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Tempest Torture


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Well, the good news is that I do have one very reliable team that can get me through rounds 1-6 99% of the time, and can even tackle round 7 if I'm super lucky.

The bad news is that they're all 5-star level 40 capped HM, so they don't really get anything out of this!

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21 hours ago, Luna of Dragonblood said:

Leo will destroy anything green and sometimes even non-greens. He's terrifying to face, honestly. Especially since QR is in his default kit...so very formidable. :'D Being able to see who were facing at the end would be great, but would definitely ruin some of the challenge.

Ah, congratulations on your clear!! :D That's awesome~! You're doing really well; good luck on getting Lucina!! Also, congratulations on your 5* Lon'qu! :D I hope he serves you well!

I just wish he was more speedy, but that would be very breaker and he was slow in Fates too, so he is a good adaptation

I now have 16,162 pointa, a bit more than half the way for Lucina and close to the 1st seal! I'm going to give that seal to Nino, since she attacks the most behind others

Somehow I'm getting better at this, my "random" team is not that random anymore, and now can win 2 fights most of the time, I even beated the 5 fights with 2 Teams.

Horse Emblem + Olivia won 4 fights! I lost Frederick in the third fight and Ursula, Olivia and Camus won the 4 fight, they got rip of half of Veronica's team a lone, but Veronica was too much for 2 blues... But 3* lv  30 Olivia can resist 1 hit haha

Sadly, I didn't use a bonus character in these 2 teams, so the points weren't that high, but it was a good round and I'm surprise that 4*Frederick (-Atk), 5*Camus , 4*Ursula and 3*Olivia (lv30) can win that much!

PS: Playing in the office it makes everyone to look funny at you

Edited by SniperGYS
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Ok, someone give me a good composition if you can. I'm just going to go ahead and list every character that has faced the trials thus far. Perhaps my main composition of Lukas/Soren/Olivia/Wrys is sub-optimal. I'm experimenting at this point because my consistent 229-500s are wearing on me and time is running out for QP.



  1. *5 Lukas (+SPD/-ATK) (Ignis/Reposition/Fortress DEF 3/Quick Riposte or R Tomebreaker 3/Threaten ATK/ATK +1)
  2. *5 Soren (+1) (+ATK/-RES) (Draw Back/Growing Wind/HP+5/Lancebreaker 2/Fortify Res/Speed +1)
  3. *4 Olivia (+SPD/-RES) (Ruby Sword/Defense +2/Wings of Mercy 2/Hone ATK 3/Spur Def 2)
  4. *4 Wrys (+SPD/-DEF) (Vanilla)
  5. *4 Sakura (+DEF/-RES) (Wrys Set)
  6. *5 Xander (Fury 3/Vantage 3)
  7. *5 Frederick (+HP/-ATK) (Vanilla)
  8. *5 Y!Tiki (+ATK/-RES) (Vanilla)
  9. *5 B!Caeda (+SPD/-ATK) (Vanilla)
  10. *5 Cain (+SPD/-ATK) (Vanilla)
  11. *5 Takumi x2 (+HP/-DEF) (+SPD/-DEF) (Vanilla)
  12. *5 B!Cordelia x2 (Both +ATK/-HP) (Vanilla)
  13. *5 Faye (+DEF/-SPD) (Vanilla)
  14. *5 Kagero (+DEF/-RES) (Vanilla + Hone Spd 2)
  15. *4 Ursula (Vanilla)
  16. *4 Cherche (+ATK/-RES) (Vanilla)
  17. *3 Olivia (Dancebot) 
  18. *4 Chrom (+SPD/-DEF) (Vanilla + G Tomebreaker 2)
  19. *4 Tharja (+SPD/-ATK) (Reposition/Darting Blow 2/Desperation 2/Spur Res 2/Breath of Life Seal)
  20. *5 Hinoka (+ATK/-SPD) (Vanilla)
  21. Masked Marth (Unleveled/No Skills/No Fae)

I have other (leveled units) like *4 Abel (+SPD/-RES) Catria (+ATK/-DEF), M!Robin (+HP/-DEF) Camilla (+ATK), Cecilia (Neutral) and Palla (Neutral), but they never perform well without their respective buffs. Gunter and Jagen are both sitting around with Hone/Fortify Cavalry waiting to be given to someone else which would really help, but I only have one of each (at *4, I also have them both at *3) and I don't know if I should commit to putting it on characters I may not use later (Ursula being invalidated by Reinhardt if I get one, Cecilia becoming obsolete, etc) so my cavalry is suboptimal if I use Xander.

Also have 2 Sullys (*4), 1 Selena and 1 Barst (Both *3), so it's not like I'm lacking positioning skills, but I don't know who to put them on. Y!Tiki and Xander in particular really want a positioning skill as they are top veronica killers.



Just, if you can build me optimal team comps I would appreciate it if there are better tacticians around. I really only use one structured team and the B and C teams after fluctuate depending on the situation.I only have 3 greens that are effective as well. I know one thing, when these trials are over I'm going to start leveling more units.

Edited by Zeo
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i might start doing surrender with bonus-> different team now actually

I got QP, but my fairly consistent A team is all like, max HM with more SP than they'll ever need (my full-build Nino has 3k SP she has nothing to do with...). Meanwhile horse emblem could really use both SP and HM. They should also have no problem taking any map, theoretically.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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3 minutes ago, Zeo said:

Ok, someone give me a good composition if you can. I'm just going to go ahead and list every character that has faced the trials thus far. Perhaps my main composition of Lukas/Soren/Olivia/Wrys is sub-optimal. I'm experimenting at this point because my consistent 229-500s are wearing on me and time is running out for QP.

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  1. *5 Lukas (+SPD/-ATK) (Ignis/Reposition/Fortress DEF 3/Quick Riposte or R Tomebreaker 3/Threaten ATK/ATK +1)
  2. *5 Soren (+1) (+ATK/-RES) (Draw Back/Growing Wind/HP+5/Lancebreaker 2/Fortify Res/Speed +1)
  3. *4 Olivia (+SPD/-RES) (Ruby Sword/Defense +2/Wings of Mercy 2/Hone ATK 3/Spur Def 2)
  4. *4 Wrys (+SPD/-DEF) (Vanilla)
  5. *4 Sakura (+DEF/-RES) (Wrys Set)
  6. *5 Xander (Fury 3/Vantage 3)
  7. *5 Frederick (+HP/-ATK) (Vanilla)
  8. *5 Y!Tiki (+ATK/-RES) (Vanilla)
  9. *5 B!Caeda (+SPD/-ATK) (Vanilla)
  10. *5 Cain (+SPD/-ATK) (Vanilla)
  11. *5 Takumi x2 (+HP/-DEF) (+SPD/-DEF) (Vanilla)
  12. *5 B!Cordelia x2 (Both +ATK/-HP) (Vanilla)
  13. *5 Faye (+DEF/-SPD) (Vanilla)
  14. *5 Kagero (+DEF/-RES) (Vanilla + Hone Spd 2)
  15. *4 Ursula (Vanilla)
  16. *4 Cherche (+ATK/-RES) (Vanilla)
  17. *3 Olivia (Dancebot) 
  18. *4 Chrom (+SPD/-DEF) (Vanilla + G Tomebreaker 2)
  19. *4 Tharja (+SPD/-ATK) (Reposition/Darting Blow 2/Desperation 2/Spur Res 2/Breath of Life Seal)
  20. *5 Hinoka (+ATK/-SPD) (Vanilla)
  21. Masked Marth (Unleveled/No Skills/No Fae)

I have other (leveled units) like *4 Abel (+SPD/-RES) Catria (+ATK/-DEF), M!Robin (+HP/-DEF) Camilla (+ATK), Cecilia (Neutral) and Palla (Neutral), but they never perform well without their respective buffs. Gunter and Jagen are both sitting around with Hone/Fortify Cavalry waiting to be given to someone else which would really help, but I only have one of each (at *4, I also have them both at *3) and I don't know if I should commit to putting it on characters I may not use later (Ursula being invalidated by Reinhardt if I get one, Cecilia becoming obsolete, etc) so my cavalry is suboptimal if I use Xander.

Also have 2 Sullys (*4), 1 Selena and 1 Barst (Both *3), so it's not like I'm lacking positioning skills, but I don't know who to put them on. Y!Tiki and Xander in particular really want a positioning skill as they are top veronica killers.



Just, if you can build me optimal team comps I would appreciate it if there are better tacticians around. I really only use one structured team and the B and C teams after fluctuate depending on the situation.I only have 3 greens that are effective as well. I know one thing, when these trials are over I'm going to start leveling more units.

Are you having trouble with greens? Even with a Ruby Sword, it seems like Olivia might have trouble doing all the red combat you need, especially at 4*. I recommend replacing her with a typical 5* red, like Xander or Tiki.

Personally, I save Olivia until the last trial, since I need a full-power red/blue/green core plus a healer for the earlier maps, so there's no room for her. She's useful at the end when you don't need to worry about healing anymore, though. I also like to save my best characters (particularly Xander and Reinhardt) to bring out with Olivia at the end for a really powerful team that can almost always beat the last map, although that's only feasible if you can make it to the last map while saving those characters for the end.

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I'm at about 48K now, I should be able to get the final Seat tonight.  Then I might experiment with teams a bit more.  My Nino team can reach the 7th battle most of the time, and Nino can solo it, depending on the type matchups.

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31 minutes ago, SniperGYS said:

I just wish he was more speedy, but that would be very breaker and he was slow in Fates too, so he is a good adaptation

I now have 16,162 pointa, a bit more than half the way for Lucina and close to the 1st seal! I'm going to give that seal to Nino, since she attacks the most behind others

Somehow I'm getting better at this, my "random" team is not that random anymore, and now can win 2 fights most of the time, I even beated the 5 fights with 2 Teams.

Horse Emblem + Olivia won 4 fights! I lost Frederick in the third fight and Ursula, Olivia and Camus won the 4 fight, they got rip of half of Veronica's team a lone, but Veronica was too much for 2 blues... But 3* lv  30 Olivia can resist 1 hit haha

Sadly, I didon't used a bonus character in these 2 teams, so the points weren't that high, but it was a good round and I'm surprise that 4*Frederick (-Atk), 5*Camus , 4*Ursula and 3*Olivia (lv30) can win that much!

PS: Playing in the office it makes everyone to look at you funny

:'D Yeah...that's very true. I wondered why Leo was so slow, but I guess manipulating gravity/the cycle of life to grow a tree from nothing...takes some time. A bit vexing for gameplay purposes, but still a good adaptation in Heroes~

Ah, congratulations!! That's awesome! That first seal's definitely within reach~! That'd be pretty nice to give Nino if you consistently keep her safe~

The practice definitely makes it easier to start coming up with good strategies (just...don't pull a me - where the repetition of it causes the brain to start making silly moves pffffft...). That's wonderful to hear that you cleared it with two teams! What was your score?

Horse Emblem + dancer is definitely really a wonderful thing...assuming the dancer can reach haha! That three move's so nice...but the inability to pass through forests makes certain maps frustrating. Is Ursula using Blarblade, or is she still with her original tome? Olivia's surprisingly durable against Veronica...that's so interesting even a 3* can take that hit - that can be helpful for baiting!

If your team's getting more and more consistent in at least getting to the last map, I'd start with a "team" with a 40% bonus character, surrender, and go onward (as many others have suggested/are doing). While it can limit your opportunities to clear, you'll at least get a higher score in the end.

Pffffft - oh? XD Oh dear haha~

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2 hours ago, Soul~! said:

I literally tried over 20 times and I'm still losing. Maybe I should actually sleep and weigh my options when I can think straight. :awesome:

Maybe you should just not suck at the game :awesome:

You probably just need a better team or something

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5 minutes ago, Othin said:

Are you having trouble with greens? Even with a Ruby Sword, it seems like Olivia might have trouble doing all the red combat you need, especially at 4*. I recommend replacing her with a typical 5* red, like Xander or Tiki.

Personally, I save Olivia until the last trial, since I need a full-power red/blue/green core plus a healer for the earlier maps, so there's no room for her. She's useful at the end when you don't need to worry about healing anymore, though. I also like to save my best characters (particularly Xander and Reinhardt) to bring out with Olivia at the end for a really powerful team that can almost always beat the last map, although that's only feasible if you can make it to the last map while saving those characters for the end.

Soren can typically handle greens. He melts everything except green mages and the only units he has issues with are Julia and Nino. Red mages are the issue. They destroy Lukas and even with R-Tomebreaker the right combination of Red mage and unit that can hurt him is a one turn kill. Olivia can't really handle the reds like she should though because her damage isn't great (Ruby Sword, not +, no active skill. Not enough SP for Moonbow and she's too busy dancing the other 3 to fight.) Xander and Y!Tiki are great units but they are typically deployed at the end to kill Veronica. Tharja is iffy because at -ATK *4 even with buffs she can't reliably finish Veronica.

I'll experiment swapping out Olivia with a feasable red though, but the difficult part is I don't have a Red Infantry. Xander and Tiki are Cavalry and Magic Dragon, respectively. Maybe I should slap Reposition on Xander and both Repo and TA1 on Y!Tiki and see if that helps.

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2 minutes ago, Zeo said:

Soren can typically handle greens. He melts everything except green mages and the only units he has issues with are Julia and Nino. Red mages are the issue. They destroy Lukas and even with R-Tomebreaker the right combination of Red mage and unit that can hurt him is a one turn kill. Olivia can't really handle the reds like she should though because her damage isn't great (Ruby Sword, not +, no active skill. Not enough SP for Moonbow and she's too busy dancing the other 3 to fight.) Xander and Y!Tiki are great units but they are typically deployed at the end to kill Veronica. Tharja is iffy because at -ATK *4 even with buffs she can't reliably finish Veronica.

I'll experiment swapping out Olivia with a feasable red though, but the difficult part is I don't have a Red Infantry. Xander and Tiki are Cavalry and Magic Dragon, respectively. Maybe I should slap Reposition on Xander and both Repo and TA1 on Y!Tiki and see if that helps.

Is there a need for infantry? Either Xander or Tiki can do red duties just fine, although saving Xander for the end makes sense. As for handling red mages, perhaps b!Caeda or Hinoka? So my suggestion is to try one of those two over Lukas and maybe Tiki over Olivia. Using both b!Caeda and Tiki would have the issue of no physical damage, though, which could be a problem.

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12 minutes ago, Othin said:

Is there a need for infantry? Either Xander or Tiki can do red duties just fine, although saving Xander for the end makes sense. As for handling red mages, perhaps b!Caeda or Hinoka? So my suggestion is to try one of those two over Lukas and maybe Tiki over Olivia. Using both b!Caeda and Tiki would have the issue of no physical damage, though, which could be a problem.

Well, Tiki is technically infantry too as far as the game is concerned.

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Got my first perfect clear!


30 minutes ago, Arthur97 said:

Well, Tiki is technically infantry too as far as the game is concerned.

That, too.

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1 hour ago, Zeo said:

Ok, someone give me a good composition if you can. I'm just going to go ahead and list every character that has faced the trials thus far. Perhaps my main composition of Lukas/Soren/Olivia/Wrys is sub-optimal. I'm experimenting at this point because my consistent 229-500s are wearing on me and time is running out for QP.

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  1. *5 Lukas (+SPD/-ATK) (Ignis/Reposition/Fortress DEF 3/Quick Riposte or R Tomebreaker 3/Threaten ATK/ATK +1)
  2. *5 Soren (+1) (+ATK/-RES) (Draw Back/Growing Wind/HP+5/Lancebreaker 2/Fortify Res/Speed +1)
  3. *4 Olivia (+SPD/-RES) (Ruby Sword/Defense +2/Wings of Mercy 2/Hone ATK 3/Spur Def 2)
  4. *4 Wrys (+SPD/-DEF) (Vanilla)
  5. *4 Sakura (+DEF/-RES) (Wrys Set)
  6. *5 Xander (Fury 3/Vantage 3)
  7. *5 Frederick (+HP/-ATK) (Vanilla)
  8. *5 Y!Tiki (+ATK/-RES) (Vanilla)
  9. *5 B!Caeda (+SPD/-ATK) (Vanilla)
  10. *5 Cain (+SPD/-ATK) (Vanilla)
  11. *5 Takumi x2 (+HP/-DEF) (+SPD/-DEF) (Vanilla)
  12. *5 B!Cordelia x2 (Both +ATK/-HP) (Vanilla)
  13. *5 Faye (+DEF/-SPD) (Vanilla)
  14. *5 Kagero (+DEF/-RES) (Vanilla + Hone Spd 2)
  15. *4 Ursula (Vanilla)
  16. *4 Cherche (+ATK/-RES) (Vanilla)
  17. *3 Olivia (Dancebot) 
  18. *4 Chrom (+SPD/-DEF) (Vanilla + G Tomebreaker 2)
  19. *4 Tharja (+SPD/-ATK) (Reposition/Darting Blow 2/Desperation 2/Spur Res 2/Breath of Life Seal)
  20. *5 Hinoka (+ATK/-SPD) (Vanilla)
  21. Masked Marth (Unleveled/No Skills/No Fae)

I have other (leveled units) like *4 Abel (+SPD/-RES) Catria (+ATK/-DEF), M!Robin (+HP/-DEF) Camilla (+ATK), Cecilia (Neutral) and Palla (Neutral), but they never perform well without their respective buffs. Gunter and Jagen are both sitting around with Hone/Fortify Cavalry waiting to be given to someone else which would really help, but I only have one of each (at *4, I also have them both at *3) and I don't know if I should commit to putting it on characters I may not use later (Ursula being invalidated by Reinhardt if I get one, Cecilia becoming obsolete, etc) so my cavalry is suboptimal if I use Xander.

Also have 2 Sullys (*4), 1 Selena and 1 Barst (Both *3), so it's not like I'm lacking positioning skills, but I don't know who to put them on. Y!Tiki and Xander in particular really want a positioning skill as they are top veronica killers.




Just, if you can build me optimal team comps I would appreciate it if there are better tacticians around. I really only use one structured team and the B and C teams after fluctuate depending on the situation.I only have 3 greens that are effective as well. I know one thing, when these trials are over I'm going to start leveling more units.


I have that exact Cordelia too! I really want a Resistance bane though, but I settled for an HP bane. Do you have enough resources to replace B!Cordelia's skill set? Mine has Brave Bow+, Reposition, Luna, Life and Death 3, Swordbreaker, and Savage Blow 3. Fury 3 and Desperation 3 would work really well too.

B.B.+ and LnD/Fury are the most important in my opinion since they drastically increase her kill count. Luna is less important if you run a mage to counter high defense units. S.breaker saves her from Ike and nullifies sword users' high speed. Desp. syncs well with Fury and stops countering from slower units unless they survive. S.B. helps her annihilate even Hector and Veronica if they are surrounded by allies. Rep., Swap, and Drawback are all good, but I personally prefer Rep.

I run B!Cordelia+10, Azura, Olivia4*+6, and Lucina+2, so you can try running B!Cordelia, Tharja, Olivia, Olivia/Soren. I use two dancers so I can safely take down the armor unit on the 7th map, or severely weaken it and then dance her back out of danger. Running two dancers also speed up the first 6 maps significantly. You need Tharja or another red unit to take down Veronica. Since there are 3 reds, you could replace one of the Olivias with Soren, since Reinhardt is the biggest thorn in my side. If you face Hector and Reinhardt at the same time, you might have to wait and let other units to come to you.

Edited by XRay
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1 minute ago, Arcanite said:

Got a Reinhardt?

Yes, indeed, just got him not too long ago.  He's +Atk -Spd, too.

Tempest took all my Stamina, so he's not 40 yet.

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2 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Yes, indeed, just got him not too long ago.  He's +Atk -Spd, too.

Tempest took all my Stamina, so he's not 40 yet.

Give that boy a moonbow

Give that boy a pulse seal

I bet MONEY, that whoever you hit first with him will die, whether or not he's buffed XD

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3 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

Give that boy a moonbow

Give that boy a pulse seal

I bet MONEY, that whoever you hit first with him will die, whether or not he's buffed XD

+Horse Emblem?

Dangerously Cheesy.

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Genny and Tharja got capped for HM today. No more HM for my main tempest team :(

On the up side, I found that I enjoy this event much more if I limit how much I do. Normally I spend all of my stamina on it. Didn't do too much tempest today, but I did the xenologue and finished up armor and cav quests. 

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2 minutes ago, shadowofchaos said:

Any of you got to use quickened pulse yet?

Does it proc in battle 2-7 of the tempest trials with the skill carryover?

People have reported that it does. (I haven't tried it myself, although I expect to get it tomorrow.)

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10 minutes ago, shadowofchaos said:

Any of you got to use quickened pulse yet?

Does it proc in battle 2-7 of the tempest trials with the skill carryover?



8 minutes ago, Othin said:

People have reported that it does. (I haven't tried it myself, although I expect to get it tomorrow.)

Yep! I tried it on my Bride Cordelia. Her Luna cooldown went from 1 cooldown at the start of the map to 0 cooldown once you press the fight button.

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