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Great Hero Battles you expect/wish to see?


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Title, who is arguably the best villain we've seen in FE.

- Alvis, preferably with a map that references the end of the Battle of Barhara.

- Limstella. I imagine her as a blue glass cannon-esque tome user with that skill that increases your stats but takes health away (a handwave to her fight in her original game), and judging from how popular FE7 is, I don't think that is a far shot.

- Micaiah. I know GHBs are more focused on villains than heroes (not counting "neutral" units), but if Robin appeared before, why not? And she was an opponent at some parts of FE10. I imagine her working similar to Sanaki, except as a blue tome user. A map like 3-13 or 3-14 could be nice.

- Naesala. He could work with manakete mechanics, except obviously not turning into a dragon instead. I can imagine a map that references the first map where he can be fought (after Ike's promotion).

- Selena (FE8).

And if IS decides to go wild with GHBs and include a tag team GHB, I want one of Caellach and Valter. Imagine the two as bosses in the same map (without breaking the unit limit for maps). I suppose we could have two GHBs if that is not possible, like what happened with Robin and Navarre.


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Black Knight, definitely. Also, Bryce, even though he's minor. But If Camus can be in, Bryce can too. Bryce is also a Camus. :P

It's too bad we didn't get much on Bryce, I would've liked to know why he's so loyal to Daein and why he's still willing to serve Ashnard even after he learned the things Ashnard did to the Daein royal family. But I do like my headcanon backstory for him, so I'll have to be content with that. :P

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I don't expect anything, but I do wish for several. The main ones...

Glen - I would murder for him. Don't expect him to do anything special, but he is such a nice guy and I always wished to recruit him in FE -.-

Selena - Not sure if she would do anything special, but again, she was such a great character and I would love to have her on my team. Totally ship her with Glen xD

Ephidel - Pretty boy morph... is it a surprise?

Limstella - Cool design, and I quite like the morphs, so I'd like to recruit her.

Gale - Why, why, whhhhy couldn't I recruit him?

Levail - Again, just a nice character. Pretty much all I want from GHBs are the charries I wanted to recruit but couldn't from the enemy side ^.^

Linus - He better come into it... and have better art than his brother, even if he isn't a pretty boy. Poor Lloyd -.-

Sephiran/Lehran - Not sure if he counts, since he could easily be a banner pull, but I would absolutely love to have him.

Petrine - Just 'cos. I don't know why, but I always liked her as a character ^.^

There's probably more, but I can't think of them off the top of my head xD I wanna say Homasa from FE9 despite him being a Stefan clone 'cos I always remember thinking his coat looked awesome xD

Edited by Cute Chao
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Seconding Micaiah if only because having one of my favorite lords, and one of my favorite FE characters period, as a welfare unit is like a dream come true.

As for villains, Arvis as an Armored mage, plus Ishtar, Brunnya, Selena, and Limstella.

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Joshua from Sacred Stones would be a neat addition, seeing as you first encounter him as an enemy. Plus we could always use more Magvel units.

We have a ton of Awakening units so far, but Aversa would be a really neat concept, as far as I can remember we don't have a flying tome user yet. Probably the only one I actually expect.

This one is the furthest reach, but getting Idunn as a beast unit with a breath weapon would be interesting and be a neat obscure character.

If IS wants to continue pushing Shadows of Valentia, we could maybe get either Dean or Sonia. Maybe both but you only get one? :P

Fargus. He never got to come with us, I'd love to recruit him.

Finally, Lyon would be a stellar addition, but probably as likely as getting Idunn, so next to none. ^^;

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Aversa would be really nice, so everyone has a chance to get a flying tome (as annoying as that would be) besides the now gone Spring Camilla.

Walhart would be great as well. Maybe a super mobile tank. Even Gangrel would be interesting if he can have a a Res-hitting Levin Sword.

Although not so much a villain, Reina would be great as well as a flying archer. (She does have a bit of bloodthirsty tendecies which can be slightly vilainous...but hey if female Robin can be a GHB she may have a chance?). Or Shura, a long shot this may be. His actions did help start the drama of Fates and you do need to fight him in both BR and Conquest.

Iago as a trolly staff user would be... interesting. (callback to that Conquest chapter where he illegally can use those offensive staves). Especially now that Wrathful Staff exists, which could actually be scary. 

Ariete could work as well as a GHB unit as a free GHB horse mage not named Ursula.

I dare say Black Knight will definitely come. Ashnard as a flying sword unit would be great since we need more sword fliers. Maybe Naesala if beast/laguz units are ever implemented? (so everyone has a chance of a free one)



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Gazzak - I feel as the first boss encountered in the series, he should get in. A scruffy pirate boss type would also be a nice contrast to the others.

Medeus - Make him an Earth Dragon manakete, I think he would look really cool. 

Nuibaba - Give her a nasty teleport skill and make her the mage boss from hell. 

Legion - I think having Akihiro Yamada illustrate him would make him one of the most imposing units in the game. 

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I'd definitely like to see the Black Knight, but he's basically a given at this point just because of how major of a villain he is in the Tellius series. Ashnard is also a good choice since he's the final boss of PoR and a unique unit, but I doubt we'll see Ashera- that's a bit too powerful of a unit for heroes. Beyond Tellius, we'll probably be seeing more Grand Hero Battles for Shadows of Valentia, probably Berkut first. I don't think we'll be seeing any more Fates bosses added soon, though, since it would be smarter for Nintendo to generate more attention around their newest FE game rather than Fates- so no Garon (probably). As for the earlier games, we'll probably be seeing more Grand Hero Battles from Binding/Blazing Blade, Genealogy, or even Thracia, but only if we get more Echoes games. It's just not likely we'll see more characters from the older games this year, but we can hope.

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1 hour ago, Eliza said:

I'd definitely like to see the Black Knight, but he's basically a given at this point just because of how major of a villain he is in the Tellius series. Ashnard is also a good choice since he's the final boss of PoR and a unique unit, but I doubt we'll see Ashera- that's a bit too powerful of a unit for heroes. Beyond Tellius, we'll probably be seeing more Grand Hero Battles for Shadows of Valentia, probably Berkut first. I don't think we'll be seeing any more Fates bosses added soon, though, since it would be smarter for Nintendo to generate more attention around their newest FE game rather than Fates- so no Garon (probably). As for the earlier games, we'll probably be seeing more Grand Hero Battles from Binding/Blazing Blade, Genealogy, or even Thracia, but only if we get more Echoes games. It's just not likely we'll see more characters from the older games this year, but we can hope.

There should be 13 GHBs left this year, all before the next FE game will be released. They're not going to make those all FE2E characters, especially since there are only like three good picks among that game's antagonists.


My picks:

  • Walhart because I love him and he'd be the perfect compliment to Xander and Camus to finish my cavalry team. Although the fact that he'd be so similar to the two of them is probably a reason he won't be released especially soon.
  • Lyon because he's one of my favorite antagonists.
  • Aversa because she'd be a red tome flier and maybe her Goetia spell will finally actually do something like it always should have.
  • Travant, Ishtar, Arvis, Julius, and I guess Lombard to cover the enemy-only ultimate weapons from FE4. Old Arvis and Bloom would also be cool if added as armored mages, although I hope Young Arvis and Ishtar get in first since they're the more iconic representatives.
  • Ashnard would be another cool flier. On the same note, The Black Knight would be a nice addition to armor teams. I'm not as enthusiastic about him, but I'm sure he'll get released eventually and I'll 5* him in a heartbeat because armor teams always need more Distant Counter users.
  • On that note, Hardin would be a lance armor with built-in Distant Counter due to Gradivus, at least in his emperor form. He's another one I don't care too much about as a character, but he seems like a likely pick at some point and he'd be plenty useful.
  • Dheginsea would be cool because more dragons. He could even bring one of the as-yet unreleased dragon buff skills, too.
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Walhart's who I want to see most, and he feels like a likely choice for a GHB. I'll actually bother to make a cav team if I get put him on it. Aversa would be great too, though I don't know if they'd give us a tome flier for free (that's what I expect her to be, anyway).

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I'm really hoping for a lot of the aforementioned ones, namely Idunn, Arvis, Ishtar, and Lyon (ESPECIALLY LYON I LOVE HIM). I figured I might throw a few names I haven't seen yet out there, though:

  • Astram. He was kinda a big deal in New Mystery, chasing after you all the time and what not. Maybe his GHB would be a defend map? Plus he'd have Mercurius, allowing people to get a complete set of the Archanean Regalia. 
  • Priam, since he's like the ultimate hero or something in Awakening times? If he comes with Ragnell, it'd be another free distant counter which is always nice.
  • Bramimond. Idk how they'd do it, but I think it'd be interesting.

That's all I've got.

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While Aversa isn't my most favorite Awakening character, I would like to see her in Heroes given that she'd easily be a mage flier unit, which is a rare class.

Uhai from Blazing Blade can easily be introduced as a free bow cavalier, which is a unit type that has yet to be playable but can be encountered as generic enemies.

Similarly, if Reina isn't introduced as a summonable unit, she can be introduced as a GHB unit (could make sense given her bloodthirsty nature and that she's fought as an enemy in Conquest Emblem). And she is so far the only unit that can be a bow flier by default.

I wouldn't mind seeing Micaiah become available as a GHB unit as major characters like Xander and female Robin can be GHB units. Plus, Micaiah does oppose Ike at certain points of Radiant Dawn's story. And since she's a protagonist character, she would be awesome to get without having to directly rely on RNG.

Walhart from Awakening... oh boy, he can easily be an axe version of Xander/Camus, having decent to high Atk and Def and a Distant Counter weapon in the form of his Wolf Berg axe.

I would also like to see Brunnya, Selena the Fluorspar, and Ishtar be available as GHB units.

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Was waiting forever for Camus, but we finally got him. The other characters I wanted were Michalis and Xander, got both of them. Now that they've gone through the rotation of all the characters that were in that final chapter they should start doing new characters like Loyd. So it could be anyone. Most likely someone that was unobtainable in the game they were in or debuted in anyways. Of course Navarre was in one so it could be someone you could get in a game, hopefully it'll be Astram. He's not my most favorite character, but he's still pretty cool and I'd like to have all three characters that hold the three Archanea weapons. Another character I could see being in the great hero battle is the Black Knight. He unobtainable in his games and he is a very popular antagonist. To add onto that yet again we are largely lacking Radiant Dawn characters, so it would be awesome if he would be added. I wouldn't use him as my main team seeing as how Ike is my front leader and I only need one sword user, but he'd probably be in my third or fourth team as the sword user.

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Berkut - While his story is debatable, his voice and character design are excellent. It would be awesome to see Berkut in Heroes, perhaps mimicking his finale encounter in Echoes. 
Rudolf - We couldn't have him in Shadows of Valentia, but what if Rudolf became playable for Heroes? Also, I want an excuse to listen to "Lord of a Dead Empire" again.

Grima - I really, really want to see Grima to become playable, even if it is mostly just a variant on existing characters. Plus, the stage has to be on the back of a flying dragon. It'll be awesome!
Walhart - We have Xander and Camus covering Swords and Lances, might as well add Walhart to round out the "Distant Counter" cavalry! Also I like Walhart and would love to see players fight him in either of his showdown maps.

Black Knight - Would like to see something similar to his final showdown in Radiant Dawn, one character faces the Black Knight while the other three handle the army below. Also, an Armor with Built-In Distant Counter due to Alondite. (Maybe give him Escape Route to mimic his Warp Powder...)

Lyon - Echoing other's sentiment here, it would be cool to see Lyon incorporated in Heroes! I am curious what incarnation of Lyon will make it in though.
Selena - Selena Fluorspar from Sacred Stones would be another interesting character to see. A part of me hopes for a proper Bolting instead of just giving her Growing Thunder, even if Bolting just mimics the effects of the Firesweep Bow.

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I think that Lyon, Selena, Aversa and Walhart would be very good aditions to the game, also neat characters, also Berkut as GHB character is a must in my opinion, Echoes is very new and he's a pretty nice antagonist. Rudolf too, we need more Echoes

And Priam would fix perfectly to GHB, I mean, a map that emulate his paralogue, another distant-counter character is never bad, also, he's kinda a free Ike... and is my husbando, I fucking need him, would be very neat to put him here after only appear as bonus character in Awakening

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Aversa: I want a flying mage and she's literally the only one available outside of more things like Spring Camilla happening. She'll probably be red and (might) have a unique tome and I could really go for an alterante to Sanaki so long as she's at least a little good.

Gangrel: Unlike Aversa who just kind of occupies that "whatever" part of my lists, I like Gangrel a lot. He has a fun design and a fun voice set, so I'm sure his tap quotes and battle quotes would be wonderful. Would be curious if they decide to have him use the Levin Sword and how that would be implemented. in before staff gangrel

Medeus (FE1): Really, I'm surprised we don't have him already, but I guess they don't want to have final bosses in quite yet. Gharnef will probably come first. Still, I'd like this just because he'd probably have a unique stone to go with FE1 Medeus being the only (major) Earth Dragon in the series. I'd like him to be a green dragon because we, uh, only have one? Plus being green would go with the whole weak to falchion thing. And you get a kick out of the 2 green dragons being a divine poofy chicken dragon and a mad "shadow" dragon

Candace: The prisoner characters from Fates would all make pretty good GHB fodder, but I really enjoy Candace's design so it'd be nice to get more character out of her. 

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There's some really good ideas in this thread. I would actually ask for a Zelgius GHB instead of Black Knight. Then have Black Knight represent the next Tempest Trial. Fire Emblem has a few characters with alter egos, and I'd like to see them play with the idea with these events. I also would like Awakening's villains in the game sooner than any of the missing Awakening roster. Also, more characters like Navarre which are good guys but start out as antagonists.

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7 minutes ago, Gustavos said:

There's some really good ideas in this thread. I would actually ask for a Zelgius GHB instead of Black Knight. Then have Black Knight represent the next Tempest Trial. Fire Emblem has a few characters with alter egos, and I'd like to see them play with the idea with these events. I also would like Awakening's villains in the game sooner than any of the missing Awakening roster. Also, more characters like Navarre which are good guys but start out as antagonists.

If they do both versions of him that way, I think it'd be more appropriate for the Black Knight to be the GHB version while Zelgius is the Tempest Trial version, because the Black Knight is his more iconic form and the one in a more traditional villain role. Of course, we don't know if they really are planning on doing all alter egos for this in the first place.

I didn't see a point in having Navarre as a GHB character. He could have just as easily been included in the regular summon lineup, and besides, I think the antagonists are a lot more exciting.

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9 hours ago, Parallax19 said:

Joshua from Sacred Stones would be a neat addition, seeing as you first encounter him as an enemy. Plus we could always use more Magvel units.

We have a ton of Awakening units so far, but Aversa would be a really neat concept, as far as I can remember we don't have a flying tome user yet. Probably the only one I actually expect.

This one is the furthest reach, but getting Idunn as a beast unit with a breath weapon would be interesting and be a neat obscure character.

If IS wants to continue pushing Shadows of Valentia, we could maybe get either Dean or Sonia. Maybe both but you only get one? :P

Fargus. He never got to come with us, I'd love to recruit him.

Finally, Lyon would be a stellar addition, but probably as likely as getting Idunn, so next to none. ^^;

Awakening is actually only the third most represented game.

I would want Walhart, Gangrel, and Prism. Grima might take something bigger than a GHB. 

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5 minutes ago, Arthur97 said:

Awakening is actually only the third most represented game.

I would want Walhart, Gangrel, and Prism. Grima might take something bigger than a GHB. 

Gangrel would be amazing, I would love to hear those voice lines! xD

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I think a neat idea would be to have Grand Hero Battles featuring "Grand" versions of heroes, maybe alternate versions of existing heroes in the armor of their classes promoted form (Cipher inspiration, anyone?), but using a different weapon to shake things up. Think, I dunno, Subaki using a Bow as a Kinshi Knight, Cordelia using a Staff as a Falcon Knight, or Red Tomes as a Dark Flier, perhaps Ike using an Axe, you know things like that. Throw a spin on existing characters... without making them look ridiculous/fetishy anyways.

I'd also like to see some different transformation-type units, though I guess the extent of that would be the Laguz, Taguel, Kitsune, and Wolfskin, and is a topic for another day...

But I think a great character to GHB would be Priam, an alternative Ragnell user who could operate differently from Ike, especially given the map he is recruited on and the "story" behind that map.

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I'd like to see a GHB of:

Karel (FE6): He's Legendary at this point, and would probably be a cool challenge with a map based of part of the Ghosts of Bern.

Murdock: This dude rocks, I really want to get to use him more outside of Trial Maps. (where he still is pretty cool) Also Shrine of Seals battle more than likely.

Hardin (FE3/12): I'll pretty much take any version of Hardin, he's just so awesome regardless. This is just more likely to be a GHB while his FE1/11 version will probably be pullable.

Walhart: Probably my favorite of the villains from Awakening, and really he would be pretty unique. Not to mention they really have many maps they can choose for him.

Saias: It's only natural for a strategic genius like himself to have a brutally hard map to obtain him.

Those are just five off the top of my head I like and could see being Grand Hero Battles, we'll see how things turn out as it comes.

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