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Wedding Banner Speculation

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Just now, Tenzen12 said:

Do you know who I really wish to be in this Wedding banner? Mathew and Leila.

You know, they deserve it.

Do you hear that? That tiny cracking noise? Yup. That's my heart. I'd second this. I think I've already mentioned at least once that I'd love to see Leila in a GHB...

But I low-key just want Pent and Louise. You can't go wrong with a mature, healthy, supportive, perfect couple. Especially since their kids are already in game!

It'd also be funny to see Nino and Jaffar in wedding attire...

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48 minutes ago, Tenzen12 said:

Do you know who I really wish to be in this Wedding banner? Mathew and Leila.

You know, they deserve it.

And now this is the only thing I want to see v.v

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Personal Wishlist: Erika, Ephraim, Lyn, Hector (Matthew, Leila)
Predicted Characters: Marth, Caeda, Xander, Lucina (Chrom, F!Robin)
Unrequited Love: Cordelia, Catria, Palla, Faye, Tharja (Issue: Too much focus on the female characters.)

Shipping Wars:
Marth x Caeda || Abel x Est
Roy x Lilina
Eliwood x Ninian  || Nino x Jaffar
M!Robin x Lucina || F!Robin x Chrom
M!Corrin x Azura || Saizo x Kagero || F!Corrin x ??? || Xander x Ryoma (pls no)

* * * * *

As stated above, I would love to see Erika and Ephraim in their respective outfits (it helps Erika represented the Bride class in Awakening), while a part of me wants to see what Lyn and Hector look like in a wedding dress and a tuxedo respectively. I also would not mind if there is yet another version of Lucina (probably wielding a lance this time), but would prefer if other characters got the spotlight. For bonus stuff, Matthew and Leila need to be a thing. Leila needs to be in FE: Heroes. Also, add in support and base conversations! I want to see cross game interactions! FE: Heroes is a fan game, go nuts with it!

As for predictions, Lucina is almost obvious given how popular she is. (Tharja is also a possibility, but I dislike Tharja so I did not add her on my list.) I chose Xander due to his popularity (and think he is more popular than Chrom), while Marth and Caeda are the original couple. Also, Caeda has the whole "Do you believe in love" thing going for her. I also added in Chrom and F!Robin because I think it would be interesting to see F!Robin in a bride outfit (as well as obtaining her outside of GHB, see Xander), and so Chrom can get his chance instead of waiting for another day.

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3 minutes ago, Sire said:

Personal Wishlist: Erika, Ephraim



Mathew and Leila would be awesome but it can't happen.  They are pulling characters from different, actual timelines and as they never got married, they can't get married in this game.  But it would be amazing...

Edited by Lushen
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12 minutes ago, Sire said:

Unrequited Love: Cordelia, Catria, Palla, Faye, Tharja (Issue: Too much focus on the female characters.)

For male examples, there's Tobin and Reinhardt:

Tobin crushes on Clair but Gray ultimately wins over Clair.

Reinhardt is in love with his liege, Ishtar, but Julius sees this and, being jealously possessive of Ishtar, orders Ishtar to dismiss Reinhardt from his duty as her retainer.

Oh yeah, there's also Hardin, too. Sure, he got to marry the one he's in love with, but Nyna doesn't reciprocate the love.


Speaking of Nyna, she really lost out big time. She couldn't marry Camus and ends up being in a loveless marriage with Hardin, thus starting Mystery of the Emblem. She also loses Camus to Tatiana.

Edited by Roflolxp54
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2 minutes ago, Sire said:

Predicted Characters: Marth, Caeda, Xander, Lucina (Chrom, F!Robin)

I'm actually predicting Marth, Caeda, Roy, and Lilina since I don't think IS is crazy enough to do repeat characters in their holiday events until we get at least all the way through the year, and Marth and Roy are among the more popular characters for obvious reasons.

I don't think they actually need to be canon couples or be paired off anyways, but IS seems to like to release pairs of characters.

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17 minutes ago, Lushen said:

[Insert Ephraim "Disgusting" picture here.]

Mathew and Leila would be awesome but it can't happen.  They are pulling characters from different, actual timelines and as they never got married, they can't get married in this game.  But it would be amazing...

Who said it has to be Erika x Ephraim? It would be Erika being married to Seth while Ephraim marries Tana! It just so happens the twins have their marriages around the same time (and the fact no other Sacred Stones characters are in Heroes yet.)

15 minutes ago, Roflolxp54 said:

For male examples, there's Tobin and Reinhardt:

Tobin crushes on Clair but Gray ultimately wins her over.

Reinhardt is in love with his liege, Ishtar, but Julius sees this and, being jealously possessive of Ishtar, orders Ishtar to dismiss Reinhardt from his duty as her retainer.

I somewhat forgot about Tobin as I am not overly familiar with Shadows of Valentia yet, but he is not currently in Heroes. As for Reinhardt, the JPN games I have no knowledge whatsoever, so if he fits in he can be added to the list!

15 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

I'm actually predicting Marth, Caeda, Roy, and Lilina since I don't think IS is crazy enough to do repeat characters in their holiday events until we get at least all the way through the year, and Marth and Roy are among the more popular characters for obvious reasons.

I don't think they actually need to be canon couples or be paired off anyways, but IS seems to like to release pairs of characters.

I'm thinking repeat characters is a possibility because if they are popular, it may mean players would whale for them. Of course, giving people's wallets a break would be appreciated (and that is not considering the possibility of a "Summer Festival of Swimsuits" that may occur in July.) Then again, I'm still not overly familiar with Gacha games, so take my words with a grain of salt.

While I can see Marth, Caeda, Roy, and Lilina, I'm personally not too enthusiastic about those characters (save for maybe Caeda, Marth is okay). I can see Roy being popular due to Smash, but I am uncertain on Lilina's popularity. If they do end up being released and have awesome artwork, skills, and stats, I may change my mind, but currently I rather see other characters get representation. Replace Roy and Lilina with Erika and Ephraim. I am not biased towards Sacred Stones, honest!

Edited by Sire
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40 minutes ago, Sire said:

Personal Wishlist: Erika, Ephraim, Lyn, Hector (Matthew, Leila)
Predicted Characters: Marth, Caeda, Xander, Lucina (Chrom, F!Robin)
Unrequited Love: Cordelia, Catria, Palla, Faye, Tharja (Issue: Too much focus on the female characters.)

Shipping Wars:
Marth x Caeda || Abel x Est
Roy x Lilina
Eliwood x Ninian  || Nino x Jaffar
M!Robin x Lucina || F!Robin x Chrom
M!Corrin x Azura || Saizo x Kagero || F!Corrin x ??? || Xander x Ryoma (pls no)

* * * * *

As stated above, I would love to see Erika and Ephraim in their respective outfits (it helps Erika represented the Bride class in Awakening), while a part of me wants to see what Lyn and Hector look like in a wedding dress and a tuxedo respectively. I also would not mind if there is yet another version of Lucina (probably wielding a lance this time), but would prefer if other characters got the spotlight. For bonus stuff, Matthew and Leila need to be a thing. Leila needs to be in FE: Heroes. Also, add in support and base conversations! I want to see cross game interactions! FE: Heroes is a fan game, go nuts with it!

As for predictions, Lucina is almost obvious given how popular she is. (Tharja is also a possibility, but I dislike Tharja so I did not add her on my list.) I chose Xander due to his popularity (and think he is more popular than Chrom), while Marth and Caeda are the original couple. Also, Caeda has the whole "Do you believe in love" thing going for her. I also added in Chrom and F!Robin because I think it would be interesting to see F!Robin in a bride outfit (as well as obtaining her outside of GHB, see Xander), and so Chrom can get his chance instead of waiting for another day.

I doubt that Xander is more popular than Chrom.

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6 minutes ago, Arthur97 said:

I doubt that Xander is more popular than Chrom.

Yeah, double checking on the Choose Your Legends event has Chrom for the 4th male slot. (Overall, Chrom is 8th while Xander is 42nd. At least Xander knows the meaning of life, right?...) I guess I like Xander's design a little more than Chrom, even though Chrom is a "better character" than Xander is.

I think I posted enough in this thread for one day. Back to your usual discussions!

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Why are people always confused at who to put female Corrin with? It's obviously Silas, the resident childhood friend who all but says he loves her even outside of supports (at least in Birthright). xP I am a bit biased since I ship them, but still.

Also, going back to Lucina, if people are arguing her simply for popularity, why not argue Ike or Lyn? They're effectively more popular if we look at the Heroes poll, with Ike being the MOST popular of all with his combined votes between PoR and RD. They might not make as much sense in this banner, but going by popularity ALONE, they seem like they'd have a bit more priority.

Edited by Anacybele
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Personally, I think the Heroes poll isn't actually that much reliable for gauging popularity. When one considers that each person could vote up to 13 times. Which means that this can actually fluctuate how many actual people voted for any given character.

Let's take Ike as an example. Combining his two entries, we have an overall count of 51555 votes. This means that the amount of actual people who voted for Ike could be as high as 51555 people who only voted for him once, to as low as ~3965 (actual value is a decimal, rounds up to 3966) who voted exclusively for him. With such a range, can we really say he had the most when it comes to actual people who voted for him?

Personally, I think character popularity may be the cause for at least one character for the banner. But not all of them.

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1 hour ago, Lushen said:



Mathew and Leila would be awesome but it can't happen.  They are pulling characters from different, actual timelines and as they never got married, they can't get married in this game.  But it would be amazing...

I don't see why not.  Emblia has lot of priests, so they can get married here.


It would make more sense than Bunny Xander at least.

Edited by Tenzen12
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17 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Why are people always confused at who to put female Corrin with? It's obviously Silas, the resident childhood friend who all but says he loves her even outside of supports (at least in Birthright). xP I am a bit biased since I ship them, but still.

Also, going back to Lucina, if people are arguing her simply for popularity, why not argue Ike or Lyn? They're effectively more popular if we look at the Heroes poll, with Ike being the MOST popular of all with his combined votes between PoR and RD. They might not make as much sense in this banner, but going by popularity ALONE, they seem like they'd have a bit more priority.

Kaze totally proves his love though. Honestly though, Corrin ends up with who the player likes. It'd probably cause too much of an uproar if IS implied shippings. Because apparently we can't be mature adults about how to romance fictional characters? Lol

I kind of doubt we'll see Lucina, Chrom, Xander, and Camilla in another themed banner for a while. That's not to say they won't show up again. It would be pretty cool to see Lyn with a warrior bride theme going on.

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Man, I wish they'd show some proper teasers for this. I'm getting excited for it but after the last banner and especially after Lloyd... urgh, I'm feeling pretty worried about things. Give me something nice to give me faith in this game, please ^.^'' I don't care who the characters are... so long as they're not the ones already done or Est. 

Seriously, even put Ike in it, if you want. If he looks good enough, I'll pull for him ^.^

I think Lyn would be pretty cool, but then I'd totally want Kent to appear, even though if anyone was closest to canon for her, it'd probably be Rath. Might just be me thinking Sue looks a bit like Lyn, though (Sacaen bias!). It'd be nice to have Lyn and Eliwood appear. Lyn because I like her and Eliwood for the art. 

I would say the twins, but I'm more bored than ever of twincest stuff that seems to appear around them and this feels like it would ignite the flames. I wouldn't mind it being Eirika and a sudden Seth appearance, though xD 

Or Matthew and Leilia. I'd totally throw all my money at Matthew and Leila... 

I keep changing my mind as to who I want, but I think I've narrowed it down xD 

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1 hour ago, Anacybele said:

Also, going back to Lucina, if people are arguing her simply for popularity, why not argue Ike or Lyn? They're effectively more popular if we look at the Heroes poll, with Ike being the MOST popular of all with his combined votes between PoR and RD. They might not make as much sense in this banner, but going by popularity ALONE, they seem like they'd have a bit more priority.

You're not looking at the poll right.

The poll had votes split among every character from every game. Lets assume Awakening/Heroes characters largely attract the same pool of voters, and that FE6/7 has its pool, and that FE9/10 has its own pool. Obviously some would vote for every game in that range but then well, their votes are pretty evenly split most likely and doesn't matter for this next bit.

Within the top 20 for males and females, Lucina had to split her votes with: Chrom, Male Robin, Takumi, Leo, Henry, Donnel, Lon'qu, Gaius, Niles, Owain, Tharja, Camilla, Female Corrin, Cordelia, Azura, Nowi, Female Robin, Adult Tiki, Felicia, Elise, Anna and Sakura. That's a whopping 22 characters out of the top 40 with one (Donnel) largely being a meme vote.

Ike had to split with: Micaiah, Mia, Nephenee. Ignoring his own vote split he had to split with 3 other characters.

Lyn? Roy, Hector, Dorcas, Eliwood, Nino. 5 with one being a meme vote (Dorcas). If you decide that Sacred Stone fans would also vote for FE7 characters then you can add in Ephraim, Erikia, Joshua, and Lute bringing the overall total up to 9. Which is still less than half of the vote splitting Lucina probably had to do. 

So Lucina got 2nd or 3rd (depending on how you look at it... actually if you count all votes period Anna got the most votes out of everyone so you'd bump down everyone's ranking by 1) most votes while splitting her votes with over double the amount of people Lyn or Ike did in the top 20. If you combine the FE6-10 characters together Lucina still had to split with exactly twice as many characters.

Realistically if it was Lords only, Lucina would absolutely crush Ike and Lyn. Wouldn't even be a contest. She would be S+++ tier in votes. Then Ike would come in 2nd due to Hector and Lyn stealing each other's votes.

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Where do Eirika and Ephraim like to spend some alone time?


In Sestohl Plains.


("In Sestohl" the first two syllables pronounced like the word "incest.")

Please put down those weapons.

What about a divorce banner later down the line? Marriages and relationships that just didn't work out. Polar opposites that didn't attract. And also things like Astrid and Makalov, where years later Astrid finally grew a backbone, realized she had a horrid husband, and suddenly yelled at him with such ferocity that he ran all the way into other dimensions to escape her wrath.

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3 minutes ago, TheNiddo said:

You're not looking at the poll right.

The poll had votes split among every character from every game. Lets assume Awakening/Heroes characters largely attract the same pool of voters, and that FE6/7 has its pool, and that FE9/10 has its own pool. Obviously some would vote for every game in that range but then well, their votes are pretty evenly split most likely and doesn't matter for this next bit.

Within the top 20 for males and females, Lucina had to split her votes with: Chrom, Male Robin, Takumi, Leo, Henry, Donnel, Lon'qu, Gaius, Niles, Owain, Tharja, Camilla, Female Corrin, Cordelia, Azura, Nowi, Female Robin, Adult Tiki, Felicia, Elise, Anna and Sakura. That's a whopping 22 characters out of the top 40 with one (Donnel) largely being a meme vote.

Ike had to split with: Micaiah, Mia, Nephenee. Ignoring his own vote split he had to split with 3 other characters.

Lyn? Roy, Hector, Dorcas, Eliwood, Nino. 5 with one being a meme vote (Dorcas). If you decide that Sacred Stone fans would also vote for FE7 characters then you can add in Ephraim, Erikia, Joshua, and Lute bringing the overall total up to 9. Which is still less than half of the vote splitting Lucina probably had to do. 

So Lucina got 2nd or 3rd (depending on how you look at it... actually if you count all votes period Anna got the most votes out of everyone so you'd bump down everyone's ranking by 1) most votes while splitting her votes with over double the amount of people Lyn or Ike did in the top 20. If you combine the FE6-10 characters together Lucina still had to split with exactly twice as many characters.

Realistically if it was Lords only, Lucina would absolutely crush Ike and Lyn. Wouldn't even be a contest. She would be S+++ tier in votes. Then Ike would come in 2nd due to Hector and Lyn stealing each other's votes.

Uh...what? This doesn't even make sense. No character is splitting votes with anyone other than different versions of themselves (like PoR Ike and RD Ike being split).

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13 minutes ago, Tenzen12 said:

Double post

Triple actually.

6 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Where do Eirika and Ephraim like to spend some alone time?

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In Sestohl Plains.


("In Sestohl" the first two syllables pronounced like the word "incest.")

Please put down those weapons.

What about a divorce banner later down the line? Marriages and relationships that just didn't work out. Polar opposites that didn't attract. And also things like Astrid and Makalov, where years later Astrid finally grew a backbone, realized she had a horrid husband, and suddenly yelled at him with such ferocity that he ran all the way into other dimensions to escape her wrath.

Est and Abel for that one.

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9 hours ago, Armagon said:

I do want to point out that, in the Blazing Blade light novels, which are official btw, the canon pairings there are:

  • Eliwood x Ninian
  • Hector x Florina
  • Rath x Lyn.

And then, Roy x Lilina isn't canon, but i'm pretty sure Intelligent Systems themselves ships it. I mean, Roy x Lilina is foreshadowed in Eliwood and Hector's B Support, then there's the after-credits scene in Blazing Blade where Roy and Lilina meet, then there's the fact that Roy and Lilina's Supports with each other max out so fast (fastest Support growth out of all the GBA games i believe) and then there's this Cipher card

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And finally, Roy x Lilina is a thing in The Champion's Blade manga (though the manga is non-canon).

Instead of Sigurd and Deirdre being in this banner, it's actually Arvis and Deirdre.


Edit: I just saw ShadowofChaos' comment. Ignore what i said about the FE7 Light Novels.

Actually, Champion Blade is canon, but up to a certain point. The Champion's Blade itself appears in FE6

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I'll be pretty happy to have something like Micaiah and Sothe as the Bride and Groom, with Sanaki and Tormod as the Maid of Honor and Best Man. But alas, I'm not expecting that to happen.

I say go for Brides F!Corrin and Rhajat, and Grooms M!Corrin and Niles.

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