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Who do you hate seeing on a map


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Pretty much dragons in general, since I don't have a reliable counter to them outside of Marth. Sometimes I can take them down with magic or ganging up on them, but otherwise...yeah.

Also, Horse Emblem. The one time I ran into it in the arena, I stood no chance...

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Horse Emblem..

when i care about score i always surrender if i see a horse as the team lead.

recently i was being careless and put my Julia on a defense tile to lure a Cecilia, well it turns out there was a Xander next to her which i totally skimmed over lol, in addition to the Reinfart next to her...so she had Gronnblade+ with +6 to all stats in addition to Death Blow...yeah..Julia got one shot..thankfully i was just trying for arena quests and not for a good score.

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Oboro or Takumi... Just because I don't like to defeat them :P

Haha ok no, dragons... Dragons are big menance to me, I have been unnable to summon a Falchion user, and my only help is the 5* LuciMask from the trials, but she is still lv20, so...

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In General: Dancer

In Tempest: Ram Valley: Either a Flyer, Cavalry, or Ranged unit in the north-of-mountain position.  That means I need to take on or take out 3 units with one guy or die in the first round of combat.

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My number one is dancers, since they ruin my ability to predict how the AI moves, but close behind are Celica and Tharja since the centerpiece of my team is Julia and they can eat her alive unless I'm lucky enough to get a hit in with someone else first.

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My team compsotion typically doesn't care about my arena stuff, so instead I'll look at the annoying Tower units I hate seeing which amounts to, and i cant believe i'm saying this: Healers

Healers, when i rarely see them in the arena, usually aren't that much trouble even if they have wrathful staff (which they usually dont). And in lower training tower etc they aren't that bad. But they are just awful in the upper levels. The super inflates stats mean even with the penalty they still do a lot of damage, still take less in return and often have wrathful staff. And that's the offensive side of things. They also tend to get the more annoying support and attacking skills. Pain is awful when not on Azama. Panic ruins everything. If they have good support skills its even worse. There's some maps where healers can freely peck away at you while the other units kill you and you need to take several turns to try & deal with them. The more healers the worse it is.

Don't get me started on miracle and rehabilitate!

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2 hours ago, r_n said:

My team compsotion typically doesn't care about my arena stuff, so instead I'll look at the annoying Tower units I hate seeing which amounts to, and i cant believe i'm saying this: Healers

Healers, when i rarely see them in the arena, usually aren't that much trouble even if they have wrathful staff (which they usually dont). And in lower training tower etc they aren't that bad. But they are just awful in the upper levels. The super inflates stats mean even with the penalty they still do a lot of damage, still take less in return and often have wrathful staff. And that's the offensive side of things. They also tend to get the more annoying support and attacking skills. Pain is awful when not on Azama. Panic ruins everything. If they have good support skills its even worse. There's some maps where healers can freely peck away at you while the other units kill you and you need to take several turns to try & deal with them. The more healers the worse it is.

Don't get me started on miracle and rehabilitate!

Now that you mention it, I had a TT map with three healers and it was awful.

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For Arena, Reinhardt and DC sword units. The former can do a hefty amount of damage, even to his counter and DC swords can kill my Nino and Bridelia unless they have Desperation active.

For TT, Tharja and other speedy units that my ranged units can't one-round.

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Wings of Mercy.

My usual gameplan is to bait in the enemy in hopes of letting them break themselves on me, but there are times where my unit just barely misses the ORKO, and then WoM triggers and one of two things happen. A) Azura restores their turn and they kill a unit who, proviously, was out of their range, or they just kill the weakened unit they just attacked. B ) the WoM unit just comes in and kills my units.

I kick myself a lot for never paying so close attention to the enemy skillsets, but it hurts a lot when it's Wings of Mercy. Who thought that skill was a good idea...

And the thing is, it's just the skill. The strong units that people have been mentioning usually aren't that big a problem for me unless they are able to just SWOOP in and ignore the fact that they are still at spawn.

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Pretty much dancers in general.  They really screw with my luring.

Takumi if he has Vantage.  Otherwise he's pretty manageable.

Red tome users, especially Sanaki, Celica, and Lilina.  Julia as well, even though she is Green.  This is because my Alpha Team (I actually named them that) has F!Robin and Lucina as the primary damage dealers, but Robin has a Weapons Triangle disadvantage and low Resistance while Lucina has terrible Resistance.  What I really need to do is to get around to leveling up my Ninian and have her play the lure for them, since she has been sitting at level 30 for a while now.

I've also become wary of Ike after learning the hard way he has Swordbreaker.  I didn't notice before because I used to use Chrom, who often gets doubled on but his high Attack and decent Defense meant he can usually handle Ikes just fine.  When I switched out Chrom for Lucina because thank the gods I finally got her, whose biggest asset is her ability to double almost everyone, I expected her to take out Ike just like her father.  Nope.

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Dancers (especially 2 at the same time)

Horse Emblem and full SI teams in general make me nervous but I can usually manage them... provided that there is no dancer of course.

To be honest some maps scare me more than any unit.

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In the arena... It depends on the map. Some maps, I hate certain units, some maps, I hate others. Dancers are often a pain, but on the right maps, they're not too bad. On one map, I hate to see Hector, since he blocks the rest of the units, meaning if I kill him as normal, the rest of the units then kill my Hector killer -.- 

In Tempest Trials: Dancers (urgh, urgh, urgh. Lost so many points due to miscalculations with these), Nowi and Faye. I don't like Healers, either, but I can at least work around those. Faye and her stupid firesweep are the most annoying things to exists, and I think Reinhardt has to have both Hone and his special up to take her. Nowi... She can only sometimes be taken. Sometimes, I have to whittle her down with Azura of all people. 

In my last TT run, Fae was also a big one. However, with Alm now being a bonus unit, I'm actually very happy to see her these days.

If I could choose one overall to get rid of? Definitely Faye. I don't like her already and these trials mean any tolerance I might have had has disappeared -.- 

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2 hours ago, SSbardock84 said:

Reinhardt and . . . hmm probably Reinhardt and maybe Reinhardt.

Did you by any chance face my defense team last Arena season? I think one person gave me a defensive win over the weekend just in time to give me the defense points.

Anyways, if that was not you, say hello to Reinhardt, Reinhardt, and Reinhardt! If you see my team, do not let that Alfonse fool you. My second Reinhardt is still under leveled, so you can give it a shot if you really want to take revenge on Reinhardt.




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16 minutes ago, XRay said:

Did you by any chance face my defense team last Arena season? I think one person gave me a defensive win over the weekend just in time to give me the defense points.

Anyways, if that was not you, say hello to Reinhardt, Reinhardt, and Reinhardt! If you see my team, do not let that Alfonse fool you. My second Reinhardt is still under leveled, so you can give it a shot if you really want to take revenge on Reinhardt.

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Needs more Reinhardt.

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24 minutes ago, Lushen said:


Needs more Reinhardt.

I need the Askr Trio to give me bonus points. I already have a 5* copy of Reinhardt with all standard build skills inherited, so I just need a new one to appear with an Attack boon. Once that one appears, I can sacrifice my fodder copy and run a full Reinhardt team. However, I would still need the Askr Trio to give me a defense win first, so depending on when I get my defense points, the fourth Reinhardt might not see much action.

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Without question horseblade emblem with dancer support, spring camilla flier emblem with dancer support and regular blade emblem with dancer support. I've basically abandoned any strategy that requires enemy phase baiting due to those teams since there is often no way to bait only one blade user, courtesy of the dancer, and no one can survive two blade users in one turn...


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Much like many others in this thread, I, too, dislike facing teams with dancers. It greatly increases the likelihood of someone dying in an arena run, especially if Reinhardt is also on the team. Reinhardt himself is also quite a nuisance. Those are the major ones.

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PvE Wise:

Xander, with a QR or a skill that prevents or allows him to double attack. It makes it annoying for me to have to defeat him via counterattacks from my units, especially with his insanely high Def. I could just use a blue mage, but I don't have one so it sucks. I also really hate Celica because she's so well buffed most of the time that even my melee's and mages combined can't kill her sometimes. Windsweep, and watersweep units such as Soren, and Alm also manage to take me by surprise sometimes sadly. Lurking healers annoy me as well especially when they have good counters to some of my units that I put upfront.

And PvP Wise?:



Horse Emblem, +Res/+HP Hectors, Distant Counter units, +Def/+Spd/+Res Takumi, and +Atk Ikes.



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I actually do not dislike seeing anybody.

I think you only truly dislike seeing units as long as you have no strong counter to them. I used to dislike seeing archers until I managed to get a distant counter unit. Now archers do not concern me. I used to dislike seeing Linde or Reinhardt, but after having acquired a Soren I do not mind seeing them at all.

Sometimes when doing the TT, Felicia can be irksome because it means I have to do a fair bit of position-play to manoeuvre my mages away from her after attacking the closer, physical units. She doesn't cause me a lot of grief, she just spoils my time rating sometimes. Same goes for Niles. I don't mind seeing either of them on the last map though to be fair.

I guess I don't like seeing Olwen

but only due to envy.

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12 hours ago, XRay said:

Did you by any chance face my defense team last Arena season? I think one person gave me a defensive win over the weekend just in time to give me the defense points.

Anyways, if that was not you, say hello to Reinhardt, Reinhardt, and Reinhardt! If you see my team, do not let that Alfonse fool you. My second Reinhardt is still under leveled, so you can give it a shot if you really want to take revenge on Reinhardt.

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I think I might have actually lol. 

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14 minutes ago, SSbardock84 said:

I think I might have actually lol. 

Yeah, be wary if the opposing team is using a seemingly harmless leader like the Askr Trio but the score is too low, which suggests a semi pony team may be hiding behind it.

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