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What is your unpopular Fire Emblem opinion?

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12 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

That, and fix the very bad gameplay FE4 has, and you have a winning formula.

This does have it's own issues though. Fix too much and fans of the original FE4 will be put off. Fix too little and newcomers will be put off. And if Echoes is any indication, FE remakes love to stay as faithful as possible.

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6 minutes ago, Armagon said:

This does have it's own issues though. Fix too much and fans of the original FE4 will be put off. Fix too little and newcomers will be put off. And if Echoes is any indication, FE remakes love to stay as faithful as possible.

Even as somebody who likes FE4, I would have no problem with a ton of gameplay changes just as long as they kept the story and mostly kept the big maps.

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6 minutes ago, Armagon said:

This does have it's own issues though. Fix too much and fans of the original FE4 will be put off. Fix too little and newcomers will be put off.

So, the game should stay an unplayable unbalanced mess just for the sake of older fans? 

From the gameplay problems (weak enemy spam, empty maps, general unbalance), to the worst Item management System ever created in gaming History, the game has so many Problems i wonder how i didn't drop it (i almost did at ch9, and started PoR while at it to have some fun at the side). If changes to make the game better will just make ''older'' fans angry, then it will be just nostalgia blindness, nothing else (tough i already see alot of that in the fanbase tbh)

Big maps can stay, they just have to make them interesting. For Example, fix enemy Positions, make enemies stronger while reducing the Quantity, make the big maps actually matter and not just smaller maps tacked together, etc...


And if Echoes is any indication, FE remakes love to stay as faithful as possible.

That's just laziness tbh. Also, it seems outside the ''deeper'' fanbase, SoV isn't really liked, and not because of the lack of popular Mechanics, but because the dull gameplay.

https://www.reddit.com/r/Games/comments/7i8ypd/fire_emblem_echoes_shadows_of_valentia_2017_game/ people are calling it out  for the very bad gameplay.

I would love nothing more then a FE4 remake with proper gameplay (since i love Gen1 characters sooooooooooo much), but i would hate nothing more then FE4 remake being just updated Graphics with minor improvements

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On 6/25/2017 at 3:52 PM, Azz said:

-Part 2 of RD is the best in the game.

-Miccy should have been the main protagonist for all of RD. Ike should not have taken her spotlight and should have been relegated to a supporting character.

-Eirika>Ephraim (Not sure if this is necessarily unpopular)


-Dismounting was a cool feature and I wish they would bring it back.

-Conquest was better than Birthright and Revelation in every way, gameplay, characters and story. While the story was not well executed, it had a better premise than the boring Birthright or contrived Revelation.

-Kaga leaving was the best thing for the franchise

I'm probably gonna get butchered for that last one.

Kaga made two of the best games in the franchise just before leaving. Kaga leaving may have been the best for the popularity of the franchise but not for the quality of the games. I highly doubt the series would be around now if not for his departure because I highly doubt he ever would have let awakening happen with the waifu emblem shit that basically ended up saving the franchise


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On 6/25/2017 at 3:34 PM, Rezzy said:

I guess the old thread got knocked off the front page.


My opinion: I hate Sanaki.

Conquest had a better story than Birthright.  The first half of Revelation was good, until the second half ruined it.

does anyone actually like sanaki? if so that's news to me. also how does anyone like sanaki?

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2 minutes ago, edgelordweeaboo said:

does anyone actually like sanaki? if so that's news to me. also how does anyone like sanaki?

A lot of people like Sanaki, actually.  She's pretty well written, actually making an effort to oppose the corruption in her country and try and reform it for the better, doing a surprisingly decent job of it, while still coming across as young.

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20 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

So, the game should stay an unplayable unbalanced mess just for the sake of older fans? 

From the gameplay problems (weak enemy spam, empty maps, general unbalance), to the worst Item management System ever created in gaming History, the game has so many Problems i wonder how i didn't drop it (i almost did at ch9, and started PoR while at it to have some fun at the side). If changes to make the game better will just make ''older'' fans angry, then it will be just nostalgia blindness, nothing else (tough i already see alot of that in the fanbase tbh)

Big maps can stay, they just have to make them interesting. For Example, fix enemy Positions, make enemies stronger while reducing the Quantity, make the big maps actually matter and not just smaller maps tacked together, etc...

That's just laziness tbh. Also, it seems outside the ''deeper'' fanbase, SoV isn't really liked, and not because of the lack of popular Mechanics, but because the dull gameplay.

https://www.reddit.com/r/Games/comments/7i8ypd/fire_emblem_echoes_shadows_of_valentia_2017_game/ people are calling it out  for the very bad gameplay.

I would love nothing more then a FE4 remake with proper gameplay (since i love Gen1 characters sooooooooooo much), but i would hate nothing more then FE4 remake being just updated Graphics with minor improvements

Well there are a lot like me who like the gameplay for what it is. Just because reddit says the gameplay is bad doesn't mean that its a thrash game and just because I have issues enjoying FE6 the way it is doesn't mean its thrash either. The fact that the Story and the writing is well crafted...something Fates wishes that it can do, that alone means that its solid enough. Since when was the last time we have ever had good writing in an FE game?

And who said Sov isn't liked? Even the top comments from reddit were praising the game so much so that it deserves a good rating. Honestly, I think its better than even Birthright.

As for an FE4 remake, I won't have high hopes for it to happen because inorder for that to happen, FE needs to do more than what it is doing right now which can take a long way to go.



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I enjoyed SoV's gameplay. Big, empty maps made sense, you gotta move around a lot in actual war. Swamp maps, boat maps, desert maps...what, were you expecting every map to be quick and easy? It makes me laugh that some people praise Genealogy's gameplay to the high heavens, yet it's arguably worse that SoV's?

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16 minutes ago, Lau said:

It makes me laugh that some people praise Genealogy's gameplay to the high heavens, yet it's arguably worse that SoV's?

I personally think they confuse grand scale with actual playing pleasure.

Story is practically all FE4 has going for it, really.

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On 11.12.2017 at 6:15 PM, Harvey said:

 The fact that the Story and the writing is well crafted...something Fates wishes that it can do, that alone means that its solid enough. 

When playing a game, the first thing i am looking for in a game is solid, fun enjoyable gameplay. Unless it's a Legend of Heroes game (where i am used to Top notch World building and Story, and would be mad if i get otherwise), i will gladly sacrifice Story for gameplay. That's the reason Conquest is one of my fav. FE, right behind RD.

Good Gameplay can rescue a bad/non-existant Story, however even an awesome story can't rescue meh gameplay.

4 hours ago, Lau said:

I enjoyed SoV's gameplay. Big, empty maps made sense, you gotta move around a lot in actual war. Swamp maps, boat maps, desert maps...what, were you expecting every map to be quick and easy? It makes me laugh that some people praise Genealogy's gameplay to the high heavens, yet it's arguably worse that SoV's?

Realistic and repitive Maps don't make for fun gameplay. And for a SRPG Map design is very important.

I am playing Valkyria Chronicles 3 (a SRPG) atm for example, and while it improved alot upon the first game when it came to gameplay Mechanics and balance, the Map design is much much worse, and super repititive, that i am taking a lot of breaks so to not to drop it. The bad reptitive Map design alone puts it way below VC1, and makes me not wanna continue the game.

And i never saw anyone praise FE4's gameplay. At most they praise the gameplay-Story-Integration and the big maps. And Atleast FE4 gen 1 Story isn't your typical FE ''Prince kill Dragon'' Story.



every map to be quick and easy

You didn't play CQ or RD, did you?

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21 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

When playing a game, the first thing i am looking for in a game is solid, fun enjoyable gameplay. Unless it's a Legend of Heroes game (where i am used to Top notch World building and Story, and would be mad if i get otherwise), i will gladly sacrifice Story for gameplay. That's the reason Conquest is one of my fav. FE, right behind RD.

Good Gameplay can rescue a bad/non-existant Story, however even an awesome story can't rescue meh gameplay.

Realistic and repitive Maps don't make for fun gameplay. And for a SRPG Map design is very important.

I am playing Valkyria Chronicles 3 (a SRPG) atm for example, and while it improved alot upon the first game when it came to gameplay Mechanics and balance, the Map design is much much worse, and super repititive, that i am taking a lot of breaks so to not to drop it. The bad reptitive Map design alone puts it way below VC1, and makes me not wanna continue the game.

And i never saw anyone praise FE4's gameplay. At most they praise the gameplay-Story-Integration and the big maps. And Atleast FE4 gen 1 Story isn't your typical FE ''Prince kill Dragon'' Story.


You didn't play CQ or RD, did you?

I personally think that every FE has repetitive gameplay, really.

I haven't played RD, but I've seen full LPs of it, and I'm aware that some turns went on for a while. I have played Conquest, thanks, but I don't understand the big fuss about it. Chapter 10 was really the only one that gave me any issues, though I suppose that's just me.

Sorry, it just really grinds my gears when people state something like that as if they know things.

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39 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

When playing a game, the first thing i am looking for in a game is solid, fun enjoyable gameplay. Unless it's a Legend of Heroes game (where i am used to Top notch World building and Story, and would be mad if i get otherwise), i will gladly sacrifice Story for gameplay. That's the reason Conquest is one of my fav. FE, right behind RD.

Good Gameplay can rescue a bad/non-existant Story, however even an awesome story can't rescue meh gameplay.

Then by that logic, good luck finding an RPG that has a solid gameplay because about 80% of RPGs have shallow gameplay but great stories.

I will agree that Conquest has the best gameplay but unfortunately, it is stuck as a fates title which means it ends up with a bad written plot as much as I hate to say it. Nintendo doesn't often do story written games that much and to see SoV's attempt at it is admirable to me. Personally, I love the dungeon crawling and the timewheel that this game did and I just like the gameplay like every other FE there. It could be better sure but its faithful and the fact that it does good voice acting just makes me like the game better. Also, you're forgetting that SoV is more of an RPG and less of Strategy because otherwise, they would have polished the maps.

39 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Realistic and repitive Maps don't make for fun gameplay. And for a SRPG Map design is very important.


I honestly couldn't care much about map designs for some reason. So long as I'm able to enjoy a strategy game for what it has to offer, I'm fine with it. I didn't like Birthright because of its bland maps. Its because its too damn easy from the start to the get go.



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22 minutes ago, Harvey said:

Then by that logic, good luck finding an RPG that has a solid gameplay because about 80% of RPGs have shallow gameplay but great stories.

This may be offtopic, but:
Ys series is one known for fast Action gameplay, while story usually pretty barebones (except for Ys8, where i heard they went all out for that one)

Grandia (Turn based) and Tales (Action) do also have a pretty Solid gameplay

So does Legend of Heroes: Trails (The only game Series where for me story really really matters), altough some people do find it slow, i like it.

Valkyria Chronicles, which i already mentioned above.

I am sure there are more, but those are the ones on the Top of my Head atm.


And tbh, except for Tellius, i tend find FE stories to be generally medicore.


Also, you're forgetting that SoV is more of an RPG and less of Strategy because otherwise, they would have polished the maps.

And that's why i think they were just being lazy. Being Faithful is a good thing. Being too faithful without fixing the original game's mistakes is a very bad thing.

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On 13.11.2017 at 12:24 AM, Alastor15243 said:

That money and development time would be way better spent expanding the class list rather than lengthening the progression of the classes we already have.

What do they even need expanding the class list for? If everyone gets their own class, what even is a reason why classes exist?

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4 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

What do they even need expanding the class list for? If everyone gets their own class, what even is a reason why classes exist?

Yeah, I've always been of the opinion that the games work better when you're given clear, simple boundaries to work in. This includes classes, and it's partially why I hate how Fates handled classes. There are so many classes in that game that it feels like they were just tossing shit at the wall, and didn't even bother to wait to see what stuck. 

"An infantry axe class that can use magic? Sure, fuck it. Let's also make it improbable for any unit in the game to reasonably utilize the strengths of that class compared to the alternatives." 

Yet at the same time, there were effectively just two classes in the whole game that were strictly offensive magic units. 

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On 12/11/2017 at 2:04 AM, edgelordweeaboo said:

Kaga made two of the best games in the franchise just before leaving.

I don't really agree with this personally.

I love FE5 however, you know there is something wrong with a game where you need a guide to playthrough it. Maybe it's just me and the fact I'm not the best at FE but still.

As for FE4, its story is decent in Gen1 but Gen 2 really goes down hill as it becomes your bog standard FE plot. Also the gameplay is some of the worst in the series alongside FE2/FE15 and FE13. I get what they were doing with the 'Giant maps to portray the giant conflict' but it didn't work.

I know its mainly down to personal preference, but to say they were the best games in the series is a far cry.

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3 hours ago, Slumber said:

"An infantry axe class that can use magic?" 

Wait, what? I must have missed that one while trying to find out why a Ninja suddenly decided to climb onto a(probably really loud) puppet thing, and why we even HAVE Rinkah in the game.

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46 minutes ago, SoulWeaver said:

Wait, what? I must have missed that one while trying to find out why a Ninja suddenly decided to climb onto a(probably really loud) puppet thing, and why we even HAVE Rinkah in the game.

Troubadours turning into Battle Butlers that could throw shurikens/knives was another one that just felt like somebody came into the office hungover one day and just wanted to fuck with some designers and call it a day.

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24 minutes ago, Slumber said:

Troubadours turning into Battle Butlers that could throw shurikens/knives was another one that just felt like somebody came into the office hungover one day and just wanted to screw with some designers and call it a day.

Oh yeah, I think they should have at least made Butler and Maid exclusive Classes to Jakob and the maid twins if they had to keep them.

In all seriousness, though, what's the Infantry Axe/Tome user? I actually can't think of any Class that fits those requirements.

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Just now, SoulWeaver said:

Oh yeah, I think they should have at least made Butler and Maid exclusive Classes to Jakob and the maid twins if they had to keep them.

In all seriousness, though, what's the Infantry Axe/Tome user? I actually can't think of any Class that fits those requirements.

Oni Chieftain.

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