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What is your unpopular Fire Emblem opinion?

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1 minute ago, NaotoUzumaki said:

Same I was like. OMG i get to think…. In a strategy Rpg. HELL YES!!!!! Now I wished the tellius games weren’t so god damn expensive. like the turn wheel makes me  go meh… but that chapter 4 in FE7 made me go like for 5 seconds: IF SHIT  WHAT DO I DO NOW?

Before I look like an idiot, is this the 4th chapter in Lyn's route or Eliwoods route?

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23 minutes ago, NaotoUzumaki said:

The one where Dorkas joins you and his bandit buddies tries to swarm your team while your protecting his wounded wife inside a broke watchtower. You have to tout them all as they try to barge in to over troop you.

Nah. You need only defend for 7 turns. Anyways, I find it best to hole up in the fortress for the first few turns, taking advantage of chokepoints (Wil,on the other hand, can go left, where enemies try to break the wall, as he can take potshots at them while they do so).

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Yay didn’t remember the win conditions but I knew that map caught off guard in a good way hence why I liked it. This was gameplay and level design at it finest. I don’t hate turn wheel, I do hate how they don’t incorporate it into the map designs and as such makes hard map basically consequences free. It a SRPG so I wanna strategize dammit. All the turn wheel does that way is make me oh…don’t do that and no consequences. I prefer my 3Houses let’s play when I don’t use it period. Speaking of Edward of the Tellius games, doesn’t these game have a benched XP system? BlazingKnight a FE YouTube said do but don’t quote me on this as I don’t have them.

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9 minutes ago, NaotoUzumaki said:

Speaking of Edward of the Tellius games, doesn’t these game have a benched XP system? BlazingKnight a FE YouTube said do but don’t quote me on this as I don’t have them.

They don't have that, but they do have bonus experience. However, it is seen as something of a double-edged sword.

Edited by Shadow Mir
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I think players should be able to choose between True Hit on or off (choosing between 2RN and 1RN essentially). This one is mostly a personal thing since I played a lot of old strategy games and tabletop growing up and grew used to the true statistics of dice and probability over time. I grew used to managing and mitigating RNG as a skill over time and so True Hit kinda fucks with me. A 25% chance in Thracia is a 1/4 chance of hitting. The chances of it missing are obviously higher than hitting, but that's still not a terrible chance, and with some precautions and as long as you don't hinge your strategy on it, it can be worth it to throw that attack.

A 25% chance in Blazing Sword is actually 12.75%, which is 51/400. You might as well not bother with that attack then, and the lower you go the worse it gets. It also fucks me with me when the hit rates are high too. I'll end up playing more cautiously than I should with an 80% in newer games unless I consciously remember that 80% is actually 92%, and so a 1/5 chance of missing is actually 2/25.

Obviously, I don't want to just yeet True Hit entirely since for most players it reduces frustrations and people like me are outliers, but I still would want a toggle or option for it. Of course I understand that Fates and SoV use a hybrid system, which I like for what it does for low hit rates but I still don't like what it does for high hit rates and would still want the option.

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42 minutes ago, Soapbar said:

I think players should be able to choose between True Hit on or off (choosing between 2RN and 1RN essentially).

While I like the concept, this would cause two major problems:

The first one is just that of the, say, 2.5 million people who would purchase the next FE, how many of those would actually understand the difference between 1 and 2rn? To the general player-base, it would just be an incomprehensible choice-Putting whether a game uses Float Point or not in the settings, for example, would be similar in this sense (though Float'd not make a big difference in a playthrough). One could theoretically put it in the bottom of a settings page, I suppose.

The other is balance-Games with 2rn are balanced around that in general. FE6's earlygame, especially on HM, would be terrible to deal with if 1rn were used. Similarly, Thracia or Genealogy would be laughably easy with 2rn. If one were to hand the option of 1 or 2rn to player, even an experienced player who knew the difference between the systems wouldn't know which system the game was balanced around on a blind playthrough. This could be mitigated by making balance changes based on the choice by the player, but that's almost like designing a whole new game-Unit balance and/or equipment would have to be shifted both on the player and enemy sides. I don't believe that a blanket system would be able to fix the problem, so it'd instead have to be a map-by-map balance fix. Considering maybe 5% of the people playing the theoretical game would know the difference, that's a ton of work for little impact.

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4 hours ago, Soapbar said:

I think players should be able to choose between True Hit on or off (choosing between 2RN and 1RN essentially). This one is mostly a personal thing since I played a lot of old strategy games and tabletop growing up and grew used to the true statistics of dice and probability over time. I grew used to managing and mitigating RNG as a skill over time and so True Hit kinda fucks with me. A 25% chance in Thracia is a 1/4 chance of hitting. The chances of it missing are obviously higher than hitting, but that's still not a terrible chance, and with some precautions and as long as you don't hinge your strategy on it, it can be worth it to throw that attack.

A 25% chance in Blazing Sword is actually 12.75%, which is 51/400. You might as well not bother with that attack then, and the lower you go the worse it gets. It also fucks me with me when the hit rates are high too. I'll end up playing more cautiously than I should with an 80% in newer games unless I consciously remember that 80% is actually 92%, and so a 1/5 chance of missing is actually 2/25.

Obviously, I don't want to just yeet True Hit entirely since for most players it reduces frustrations and people like me are outliers, but I still would want a toggle or option for it. Of course I understand that Fates and SoV use a hybrid system, which I like for what it does for low hit rates but I still don't like what it does for high hit rates and would still want the option.

Id yeet true hit completely. Altering the users perception of accurate reality is a no no. 92% hit rates are the things that are reducing frustration, not true hit. If something is 92% then tell us it's 92% accurate on the combat forecast at the very least.

Edited by Jotari
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The thing that causes problems for my intuition is when various symmetries don't hold. Intuitively, I expect for a 1% hit-rate to hit about as often as a 1% crit-rate crits, but under 2RN, it doesn't. Intuitively, I expect for a 99% hit-rate to miss as often as a 1% hit-rate hits, but under Fates/SoV hit formula, it doesn't. I can adjust fairly easily to the 2RN system, but having to keep multiple sets of probability distributions in my head is a little problematic.

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Thracia remake should come before an FE4 remake.

FE4 is probably one of the most important games in the series due to introducing a lot of key mechanics like statuses, brave weapons, Canto, weapon triangle, etc. However, the map design is personally not my cup of tea. I think Thracia would be more deserving of a remake since it is a more traditional Fire Emblem game and would benefit a lot more from the conveniences of modern games like more difficulty modes, greater unit customization, divine pulse, being able to see enemy attack ranges, etc.

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21 hours ago, 5PointGordin said:

Thracia remake should come before an FE4 remake.

FE4 is probably one of the most important games in the series due to introducing a lot of key mechanics like statuses, brave weapons, Canto, weapon triangle, etc. However, the map design is personally not my cup of tea. I think Thracia would be more deserving of a remake since it is a more traditional Fire Emblem game and would benefit a lot more from the conveniences of modern games like more difficulty modes, greater unit customization, divine pulse, being able to see enemy attack ranges, etc.

Storywise that would spoil so much though.

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On 3/27/2022 at 2:15 PM, 5PointGordin said:

FE4 is probably one of the most important games in the series due to introducing a lot of key mechanics like statuses, brave weapons, Canto, weapon triangle, etc. However, the map design is personally not my cup of tea. I think Thracia would be more deserving of a remake since it is a more traditional Fire Emblem game and would benefit a lot more from the conveniences of modern games like more difficulty modes, greater unit customization, divine pulse, being able to see enemy attack ranges, etc.

Wouldn't Genealogy benefit from such potential changes as well? Perhaps adding "more intuitive combat forecasts", "overworld HP bars", and "ability to skip enemy phase" into the mix. I don't see any of these updates as more intuitive for FE5 than for FE4.

3 hours ago, Alastor15243 said:

Storywise that would spoil so much though.

Not to mention, it'd predispose fans to think of Ced as the Prince of Silesse, when true followers of Blagi know he's the heir to House Edda.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not sure if this is an unpopular opinion, but I don't mind the map reuse in three houses between story chapters and paralogues. In most cases, it fits given the scenario that the chapter / paralogue puts you in and I think the paralogues differentiate themselves enough from the map they are based on to feel like a completely new chapter. I think this may be more noticeable on maddening mode, since the harder difficulty makes the paralogue chapters feel like a completely new experience. The best example of this for me is Ingrid's paralogue, which felt very intense due to the high number of reinforcements that could overwhelm you. The pass theives and the promoted enemeies that appeared in the map made it a pretty intense, yet fun chapter on maddening, and encouraged me to go a bit faster on certain turns to elimate key threats like the bishop summoning reinforcements and get to the end quicker. Granted, I have yet to get to the valley of aleil chapter later in the game,but i don't recall that chapter keeping me on my toes like Ingrid's paralogue chapter did when playing the game on Hard mode due to the enemy types being a bit easier to deal with.

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On 4/8/2022 at 11:48 PM, Deer's Wolf said:

New Three Houses opinion

Leonie should of at least had a romance support with one of the Black Eagles boys

Maybe ones with Caspar and Ferdinand wouldn't been pretty cool!

She and Caspar would likely get on pretty well. I could see it happening. 

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3Houses had a way too big cast like fates of character. It didn’t help that every story part was divided into months as chapters. Byleth relationships are just horrible. This game would have benefited from Byleth being voiced and not an avatar. I’ve seen many of my friends getting turned off by Byleth looking at Sothis blankly and trusting her that easily. Dude you have a spirit in your body and when you talk with her you get emotions that you should have. They say Byleth is a great strategist or smart merc but they don’t see red flags about that or their dad telling them to not trust Rhea. FYI I don’t mind Byleth becoming friends or more with Sothis but their build up with her and the church is just retarded. When fanfiction does better with MC and it an insult you know that there is something wrong. Byleth needed way more development than what they had for devions they made. A year teaching someone isn’t enough for a teacher to care about the face of its students. Naruto has a bond with Iruka because they knew each other for more than a year. Naruto entered the academy at 6 and left it at twelve so even though they didn’t became friends until Naruto graduated they still knew each other for like 6 years. 

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7 minutes ago, NaotoUzumaki said:

3Houses had a way too big cast like fates of character.

Stopped reading there. You've got to be trolling to say 40 is way too big when it's among the smallest casts in the series.

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31 minutes ago, Shadow Mir said:

Stopped reading there. You've got to be trolling to say 40 is way too big when it's among the smallest casts in the series.

To add to this, each chapter has roughly 9 - 12 deployment slots which is among the lowest in the series, where the number of deployment slots is roughly 15+ per chapter

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I said big as it makes other characters less developed. I never said on literal size. My point is that Byleth can befriend anybody in a year before the war but people brings pitchforks on harem of like 4 people max and a timeline of 10 years. My point was they weren’t developed at every good angle. I wasn’t trolling as to me forty is too much. It like danganronpa franchise to me and someone ask me who Sayaka is and I awnser who?

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It's reasonable to say that at 40 characters, 3H still has too many, although I agree that this criticism only makes sense if you've played no other Fire Emblem games, because 40 (which includes DLC) is, as mentioned, already one of the lower figures for the series. (And I'd certainly say 3H does a better-than-average job of actually developing its supporting cast.)

On 4/10/2022 at 11:02 PM, NaotoUzumaki said:

They say Byleth is a great strategist or smart merc but they don’t see red flags about that or their dad telling them to not trust Rhea.

Byleth is a great strategist because they have the ability to rewind time when their strategies don't work the first time. (In fairness they don't have this power in chapter 1, but I always chalked their success there up to the fact that Byleth actually has real combat experience and Hanneman/Manuela really don't.)

Having said that, being battle-savvy in no way makes you an immediate genius in all your personal relationships or politics, so it's fine for Byleth to miss some stuff.

On 4/10/2022 at 11:02 PM, NaotoUzumaki said:

A year teaching someone isn’t enough for a teacher to care about the face [fate?] of its students.

As a teacher myself I can tell you this is not correct, and I don't get thrown into life-or-death situations with my students monthly which would surely forge those connections even stronger.

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I feel that Fire Emblem has always suffered the flaw of having a proper post-game playability. Like, think about it: in most FE games, when you've beaten the main campaign...that's it. You can't even replay certain maps by custom. When there is post game like in Echoes, it's terrible. I wish Fire Emblem could make it so that you can go back and replay certain maps without restarting the whole game from scratch, while allowing difficulty.

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On 4/11/2022 at 8:50 PM, NaotoUzumaki said:

I wasn’t trolling as to me forty is too much.

I didn't view this as a troll at all, though replies do suggest the opinion is "unpopular" which is what the OP wanted to draw out of us.

40 is a lot of characters compared to normal games, but OTOH the game is designed for replay value. While it's possible to recruit nearly everyone in a single run (and maybe even get all supports up to A, though it sounds exhausting), that's certainly not required or even done that often I would imagine. I once recruited everyone that I could just to say I did it, and I didn't find it very fun. Just a lot of clutter.

In a normal playthrough I like to keep my roster to 15 units MAX with three of them relegated to guard adjutant duty. And I'm not above killing off units after their paralogue so that my unit selection screen stays nice and tidy (Lorenz, man, I'm so sorry, but your relic is so good).


As for my own unpopular opinion: Grinding in the tower of Valhni is a perfectly fine thing to do and doesn't taint your run.

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6 hours ago, Bylift said:

As for my own unpopular opinion: Grinding in the tower of Valhni is a perfectly fine thing to do and doesn't taint your run.

Doesn't taint the run, only your soul.

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