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Voting Gauntlet: Battle on the Beach!


Voting Gauntlet: Battle on the Beach poll!  

202 members have voted

  1. 1. Whom are you going to support?

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Just now, Anacybele said:

Did you forget that those whose teams lost in round 1 joined the teams that moved on? :P

No I didn't. I'm talking about the cumulative score of all teams remaining. Corrin's score in the 1st hour of Round 2  is almost 6 times larger than it was in Round 1.

Robin's, Leo's, and Gaius's are all almost 5x larger as well. It is as if the total player base more than tripled.

4 minutes ago, Luna of Dragonblood said:

Oh, I don't believe it's talking about the number of users supporting Corrin (I can't say for certain, since my ability to read kanji's pretty limited...), but just from how different the numbers are. If that's Corrin's point lead, she has to have a bigger base following, since I don't think any multiplier (especially one so early) would give her an essential 2x lead over Robin otherwise.

9 minutes ago, DraceEmpressa said:

Are you sure that's the amount of users supporting and not the amount of votes in the first round?

That tweet simply shows the scores of each team after the first hour. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1bxAC7aTAl7ZmrM4dQX-5jMY1cihagCtieLquruI1bPs/htmlview?usp=sharing&sle=true#

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Just now, Hawk King said:

No I didn't. I'm talking about the cumulative score of all teams remaining. Corrin's score in the 1st hour of Round 2  is almost 6 times larger than it was in Round 1.

Robin's, Leo's, and Gaius's are all almost 5x larger as well. It is as if the total player base more than tripled.

That tweet simply shows the scores of each team after the first hour. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1bxAC7aTAl7ZmrM4dQX-5jMY1cihagCtieLquruI1bPs/htmlview?usp=sharing&sle=true#

Ah, thank you! Goodness, that was just the first hour?! That's...oh wow.

Looking at the spreadsheet now...holy molie. There's a lot of flags being burned right now!

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2 minutes ago, Hawk King said:

No I didn't. I'm talking about the cumulative score of all teams remaining. Corrin's score in the 1st hour of Round 2  is almost 6 times larger than it was in Round 1.

Robin's, Leo's, and Gaius's are all almost 5x larger as well. It is as if the total player base more than tripled.

And that's because the people from the teams that lost joined the other teams to make them bigger like I said. I have no idea what you're confused about.

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3 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Anyway, yeah, I'm really confused at why so many people went to Corrin when she's honestly no better than Tiki or Robin design wise or anything imo. ...Well, I do think both Robin and Corrin are cuter than TIki, but not by a whole lot.

On the one hand, I hope people aren't voting based on the summer art alone, since I think regular Adult Tiki was cuter than her summer counterpart, as well as Robin and Corrin, and I think that even with their official art she's cuter, but on the other hand... I understand the insanity of hoping people weren't voting based on their summer art. Also, I refuse to believe more people think Corrin is a better character than Robin, so I kind of do hope it's based mainly on art, or whether more people just have her. No offense to Corrin supporters. I just really don't like her.

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2 minutes ago, Frenzify said:

On the one hand, I hope people aren't voting based on the summer art alone, since I think regular Adult Tiki was cuter than her summer counterpart, as well as Robin and Corrin, and I think that even with their official art she's cuter, but on the other hand... I understand the insanity of hoping people weren't voting based on their summer art. Also, I refuse to believe more people think Corrin is a better character than Robin, so I kind of do hope it's based mainly on art, or whether more people just have her. No offense to Corrin supporters. I just really don't like her.

I rather agree. Robin was handled better writing-wise than Corrin was, from what I hear. I liked Birthright Corrin, but just about everyone says Corrin is horrible in the other two routes. Robin wasn't written that great either, but at least she wasn't like offensive or anything.

I do admit I have pairing bias for Robin too, since her and Freddy are one of my biggest FE OTPs.

Also, anyone who marries their freaking SIBLINGS just for the sake of it automatically loses points for me.

Edited by Anacybele
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3 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

And that's because the people from the teams that lost joined the other teams to make them bigger like I said. I have no idea what you're confused about.

I am well aware of that, but the total number of players doesn't change. The players stayed the same, but the total score quadrupled.

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Just now, Hawk King said:

I am well aware of that, but the total number of players doesn't change. The players stayed the same, but the total score quadrupled.

Oh, that's what you meant. That is a bit weird. I guess everyone's throwing more flags now. :P

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21 minutes ago, Hawk King said:

Something isn't adding up. All 8 teams combined scores for the 1st hour in round 1 was about 110 million. And now in round 2, the 4 teams 1st hour combined scores are over 420 million. And it isn't just for the 1st hour. The hourly gains are all way higher than the were in round 1.

I guess some people used flags during the first hour, even though there wasn't a multiplier? I can come up with anything resembling a good reason to do so, but you don't need a lot of people doing it to alter the score (I guess people in team Corrin wanted a high score and decided to use flags since they're not getting enough multipliers anyway? Best I could come up with).

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5 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Oh, that's what you meant. That is a bit weird. I guess everyone's throwing more flags now. :P

Yep, people are indeed throwing them down without thought sometimes. In the second hour, I had a score of 220, but I was in like 1600th place or something for the team, meaning everyone higher had spent flags. I also noticed people scurrying to try to claim rank #1 in the previous round (by blowing flags in the near-end non-bonus hours), despite it being completely meaningless. Guess they get a kick outta seeing their name up with a high ranking number, regardless of when.

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Just now, Johann said:

Yep, people are indeed throwing them down without thought sometimes. In the second hour, I had a score of 220, but I was in like 1600th place or something for the team, meaning everyone higher had spent flags. I also noticed people scurrying to try to claim rank #1 in the previous round (by blowing flags in the near-end non-bonus hours), despite it being completely meaningless. Guess they get a kick outta seeing their name up with a high ranking number, regardless of when.

I guess they care more about feathers than their characters winning. :P Oh well.

I just got your 5 star regular Freddy! Thanks for the taste of Brave Axe+ Freddy, that was awesome. He really IS a terror, he one-rounded Takumi! So can't wait to get one for my Freddy. My Freddy runs Armored Blow and Axebreaker rather than Fury and Wings of Mercy tho. Now that I think about it though, Freddy might not have as much use for Armored Blow if he has a Brave Axe since he'll surely kill a lot of stuff before they can attack him. But for now it works.

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19 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

I rather agree. Robin was handled better writing-wise than Corrin was, from what I hear. I liked Birthright Corrin, but just about everyone says Corrin is horrible in the other two routes. Robin wasn't written that great either, but at least she wasn't like offensive or anything.

I do admit I have pairing bias for Robin too, since her and Freddy are one of my biggest FE OTPs.

Also, anyone who marries their freaking SIBLINGS just for the sake of it automatically loses points for me.

That and I thought even until now, Awakening fandom is larger than Fates? So I was expecting Robin to lead... 


Well, about that.... 



Do you know that Julia is the canon result of incest and literally her parents are manipulated to  bang to produce a  perfect vessel for an evil dragon? 


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Just now, DraceEmpressa said:

Well, about that.... 


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Do you know that Julia is the canon result of incest and literally her parents are manipulated to  bang to produce a  perfect vessel for an evil dragon? 


That's different. Arvis and Deirdre getting together is a plot point, plus Deirdre was brainwashed or something. Corrin is never brainwashed nor is it part of the plot to marry her siblings. She's able to marry them only for the sake of it and this makes her lose points for me because I don't approve of marrying your own brother or sister like that.

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11 hours ago, Tactician_Iris said:

And shout-out to @Silith13, your Jaffar made light work of opponents during matchups that due to colour imbalance would've been dicey to deal with without him. And as your Jaffar did for me, I hope a certain Summer!Corrin of mine (Ilia in game) helped you out.^^

Summer!Corrin helped a lot. Though I entered the fights with level 1 Xander so your corrin whiped the floor with them. The Lon'Qu someone else kept providing was also really good. I don't know if it was someone on here that did that. The dedication of a Lon'Qu with Counter was heartwarming.

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1 minute ago, GuiltyLove said:

I stopped posting on GameFAQs as much

the ppl there r so stupid

I've had an account for quite a while but started to somewhat frequently post there after Echoes came out...

It's an... um... interesting place...

I don't post there anymore.

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3 minutes ago, DraceEmpressa said:

Well, about that.... 


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Do you know that Julia is the canon result of incest and literally her parents are manipulated to  bang to produce a  perfect vessel for an evil dragon? 


3 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

That's different. Arvis and Deirdre getting together is a plot point, plus Deirdre was brainwashed or something. Corrin is never brainwashed nor is it part of the plot to marry her siblings. She's able to marry them only for the sake of it and this makes her lose points for me because I don't approve of marrying your own brother or sister like that.

I'd honestly say that canonicly marrying your sibbling sounds a lot worse then it being an option in a game...


Also, Deidre wasn't really brainwashed into doing it I think, they just made sure she lost her memory of Sigurd and some other stuff.

Also, no one Corrin can marry is actually his/her sibbling, so it's all good right? (Although I think Azura is his/her cousin?)


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1 minute ago, Frenzify said:

I've had an account for quite a while but started to somewhat frequently post there after Echoes came out...

It's an... um... interesting place...

I don't post there anymore.

The Echoes/Fates board are full of actual cancer cells like Latino_King and Endgame

1 minute ago, Bartozio said:

(Although I think Azura is his/her cousin?

Nothing wrong with that ;)

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5 minutes ago, GuiltyLove said:

balancing two gacha games seems hard

I hope my Catria is useful!

The nature of FEH and BF make it easy lol

Its basically:



Yes - clear it, wait

No - Daily Quest, clear up whatever quest for the months Log out

Once in a while i grind some units usually when i have feather to upgrade them lol(like recently raised up Berkut and Anna)



Do daily, 3 Arena Run, and AFK grinding level



BF was harder when you need to log in once per 4 hour to do CP for guild, but recently my guild cleared the CP so i'm free to do whatever i want anyway lol


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2 minutes ago, Bartozio said:


I'd honestly say that canonicly marrying your sibbling sounds a lot worse then it being an option in a game...

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Also, Deidre wasn't really brainwashed into doing it I think, they just made sure she lost her memory of Sigurd and some other stuff.

Also, no one Corrin can marry is actually his/her sibbling, so it's all good right? (Although I think Azura is his/her cousin?)


even so, even Japanese fandom do have a thing for incest shipping and the incest baits , cousin  x cousin doesn't count as incest there. 

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