks!

Any wishes on a character? I switched from Sharena to Lucina since I was getting a lot of blue allies earlier. But I could use some other units like vanilla Eirika, Lyn, Tiki (young), Ephraim, Minerva and Hawkeye. Also got Kagero and Ursula at 4* with some inheritance.

Anything that hits hard and/or won't die easily. If you don't want to keep getting Alfonse from me, give me a request. My m!Robin, Takumi, Eirika, and Sanaki are all 5-star level 40 and ready to go.

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1 minute ago, XhenD said:

are you going to bring her up to 5 Star?

I don't think it would be Ice Dragon's Sophia if she wasn't promoted to 5*.

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5 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Slightly tangential but still kind of related. Would Camilla's fanbase be anywhere near as large if she were a guy? Same general personality (kind of smothering, yandere and obsessed with the avatar, been through concubine hell, the works) and just as fanservice-y (to girls) but a dude?

I think Camilla's popularity also has to do with how she's a pretty awesome unit in both Fates and Heroes. It's not her fault she's drawn that way, and I do like her personality. I would have gone with her team if Minerva or any of the White Wings wasn't available. If all the other Wyverns get knocked out of this vote, I'd also join Camilla, because I love wyverns. 

Personality wise I assure you that girls love the crazies too. I don't mean to generalise, but there is probably less girls playing FE. If Camilla was a guy, I don't think his popularity wouldn't as apparent. Plus I do feel that the most popular characters, like Lucina, do appeal to both genders. 

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10 minutes ago, MaskedAmpharos said:


I'm fairly certain we simply get new quests every round, so if we spend all of our flags in one round we'll be able to get more flags in the next round.

However, you can choose to strategically save up flags, not use any in round one or two, then blow all the accumulated flags from the first two rounds on the final round.

Basically, it's the same as last gauntlet except IS doesn't give us all the total flags at once but rather in 3 sets. 


Also unrelated, but is there anyone else on SF that's on Team Cherche? Bc it's a little lonely only getting randoms every match :/

I'm on Team Cherche, I have a Felicia set as a support with Reposition, Poison Strike 3, and Iceberg if it'll help you out.

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2 minutes ago, XhenD said:

are you going to bring her up to 5 Star?



3 minutes ago, Ryu Yuki said:

I don't think it would be Ice Dragon's Sophia if she wasn't promoted to 5*.


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Just now, Fei Mao said:

I'm on Team Cherche, I have a Felicia set as a support with Reposition, Poison Strike 3, and Iceberg if it'll help you out.

I'll never say no to more friends :D


My friend ID is 161-430-7301 and my Heroes name is Amphy 


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1 minute ago, Suichimo said:

Has anyone else's score not updated in a while? I threw 100 flags at Camilla, an hour ago, just to see where I would rank and it hasn't changed.

It updates on an hourly basis, I believe.

Edited by Ryu Yuki
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1 minute ago, komasa said:

I think Camilla's popularity also has to do with how she's a pretty awesome unit in both Fates and Heroes. It's not her fault she's drawn that way, and I do like her personality. I would have gone with her team if Minerva or any of the White Wings wasn't available. If all the other Wyverns get knocked out of this vote, I'd also join Camilla, because I love wyverns. 

Personality wise I assure you that girls love the crazies too. I don't mean to generalise, but there is probably less girls playing FE. If Camilla was a guy, I don't think his popularity wouldn't as apparent. Plus I do feel that the most popular characters, like Lucina, do appeal to both genders. 

Oh, I'm not disputing that she's a good unit in both games or that girls love crazy guys. Believe me, one only needs to look at shit like Twilight and realize that girls and boys alike can be into things that are ... probably not the best. But how many male fans would hypothetical male!Camilla have? What would all the people who picked Nohr for her boobs do? Would they still be as team Nohr as they were before? If gender-flipping a character isolates about half of their fanbase, while the other half of the fanbase is suddenly into them, that's ... probably not a good character.

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Goddamnit Camilla, slow the fuck down. Even Lucina didn't manage such levels of destruction. Poor Hinoka stood no chance.

Meanwhile Minerva and Palla have a friendly Macedonian dispute.

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1 minute ago, Vaximillian said:

Goddamnit Camilla, slow the fuck down. Even Lucina didn't manage such levels of destruction. Poor Hinoka stood no chance.

Meanwhile Minerva and Palla have a friendly Macedonian dispute.

On the contrary, close fights are the ones that cause the most damage. A one-sided curbstomp ends with at most one person badly hurt---if the curbstomper is nice, even the loser isn't necessarily badly off. On the other hand, a close fight is basically guaranteed to have both sides heavily damaged.

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3 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Goddamnit Camilla, slow the fuck down. Even Lucina didn't manage such levels of destruction. Poor Hinoka stood no chance.

I can't say I'm too surprised. Not just because Camilla is more popular than Hinoka, but because Nohr is more popular than Hoshido. Camilla is probably one of the more popular Nohr siblings while Hinoka may be dead last of the Hoshidan siblings.

On the contrary, close fights are the ones that cause the most damage. A one-sided curbstomp ends with at most one person badly hurt---if the curbstomper is nice, even the loser isn't necessarily badly off. On the other hand, a close fight is basically guaranteed to have both sides heavily damaged.

Do you really think Camilla is going to be nice to Hinoka of all people, especially if this isn't Revelation!Camilla? In other words, this is probably brutal as fuck.

Edited by Sunwoo
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Just now, Vaximillian said:

Goddamnit Camilla, slow the fuck down. Even Lucina didn't manage such levels of destruction. Poor Hinoka stood no chance.

Meanwhile Minerva and Palla have a friendly Macedonian dispute.

I cannot stress how unbelievably brutal the massacre Hinoka enduring is. I knew Camilla was popular, but I figured since she wasn't at Lucina's tier during the CoL event, this event would be somewhat closer than before. I was completely, and utterly wrong.

Seriously, IS needs to like, make Team Camilla its own thing, and merge everyone else's teams together. Like, even if we combined the votes of the other 7 teams right now, Camilla would still be leading by a mile.

Minerva: 29,826,921
Palla: 21,680,116
Cordelia: 25,588,665
Cherche: 14,322,156.
Hinoka: 24,304,584
Tsubaki: 14,727,769
Beruka: 13,365,433

 That's roughly 140 million to Camilla's 150 million...

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The problem that I have with Camilla isn't really her appearance. It's that she doesn't come across to me as the doting older sister and femme fatale, despite how the game tries to convince you that's what she is. Her doting over her siblings boils down to somewhat creepy advances on Corrin and her "badassery" seems more like cruelty and more unhealthy obsession with Corrin. Basically, her personality seems to have been designed entirely with fan service in mind, which makes me a bit sad haha. (Sorry if this was a bit off topic)

Getting back on track, does anyone on team Hinoka want to be friends? My friend ID is 4434461182. Let's get destroyed together ^^

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2 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

 But how many male fans would hypothetical male!Camilla have? What would all the people who picked Nohr for her boobs do? Would they still be as team Nohr as they were before? If gender-flipping a character isolates about half of their fanbase, while the other half of the fanbase is suddenly into them, that's ... probably not a good character.

I can't speak for the guys, but I think if m!Camilla was still executed in a cool way, he could probably keep part of the male fanbase.  

If a creeper like Hisoka from Hunter x Hunter can be popular with both genders in his own fanbase, m!Camilla could be alright. 


Just now, Ryu Yuki said:

I cannot stress how unbelievably brutal the massacre Hinoka enduring is. I knew Camilla was popular, but I figured since she wasn't at Lucina's tier during the CoL event, this event would be somewhat closer than before. I was completely, and utterly wrong.

Seriously, IS needs to like, make Team Camilla its own thing, and merge everyone else's teams together. Like, even if we combined the votes of the other 7 teams right now, Camilla would still be leading by a mile.

Minerva: 29,826,921
Palla: 21,680,116
Cordelia: 25,588,665
Cherche: 14,322,156.
Hinoka: 24,304,584
Tsubaki: 14,727,769
Beruka: 13,365,433

 That's roughly 140 million to Camilla's 150 million...

These numbers are utterly insane. 

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1 minute ago, hauteclere said:

Getting back on track, does anyone on team Hinoka want to be friends? My friend ID is 4434461182. Let's get destroyed together ^^

Don't mind have more Team Hinoka's friend. I'll add you. I set Hana for leader, for the gauntlet time.

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1 minute ago, Sunwoo said:

I can't say I'm too surprised. Not just because Camilla is more popular than Hinoka, but because Nohr is more popular than Hoshido. Camilla is probably one of the more popular Nohr siblings while Hinoka may be dead last of the Hoshidan siblings.

Do you really think Camilla is going to be nice to Hinoka of all people, especially if this isn't Revelation!Camilla? In other words, this is probably brutal as fuck.

I actually like Hinoka's design a lot, and, while Ryoma is better as a unit, I always use her in my BR runs.

At least part of that is because she gives Caeldori the right hair color, though.

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5 minutes ago, komasa said:

I can't speak for the guys, but I think if m!Camilla was still executed in a cool way, he could probably keep part of the male fanbase.  

If a creeper like Hisoka from Hunter x Hunter can be popular with both genders in his own fanbase, m!Camilla could be alright.

Naturally, if either regular Camilla or male!Camilla were good characters they'd have good reason to have fans. But Camilla herself wasn't ... well, she wasn't that good, in my opinion, so if a male!Camilla were done just as badly as regular Camilla?

I just don't really understand people's tastes in characters, lol.


IN OTHER NEWS! Tsubaki and Beruka are STILL neck-and-neck.

Tsubaki: 24,415,674
Beruka: 22,762,681

This is like Chrom vs. Ephraim all over again, except no one cares because it's boring.

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Really gender does affect how popular a character with specific traits are but it depends on the character itself


A Male Camilla might be less popular, but people probably going be a bit more symphatetic to him since the bar for male to be considered shameless is usually much higher than female. I honestly believe part of the reason why Camilla got so much "hate" is because of her appearance so that factor would not play as much role in Male Camilla. 

Like... thinking about it character like Camilla but male would simply be viewed as an adorable big brother that is really fond of their imouto or something


I think Lucina is one of few cases where both Male and Female version is popular as all hell.

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