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Dream Teams


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Even if said units don't exist, share which sort of teams you'd like to have in the long run.

- Young!Ike, Titania, Soren, Boyd/Rolf/Mist: I think Boyd would be too redundant, depending on his skills, because we already have Titania, but Rolf would fit well for being a physical ranged, despite archers not being all that useful compared to nuke mages (save for top tier archers). I'm not very fond of healers in this game (except on Tempest Trials), but Mist could help Ike maintain his ground with Aether and heal abuse.

- RD!Ike, Micaiah (blue unit or green if she follows Julia's trend), Shinon, Nolan (if Micaiah is blue. Otherwise... I don't know).

- Micaiah, Edward, Nolan, Sothe: I like the Dawn Brigade, for some reason, and this composition seems balanced.

- Sigurd, Quan, Eldigan, Ethlin: Friends' reunion, plus I can see Quan as a blue lance user and Ethlin as a mounted healer.

- Leif, Fin, Nanna (as a healer, probably), Sety (as a green mage, probably): Northern Thracia liberation team.


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My current team is:

Lloyd (Distant Counter, Vantage, Threaten Speed, Spd+1, Regal Blade, Draw Back, Iceberg)
Spring!Camilla (Triangle Adept, Live For Bounty, ---, Spur Def, Gronnraven+, Rally Attack, ---)
Ninian(--- , Escape Route 3, Fortify Def 3, Fortify Res 1, Light Breath+, Dance, Luna)
Bride!Cordelia (Death Blow 3, Escape Route 2, ---, Attack+1, Brave Bow+, Rally Atk/Spd, ---)

Obviously, there are are a few blank/not optimal skills but this team has been doing really well.  Lloyd can kill pretty much all mages but blue mages.  Cordelia can also kill any mage if she attacks first.  Spring!Camilla can kill all archers, daggers, and blue mages. Ninian can tank a bit.  Lloyd can kill a lot of infantry, surprisingly just because he can double a lot.  Other Infantry can be taken out by Bride!Cordelia and Camilla.  The ONLY unit I ever have problems with is Hector who I need to adjust who tanks his first hit, if anyone, depending on his IVs and skills. Other than that, it's a perfect bait/rush  team.


I'd also like to build the Four Fangs.  Not sure what to do with Ursla (maybe M!Robinize her), but Jaffar is +1 and still needs Fury 3 and threaten attack 3.  Lloyd is done and can kill most mages, Jaffar can tank a bit and bring tricky units down to <10hp.  I'm just hoping Linus is a bit like Ephraim/Lukas - tanky, but good attack.  Then I would put Wings of Mercy on him and he could help Jaffar finish off units.  I'm also curious to see what color Linus will be, I imagine he'll be red, but I hope they give him an axe instead.


edit: From a story perspective, Sothe, Micaiah, Ike, Elencia would be pretty cool.  Lyn, Hector, Eliwood, and Ninian would be cool as well.

Edited by Lushen
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Hector, Leo, Ike and Ephraim with Raven as a backup.





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Seth,Naesala,Priam and Kaze.

Because these are some of my top favorites, I have yet to pull Kaze and as far as I know none of the others are in the game.

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2 minutes ago, EricaofRenais said:

Because these are some of my top favorites, I have yet to pull Kaze and as far as I know none of the others are in the game.


Kaze isn't in the game :(

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Just now, Lushen said:

Hey I just hope you haven't been pulling colorless looking for him xD

No, I have been saving up my orbs for when they do a Sacred Stones banner.

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I already kinda got my dream team going with PoR!Ike, Lyn, Kagero, and Ninian.  The only thing that would make this better is just to have RD!Ike instead of PoR!Ike.

Although I would enjoy a full Tellius team of RD!Ike, Elincia, Leanne, and Nephenee.

An Gaiden/SoV team of Kamui, Sonya, Lukas, and Celica would be nice too (half way there!).

And lastly a full ninja team of Kagero, Saizo, Kaze, and (I dunno) Volke will be horribly fun to run.

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My first dream team is already done:









For those who can't read moon runes, that's Lightning Breath+, Reciprocal Aid (Dance on Ninian), and Aether in the first three skill slots.

Eventually, I'll build the remaining dragons, but that'll probably have to wait for a long time since I have nowhere near enough feathers to promote 11 copies of each one. Also hoping Myrrh gets added soon.

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I really want to do a team with Nino, Jaffar, Raigh, and Lugh. Hopefully Lugh is released sometime in the near future. I've got my fingers crossed that he'll be a blue mage just so the family team can be perfectly well rounded! It'd be cool to have a team with Pent, Louise, Klein, and Clarine, but unfortunately, they wouldn't be quite so balanced. 

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52 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

For those who can't read moon runes, that's Lightning Breath+, Reciprocal Aid (Dance on Ninian), and Aether in the first three skill slots.

Eventually, I'll build the remaining dragons, but that'll probably have to wait for a long time since I have nowhere near enough feathers to promote 11 copies of each one. Also hoping Myrrh gets added soon.

離脫? I assume that B skill is Escape Route? I'm just guessing based on the Kanji. Why not Wings of Mercy? I don't really use dancers but I thought most of them have WoM

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1 minute ago, GuiltyLove said:

離脫? I assume that B skill is Escape Route? I'm just guessing based on the Kanji. Why not Wings of Mercy? I don't really use dancers but I thought most of them have WoM

Yep, that's Escape Route. Originally, it was because I was too cheap to give her Wings of Mercy and farm the SP for it, but after a while, I realized that I really don't let my units take damage often to begin with, so I left Escape Route there for any time that I need to have Ninian tank a hit for me.

When I built my dragon team, I ended up giving everyone Reciprocal Aid, which easily lets me pass low health over to Ninian and let her teleport to anyone. Ninian's massive pool of 49 HP with S HP +3 also lets any other member of my team fully heal themselves (except Fae, who has 50 maximum HP) once per run.

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Just now, Ice Dragon said:

Yep, that's Escape Route. Originally, it was because I was too cheap to give her Wings of Mercy and farm the SP for it, but after a while, I realized that I really don't let my units take damage often to begin with, so I left Escape Route there for any time that I need to have Ninian tank a hit for me.

When I built my dragon team, I ended up giving everyone Reciprocal Aid, which easily lets me pass low health over to Ninian and let her teleport to anyone. Ninian's massive pool of 49 HP with S HP +3 also lets any other member of my team fully heal themselves (except Fae, who has 50 maximum HP) once per run.

That makes sense. I need to get a blue dancer someday...

It's always hard for me to distinguish the Escape Route and Wings icons

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I have quite a few, I just need to wait for the right units to be pulled/released:

Tellius Girls: Mia, Nephenee, Ilyana and Lethe.

Valentian royals: Alm, Celica, Berkut, Rudolf.

"Introduce nice team name here": Owain (it has to be the awakening ver.), Cynthia, Morgan, Nah.

FE 7: Eliwood, Lyn, Hector, Ninian. (I only need Lyn and Ninian for this one but I feel it'll be quite unbalanced)

Ephraim and co. : Ephraim, Eirika, Innes, Tana/Lyon.

Meme dream: Lute, Dorcas, Wrys, um... whoever I find amusing enough I guess...

Those are the main ones, in more realistic terms I'm working on a Flier Emblem team but I'll need to wait for either Aversa or the miraculous dark flier Sumia (please IS, make her a mage flying mage!).



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Once I complete my Askr trio, I'll begin work on my dream flyer emblem team, "Narcian's Angels"

Narcian, Hinoka, Shanna, Caeda

I have Narcian and Hinoka at 5* Lv. 40, so I'd need to promote my Shanna and Caeda in order to have foundation laid.  Caeda needs SI out the rear and really wants a +Atk boon, and I'm waiting for a better inheritable axe to be released for Narcian, preferably a Tomahawk.  Some day I'll have this team fully decked out, with as many merges as I can muster.

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I really want to do a Whitewings team: Est, Catria, Palla, and Minerva. It would be even better if they released a Whitewings version of Minerva sometime! That would be really nice.

In a similar vein, I'd also want Elincia, Marcia, Tanith, and Sigrun.

I'd also really like to put together a team of 4 versions of Lucina (e.g., regular, Masked Marth, spring, CYL) and Tiki (young, adult, summer, and another version).

The last idea that came to mind was a team of fellow members of an archetype. So Est, Nino, Sophia, and Elincia could be a team.

Minerva, Jill, and Milady belong in a team too!

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My original dream team was going to be

Lyn/Hector/Matthew/Nino. Lyn is a glass cannon, Hector tanks everything, Nino bombs things and Matthew is a pest. Don't know how optimal that would be but it seems unlikely at this point since I don't have Lyn or Hector and will likely go CC + Vantage on Matthew.

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Oboro, Takumi, Innes and Vanessa

That's all I want as a team...

Other good options:

  • Oboro, Oboro, Oboro and Oboro, all them as 5*
  • Takumi, Innes, Shinon, Klein . Gimme my archer Emblem game!! (Jeorge can replace Shinon since I already have Jeorge)
  • Takumi, Oboro, Elincia and Geoffrey
  • Takumi, Oboro, Klein and Tate (or whatever is her name now)

Yes all of these sounds good for me

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