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What is your unpopular Fire Emblem opinion?

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Fates pair up all the way sure my other unit won’t gain Xp. But the shield gauge in fates was more reliable for guarding and the pair up attack was guaranteed my ajustants rarely heals me. I have on new game+ a S+ Faith Mercedes and she barely heals as a ajustant that it’s better to use a vulnary or clearic heals during said turn then adjustant. I’ll take a maddening Classic with fates Pair up any day over the adjustant 

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1 hour ago, Ottservia said:


also as for another unpopular opinion. I honestly believe “avatar worship” is a completely empty criticism that makes no sense and doesn’t really say much of anything in the end. It’s not really a criticism at all when you get right down to it. I don’t think avatar worship even really exists in the characters it’s attributed too(except for maybe Kris but I haven’t played new mystery yet so). It’s just a completely dissmissive and reductive statement that ultimately adds nothing to the discussion and only serves to hurt discourse surrounding the discussion of understanding storytelling.

I disagree.

Most of the problems with Avatar-worship are kinda already mentioned issues in games with a self-insert customizable protagonist, such as Skyrim where you get praised and constantly given cool stuff by everyone for the slightest achievement, people mostly just use Avatar-worship to acknowledge they're talking about the self-insert characters specifically. 

But there's also frankly issues that are, to my knowledge, rather exclusive to FE's Avatars in video games, romances with characters of questionable age/power dynamics for instance, kinda creepy feeling first person CG S-rank artwork that feels like it's pandering to the stereotype otaku who loves 2D girls and honestly some of the writing around the avatars is uniquely clunky than anything I've seen in a video game, Not even Skyrim or any other game with a self-insert/custom protagonist let you romance a dragon who looks like a 12 year old girl or a regular kid who looks 14-ish at most nor have most of the romances be your students. (And if they do, they're out and out porn probably, which is kinda different.), so the way too much empowering of the player is uniquely terrible IMO in the case of FE.


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1 hour ago, AnonymousSpeed said:

"Subjective" doesn't mean "without justification"

You don't have to like pair up, but people tell you they disagree and like it. Instead of saying why you dislike it, you say you don't like having to use it, but it took some coercion to get you to elaborate on why don't like using it. Then you keep doubling down on not liking it because you have to use instead of not liking it for reasons that make using it "terrible."

I don't need to "justify" my view, pair up is a gimmicky bad system that changes a lot of the balance to even unit placement and is a waste of resources. 

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21 minutes ago, Samz707 said:

But there's also frankly issues that are, to my knowledge, rather exclusive to FE's Avatars in video games, romances with characters of questionable age/power dynamics for instance, kinda creepy feeling first person CG S-rank artwork that feels like it's pandering to the stereotype otaku who loves 2D girls and honestly some of the writing around the avatars is uniquely clunky than anything I've seen in a video game, Not even Skyrim or any other game with a self-insert/custom protagonist let you romance a dragon who looks like a 12 year old girl or a regular kid who looks 14-ish at most nor have most of the romances be your students. (And if they do, they're out and out porn probably, which is kinda different.), so the way too much empowering of the player is uniquely terrible IMO in the case of FE.

Dude if you think this is a thing exclusive to Fire Emblem then you clearly do not consume enough Japanese media. In fact the way it’s implemented in FE is pretty tame all things considered at least when compared to other dating sim-esque rpgs like Runefactory, Persona, or the dozen or so visual novels out there. Not to mention how much otaku pandering exists in the light novel and anime industry. Eromanga-sensei anyone? It just comes with the territory with these kind of things.

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18 minutes ago, Seazas said:

I don't need to "justify" my view, pair up is a gimmicky bad system that changes a lot of the balance to even unit placement and is a waste of resources. 

You just have to accept that poor balance will always exist in FE. Since it is... in every game.

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27 minutes ago, Seazas said:

I don't need to "justify" my view, pair up is a gimmicky bad system that changes a lot of the balance to even unit placement and is a waste of resources. 

While I agree that you are perfectly entitled to your opinion, and no one should criticize or dismiss what is quite obviously just that - an opinion, it's not very helpful to a discussion when you present an opinion or idea without clearly elaborating on why you feel that way. You're correct. You don't have to justify it. But it would help others to better understand your perspective if you explained more fully your thoughts on the topic beyond just "it's bad and gimmicky."

If anything, I agree with your opinion. I dislike pair-up myself (and adjutants actually), although that's primarily because I prefer the older style of support system (PoR and RD, specifically) to get combat bonuses in battle rather than relying on actually pairing two units together. I like seeing each of my units participate in the fighting, and pair-up discourages that (for me at least) since I'm incentivized to use the stronger unit as the main unit in the fighting with the weaker one as a support, generally leading to that unit remaining at a lower-level as I progress through the game.

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30 minutes ago, Ottservia said:

Dude if you think this is a thing exclusive to Fire Emblem then you clearly do not consume enough Japanese media. In fact the way it’s implemented in FE is pretty tame all things considered at least when compared to other dating sim-esque rpgs like Runefactory, Persona, or the dozen or so visual novels out there. Not to mention how much otaku pandering exists in the light novel and anime industry. Eromanga-sensei anyone? It just comes with the territory with these kind of things.

Oh no it's not fully-exclusive to FE but in terms of mainstream games, yeah I don't know many that let you romance a 14 year old-ish boy as an adult or a 12 year old lookin' dragon period, and if other games do it nor have the vast majority of romances be your students and yes there's probably more obscure stuff with it, well it's still creepy frankly.

As for romances of questionable age ranges, that's not something all of Japanese Media has, the vast majority of MGS games don't, Ghost in the shell doesn't, Resident Evil doesn't and Silent Hill doesn't and honestly most FE games from what I've seen also don't. 

Also I've literally only seen Eromanga-sensei mentioned to insult it/call it creepy, I've never seen anyone say anything positive about it.



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2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Ever read Shakespeare's Henry V? There is a tiny scene where the French princess to be sent to wed Henry V is being crudely taught English by an old lady, it's basically "mock the Frenchie for how they botch English ha ha ha!". But the rest of the play is serious. Or what of Hamlet where the titular character's "Man interests me not, nor woman" is supposed to be a little innuendo, as is the case with telling Ophelia to get to a "nunnery", which at the time could be slang for "brothel"? Or what of Arthurian myth, where the serious spiritual quest for the Holy Grail is sat besides the scandalous love triangle and the epic fun of knights jousting each other off their horses as their lances break and then they clobber each other against the ground with their swords?

Light and dour are not wholly incompatible.🙃

We had more Goethe und Schiller in school. Habe nun, ach, Philosophie, Juristerei und Medizin, und leider auch Theologie, durchaus studiert mit heißem Bemühn. Da steh' ich nun, ich armer Tor, und bin so klug als wie zuvor. (We actually never read the whole Faust and didn't have to memorize Die Glocke, which probably means that I'm officially an uncultured swine) (I also liked Dürrenmatt's Die Physiker more than anything we read by Goethe or Schiller)

But to your point: I don't disagree at all. A story with no comic relief at all will more often than not become so dreary that it's hard to get invested into it, but a badly timed (or completely tone-deaf) joke can also ruin an otherwise impactful scene. If a very dramatic death scene that is supposed to be a complete gut punch for the reader (or watcher or player) is immediately followed up by three clowns dying in the most ridiculous fashion, involving sqeaky noses, two buckets of whitewash and a ladder... chances are that any empathy the reader/... felt for the characters will probably go poof immediately. Which, of course, can be intentional if the work is supposed to be silly.

In Fire Emblem, those abrupt mood swings will happen, simply because it's up to the player when support convos will take place. There is no author's intent behind Cecilia's last stand being immediately followed up by Lalum being all flirty and huggy with Roy. There's no author's intent behind making Felicia tell Corrin how handsome and smart and perfect he is while being all ditzy and funny - right after a certain scene involving her sister being confused about which tribe she was part of.

Anyway, this isn't actually what I was going for with that part of the initial post ;): The intended point wouldn't change if the serious-meter was inverted, if FE6's main story was about Roy's wacky vacation while there's a political thriller unfolding in the support convos: Main Story and Supports in FE games are two separate stories that do nothing to improve one another. I just wanted to add a somewhat flippant description of how those two usually look. ;): 


@Ottservia regarding this post (answering to multiple posts on a previous page is a bit of a pain):

I can't give a qualified response to the Awakening part, since it's the story I am by far the least familiar with (well, outside of 3H). I will however point out the philosophical conundrum of the parents making amends for something they haven't done yet and presumably won't ever do in the presented timeline. Kinda like fining someone because they might jaywalk tomorrow.

RE: Avatar worship: I disagree - I think it's fairly easy to describe: Compared to the rest of the cast, the player-controlled character is being held to different standards, or treated differently by other characters in similar situations. One chapter in the big book of Fanservice: Immediate dopamine for the player is valued higher than consistency in story and characters.

1 hour ago, Ottservia said:

Dude if you think this is a thing exclusive to Fire Emblem then you clearly do not consume enough Japanese media. In fact the way it’s implemented in FE is pretty tame all things considered at least when compared to other dating sim-esque rpgs like Runefactory, Persona, or the dozen or so visual novels out there. Not to mention how much otaku pandering exists in the light novel and anime industry. Eromanga-sensei anyone? It just comes with the territory with these kind of things.

This honestly isn't much of a point in favour of FE, tbh. The statement "Some of the romances in FE involving the main character as sketchy as hell" doesn't become less true because ofter media are even worse, and it has been true in every FE game with a romancable avatar.

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4 hours ago, ping said:

If a very dramatic death scene that is supposed to be a complete gut punch for the reader (or watcher or player) is immediately followed up by three clowns dying in the most ridiculous fashion, involving sqeaky noses, two buckets of whitewash and a ladder... chances are that any empathy the reader/... felt for the characters will probably go poof immediately. Which, of course, can be intentional if the work is supposed to be silly.

It sounds like a very brilliant and very serious work of postmodernism.

4 hours ago, ping said:

Kinda like fining someone because they might jaywalk tomorrow.

Pretty sure some well respected people wrote books about worlds where that happens. The USSR probably did that at some point and with machine learning that's only a growing risk.

4 hours ago, ping said:

This honestly isn't much of a point in favour of FE, tbh. The statement "Some of the romances in FE involving the main character as sketchy as hell" doesn't become less true because ofter media are even worse, and it has been true in every FE game with a romancable avatar.

"Better is not good." -Me

What it really goes to show is that Japanese media is generally bad. Bobobo might be great, but all this wish fulfillment that isn't Bobobo is like toxic acid venom that kills you when you smell it.

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5 hours ago, ping said:

if FE6's main story was about Roy's wacky vacation while there's a political thriller unfolding in the support convos

Consider my interest piqued! Sometimes, subplots and side-quests are better than the main story in games, so why not do it with aplomb?

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Exactly Jeralt’s death bugged me since in a Corrin’s mom death was more impactful He/She see her jump into a mortal wound for them and they go berserk/Dragon. Byleth first tear are stupid because of Rhea experiment on theme since they never showed emotion until Sothis awoke inside them. Play fate again up to chapter 5 and play as Corrin themselves and you will get feels for that scene unlike Byleth. Mikoto death scene will be the second best next to Ike dad since they react like anyone would. The next chapter it’s revealed that Thales just didn’t want the church to know about The Agarthan. It makes Jeralt death meaningless since up until that scene you thought that it was meant to be Jeralt end. There is a time and place for everything. If things are gloomy after a war you don’t put a joke with a banana peel music in there 

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5 hours ago, ping said:

This honestly isn't much of a point in favour of FE, tbh. The statement "Some of the romances in FE involving the main character as sketchy as hell" doesn't become less true because ofter media are even worse, and it has been true in every FE game with a romancable avatar.

7 hours ago, Samz707 said:

Also I've literally only seen Eromanga-sensei mentioned to insult it/call it creepy, I've never seen anyone say anything positive about it.

my point with mentioning eromanga sensei is that this just something you have to expect with these sorts of games. It's not gonna go away nor should you expect it to. It's just how the industry is. Not saying you can't complain about it but at the end of the day it's not really gonna do anything. Otaku make up a big part of the market so pandering to Otaku fetishes is never a bad thing in this industry.


50 minutes ago, AnonymousSpeed said:

"Better is not good." -Me

What it really goes to show is that Japanese media is generally bad. Bobobo might be great, but all this wish fulfillment that isn't Bobobo is like toxic acid venom that kills you when you smell it.

hey there now. I think that implying all japanese creators are inherently incapable of crafting good stories is a little let's say ethnocentric to put it mildly

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9 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

You just have to accept that poor balance will always exist in FE. Since it is... in every game.

I know that balance will never be perfect. I love SOV so I have no room to try and bitch about Fates for having "poor balance". That'd be hypocritical.

I just don't like pair up. From the terrible character breaking animations to it being shoved down my throat with no alternatives when Fates is ALREADY stacked with so many mechanics and stuff to worry about. It's also silly how whoever you pair up with is completely invincible. I only prefer adjutants because it doesn't waste deployment slots and happens to be optional. If fully realized it could be a better system than pair up. 

8 hours ago, twilitfalchion said:

While I agree that you are perfectly entitled to your opinion, and no one should criticize or dismiss what is quite obviously just that - an opinion, it's not very helpful to a discussion when you present an opinion or idea without clearly elaborating on why you feel that way. You're correct. You don't have to justify it. But it would help others to better understand your perspective if you explained more fully your thoughts on the topic beyond just "it's bad and gimmicky."

If anything, I agree with your opinion. I dislike pair-up myself (and adjutants actually), although that's primarily because I prefer the older style of support system (PoR and RD, specifically) to get combat bonuses in battle rather than relying on actually pairing two units together. I like seeing each of my units participate in the fighting, and pair-up discourages that (for me at least) since I'm incentivized to use the stronger unit as the main unit in the fighting with the weaker one as a support, generally leading to that unit remaining at a lower-level as I progress through the game.

I just didn't feel the need to because I slapped a lot more takes in this unpopular opinions thread without any opposition and I didn't need to elaborate on those. Glad you agree regarding pair up, it takes me out of my immersion and isn't at the very least optional. If I keep units near each other for building support strats or trying to abuse some ally bonus or something... Too bad, I'm stuck with pair up. And enemies are commonly near each other too so they're either automatically paired up or pair up due to being near each other. 

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1 hour ago, Ottservia said:

my point with mentioning eromanga sensei is that this just something you have to expect with these sorts of games. It's not gonna go away nor should you expect it to. It's just how the industry is. Not saying you can't complain about it but at the end of the day it's not really gonna do anything. Otaku make up a big part of the market so pandering to Otaku fetishes is never a bad thing in this industry.

People get shanked in the streets all the time. It's just the circle of life, but does that make is good? Are we supposed to be happy that the murder rate will always be above 0? I am terribly mad at these weebs for throwing their hard earned money away for crap you can get for free on the internet. If you're going to be a degenerate, at least be a frugal one. Then you don't taint my precious markets with your sick desires.

1 hour ago, Ottservia said:

hey there now. I think that implying all japanese creators are inherently incapable of crafting good stories is a little let's say ethnocentric to put it mildly

No, it's racist, but that also wasn't what I said.

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3 hours ago, Ottservia said:

my point with mentioning eromanga sensei is that this just something you have to expect with these sorts of games. It's not gonna go away nor should you expect it to. It's just how the industry is. Not saying you can't complain about it but at the end of the day it's not really gonna do anything. Otaku make up a big part of the market so pandering to Otaku fetishes is never a bad thing in this industry.

I'm under no illusion that posting in a random english fan forum of a mainstream video game would somehow reach the ears of the developers. I'm also under no illusion that, would I get their attention, the devs would care about the opinion about some European rando who doesn't even get the new FE games anymore.

That said, "pandering to Otaku fetishes" is always a bad thing and I will die on that hill. Ew.

(Note: you can leave out the "Otaku" and the point still stands, unless you're producing porn)

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4 hours ago, ping said:

That said, "pandering to Otaku fetishes" is always a bad thing and I will die on that hill. Ew.

And that's something I can completely agree with.

Appealing to fetishes of any kind is far beyond the scope of what FE as a video game series is meant to be, regardless of cultural influence or the market it's released in, in my opinion.

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2 hours ago, twilitfalchion said:

And that's something I can completely agree with.

Appealing to fetishes of any kind is far beyond the scope of what FE as a video game series is meant to be, regardless of cultural influence or the market it's released in, in my opinion.

Pretty much.

I fail to see any other reason why Three Houses lets you dress the females in Maid uniforms in the DLC beyond pandering to fetishes and considering how you can do that to your pre-timeskip students, well frankly it's just creepy. 

Also I keep seeing people saying that Battalions "Fix" how FE has had too few units in battles, honestly for me it's just super distracting when people fade in/out and is way more obvious and kinda looks bad compared to having a too little soldiers in a battle, since there's still too little units in a battle, just their glorified Jojo Stands fade into existence while they're fighting (And the Battalions attack animation is something I even hesitate to call an animation since it's just running straight into the other dude.)


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2 hours ago, twilitfalchion said:

And that's something I can completely agree with.

Appealing to fetishes of any kind is far beyond the scope of what FE as a video game series is meant to be, regardless of cultural influence or the market it's released in, in my opinion.

That’s a little ethnocentric don’t you think? Fair enough if you don’t like it but it is a Japanese game first and foremost. Appealing to a Japanese audience is something that they’re going to do and that’s one way of doing it. Also fanservice isn’t the only way of pandering to Otaku fetishes. Character archetypes do that as well. Why else do you think tsunderes are such an overused character archetype. I will fully admit that Severa is a character that appeals to that Otaku demographic so does Bernadetta and even Marianne to some degree. The latter two appealing to that sense of moe culture. Regardless, I don’t mind it. Let them do what they want. It’s not like they’re really hurting anybody and they’re really just appealing to their niche audience.

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14 minutes ago, Ottservia said:

That’s a little ethnocentric don’t you think? Fair enough if you don’t like it but it is a Japanese game first and foremost. Appealing to a Japanese audience is something that they’re going to do and that’s one way of doing it. Also fanservice isn’t the only way of pandering to Otaku fetishes. Character archetypes do that as well. Why else do you think tsunderes are such an overused character archetype. I will fully admit that Severa is a character that appeals to that Otaku demographic so does Bernadetta and even Marianne to some degree. The latter two appealing to that sense of moe culture. Regardless, I don’t mind it. Let them do what they want. It’s not like they’re really hurting anybody and they’re really just appealing to their niche audience.

Because it does bring down the experience.

Hell, as someone who was actually kinda shy at school (not to the Bernie extent but I definitely made no real attempt to talk to people outside of 1-2 for school), I was heavily disappointed by the writing of Bernie to be frank since I was curious how they'd handle someone opening up like that, turns out you just give them food like twice and you'll get a C support where she says she's more comfortable than most when your most recent plot was the mock-battle at the very start, so the pandering to have everyone like Byteth because power-fantasy completely made me lose interest and basically 180 on a character I was actually interested in seeing more of once it became apparent that "F*** it, she likes you now, time skip! that's character development right?" attitude was what the devs were going with so their making a potential waifu like you way more than they should completely removed any interest I had in Bernie, can't have anyone who doesn't like Byleth that isn't clearly ment to be in the wrong.


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2 minutes ago, Samz707 said:

Because it does bring down the experience.

Hell, as someone who was actually kinda shy at school (not to the Bernie extent but I definitely made no real attempt to talk to people outside of 1-2 for school), I was heavily disappointed by the writing of Bernie to be frank since I was curious how they'd handle someone opening up like that, turns out you just give them food like twice and you'll get a C support where she says she's more comfortable than most when your most recent plot was the mock-battle at the very start, so the pandering to have everyone like Byteth because power-fantasy completely made me lose interest and basically 180 on a character I was actually interested in seeing more of once it became apparent that "F*** it, she likes you now, time skip! that's character development right?" attitude was what the devs were going with so their making a potential waifu like you way more than they should completely removed any interest I had in Bernie, can't have anyone who doesn't like Byleth that isn't clearly ment to be in the wrong.


For you maybe but it doesn’t bring down my experience cause personally I can look past it. If you wanna call it contrived or unrealistic fine but know that suspension of disbelief is completely subjective and that storytelling is inherently contrived and unrealistic as I expressed earlier in this thread. I mean if it bothers you whatever but to suggest that it’s bad simply because you don’t like it is a little disrespectful to the culture and developers this game was made from. Again it’s a little ethnocentric to suggest that they shouldn’t appeal to their Japanese audience this way.

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29 minutes ago, Ottservia said:

That’s a little ethnocentric don’t you think? Fair enough if you don’t like it but it is a Japanese game first and foremost. Appealing to a Japanese audience is something that they’re going to do and that’s one way of doing it. Also fanservice isn’t the only way of pandering to Otaku fetishes. Character archetypes do that as well. Why else do you think tsunderes are such an overused character archetype. I will fully admit that Severa is a character that appeals to that Otaku demographic so does Bernadetta and even Marianne to some degree. The latter two appealing to that sense of moe culture. Regardless, I don’t mind it. Let them do what they want. It’s not like they’re really hurting anybody and they’re really just appealing to their niche audience.

No. Stop trying to put labels on people's statements, especially when you read them out of context in the first place.

If you had read what I actually said, you'll know that I wasn't talking about character archetypes (which I generally appreciate, regardless of the culture they come from), but fetish pandering, as in sexualized loli characters, underage marriageable characters, and oversexualized fanservice characters, which I not only think are trashy (and downright creepy in the case of the underage characters), but reduce the appeal of FE to an international audience, which includes countless other countries with diverse cultural norms and perspectives.

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6 hours ago, ping said:

That said, "pandering to Otaku fetishes" is always a bad thing and I will die on that hill. Ew.

You don't sate desires, you feed them. Pandering worsens the worst of us. Social engineering is my least popular Fire Emblem opinion.

6 hours ago, ping said:

(Note: you can leave out the "Otaku" and the point still stands, unless you're producing porn)


18 minutes ago, Ottservia said:

That’s a little ethnocentric don’t you think?

"Regardless of culture or markets" is the least ethnocentric thing possible.

You are saying that Japanese companies are going to appeal to Japanese people, which would actually be ethnocentric.

29 minutes ago, Ottservia said:

Regardless, I don’t mind it. Let them do what they want. It’s not like they’re really hurting anybody and they’re really just appealing to their niche audience.

They're hurting themselves pretty bad.

You silly neoliberal and your NAP conception of ethics.

Wait heck is this is this a Fire Emblem forum I totally forgot.

Man, I sure do think Saul is a great character.

I don't know if people are actually very strongly opposed to that take, but I like Caellach too and a lot of people might find that a little weird. As for Saul though, I will say that the womanizer archetype is fine. Some people get very bothered by it and I find that very silly. It has its better and worse examples but they at least manage to be entertaining most of the time. Saul remains the best example, though.

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2 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

No. Stop trying to put labels on people's statements, especially when you read them out of context in the first place.

If you had read what I actually said, you'll know that I wasn't talking about character archetypes (which I generally appreciate, regardless of the culture they come from), but fetish pandering, as in sexualized loli characters, underage marriageable characters, and oversexualized fanservice characters, which I not only think are trashy (and downright creepy in the case of the underage characters), but reduce the appeal of FE to an international audience, which includes countless other countries with diverse cultural norms and perspectives.

Okay no need to be rude about it. I know you weren’t referring to character archetypes. I can read Y’know. I’m just saying otaku fetish pandering is more than just fanservice. It’s a lot of things. As degenerate weeb trash I have decent understanding of how it works. I know fetish pandering when I see it. Also the thing about that is that no story is obligated to appeal to you. Or to anyone for that matter. If you don’t like it simply do not engage with it. Find other media. I simply do not think it’s right to judge Japanese stories through a strictly western lens. It’s a different culture and you should respect the cultural influences that are in it. If they want to appeal to Otaku culture. They by all means can. It’s their game after all and they’re not wrong for doing that. It may bother you but so long as it doesn’t come at the cost of actual writing quality or whatever then I personally don’t see any reason to complain about it.

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31 minutes ago, Ottservia said:

Okay no need to be rude about it. I know you weren’t referring to character archetypes. I can read Y’know. I’m just saying otaku fetish pandering is more than just fanservice. It’s a lot of things. As degenerate weeb trash I have decent understanding of how it works. I know fetish pandering when I see it. Also the thing about that is that no story is obligated to appeal to you. Or to anyone for that matter. If you don’t like it simply do not engage with it. Find other media. I simply do not think it’s right to judge Japanese stories through a strictly western lens. It’s a different culture and you should respect the cultural influences that are in it. If they want to appeal to Otaku culture. They by all means can. It’s their game after all and they’re not wrong for doing that. It may bother you but so long as it doesn’t come at the cost of actual writing quality or whatever then I personally don’t see any reason to complain about it.

Ah, sorry for that. It seemed to me that you had skipped over what I had actually said to instead incorrectly label a comment of mine as ethnocentric (when that is obviously not the case).

Regardless, my opinion is the same.

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28 minutes ago, Ottservia said:

As degenerate weeb trash I have decent understanding of how it works.

Wouldn't you be happier if you weren't?

28 minutes ago, Ottservia said:

If you don’t like it simply do not engage with it. Find other media. I simply do not think it’s right to judge Japanese stories through a strictly western lens. It’s a different culture and you should respect the cultural influences that are in it.

What is this subjectivity shit. Cultural differences and available alternatives does negate the concept of value judgements.

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