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Voting Gauntlet: Choose Your Legends!


Voting Gauntlet: Choose Your Legends!  

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Just now, Korath88 said:

Team Lucina seems to have caught on and is slowing down. Hopefully they won't get the multiplier upset though. I really hate it when that happens.

I don't like it either, it feels too artificial. I always thought the battle between Lyn & Lucina would epic as Ephraim & Chrom, but that will never be the case because of the multiplier.

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10 minutes ago, Arthur97 said:

I'd be fine with it.

I most certainly wouldn't shed a single tear for Lyn if that happened either. If anything, her getting upset might be just the one we need for IS to finally realize that the stacked multiplier should've never become a thing in the first place.

Edited by Tybrosion
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10 minutes ago, Korath88 said:

One thing I hate more than multiplier upsets? Double standards. You guys probably wouldn't like it if your faves got upset because of the multiplier.

It already happened to me with Leo vs Gaius.  :,(     

You're right I didn't like it.

Edited by pumpkinspice48
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2 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

I most certainly wouldn't shed a single tear for Lyn if that happened either. If anything, her getting upset might be just the one we need for IS to finally realize that stacked multiplier should've never become a thing in the first place.

I don't know, IS seems to really like Lucina (so hopefully Lyn won't take her place in marketing and such after this).

In any case, If anyone wants to try out one of the Brave heroes on team Lucina, I do have them all, but they are only in their mid twenties at the moment.

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1 minute ago, Korath88 said:

One thing I hate more than multiplier upsets? Double standards. You guys probably wouldn't like it if your faves got upset because of the multiplier.

Nope, but people have been too confident in Lyn. I want to knock em down a peg.

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17 minutes ago, Arthur97 said:

I'd be fine with it.

You are alive! Welcome.

Anyway Lucina winning via multiplier doesn't sound that bad. Winning is better (plus it's not like moral victory is anything to scowl at), but In game of luck winner is not always better one.

EDIT: Also too confident? Weren't there Lucina fans around who claimed that she lost only because anti 3DS conspiracy and she would stomp in actual gauntlet? That sound much more arrogant to me imho.

Edited by Tenzen12
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So after two multiplier hours, I'm suddenly ranked 73th in team Hector. I think I'm going to like my feather gain this round :D


1 hour ago, pumpkinspice48 said:

The worst was in the healer gauntlet.  multiple times I had to fight with 3 healers.    


Also I'm team Hector and going to team Ike if he loses. If anyone wants to add me my current lead is Lilina (i'll probably switch to rein if I have to join team Ike) and my heroes id is 3620067834


Request send. Username is Bardth, lead is Camus.

I also have a Reinhardt, Klein and Ryoma ready if you'd rather have something else.

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26 minutes ago, Korath88 said:

One thing I hate more than multiplier upsets? Double standards. You guys probably wouldn't like it if your faves got upset because of the multiplier.

Yeah, except I already had to watch Leo take a loss he didn't deserve just last gauntlet so don't even start with me on that. I also never said that a Lucina win due to the multiplier wouldn't be a phony, bullshit one. Again, I won't lose any sleep over Lyn getting upset but I also won't deny the fact that she deserved to win the match more if it does happen.

Edited by Tybrosion
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56 minutes ago, The_antithesis said:

Bad news for team Ike. According to the prediction, Roy will get a last-hour multiplier. If Roy has been saving flags, we could see another Gaius Vs Leo...

This makes me happy. This is the first voting gauntlet that I've actually been fully invested in due to Roy being involved, so this is great news, even if it is too early to get excited.

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Frankly, one of the reasons I want Lucina to at least beat Lyn is that she has the most to lose. Chrom, Robin, Ike, Lyn, and others tend to go up, but Lucina was already widely advertised. I'm afraid that with IS's polling fetish, it could hurt her in the future while Lyn benefits either way.

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Lucina is not popular because advertising and it's not like she will get forgotten (or abandoned by IS), because there exist two character that are popular more. In best case Ike and Lyn will get more appearances from now along side her.

And if we get FE7 Echoes of Elibe, I don't think anyone will complain too loudly.

Edited by Tenzen12
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I would prefer Lucina winning over Lyn because I like her more but if Lyn does win then good game to her. Depending on which side your on an upset is going to to make you extremely happy or extremely pissed which is understandable. The main thing to remember is not to let the outcome of an imbalanced event divide us. I seriously don't want to see a war between old and new fans, it's just stupid.

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This gauntlet is certainly going to be interesting. As for me, I'm on Team Chrom leading with Bride Cordelia. If he loses then I'll jump to Team Hector. 

Edited by Lord-Zero
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I hope Lucina wins too, and I can only imagine the amount of rage there would be if she does. Many people have been hoping for the multiplier to screw popular awakening/fates characters out of wins in past gauntlets, but to see the opposite would probably cause some real salt.

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23 minutes ago, Arthur97 said:

Frankly, one of the reasons I want Lucina to at least beat Lyn is that she has the most to lose. Chrom, Robin, Ike, Lyn, and others tend to go up, but Lucina was already widely advertised. I'm afraid that with IS's polling fetish, it could hurt her in the future while Lyn benefits either way.

I think you're taking this a little too seriously

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47 minutes ago, Bartozio said:

So after two multiplier hours, I'm suddenly ranked 73th in team Hector. I think I'm going to like my feather gain this round :D


Request send. Username is Bardth, lead is Camus.

I also have a Reinhardt, Klein and Ryoma ready if you'd rather have something else.

Thanks I added you!  And the Camus is fine

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I am one more all red fight away from deleting this guy with a Ryoma from my friends list. I would feel a little bad because I've ended up on the same gauntlet team as this guy at least three times now and usually that Ryoma is a pretty great help, but TOO MUCH RED! ENOUGH!

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1 hour ago, Korath88 said:

One thing I hate more than multiplier upsets? Double standards. You guys probably wouldn't like it if your faves got upset because of the multiplier.

What are you talking about I was complaining about this in the last 3 gauntlets. Especially in Leo's case.

1 hour ago, Blade Lord Lyn said:

Poor Chrom tho he's the least ranked feel sorry for his fans.

That's.....that's really depressing to know.

Edited by Zangetsu
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26 minutes ago, ChickenBits said:

I'm rather shocked that Roy is leading against Ike according to the site. Never underestimate the power of the multiplier.

Ike still eventually gets ahead of Roy again anyway though, so our mercenary can still win!

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