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Voting Gauntlet: Battle of the Mages!


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3 minutes ago, Motendra said:


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There are other ways to look into Tharja's character other than whats on the surface. Yeah, she has a very sexualized appearance; yeah, she's not your average person in more ways than one. Need I remind you that the very fact that she's a horrible person is what makes her character much more unique and interesting than the rest of the cast. Even better that she has a "fuck your opinion" attitude doesn't try to hide who she is.

If you look at every Plegian there is, barring Mustafa, just about everyone there has some sort of "reason" for why they are how they are: Gangrel initially had justified intentions for Plegia but eventually went mad; Aversa was manipulated at an early age into what she is; Henry's quite literally insane (I forget exactly what happened with him, but I thin it was basically a result of neglect and environment?). Tharja has no such influence on her and pretty much just does what she wants and doesn't care what anyone else thinks. She's the bad apple in an army of goodies-goodies; the one unit that doesn't follow the status quo among the playable cast, that, with her niche, I find her to be awesome. At least, because of this, she's the only mage in Awakening that I actually like

The only ACTUAL flaw, in my opinion, is the obsession with Robin, which, if Awakening didn't have an Avatar system, much (not all, cause the others are just a matter of subjective tastes in characters) of the complaints about her would be nonexistent.

Admittedly, appreciating Tharja would probably require a different viewing lens on her as a character than you would as a person, but thats just my interpretation on her; the common "negative" qualities make her unique and thats why I like Tharja.

I say this as I didnt even side with her



Again though, why like a character if you wouldn't like them as a person?

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1 minute ago, pumpkinspice48 said:

I'm a guy on Team Leo!


Just now, Tybrosion said:

Unless if I've been lied to all these years by my parents, I'm most definitely a dude and on Team Leo.

Thanks to both of you for your support.


I guess Leo draws a lot of girls because Tharja seems to mostly have male fans (no judgment there, just an observation), and Robin most girls wouldn't really have experience dealing with, due to playing as the female avatar.  There's Julia, but lots of people have never played FE4, so that leaves Leo.

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7 minutes ago, pumpkinspice48 said:

Yeah she's definitely one of the more...divisive characters.      

Just don't plan on hiring any servants.  

Her... personality isn't something that is exactly desirable in normal society in this day and age.

The trope was born from animu origins.

Sprinkle in a little child abuse and you can see why she sections of the fanbase.

Most of the arguments I see stem from "is it really that bad" vs "is this even a good relationship" etc.

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2 hours ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

Roy is just popular because of Smash, honestly. Anyone who's played FE6 hates his guts.


people actually know.  Again it's not like I actually know how the voting system work in the end given on many factors there are.


47 minutes ago, Astellius said:

This forum is on the internet, and the internet is a well-known breeding ground for haters.

Every I time I see a QFT, I need to quote it.


39 minutes ago, Arthur97 said:

Yeah, that's stalking. I don't care how hot she is, if she's watching me sleep that's just too far. Plus, it's got to be really annoying for Robin to have to put up with that until death.

Let's tone down the Awakening bashing.


The idea of a hot girl stalking someone is appealing is because it means someone acknowledges their existence. That reason alone is enough for a guy to question "Why would a girl like her notice someone like me?" Of course "Future Dairy/Mirai Nikki already show just how bad that kind of scenario can be.

Besides, it's not like someone like me has any self-respect, to begin with.

Let them bash Awakening, it only reinforces stereotypes on how pretentious Fire Emblem elitists are.

Edited by Zangetsu
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4 minutes ago, Motendra said:


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There are other ways to look into Tharja's character other than whats on the surface. Yeah, she has a very sexualized appearance; yeah, she's not your average person in more ways than one. Need I remind you that the very fact that she's a horrible person is what makes her character much more unique and interesting than the rest of the cast. Even better that she has a "fuck your opinion" attitude doesn't try to hide who she is.

If you look at every Plegian there is, barring Mustafa, just about everyone there has some sort of "reason" for why they are how they are: Gangrel initially had justified intentions for Plegia but eventually went mad; Aversa was manipulated at an early age into what she is; Henry's quite literally insane (I forget exactly what happened with him, but I thin it was basically a result of neglect and environment?). Tharja has no such influence on her and pretty much just does what she wants and doesn't care what anyone else thinks. She's the bad apple in an army of goodies-goodies; the one unit that doesn't follow the status quo among the playable cast, that, with her niche, I find her to be awesome. At least, because of this, she's the only mage in Awakening that I actually like

The only ACTUAL flaw, in my opinion, is the obsession with Robin, which, if Awakening didn't have an Avatar system, much (not all, cause the others are just a matter of subjective tastes in characters) of the complaints about her would be nonexistent.

Admittedly, appreciating Tharja would probably require a different viewing lens on her as a character than you would as a person, but thats just my interpretation on her; the common "negative" qualities make her unique and thats why I like Tharja.

I say this as I didnt even side with her



Not that I have anything against Tharja, I honestly think people would still dislike her if she stalked literally anyone else. Granted, it doesn't help that her object of affection happens to be an Avatar but I think the dislike mostly stems from how she treats her daughter; how she essentially settles with whatever person she ends up with; and her appearance (which, to be honest, really isn't even that bad, in my opinion).

The bad thing about Tharja is that a lot of her supports are actually pretty good. Her support with Libra and Nowi are among my favorites, but they get overshadowed by other, more negative aspects of her personality.

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Well, I was going to go for Tharja from the beginning, since that's the only one out of the 8 I had at level 40.

It was close all around, I wish I was aware of things like the 3x bonus and the extra points you get when you use the character itself before I had burned up most of my flags, ah well.

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Well, 2100 feathers. 10% closer to Linde getting Blarblade+, but the lack of a 500 tells me Sanaki lost.

Well, I'm standing by my decision for backup. Julia, I'm joining your side- though forgive my, my internet is not in a good enough condition to change my signature appropriately.


As it stands, I'm not a big fan of Julia- I think Deirdre has a better design and character, and Julia does nothing to stand out before being suddenly forced into a psuedo-Ike position of being your best bet of fighting the final boss. I mean, I'm OK with both incest and familial conflict, so I don't hate Julia, but she doesn't do a lot to interest me.

I side with Julia because the alternatives are Miss Fanservice, the male version of an avatar, and a bookish character I'd probably side with if I knew enough about him. Also, I need feathers for Blade Emblem.


...Would Robin be better for feathers? I have one of him...


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17 minutes ago, Doof said:

Aww yeah, looks like we Team Robin won our round! Nice game, Team Merric! It was pretty fun! Now let's see how we do against Leo. I'm a little worried because Leo actually has fangirls... and Robin only has Smash Bros. under his belt. Let's do our best, fellow tacticians!


If you knew only knew the power of the Avatar......& Smash.

Seriously dude look what it did with Ike.

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oh, I didn't mean to imply no males would support Leo at all (I mean, obviously there are guys who would, either out of respect of his character/liking his character and or design, or because they find him attractive.). Sorry if my comment was a bit generalizing! I look forward to a good fight from Team Leo, though! It looks like it's gonna be fun!

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Just now, Zangetsu said:

If you knew only knew the power of the Avatar......& Smash.

Seriously dude look what it did with Ike.

And Roy...and even Marth. Come to think of it, look what it did to Fire Emblem.

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5 minutes ago, Zangetsu said:

Let them bash Awakening, it only reinforces stereotypes on how pretentious Fire Emblem elitists are.

What is this stereotype and how do I not know about it?

1 minute ago, Tybrosion said:

It'll start at the usual server refresh so yeah about that long.

Cool. I'm staying up this time to take advantage of the x3 bonus. Hopefully a lot of people joined team Julia or this might be rough.

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9 minutes ago, Zangetsu said:

Let them bash Awakening, it only reinforces stereotypes on how pretentious Fire Emblem elitists are.

Tell us more. I haven't heard anything about this stereotype, and I don't see much to bash in Awakening.

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Just now, Doof said:

oh, I didn't mean to imply no males would support Leo at all (I mean, obviously there are guys who would, either out of respect of his character/liking his character and or design, or because they find him attractive.). Sorry if my comment was a bit generalizing! I look forward to a good fight from Team Leo, though! It looks like it's gonna be fun!

I'm not offended.  It was an apt observation, which I proposed a hypothesis for above.

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3 minutes ago, immatx said:

What is this stereotype and how do I not know about it?



2 minutes ago, Ottokar said:

Tell us more. I haven't heard anything about this stereotype, and I don't see much to bash in Awakening.

Dudes did you not see what was happening in the- you know what never mind, I don't necessarily want to start controversy



3 minutes ago, Arthur97 said:

And Roy...and even Marth. Come to think of it, look what it did to Fire Emblem.

Fire Emblem saved itself, a crossover game can only do so much.

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Just now, Zangetsu said:

Dudes did you not see what was happening in the- you know what never mind, I don't necessarily want to start controversy

Apparently not, could you at least give us a quick summary or something? :/

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2 minutes ago, immatx said:

Apparently not, could you at least give us a quick summary or something? :/

Seconded. Please tell us as much as you can without causing a controversy, if any would actually be caused by your remarks.

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5 minutes ago, Zangetsu said:


Dudes did you not see what was happening in the- you know what never mind, I don't necessarily want to start controversy



Fire Emblem saved itself, a crossover game can only do so much.

You must be seeing something the rest of us don't.

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7 minutes ago, Zangetsu said:

Fire Emblem saved itself, a crossover game can only do so much.

Fire Emblem needs a crossover to save it??? I have an idea, let's do a Fire Emblem and Kill la Kill crossover! That would be pretty awesome. But, if that's insufficient, then let's proceed onto Fire Emblem x Queen's Blade. I think that particular crossover would be especially well-received on here!

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2 minutes ago, Astellius said:

Fire Emblem needs a crossover to save it??? I have an idea, let's do a Fire Emblem and Kill la Kill crossover! That would be pretty awesome. But, if that's insufficient, then let's proceed onto Fire Emblem x Queen's Blade. I think that particular crossover would be especially well-received on here!

Why so? Or are you being sarcastic?

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