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Voting Gauntlet: Battle of the Mages!


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I ended up 1,337 for the final round, and somewhere around 11,000 overall.

Also, don't start rubbing that salt in @Mortarion. I'd rather just move on.

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56 minutes ago, Dayni said:

I ended up 1,337 for the final round, and somewhere around 11,000 overall.

Also, don't start rubbing that salt in @Mortarion. I'd rather just move on.

The joke was that I'm salty. Cause I don't like Tharja.

Anyway, I didn't quite get enough feathers to 5* Xander, so I gotta wait four more days til the next arena ends. Maybe if I put more effort into the final round I would've gotten it, but oh well

Edited by Mortarion
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Just now, Mortarion said:

The joke was that I'm salty. Cause I despise Tharja.

Let's be honest, I did miss that part, but I recommend not to rub that salt in you either.

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54 minutes ago, Arthur97 said:

So did they give out the rewards already. I could have sworn my inbox had a four, but after closing the app and coming back, all it had was a 2.

They didn’t. Probably tomorrow.

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So... 2600 round 1 for team Leo, 2500 round 2, still team Leo. 1600 round 3 + 1800 cummulative award, for Robin. So over 8k feathers and another Reinhardt got upgraded to 5*. Not bad at all.

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(whoof didn't get to comment when it was more relevant; came home from work and basically passed out haha ;; )

Okay so seriously, MAD PROPS TO TEAM ROBIN, OKAY

While I can safely say I never expected anyone but Tharja to win, what I definitely didn't expect was for Team Tactician to make it such a damn close matchup-- y'all deserve a shoutout for that. And those of you who aren't so fond of Robin either.... The fallen mages who didn't make it this far were done proud. 


As for me... I made off with a solid 8500 feathers .3. so uh. I'm pretty happy with that x3 ;; Hope the rest of y'all were able to make some sick bank as well. 

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10 hours ago, LuxSpes said:

Placed 90 in team Sanaki for 3500 feathers, in the1500 range in team Julia for 3100 feathers. 18,255 for team Robin for 2,300 feathers and got a Total Rank of 698 for 3000 feathers.

This nets me a grand total 11.9k feathers.

Rounds 1 and 2 are 1000 less for the top rewards than the final round. so I assume got 9.9k


This gauntlet final was ridiculously close compared to the previous two.

Without any 3x comeback mechanic, the final score would have been:

Tharja - 26.697 billion

Robin - 20.737 billion


Which is a ratio of 1.2874:1


It would be really cool if IS released all of the information from the gauntlet. Like how many people were on each team for each round, and how many flags were used for each team in each round.

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28 minutes ago, Sayyyaka said:

It's better to just keep your expectations low when it comes to this series

The difference was that this gauntlet gave us some glimmering chance of hope!

All the others it was literally "Its the final round, but you guys are gonna get stomped" from the beginning of the last match. And because we had this false sense of hope (the x3 bonus), it makes the disappointment 20 times worse :( 

Perhaps we should just realize that this is merely just a game and rooting for your hero is futile? XD

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Isn't chance stand by your hero meaningful enough on it's own? I don't regret rooting for Sanaki (though I would prefers she were defeated by someone less bland). Getting more feathers as result isn't bad thing either.

Getting heated in battle is inevitable, but afterward one should just forgive and forget in name of good sportsmanship.

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1 minute ago, Tenzen12 said:

Getting heated in battle is inevitable, but afterward one should just forgive and forget in name of good sportsmanship.

Couldn't have said it better myself. Disappointed that Robin didn't win but it was certainly a battle that Tharja had to work hard for.

Good game in the end.

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All users posting their 8,000 feathers, here i am just trying to enjoy my measly 4,000 feathers total. :/


50 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

As if they didn't have that win in the bag

Hey I'm just gonna be frank here, I honestly think Team Avatar had a very good chance to win this given Robin's own popularity. Can't say I'm not curious on how this would have played out with the lack of multipliers.

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4 hours ago, Hawk King said:

Without any 3x comeback mechanic, the final score would have been:

Tharja - 26.697 billion

Robin - 20.737 billion

^^^ @Zangetsu

which yes is much better than the previous gauntlets iirc. Robin did pretty dang good i'd say 8)

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2 hours ago, wizzard of soz said:

^^^ @Zangetsu

which yes is much better than the previous gauntlets iirc. Robin did pretty dang good i'd say 8)


6 hours ago, Hawk King said:

This gauntlet final was ridiculously close compared to the previous two.

Without any 3x comeback mechanic, the final score would have been:

Tharja - 26.697 billion

Robin - 20.737 billion

Which is a ratio of 1.2874:1

Should I assume that it's not as simple as just to divide the entire scores with 3? I mean there were multiple times where both Tharja & Robin did get the multiplier bonus.

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1 minute ago, Zangetsu said:


Should I assume that it's not as simple as just to divide the entire scores with 3? I mean there were multiple times where both Tharja & Robin did get the multiplier bonus.

Yes, but there were also several times where neither of them had it.

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