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What is your unpopular Fire Emblem opinion?

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4 hours ago, Ottservia said:

Alm is written like a bad light novel protagonist. That is all

Hey, I said something like that a while back:

On 8/19/2020 at 4:44 PM, Florete said:

Alm is a worse Micaiah and a terrible character in general.

18 minutes ago, Jotari said:

There's such a thing as a good light novel protagonist?

They are rare, but they actually do exist.


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14 hours ago, Samz707 said:

I don't really think the Avatar character should be friends with other characters outside of player input, Awakening assumes you like the character and their personality quirks and that doesn't really work for me, at all, as I really don't. (Such as how Robin finds Vaike amusing while I really, really don't.) 

When the Avatar is made friends with a character, it comes across to me as the devs trying to dictate what the player is ment to think about them. (Which again doesn't work if the player hates the characters.)

another problem which makes me dislike avatar system in FE game. in short, avatar system works best in DnD setting because its not a linear stage-to-stage game. giving me false freedom only for the game dictate my avatar way of thinking later in story. also super-capable person without known background and amnesia becomes the most liked/respected person in whole army in short time.. that goes way beyond plot convenient. thankfully Chrome-lucina is interesting enough and take more screentime than robin (or maybe i just automatically ignore robin whenever he/she appear)

i would love it more if they give it Ike of PoR treatment. (no real authority before a certain amount of time and experience) more believable imo

14 hours ago, omegaxis1 said:

Robin is by far the best Avatar of the bunch. The fact is, Robin has an established personality and interesting character dynamic with the others in his supports.

But then again if avatar system is a must for next FE, i choose male robin type avatar too. not because Robin was great , but because theres nothing better at this point

Edited by joevar
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Unpopular opinion time. Kris is the best avatar Fire Emblem has made. I'll not justify my stance on this reasoning as I cannot explain it. Maybe I just really like the bizarre hair cut gimmick.

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On 10/1/2020 at 6:14 AM, Gregster101 said:

Nah, New Mystery isn't as bad about it since we do get actual support conversations to flesh out the characters (even if a large majority of them are with Kris), as well as base conversations explaining some lore and relationships as well. It's still held by an archaic structure and some bland characters mind you, but overall, it's alright compared to Shadow Dragon.

It didn't really flesh out the vast majority of Archanea characters though. Hell, a lot of it was just regurgitated info we already had in FE3. There's a few exceptions but in the majority of cases... Archanea's cast only has a small few worth a damn in terms of characters with MEAT to them you know? And I love Archanea's characters.

On 10/1/2020 at 11:20 AM, Ottservia said:

I don’t understand why people expect every character to be fleshed out and fully 3 dimensional. In the case of shadow dragon specifically. I don’t think it needs to flesh out any more of its characters. It’s very much so Marth’s story and it doesn’t aspire to be anything more than that. I think the story is fine as is. It’s a simple coming of age hero’s journey. The characters are only fleshed out as much as is necessary to get across its ideas and that’s totally fine.

Of course characters don't need to be fleshed out. Echoes had plenty of simplistic characters, but I prefer how SOV handled them in comparison to the Archanea games. We actually get to KNOW each character's story and their background even if most of them aren't too special (for example. Atlas' simple background). 

23 minutes ago, Jotari said:

Unpopular opinion time. Kris is the best avatar Fire Emblem has made. I'll not justify my stance on this reasoning as I cannot explain it. Maybe I just really like the bizarre hair cut gimmick.

In terms of customization? Absolutely! In terms of actual character and things like that. That's just not true.

Edited by Seazas
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3 minutes ago, Seazas said:

It didn't really flesh out the vast majority of Archanea characters though. Hell, a lot of it was just regurgitated info we already had in FE3. There's a few exceptions but in the majority of cases... Archanea's cast only has a small few worth a damn in terms of characters with MEAT to them you know? And I love Archanea's characters.

Of course characters don't need to be fleshed out. Echoes had plenty of simplistic characters, but I prefer how SOV handled them in comparison to the Archanea games. We actually get to KNOW each character's story and their background even if most of them aren't too special (for example. Atlas' simple background). 

In terms of customization? Absolutely! In terms of actual character and things like that. That's just not true.

It's true that I think it's true.

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1 hour ago, joevar said:

another problem which makes me dislike avatar system in FE game. in short, avatar system works best in DnD setting because its not a linear stage-to-stage game. giving me false freedom only for the game dictate my avatar way of thinking later in story. also super-capable person without known background and amnesia becomes the most liked/respected person in whole army in short time.. that goes way beyond plot convenient. thankfully Chrome-lucina is interesting enough and take more screentime than robin (or maybe i just automatically ignore robin whenever he/she appear)

i would love it more if they give it Ike of PoR treatment. (no real authority before a certain amount of time and experience) more believable imo

But then again if avatar system is a must for next FE, i choose male robin type avatar too. not because Robin was great , but because theres nothing better at this point

Maybe it's just me but Three Houses is kinda worse about the false freedom. (7 hours in so I highly doubt it's going to 180)

It tries to hide it but it just sorta makes it more overt, Byleth can doubt the church for instance or say they don't believe in it ...but it's mostly just around some of the students, at least one of which doesn't actually follow the church either, funny enough you can NEVER say anything onpar with this with any of the church people, same with being sarcastic/arguably a bit fight hungry, Byleth can only pick these options when either A: it's a support point or B: when the character would not really care/only be mildly upset, you seemingly never get any choices that would actually, seriously set off the person you're talking to.

Vampire the Masqurade Bloodlines has La Croix as your quest giver for half the game (Basically the kinda ruler of the Vampires in LA) , He's a manipulative, clearly somewhat evil dude, You are fully allowed to antagonize him, it doesn't do you any favors but you're fully allowed to pick dialogue options to piss off your boss (and actually lose out on gameplay benefits in the process, such as extra money.) while in Three Houses, those choices are notably always absent when the other person wouldn't exactly be amused by them (Hell you can even try to fully defy him but then he uses the mind-control spell from the game to force you to do the main quest which is cool.), it feels like the games is intentionally written so that Byleth can never actually piss anyone off, at least in the Academy phase, even if this means Byleth can't actually display a consistent character trait via player choices since I constantly end up wondering why I can be sarcastic in one conversation and not another. (And that's not counting any time the game flat-out ignores a dialogue option since the scene wasn't actually written to give the characters responses for all of the potential dialogue choices.)

Edited by Samz707
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2 minutes ago, Jotari said:

It's true that I think it's true.

Robin's a better implemented character since they're more than just a yes man and actually has an excuse to be elevated. Kris has no such excuse, Kris never challenges Marth nor does Marth learn a new lesson from Kris. Which makes sense, Kris never belonged in Marth's story and it was laughable how hard they tried to overplay a presence of a backwater nobody that never joined the first war. 

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1 hour ago, Seazas said:

Robin's a better implemented character since they're more than just a yes man and actually has an excuse to be elevated. Kris has no such excuse, Kris never challenges Marth nor does Marth learn a new lesson from Kris. Which makes sense, Kris never belonged in Marth's story and it was laughable how hard they tried to overplay a presence of a backwater nobody that never joined the first war. 

You say that as if a yes man is an inherently bad role for an avatar.

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3 minutes ago, Gregster101 said:

Oh would you just shut up! God, you always act like it's such an unholy sin to like Alm, SoV, or even ANYTHING from SoV!

All he did was say that he doesn’t like Alm’s writing? This is a thread to share opinions, I don’t see how sharing one is acting like it’s a sin to not agree.

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37 minutes ago, Gregster101 said:

Oh would you just shut up! God, you always act like it's such an unholy sin to like Alm, SoV, or even ANYTHING from SoV!

I mean I want to like Alm don’t get me wrong and there are elements of his character that I do think are handled well. He’s just a very inconsistent character honestly. I never said it was sin to like it. Me saying it’s poorly written is not a way of saying “you’re wrong for liking something you genuinely enjoy”. I am not that kind of person nor will I ever be. I’m honestly tired of being told it’s a sin to like fates and awakening but hey that’s just me.

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2 hours ago, Sooks1016 said:

All he did was say that he doesn’t like Alm’s writing? This is a thread to share opinions, I don’t see how sharing one is acting like it’s a sin to not agreed.

Well Otservia does talk about it a lot. It's a pretty well established opinion by now.

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2 hours ago, Jotari said:

You say that as if a yes man is an inherently bad role for an avatar.

You know, you're making me think about the most senior advisors to monarchs throughout history. Oftentimes true, they are sycophants or less cynically resolutely loyal to their lieges. However, it has also been the case that some advisors, and not always for mentally-disabled, underaged, or hedonistic monarchs, were able to make the king's will their's.

It wouldn't be a bad idea if FE allowed you to significantly alter the opinions and choices of the Royal Majesty you serve. Although it shouldn't be merely because you're the highly likable avatar. It should require a good deal of effort on your part through generous affections, logical arguments, and or subtle manipulation to make the liege's mind bend.

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57 minutes ago, Jotari said:

Well Otservia does talk about it a lot. It's a pretty well established opinion by now.

Well I never said it was a sin to disagree with me. I mean like whatever if you like Alm fine. I don’t care. All I really care about is if you are going to try and debate with me on the subject you actually back up what you say with proper reasoning and arguments. Just don’t make claims you can’t back up

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It's kinda a bit lackluster that FE still has character endings be a block of text in the ending.

I'd like maybe Fallout-style Ending slides, with a piece of artwork depicting the other characters, not just the Avatar.  (I can even imagine maybe Merlinus being the narrator for Elibe Remakes, since he can't die and is in both games.)

Edited by Samz707
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2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

It wouldn't be a bad idea if FE allowed you to significantly alter the opinions and choices of the Royal Majesty you serve. Although it shouldn't be merely because you're the highly likable avatar. It should require a good deal of effort on your part through generous affections, logical arguments, and or subtle manipulation to make the liege's mind bend.

Now that’s a route split I could get behind! Very creative, well done.

1 hour ago, Ottservia said:

All I really care about is if you are going to try and debate with me on the subject you actually back up what you say with proper reasoning and arguments. Just don’t make claims you can’t back up

Sometimes opinions don’t really work like that. For example, I find Hilda from fe16 very charming and endearing. Why? Not sure. She’s quite manipulative and selfish in all honesty. Yet one of the best girls all the same ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

34 minutes ago, Samz707 said:

It's kinda a bit lackluster that FE still has character endings be a block of text in the ending.

I'd like maybe Fallout-style Ending slides, with a piece of artwork depicting the other characters, not just the Avatar.  (I can even imagine maybe Merlinus being the narrator for Elibe Remakes, since he can't die and is in both games.)

Cool idea! I think a narrator from the actual cast would be nice, because almost always, I hate it when the ending is like “They disappeared”* (*for no reason) or “historians are unsure of what they were to each other” etcetera etcetera, because it feels like a cop out. Like I spent an an entire game getting to know this character(s) (and in paired endings, worked to get them together) and you couldn’t even be bothered to write something satisfying? I don’t care what historians think, I wanna know what happens!

Merlinus as the narrator makes me curious how he would depict his ending with Marcus however ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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14 minutes ago, Sooks1016 said:


Cool idea! I think a narrator from the actual cast would be nice, because almost always, I hate it when the ending is like “They disappeared”* (*for no reason) or “historians are unsure of what they were to each other” etcetera etcetera, because it feels like a cop out. Like I spent an an entire game getting to know this character(s) (and in paired endings, worked to get them together) and you couldn’t even be bothered to write something satisfying? I don’t care what historians think, I wanna know what happens!

Merlinus as the narrator makes me curious how he would depict his ending with Marcus however ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Very, Very detailed descriptions....

Also dumb idea, if Mark is still in FE6, you get to re-customize them with scars/wrinkles and facial hair, get a set of options just to make yourself look older and the next Avatar should definitely be able to be potentially made an old man dude, just add a wrinkles slider. (Not enough games with character customization let you be actually old.)

Make your own Custom Wrys.

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5 minutes ago, Sooks1016 said:

Sometimes opinions don’t really work like that. For example, I find Hilda from fe16 very charming and endearing. Why? Not sure. She’s quite manipulative and selfish in all honesty. Yet one of the best girls all the same ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Yeah but liking a character and finding them charming and endearing is completely subjective. It would be different if you said “I like Hilda because she is a well written character” because then you’re making an actual argument that can be proven true or false. Like there’s a difference between saying “I like X character because I find them to be charming and endearing” and saying “I like X character because they are a well written character with depth and nuance”

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7 minutes ago, Ottservia said:

It would be different if you said “I like Hilda because she is a well written character” because then you’re making an actual argument that can be proven true or false. Like there’s a difference between saying “I like X character because I find them to be charming and endearing” and saying “I like X character because they are a well written character with depth and nuance”

I don’t think you can “prove true or false” in the quality of writing. By nature what we enjoy in writing is subjective, we can’t prove that it’s good because not everyone will enjoy it. We could say what we like and why but nothing is actually proved.

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2 minutes ago, Sooks1016 said:

I don’t think you can “prove true or false” in the quality of writing. By nature what we enjoy in writing is subjective, we can’t prove that it’s good because not everyone will enjoy it. We could say what we like and why but nothing is actually proved.

Perhaps that was poor wording on my part but my point is that if you back up an opinion with legitimate argumentive reasoning then it becomes more than just an opinion. Like it’s fine to say “I don’t like Edelgard” but to say “I think Edelgard is a bad character because she her backstory doesn’t make sense” is simply an incorrect statement and provably so

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15 minutes ago, Ottservia said:

Like there’s a difference between saying “I like X character because I find them to be charming and endearing” and saying “I like X character because they are a well written character with depth and nuance”

Depth and nuance can be perceived, though. I think that Lot and Wade are characters with nuance, and probably everyone else on the forums would disagree-It's simply how we look at it.

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Just now, Benice said:

Depth and nuance can be perceived, though. I think that Lot and Wade are characters with nuance, and probably everyone else on the forums would disagree-It's simply how we look at it.

That’s fair but my problem with this line of thinking is that basically you can pretty much ignore all the work a writer puts into their story simply due to subjective bias and that’s honestly a little disrespectful. Like I can say that in my opinion Kaga didn’t put any thought into the story of FE 4(Which is the opposite of my actual opinion but bear with me) but when you read interviews with guy you can tell he’s clearly passionate about he does. In those interviews he explains his thought process behind why he wrote things in the way he did. So to say he didn’t put any thought into the story of that game is simply rude, disrespectful, and dismissive of all the effort he put in to tell the story he wanted to tell.

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Maybe let our level up stats naturally change our non-level up effected stats.

Not on a 1-1 but maybe if your speed gets really high, you get a few extra tiles of movement as your character is just that fast, same with Constitution and Strength. (And Kaga probably did this first I bet.)

Additionally, if we have custom stats/for certain characters, a REALLY low speed stat will actually remove a tile or two of movement for that character, as they're that slow that it's effecting more than just combat performance and they simply can't move as far as other units of the same class.

(though I wouldn't want this for EVERY FE game, I just think it'd be an neat idea to experiment with for a few games.)

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