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What is your unpopular Fire Emblem opinion?

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50 minutes ago, L9999 said:

Sophia has absolutely nothing going for her other than giving a guiding ring. Niime and her staff rank are obviously better.

Est units have very poor stats and it is pointless to train them, as they never contribute to anything. The only Ests that are good are Sara, because she is broken and Zeiss because he has a wyvern.

Leif is not the worst, his stats are not fantastic but they can be fixed easily, he is a support bot and Light Sword is very good. 

This is literally all your opinion though. In MY opinion, Sophia and all the other Ests are worth it. In MY opinion, Leif is the worst Lord, unit-wise. You're free to disagree, but don't say that i'm factually incorrect just because you disagree with me.

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3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

This is literally all your opinion though. In MY opinion, Sophia and all the other Ests are worth it. In MY opinion, Leif is the worst Lord, unit-wise. You're free to disagree, but don't say that i'm factually incorrect just because you disagree with me.

I mean, i don't really care about this argument, but can you say one reason why you think Sophia is better Reigh? Because i'm curious.

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5 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Yeah, totally true. It's a big reason why Luigi and Ike will never be dethroned as my favorite video game characters of all time. :P I grew up with one, and the other helped me through tough times. When Ike was revealed for Smash Wii U/3DS just months after I lost my grandma who I was close to, I was the happiest I'd been in a long time.

EDIT: @Troykv That's not the point.

I'm just posting my unpopular opinions and things that bothers me about Ike; I wasn't dedicating my post to attack Ike... Just to say my opinions.

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4 minutes ago, Nobody said:

I mean, i don't really care about this argument, but can you say one reason why you think Sophia is better Reigh? Because i'm curious.

Personal expirience (which is pretty influential when it comes to forming opinions in anything). My Sophia always turned out better than my Raigh (and Niime). It got to the point where i just benched Raigh and never used him again. I would use Niime occasionally though, mainly as an extra staff bot if i need it.

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4 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Yeah, totally true. It's a big reason why Luigi and Ike will never be dethroned as my favorite video game characters of all time. :P I grew up with one, and the other helped me through tough times. When Ike was revealed for Smash Wii U/3DS just months after I lost my grandma who I was close to, I was the happiest I'd been in a long time.

Well that's nice a nice surprise! I get what you mean. Mia's character helped me a lot when I was younger. I had a huge problem thinking that being outgoing was a bad thing. And she really helped me grow into being fine with the idea of being loud, energetic, and ambitious as a woman.


Another opinion I just remembered that's probably in-between: I liked that Fates decided to introduce non-straight marriage options, but I didn't like how they did it. It felt like an extremely leftover idea kind of like they were forced to do it.

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18 minutes ago, Troykv said:

I'm just posting my unpopular opinions and things that bothers me about Ike; I wasn't dedicating my post to attack Ike... Just to say my opinions.

Like I said, posting your opinion is fine, it's when you start using the thread to just rant about it after ward that bothers me and likely others too. And I was directing my post at others too, not just you.

10 minutes ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

Well that's nice a nice surprise! I get what you mean. Mia's character helped me a lot when I was younger. I had a huge problem thinking that being outgoing was a bad thing. And she really helped me grow into being fine with the idea of being loud, energetic, and ambitious as a woman.

Interesting. I'm a Mia hater, I'm afraid, but it's always nice when something influences you in the right way.

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Oh yeah, i just remembered another unpopular opinion i have: i would much rather promote ASAP instead of waiting until level 20 to promote.

That's also another reason why Geneaolgy of the Holy War is my least favorite FE, along with Thracia 776. The minimum requirment for promotion is Lv.20 and i'm a bit impatient when it comes to level ups (likely a result of Pokemon Gen 4. I love Gen 4, but the slow as fuck level ups were the one thing i hated about Gen 4).

At least Thracia doesn't force you to wait until Lv.20 (though that game throws so much bullshit at you, i'm actually surprised it's kind enough when it comes to promotion).

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- I like Wendy and I think she's one of the best units in Binding Blade. Just needs some babying.

- I would take Noish over Alec any day.

- Blazing Sword's plot was rather boring until chapter 18 came.

- I like using Dorcas

- I like using Est archetypes (the good ones, that is), and would gladly baby them to make them killing machines.

- I like Aideen's hair, even if it's so 80's.

- Fiora is better than Heath.

- Eirika>Ephraim.

- Lyn is better than Hector.

- Arden is not really that ugly. Looks better than Barth at least.

- Dancers aren't that useful (except maybe in FE4). I just bench them when they reach 20 in fact.


These are the ones I can think of as of now.

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lmao Ana you need to chill. So what if other people don't like your favorite character?

Anyway, I'll also jump on the Ike is bad train for reasons others have already stated.

FE6 is better than FE7, which is super overrated.

I actually like Makalov. He makes for great comic relief, and I love his silly design.

Permadeath is a bad mechanic.

I don't like defense chapters all that much. I prefer being able to take as much time as I want with a chapter rather than being on a strict time limit, and most can be easily trivialized by camping.

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Starting to look like saying you like Ike is the unpopular opinion now, Anacybele. He's not my favorite either, but that's completely because of Smash Bros as I'm starting to doubt physical copies of PoR and RD even actually exist so I doubt I can count that.

Speaking of Ike, I'll toss in another one that seems fairly unpopular: Priam was one of the top five characters in all of Awakening.

Edited by SoulWeaver
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Unpopular huh. Well, can't say I know the general opinions of even this site, but still...

* I don't mind the execution of Awakening's Paralogues 18 to 22.

* I'm open to the possibility (important here: open to the possibility, not actually thinking it's the one) that Priam's claim of being Ike's descendant does not mean an actual blood relation. At the very least, I usually see people going about an actual blood relation existing, regardless if it's through Ike himself or Mist. But not so much about Ike simply adopting a kid. For all we know, Priam's "ancestry" could be a master-student type, if only slightly, not strictly full parent-offspring that you can trace all the way back to Greil.

* I would like to see something akin to #FE again. Mostly in concept, mind you, not so quite the exact execution.

There may be more, but would need to remember.

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I'm struggling to think of something that people aren't regularly jumping on, be it here or elsewhere. I dunno. I like Virion's EN voice? Surely that's unpopular. ONE FOR ZE BARDZ

Yeah Virion rules.

Also reading people's Ike complaints leads me to believe that it's actually backlash against Ike hype, which naturally turns into that arbitrary bitch-eating-crackers hate. I think if I was more interested in defending him I'd write up a big thing about his character, chances are I'd get the itch to go nuts defending other random characters people off-hand mention not liking. 

@SoulWeaver Have ye interest in buying a copy of PoR?

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24 minutes ago, Katie said:

lmao Ana you need to chill. So what if other people don't like your favorite character?

20 minutes ago, SoulWeaver said:

Starting to look like saying you like Ike is the unpopular opinion now, Anacybele.

Were these really necessary?

Also, if you actually read my posts, you'd see that people disliking Ike is not my problem. I even specifically stated this. I don't care if you hate him more than anything in the world, I just don't want to see people using threads like this to just rant about him and bash him. You don't see me writing essays here on why I hate Micaiah and Camilla. A simple "I don't like Ike, he's boring and unlikable to me" should suffice.

People have told me to stop bashing characters (though I never intended to offend anyone), so why should others be allowed to do it?

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Well, people are free to explain why they think such and such is their opinion. If they want to, they do so. If not, they don't.

Like how I could've stopped my second opinion in just the first sentence, but I decided to go into a little more detail. It's a matter of preference, I'd guess.

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2 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Well, people are free to explain why they think such and such is their opinion. If they want to, they do so. If not, they don't.

Like how I could've stopped my second opinion in just the first sentence, but I decided to go into a little more detail. It's a matter of preference, I'd guess.

Yes, but I've seen multiple posts that were nothing except a paragraph on Ike hate. This thread isn't about ranting about characters you hate, it's about giving opinions you think are unpopular. There's a bit of a difference here.

I should mention that Sophia vs Raigh/Niime argument too. The thread isn't for that either.

However, I also don't want to sound like I'm policing a thread or trying to do a mod's job, so I'd like to end this here and just move on. People should be free to list their unpopular opinions peacefully.

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I'm not sure if this counts as "unpopular", but I actually love how just about everyone can end up as hilariously broken god units in Awakening. It makes the grind to getting everyone all the skills they need and capped stats extremely cathartic, and therefore worth the effort.


I also could care less about FE7. While it does have some good maps and Hector, it's just not all too worthy of the pedestal fans put it on. That said, it's not a bad game, just a slightly below average one.

Edited by Crystallized Silver
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- I like FE9 Ike just fine, but FE10 Ike is by far the worst lord in the series because you can easily tell he's completely shoehorned in the game (along with several other characters, FE10 tried too hard on bringing everyone back). I'm also not a fan of how overpraised he is, because he's the only Lord in the series that abandons his friends and family in the end of the game. I still remember when I supported Ike with Mist in one of my FE10 runs and it had unique dialogue, with Ike promising Mist to never leave her side. I was kind of expecting a special ending, but nope, he still leaves.

- As an addendum to the above, I think FE10 should have just been Part 1 expanded into 25-30 chapters. Part 2 could have been included as a Trial Map bonus (since there's no much room for expansion).

- I can agree with a lot of flaws in FE14's story,  but I think FE4 Gen 2 and FE7 have way worse stories. FE7 is a complete mess that I constantly forget what's happening, and FE4 Gen 2 really feels like nothing is happening. I also hate that the only reason the good guys win the war in FE4 is because one of the main villains (the same one that set up every event in the game) decides to be an idiot and massively fucks up.

- Tokyo Mirage Sessions has a better plot and characters than ANY mainline FE, mainly because the condensed cast allows for better interaction and development. I feel that if more people would look at the game in detail rather than just the surface, it would have a lot more fans. It doesn't help that a lot of the haters of that game haven't even played it.

- Fates' localization is not bad by any means. It's definitely not perfect, but its issues are highly exaggerated.

- I think that the decision of Koei Tecmo to make FE Warriors focused on three continents is an understandable one and shouldn't be dismissed so quickly. I know a lot of people wanted a game with every Lord, but if the focused roster allows for a better story and character interaction, I'm all for it.

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SoV's plot is a mess, full of nonsense and plot holes. But people are okay with it because Fates was an abomination.

The outrealms were a mistake and never contribute to the story in a positive way.

Lyn mode is a charming series of character moments, and FE7 is better for it.

Lyn is a bad unit and not worth the investment, however.


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...I can't stand Ike or Cordelia. Their fans, their characters, what they say...ugh.

I despise Soren.

Shadow Dragon doesn't deserve the hate it gets.

Marth is the best Lord, with Roy being the second best. In fact, it makes sense that Roy is a bad unit as he prefers brains over brawns, as shown through his strategies in Binding Blade and what he says in Heroes (he is also my baby so leave him alone)

Micaiah is a lovely character, questionable at times, but still lovely.

Tobin is the best villager.

The Ram Kids are precious and need to be protected.

Robin is the best avatar and their relationship with Chrom no matter the gender is A++

Eliwood is much better character-wise and gameplay-wise than Hector and Lyn.

Xane needs more love.

Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE does not deserve that hate it gets and is actually a fantastic game with great characters such as Touma and Eleonora.

The Archanean characters are fantastic, but are in desperate need of the Echoes treatment.

Leo is better than Takumi, who is a bad character.

Camilla and Charlotte are amongst my favourite characters in Fates.

Virion is absolutely perfect.

The Black Knight was an awful villain.

Sothe is amazing.

Celica was perfectly justified in Act 4

Faye isn't all that bad.

People need to chill about Warriors.

People need to chill about other people's opinions.

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I feel like Sacred Stones has the least flawed story.

Shadows of Valentia is awful, but people think it's good because fv(k Fates.

Ophelia is the most adorable ever because she innocently say's after a battle "What light is this?" Not to mention she has sparkly eyes, and is an OP unit.

Ephraim has best character design out of all the Heroes redesigns

Camilla can actually be an interesting character if you take a look at her background (and stop staring at her parts, and ignore her interactions)

Takumi has the best hair, and is the most poorly treated character in Birthright (that lives through the end)

Eliwood gets shitted on more than he deserves


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...I think not having an opinion on Ike is the minority here. :P

Also, imo Takumi is best of the Fates royals.

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Unpopular opinions, huh. This is probably like the third thread dedicated to it, lol.

- FE9's story is hideously over-rated and just a bad video game in general.
- Tellius would have been amazing if it wasn't for Ike. Elincia showed more character development in Part 2 of RD than Ike did during the entirety of PoR.
- All FE plots are awful (yes, even FE4's). The writing is questionable as well.
- Virtually every lord is a Sue/Stu in some way or the other. But Ike and Ephriam take the cake. I don't count Corrin because he/she is a self-insert which equals automatic Sue/Stu-status.
- Jill is one of the most over-rated characters and units from Tellius. The fantasy racism cliche is so old by now.
- Weapon durability and permadeath are poor gameplay decisions.
- Eliwood and Roy need more love.

-The Black Knight is an atrocity. I suppose he suffers from 'Sephiroth Syndrome: aka, you can get away with murder if you're cool enough.
- FE8 has one of the best OSTs in the series.
- I love using pre-promotes and hate shotas/lolis.
- FE doesn't know how to do 'hard games'. Hard/Lunatic just amounts to stat-inflation, unfair balancing, excessive reliance on the RNG and/or cheap AI tricks.
- FE's unit rosters are far too large. RD was ridiculous with its 70+ units, of which maybe 15 were viable for endgame. This is bad, bad design.


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