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What is your unpopular Fire Emblem opinion?

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On 5/4/2022 at 2:29 PM, Jotari said:

They did drop that plot point from the years 1996-2010. Hell even in absolute terms it's only in, like, three games, four if you include remakes (that's magical insanity, Rhea is just naturally bonkers when pushed too far). Insane dragons really isn't that over played a trope in Fire Emblem. It's only seen a slight recent revival with Fates and Shadows of Valentia, which for Shadows of Valentia at least I appreciated as a nice nod to continuity. We've probably had more insane human enemies than dragons in the series, at least if you count by named characters.

Isn't Rhea's degeneration in Silver Snow analagous to "Dragon get old, go crazy"? There's no other reason for it to happen, really. On Crimson Flower, I grant, the reasons for her descent are more apparent and personal.

2 hours ago, somebodyknownascaloy said:

3 - For the love of god Laslow, Inigo & Owain should've played a bigger role in Revelations.

Laslow and Inigo are two great characters! Funny that they've never been photographed next to each other, though. Seems like they'd get along famously.

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8 minutes ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

Isn't Rhea's degeneration in Silver Snow analagous to "Dragon get old, go crazy"? There's no other reason for it to happen, really. On Crimson Flower, I grant, the reasons for her descent are more apparent and personal.

They're not the same kind of dragons. Not to mention, the fact Rhea can recover and live (though admittedly she needs at least an A Support with Byleth) means it's not the same kind of madness anyway.

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5 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

They're not the same kind of dragons. Not to mention, the fact Rhea can recover and live (though admittedly she needs at least an A Support with Byleth) means it's not the same kind of madness anyway.

Then, does what happens to Rhea in Silver Snow have any sort of in-series precedent?

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Just now, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

Then, does what happens to Rhea in Silver Snow have any sort of in-series precedent?

In essence, no, because Nabateans are their own brand of dragons.

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4 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

In essence, no, because Nabateans are their own brand of dragons.

Couldn't that argument be applied to Anankos too, though? He exists in an entirely different context than, say, Duma and Mila, and is likely a different kind of dragon. Yet he experiences a very similar madness to what they suffer.

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4 minutes ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

Couldn't that argument be applied to Anankos too, though? He exists in an entirely different context than, say, Duma and Mila, and is likely a different kind of dragon. Yet he experiences a very similar madness to what they suffer.

Yes, it's actually very possible that's the case too.

The Ancient Texts state most of the First Dragons succumbed to madness. We know it didn't happened to all as the Rainbow Sage and Moro remain sane. The First Dragons chose to die instead of succumbing completely to the madness... except for Anankos, who tried other methods that proved fruitless in the end, then the whole severed from his body sane self and stuff happened and... well, suffice to say, this is certainly not how things went in the world of Archanea/Valentia/Jugdral.

The only loose end here is that... we don't know for sure if there's no connection between both settings. Nohr and Hoshido are stuff of myth in Ylisse, but that's all we know and we know Ylisse can learn about other worlds due to the Outrealm Gate, so...

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44 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Yes, it's actually very possible that's the case too.

The Ancient Texts state most of the First Dragons succumbed to madness. We know it didn't happened to all as the Rainbow Sage and Moro remain sane. The First Dragons chose to die instead of succumbing completely to the madness... except for Anankos, who tried other methods that proved fruitless in the end, then the whole severed from his body sane self and stuff happened and... well, suffice to say, this is certainly not how things went in the world of Archanea/Valentia/Jugdral.

The only loose end here is that... we don't know for sure if there's no connection between both settings. Nohr and Hoshido are stuff of myth in Ylisse, but that's all we know and we know Ylisse can learn about other worlds due to the Outrealm Gate, so...

Huh, interesting. Most of that is lower on the "Fates iceberg" than I'm familiar with. So we have at least three different realms (Archanea/Valentia/Jugdral, Fateslandia, and Fodlan), wherein some kind of "dragon madness" happens, but with different rules about the specifics.

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8 hours ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

Isn't Rhea's degeneration in Silver Snow analagous to "Dragon get old, go crazy"? There's no other reason for it to happen, really. On Crimson Flower, I grant, the reasons for her descent are more apparent and personal.

I have no clue and I don't think the writers do either. It probably went down like this

"Hey, we've already made the FMV for this ending using Claude, maybe we should give Silver Snow a different final boss."

"Sure, we already have an Immaculate One Model, let's just recolour that."

"Uh...sure, but why would the player fight Rhea in the Church Route?"

"I don't care, and neither will the player base if we let them fuck her."


They do seem to be pushing standard degeneration in the new forging bonds released yesterday with Fallen Rhea (thanks for doing that right after I make my comment Heroes >.>), but that seems to be more back pedaling justification than what Three Houses actually implied with it's ridiculously random final boss battle. And as someone points out, she lives and gets better afterwards (and it only happens in one route), which is absolutely not possible for dragons elsewhere in the series.

7 hours ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

Then, does what happens to Rhea in Silver Snow have any sort of in-series precedent?

There's Remire Village and what the Agarthans do there. Someone at some point pointed out that there is like a single line of dialogue changed in White Clouds between Edelgard and Claude's routes that sets up the different final bosses, but it's so incredibly minor and stretched basically no one notices.. I can't even remember where it's meant to be now, but I'm guessing if things aren't like my mock conversation above, then the plan was to utilize Remire Village into the crazy Rhea story, given Remire Village also has absolutely nothing to do with anything in the story other than reinforcing Agrathans=Bad.

Edited by Jotari
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19 hours ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

Isn't Rhea's degeneration in Silver Snow analagous to "Dragon get old, go crazy"? There's no other reason for it to happen, really. On Crimson Flower, I grant, the reasons for her descent are more apparent and personal.

Laslow and Inigo are two great characters! Funny that they've never been photographed next to each other, though. Seems like they'd get along famously.


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21 hours ago, somebodyknownascaloy said:

3 - For the love of god Laslow, Inigo & Owain should've played a bigger role in Revelations.

assuming you meant "Laslow, Selena and Owain"

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I don't know if this is an unpopular opinion (it probably isn't), but it's something I've not seen discussed much: I think an FE4 remake should include an emulator-style turbo mode, even if it means the game has to look like a potato to be able to run that way. I feel like there's too much in each phase to make full-on phase skipping a good idea, but vanilla FE4's enemy phases take an eternity without emulator speedup.

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On 5/4/2022 at 6:03 PM, OutcastsofRelix said:

I think Fire Emblem should drop the Manakete species going insane just for the human characters to be on top and also I'm tired of fighting an insane dragon. With Medeus, he was kind of right, he saw that his kind were being mistreated and took action but he took the wrong course of Action. The same can be said for the beast races but they rarely ever play a part in the story and we know little to nothing about the ones who aren't Laguz. Like if Ylisse is supposed to be fast forward Archanea, where were the Taguel during the War of Shadows?

To be fair the War of Shadows mostly covered the southern parts of Archenea with the northern part being almost completely unexplored. Its easy to imagine the Taguel just chilling far away from the war in lands no one ever visited. 

I don't really think Dragon insanity is overused. Only Duma and Anankos really classify as clinically insane. Medeus is just your generic evil overlord, Loptyr and Grima are more satanic than insane, and Idunn is a robot. 

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3 hours ago, Benice said:

I don't know if this is an unpopular opinion (it probably isn't), but it's something I've not seen discussed much: I think an FE4 remake should include an emulator-style turbo mode, even if it means the game has to look like a potato to be able to run that way. I feel like there's too much in each phase to make full-on phase skipping a good idea, but vanilla FE4's enemy phases take an eternity without emulator speedup.

One thing I'd like to see them do is calculate what a group of enemies are going to do before they move. If the enemies are literally going to move and do nothing else, not attack anything, then move them all at once in one motion to save time. It's cool that enemies move in platoon formation in Genealogy of the Holy War, but watching each one break formation one at a time to build the same formation a few tiles away gets sort of tiresome after a while.

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Three Hopes Hot Take:

The excitement for Three Hopes has gotten me excited, so last night I started watching FEW gameplay, and I may go buy the game. (Mostly just to finally own and just in case the bonuses FEW offers are different or in addition to the ones Three Houses will offer. If I do play it, it'll be after Three Hopes releases and I've spent a good, long while with that game.)

Anyways, watching this gameplay actually has me hoping (pun intended) that we'll see Lianna and Rowan in the game, either as DLC, bonus characters, or simply alternate versions of the ones from the first game.

I know the twins aren't popular - Rowan in particular - but I think this could work!

Three Houses worked pretty stinking hard to give its complexity and make them multifaceted in some ways. As always, some worked better than others and some got more attention than others, but I find the potentially 3-6 conversations per support alongside a longer, more cohesive story (relatively speaking) to be a great place to put characters that haven't historically had depth and to let them shine. This is a dangerous game with Rowan and Lianna though. Their arc is centered around becoming the next leader of their nation. If you take away that nation, who are they? This is a great time to discover that and flesh it out, but it may also leave the characters aimless if done poorly. However, I still think the risk is worth it.

Going off of that, Rowan and Lianna may be seen as less annoying if they aren't in the center of the story. Some characters are better as side characters or in small doses. This isn't a bad thing at all, and it's worth seeing if these characters may function better that way.

Another reason is class utility. Even from the few scraps of preview material we've been given, it's clear to see that Three Hopes will allow units to switch classes, providing a lot of variety. AFAIK, FEW didn't have that. (Although please correct me if I'm wrong!) This means that for the twins, we don't have to worry about them being lost in the echo among the deluge of sword units. They can be sword users or something else, depending on the player's needs and wants.

Lastly, I just love crossovers. I know liking them is something of a hot take in and of itself in terms of Fire Emblem, and I usually don't like stories to depend on the crossovers (unless the point of the story is to cross over), but I don't think they're that bad either. Maybe it's the superhero fan in me leaking to other fandoms, or the Cosmere fan in me looking to make connections where there aren't any, but I just really like crossovers. So why not have two characters (or more if they include the Cipher characters or other dimensional travelers, like Lucina) fi they don't actively harm the story?

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5 hours ago, Imuabicus said:

The skill Locktouch/-pick in TH should have allowed Thiefs/Assassins/Ashe to disable Titanus and the large Church machines for one turn.

Would certainly give Ashe a tangible niche.

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7 hours ago, Imuabicus said:

The skill Locktouch/-pick in TH should have allowed Thiefs/Assassins/Ashe to disable Titanus and the large Church machines for one turn.

That actually would be really cool, though it might be a bit OP even if it is situational.

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Personally while I am hyped for three hopes I think it a disturbing mindset. We have Shez as the new avatar. At the end of the first trailer we Female Byleth in her awakened one state and Shez seems to have one of his/her own. This to me seems bad it means that they haven’t fix the avatar since they are regressing from Byleth. By making Shez talk and have an Agarthan equivalent to Sothis in Arval it makes Byleth mute stillborn case more on Rhea fault and makes some elements of three houses writing even worse in retrospect. They also confirmed Holst or Hilda’s brother that we never saw but heard which screams them knowing people complaints about the original. I will reserve judgment when I play it but somehow it’s seems likes the devs got the game award price and then got bashed later for dog and cats worthless DLC. Then they became aware of Holts with the fans had to make a game since dry season and backlash. To me this screams don’t hates for 5 avatar in row. Again I wait before saying but is my analysis pre release since it does seem that way 


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7 hours ago, vanguard333 said:

That actually would be really cool, though it might be a bit OP even if it is situational.

No more OP than Encloser, which essentially does exactly that, only towards any enemy in the game and also deals damage.

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My unpopular opinion is that pre-promotes should never really be a thing. Maybe in extreme circumstances you can have them for a very short time. But otherwise I would prefer every FE game to have units grow with you and feel like you actually earned it. As a result of this change though there would have to be a system in place in case you got horribly RNG screwed and I guess that would come down to items somehow boosting your stats to pre-promote levels. That is basically the only reason I don't super hate them is because they do have a use.

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On 6/3/2022 at 10:01 AM, DoubleSpeedAttack said:

My unpopular opinion is that pre-promotes should never really be a thing. Maybe in extreme circumstances you can have them for a very short time. But otherwise I would prefer every FE game to have units grow with you and feel like you actually earned it. As a result of this change though there would have to be a system in place in case you got horribly RNG screwed and I guess that would come down to items somehow boosting your stats to pre-promote levels. That is basically the only reason I don't super hate them is because they do have a use.

While it could work these unit would have to come later. Pre promoted unit like in prologue are reset to lvl 1 after promotion but with better stats. Having them with higher stats without the lvl would incentivize the player to not train the others. So either a already promoted unit or they come later and that also means the player has to play and by then Intys might introduce the turn back wheel once again. So the question isn’t about the unit, it about how the world and game would be structured if this was a main focus?

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On 6/3/2022 at 10:01 AM, DoubleSpeedAttack said:

My unpopular opinion is that pre-promotes should never really be a thing. Maybe in extreme circumstances you can have them for a very short time. But otherwise I would prefer every FE game to have units grow with you and feel like you actually earned it. As a result of this change though there would have to be a system in place in case you got horribly RNG screwed and I guess that would come down to items somehow boosting your stats to pre-promote levels. That is basically the only reason I don't super hate them is because they do have a use.

I think pre-promotes are great for the flavor they add. Characters with a lot of years behind them (i.e. Jagen, Eyvel, Haar) or else high status (i.e. Perceval, Pent, Elincia) wouldn't make a ton of sense joining in the first tier. It makes sense that, going into the war, different characters would have different levels of experience or stature, based on their background.

On 5/11/2022 at 5:08 PM, Benice said:

I don't know if this is an unpopular opinion (it probably isn't), but it's something I've not seen discussed much: I think an FE4 remake should include an emulator-style turbo mode, even if it means the game has to look like a potato to be able to run that way. I feel like there's too much in each phase to make full-on phase skipping a good idea, but vanilla FE4's enemy phases take an eternity without emulator speedup.

Speed-up would also be nice for the Arena, especially when I'm having my Dancer nick an enemy to death. That said, I think "phase skip" could still work in an FE4 remake. Maybe pressing Start once would skip one Castle phase (since there are multiple Castle phases each enemy phase), whereas holding it down skips everything?

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8 hours ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

I think pre-promotes are great for the flavor they add. Characters with a lot of years behind them (i.e. Jagen, Eyvel, Haar) or else high status (i.e. Perceval, Pent, Elincia) wouldn't make a ton of sense joining in the first tier. It makes sense that, going into the war, different characters would have different levels of experience or stature, based on their background.

Speed-up would also be nice for the Arena, especially when I'm having my Dancer nick an enemy to death. That said, I think "phase skip" could still work in an FE4 remake. Maybe pressing Start once would skip one Castle phase (since there are multiple Castle phases each enemy phase), whereas holding it down skips everything?

Great point about pre-promotes using having an established history and sometimes a good story behind them. That does add alot to enhance the story of the game and sometimes make the endgame feel surprising and epic if its a surprise character coming to help out a struggling team.

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On 6/4/2022 at 2:47 PM, NaotoUzumaki said:

While it could work these unit would have to come later. Pre promoted unit like in prologue are reset to lvl 1 after promotion but with better stats. Having them with higher stats without the lvl would incentivize the player to not train the others. So either a already promoted unit or they come later and that also means the player has to play and by then Intys might introduce the turn back wheel once again. So the question isn’t about the unit, it about how the world and game would be structured if this was a main focus?

Good point on the emphasis being less about the unit and more about how the game would be shaped. Would be interesting to see the growth rates changes if this was instituted as well because pre-promoted units can have growth rates that are all over the map but I supposed that sometimes depends on base stats. You could also have a system of where characters that join later are just a different class altogether that was never promoted but designates they are a powerful class with decent base stats so you dont feel like a jerk for leveling up your early units to classes that show up later with no work necessary. I think that would make some people (me included) feel alot better if it was just a simple display change like that as silly as it sounds.

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