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What is your unpopular Fire Emblem opinion?

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1 hour ago, Reimu Hakurei said:

Regault = Renault + Legault?

OTP material.

23 minutes ago, Harvey said:

You said that only Marcus and Pent are pretty overpowered which is false as there are other prepromotes that are on par with them.

Are you really suggesting that Renault has the same impact on the game as Marcus? For reference:


This is what Marcus does to enemies on EHM's first map (can't be arsed to play through HHM's ch11 just for this).


This is Marcus against the boss (who, admittedly, is only as strong as he is on ENM, according to the main page).


This is Lowen against the boss (who does have the 2nd best base stats in Eliwood's initial team).

You could argue that Marcus is less impactful in FE7 than he was (will be? :D) in FE6 because the other units are better relative to the enemies in Blazing Blade (Lowen and Eliwood can kill a brigand in one turn in a joined effort), but that doesn't change that FE7!Marcus in like the first half of Eliwood's journey is much more terrifying for the enemy than any other unit in the Elibe games.

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42 minutes ago, ping said:

Are you really suggesting that Renault has the same impact on the game as Marcus?

Yeah Renault wasn't worth mentioning there so my bad but I was just adding your point further by listing other prepromotes.

Still I personally think that calling FE7 prepromotes overpowered is still unfair considering that FE7 is the first game introduced to the western market who are not familiar with FE at all and that the prepromotes are suppose to make it easier for those who lost units through luck or that they are inexperienced.


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Don't know if this has been posted, but contrary to popular opinion I don't think Armour Knights are that bad.

They can tank pretty much everything in most games and 2 or 1 shot enemies in return. Even in a fight between one and a fighter they mostly come out on top. And fighters are supposed to have an advantage over them.

I know magic units exist but they're usually a minority in the enemy forces. In some games you can even tank them too by using Pure Waters.

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16 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Why would you want this though.

Well let's look at FE1.

In FE1, all you need is someone with good growth level for the weapon level to use the godly Parthia bow. Now I don't know how its done in Shadow Dragon but looking at a modern FE game, you have to constantly keep using the same weapon type to increase its bar which takes like FOREVER to do so.

Compare that to a weapon level that only requires you to reach like say 10 to use a Brave bow instead of getting a B rank otherwise. This means that devs can make powerful weapons appear earlier than they should while at the same time, maintaining the game's overall difficulty.


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2 hours ago, Harvey said:

In FE1, all you need is someone with good growth level for the weapon level to use the godly Parthia bow. Now I don't know how its done in Shadow Dragon but looking at a modern FE game, you have to constantly keep using the same weapon type to increase its bar which takes like FOREVER to do so.

Weapon Level means that units with bad growths for weapon levels just get fucked with no way to make themselves viable. Growth rates for weapons is a bad idea. Weapon Rank is objectively better.

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51 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Weapon Level means that units with bad growths for weapon levels just get fucked with no way to make themselves viable. Growth rates for weapons is a bad idea. Weapon Rank is objectively better.

Not that I'm condoning Harvey's suggestion, but what's preventing the designers from simply giving everyone reasonably high Weapon Rank growths to make them less likely to be screwed over?

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1 minute ago, Von Ithipathachai said:

Not that I'm condoning Harvey's suggestion, but what's preventing the designers from simply giving everyone reasonably high Weapon Rank growths to make them less likely to be screwed over?

Nothing, but at that point, they might as well just stick to Weapon Rank.

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The main advantages of the current system that I can see are less RNG dependence in a mostly binary stat, and that characters can specialize in different weapon types.

What I mean by "binary" is that a weapon rank stat would have very definite breakpoints - you can either wield killer weapons or not - while other stats are useful in increments. Sure, there can still be certain benchmarks, especially doubling speed, but in general, every point in every stat makes a unit a little better. In contrast, if weapon levels were reintroduced, they would have a large impact at certain points, and none whatsoever everywhere else. I have to say though, speed as it works right now has a similar issue in that one point of speed can effectively double the damage output of a unit, while any additional speed (like a swordmaster getting to speed 30) isn't even as valuable as a point of luck.

Furthermore, I like how different characters of the same class can prefer different weapon classes - like the one xmas cav having a higher lance rank and the other one preferring swords. And it's also nice that it's possible to actively improve specific weapon ranks, although some games could stand faster growths in that regard (lookin' at you, FE6 ;) ).

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I finished SoV lately (not chapter 6 at present), so do I have an opinion? You betcha!

(Obvious spoilers are obvious)


- Arts are legit amazing and I want them to come back in future, unlikely as it is.
- Kliff!Mage is not terrible: I think the only case really is based on his start, though I also get feeling peeved that he gets Excalibur later now.
- Nuibaba's Abode might just be one of the most difficult maps in the series, and the only reason I pick it here now is because Hard Mode exists.
- Rewarp coming back was nice, much as it and my use of it was limited here.
- Clive's also a bit better now in gameplay (That last fight with Slayde cemented his character's status as great for this series), Python's still terrible but he at least has archery being more interesting and the new units are great (also, from what I've seen Dread Fighter Atlas is kinda better than his competition. Not "Oh, Dread Fighter just makes him good". I mean actually better)
- If Jedah hadn't been so comically presented we can fairly compare him to Validar and we got some actual acknowledgement from him about what he did to his daughters, I think he might have been a great villain. 1-shotting Jedah is also a fun pasttime and everyone should do it.
- Duma is a concerning opponent. Pretty sure he might be my favourite final boss now.
- Does anyone else wish Berkut and Fernand had died differently? I mean, their ends were fine and all, but I think I'm being a sucker for the good old noble sacrifice.
- Sagittae is actually a good spell
- I do wish the cutscenes were better, you can kinda tell.
- Also, that last animated cutscene. CAN ANYTHING EXPLAIN IT? That might be the biggest asspull in the series, but I hope something can explain it.


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On the topic of weapon ranks, I actually like how Genealogy did it, with set ranks depending on class. I would certainly like to have that back. Though granted, perhaps blending it with some of the other systems to some degree, since just going by class alone does seem a bit restricting.

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58 minutes ago, Dayni said:

- Also, that last animated cutscene. CAN ANYTHING EXPLAIN IT? That might be the biggest asspull in the series, but I hope something can explain it.


Mila revived Celica. It's not really an asspull given that reviving is already an established thing in that universe. Archanea has the Aum Staff. Valentia has the Revival Springs. Jugdral has the Valkyrie Staff.


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Lucina as a character is a blank slate, and I don't like her very much. Her sole personality trait is her survivor angst because she's from an apocalyptic future, but that's a stereotype that I've seen on 2 different characters (Future Trunks and Silver the Hedgehog, there could be more), and she's mostly a glorified messenger, so her character is redundant to me. She's only popular because she's a pretty face, she's in Smash Bros., and her portrayal as "Marth" caught everyone off guard when Awakening was in it's baby steps. I'm new to this fanbase and all, but seeing fans foam at the mouth from the sheer sound of her name makes me angry.

I believe her popularity was an accident, and I despise her for such. But that's just me, I despise any character or game that's popular and hip for no reason.

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12 hours ago, Armagon said:
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Mila revived Celica. It's not really an asspull given that reviving is already an established thing in that universe. Archanea has the Aum Staff. Valentia has the Revival Springs. Jugdral has the Valkyrie Staff.


Alright, I was being intentionally hyperbolic, and you're right on there being other methods in the setting overall and in this game too.

You'd have to assume that the springs are blessed by the gods then, right? Or am I just incorrect on that too?

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I don't like Jeigen units. They are the most boring characters that remind you of your parents parenting you back then..atleast to me it looks like that.

Sure, they are needed gameplay wise especially in hard modes but only around the first half. After which, that's it.


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21 hours ago, TheEncoreBee said:

Don't know if this has been posted, but contrary to popular opinion I don't think Armour Knights are that bad.

They can tank pretty much everything in most games and 2 or 1 shot enemies in return. Even in a fight between one and a fighter they mostly come out on top. And fighters are supposed to have an advantage over them.

I know magic units exist but they're usually a minority in the enemy forces. In some games you can even tank them too by using Pure Waters.

Their only problem is movement, and I guess speed, which is why I guess most people dislike them.

btw @Harvey, I don't really think any of the prepromotes are on par with Pent (except maybe Jaffar I guess?). My memory may fail here, but iirc, he has pretty high bases, starts out at level 1, and has good growths. 

He's basically the most OP unit in the game if one uses them. I never used Marcus though, so maybe he's more OP.

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1 hour ago, Dayni said:

You'd have to assume that the springs are blessed by the gods then, right?

Probably. Though there aren't any Gods in the Archanea/Valentia/Jugdral continuity. The Dragons there are just that powerful. 

The only FEs with actual Gods are the Tellius games (with Ashera and Yune) and Fates (Anankos).

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18 hours ago, Armagon said:
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Mila revived Celica. It's not really an asspull given that reviving is already an established thing in that universe. Archanea has the Aum Staff. Valentia has the Revival Springs. Jugdral has the Valkyrie Staff.



Elibe hashad Bramimond.


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4 hours ago, Armagon said:
6 hours ago, Dayni said:


Probably. Though there aren't any Gods in the Archanea/Valentia/Jugdral continuity. The Dragons there are just that powerful. 


Well, from the perspective of most people in those settings they are essentially gods though. That I admit I should have been clearer on.

(Also, Anankos a god? Ha!)

1 minute ago, Vaximillian said:
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Elibe hashad Bramimond.


Isn't that considered a massive asspull in its own right though? Or have people thought about that one since and come to a different conclusion?

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2 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Isn't that considered a massive asspull in its own right though? Or have people thought about that one since and come to a different conclusion?

I gave him as an example of an asspull of hilarious proportions, yes. I like Ninian and I like Eliwood×Ninian, but this was overkill.

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14 hours ago, Akabon said:

Lucina as a character is a blank slate, and I don't like her very much. Her sole personality trait is her survivor angst because she's from an apocalyptic future, but that's a stereotype that I've seen on 2 different characters (Future Trunks and Silver the Hedgehog, there could be more), and she's mostly a glorified messenger, so her character is redundant to me. She's only popular because she's a pretty face, she's in Smash Bros., and her portrayal as "Marth" caught everyone off guard when Awakening was in it's baby steps. I'm new to this fanbase and all, but seeing fans foam at the mouth from their mouth from the sheer sound of her name makes me angry.

Bravissimo, signior. Bravissimo.

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5 hours ago, Armagon said:

Probably. Though there aren't any Gods in the Archanea/Valentia/Jugdral continuity. The Dragons there are just that powerful. 

The only FEs with actual Gods are the Tellius games (with Ashera and Yune) and Fates (Anankos).

I thought Anankos was just a powerful dragon, like all the rest.

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3 hours ago, Dayni said:

(Also, Anankos a god? Ha!)

3 hours ago, Ottokar said:

I thought Anankos was just a powerful dragon, like all the rest.

Honestly, Anankos is so powerful, that his power is probably only rivaled by Ashera. Yes, Mila can revive the dead and Awakening!Naga can open a time portal, but Anankos is capable of traveling between worlds, creating black holes, possession, terraforming and influencing things in timelines without being physically being there. Remember, he made graves for the Awakening trio's parents in the doomed timeline.

Anankos' abilities are likely a result of Fates' shitty writing but regardless, it's canon.

The only reason Anankos lost was because he had degenerated. Had Corrin fought Anankos in his prime, then entire group would've been wiped out in a second. Though Heirs of Fate's timelines take place in the sceneario where Corrin and friends lost.


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14 hours ago, Vaximillian said:
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Elibe hashad Bramimond.


Yeah, but Brammimond is part of a different universe from the other 3 examples. Which honestly makes Ninian's revival even more ass-pully than anyone else's. 

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1 minute ago, Slumber said:

Yeah, but Brammimond is part of a different universe from the other 3 examples. Which honestly makes Ninian's revival even more ass-pully than anyone else's. 

14 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

I gave him as an example of an asspull of hilarious proportions, yes. I like Ninian and I like Eliwood×Ninian, but this was overkill.



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