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Anna Trailer

Reese Balaski

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6 hours ago, Zangetsu said:

Wow, they made all difference in contradicting itself, way to go there. Apparently it's more important to you for the game to have a continuity snarl.

And somehow Anna having a bunch of clones for no reason is so much more sensible to you...

You claim others don't respect Awakening, yet go out of your way to insult other Fire Emblem games.

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3 minutes ago, Emperor Hardin said:

And somehow Anna having a bunch of clones for no reason is so much more sensible to you...

My theory is that all Annas are in fact different versions of the same person. Anna is able to travel across space time and thus all her counterparts can exist at any point in time. She is omnipresent. 

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12 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

My theory is that all Annas are in fact different versions of the same person. Anna is able to travel across space time and thus all her counterparts can exist at any point in time. She is omnipresent. 

Fair enough.

Awakening/Fates Anna isn't bad on its own, but the original Anna shouldn't be permanently replaced and should still make appearances/be referenced occasionally in games. 

Edited by Emperor Hardin
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Just now, Emperor Hardin said:

Fair enough.

Awakening/Fates Anna isn't bad on its own, but the original Anna shouldn't be permanently replaced and should still make appearances in games. 

I agree. And Jake also being swept under the rug despite the tradition is a bit annoying. Cause when I went through those two throughout multiple games, it just feels wrong to erase Jake's existence and then have Anna be single. 

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5 hours ago, Slumber said:

The original selling point of FEW was that it was a celebration of the FE franchise. All Warriors spin-offs, from what I've gathered, are supposed to be "celebrations" to a certain extent. They basically made Dragon Quest Heroes 2 a JRPG to represent the franchise better, and the inclusion of long-running FE gameplay staples in FEW makes it seem like KT cared about "capturing" Fire Emblem with this game.

But Hyrule Warriors was riddled with a similar roster bias, so this might be a Nintendo thing. Apparently it was Nintendo who strong-armed the Awakening/Fates/SD focus.

The original Dragon Quest Heroes only had characters from IV, V, VI, and VIII with IV getting the lionshare of the characters (three in the base game, four with DLC vs. the others two at most). So it's not a Nintendo only thing as you had six games that weren't represented character-wise in the original Heroes, which is not very different from how HW and FE:W went about their roster focuses. 

Also, the only thing we know Nintendo or IS requested were certain characters (Lucina being one of them), it's never mentioned who proposed the game focus. 

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5 minutes ago, Medeus said:

The original Dragon Quest Heroes only had characters from IV, V, VI, and VIII with IV getting the lionshare of the characters (three in the base game, four with DLC vs. the others two at most). So it's not a Nintendo only thing as you had six games that weren't represented character-wise in the original Heroes, which is not very different from how HW and FE:W went about their roster focuses. 

Also, the only thing we know Nintendo or IS requested were certain characters (Lucina being one of them), it's never mentioned who proposed the game focus. 

The pre-4 DQ games are hard to pick characters for. 

1 only had the main protagonist(Who was silent and didn't have a personality), 2 was monters(They had Healix) and 3 was all character-made characters. Out of those 3 games, aside from the monster they got out of 2, the only possible character that they could have gotten was potentially Ortega, the main character of 3's father, who gets like 5 minutes of screen time in DQ3. 9 could have had something, but I don't think even big fans of the franchise could even name a single character from 9. I think Aquila? He was your angel bud who turned out to not be a bud? 

So in Heroes 1, the only cast that really got screwed for representation was 7. It's ultimately not nearly as lopsided as HW or FEW.

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3 minutes ago, ThatOneGalAutumn said:

I'm surprised anyone was expecting Jake, especially considering we haven't seen him since FE7, not counting remakes.

Well, when Anna's special includes a tank, it'd be very easy to toss in a quick reference to Jake, who was a ballista in FE1 and the remake. 

I was actually expecting it during the trailer. 

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3 hours ago, Slumber said:

The pre-4 DQ games are hard to pick characters for. 

1 only had the main protagonist(Who was silent and didn't have a personality), 2 was monters(They had Healix) and 3 was all character-made characters. Out of those 3 games, aside from the monster they got out of 2, the only possible character that they could have gotten was potentially Ortega, the main character of 3's father, who gets like 5 minutes of screen time in DQ3. 9 could have had something, but I don't think even big fans of the franchise could even name a single character from 9. I think Aquila? He was your angel bud who turned out to not be a bud? 

So in Heroes 1, the only cast that really got screwed for representation was 7. It's ultimately not nearly as lopsided as HW or FEW.

Considering Dissidia pretty much crafted a new personality for Warrior of Light and Robin didn't have a truly defined appearance until Smash I'm not sure I agree that 1 and 3 couldn't have gotten their protagonists. If they wanted to represent those games character-wise there are options to do so (ex. follow Link's example and use a special character to speak for them for 1 and use a base appearance like with Corrin for the third one), they just chose not to so they could focus on other games. Similarly, just because a character isn't popular/not as iconic doesn't mean they can't be added otherwise as Agitha proves (she was added by Koei themselves) so I don't think that's a good excuse for 9 either. In general, there was still a focus on certain DQ games over others that left some of them underrepresented, and that direction is likely something Koei themselves are responsible for considering it's been present across three recent crossovers from them. 

Really, I feel the reason Heroes felt like it worked better is because it picked a set of characters that felt like they covered more bases, even if there were still holes here and there it came out a bit more satisfying. HW, while I will admit it sucked to not have WW characters, also had a nice base roster with a variety of movesets and characters that represented multiple aspects of their respective games as you had two sages, the main trio, three notable villains, one of the most popular side characters, and Fi. With FE:W, the problem wasn't the directional choice of having a focus set of games, it's that said focus was handled poorly. It does feel lopsided as from the choice in games, one of said games having a large main cast, and the other questionable decisions in terms of weapon and class balance it doesn't feel like many bases were covered well. Archanea got a spare few characters vs. Fates nearly half of the roster, classes like Armor Knights were ignored, and weapon balance (something they were touting as a reason behind the focus) still came out sword-focused as you have over ten that wields that weapon vs. many others three at best ignoring the NPC characters. I feel that if they chose the games differently (ex. trade out Fates for Elibe) and better spread their weapon and class choices, we probably would've came out more satisfied with the roster as then more bases and characters could've been covered across their game bias, but unfortunately they dropped the ball and that resulted in the roster we see now. 

Edited by Medeus
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2 hours ago, Emperor Hardin said:

And somehow Anna having a bunch of clones for no reason is so much more sensible to you...

You claim others don't respect Awakening, yet go out of your way to insult other Fire Emblem games.

You tell me when I have ever insulted any other Fire Emblem games, cuz you seem to love making claims up now.

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8 hours ago, Zangetsu said:

Wow, they made all difference in contradicting itself, way to go there. Apparently it's more important to you for the game to have a continuity snarl.

10 hours ago, Zangetsu said:

& for the record prior Awakening Anna's schtick is being nothing more than being shopkeeper. SO much persona in that.

Apparently elitism isn't elitism when its used against the Pre Awakening Fire Emblem titles.

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2 minutes ago, Emperor Hardin said:

Apparently elitism isn't elitism when its used against the Pre Awakening Fire Emblem titles.

That me insulting? I'm arguing against you & you flat out insulted the Awakening game. Especially you when provide poor evidence.

You wanna continue this pissing contest then by all means go for it. Cuz I got nothing better to do with my life right now until we both get reported.

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...Anyway, I thought the Anna trailer was well done and in character for her, at least if Awakening's anything to go by. That part at the end with the multiple Annas made me crack up.

Anna's changed over the years that's true, but I don't believe that's necessarily a bad thing. And who knows? Jake may make another appearance one of these days. 

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34 minutes ago, Zangetsu said:

That me insulting? I'm arguing against you & you flat out insulted the Awakening game. Especially you when provide poor evidence.

You wanna continue this pissing contest then by all means go for it. Cuz I got nothing better to do with my life right now until we both get reported.

I haven't insulted Awakening, I've given constructive criticism for aspects of it and provided ample evidence for everything I've stated.

When was the last time you linked a script? You couldn't even remember that Jake and Anna showed up in FE4 and reference FE1.

Come to think of it, weren't you the one who came into my reddit topic and complained about me pointing out a common fan misconception? Guess I shouldn't bother reasoning with a spammer.

Edited by Emperor Hardin
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6 minutes ago, Emperor Hardin said:

I haven't insulted Awakening, I've given constructive criticism for aspects of it and provided ample evidence for everything I've stated.

When was the last time you linked a script? You couldn't even remember that Jake and Anna showed up in FE4 and reference FE1.

Come to think of it, weren't you the one who came into my reddit topic and complained about me pointing out a common fan misconception? Guess I shouldn't bother reasoning with a spammer.

You flat out called the game stupid & claim it ruin Anna's character when that's a different Anna altogether.


What link do I need at the end of the day to prove it didn't ruin Anna's characters when you specifically point out there 2 different characters? Especially since I didn't even touch the game.


I don't even know you're accusing of when it comes to reddit I haven't seen any of your posts on that website.


But go ahead make shit up about me cuz you can't argue for shit. I'm just waiting someone to report us already since you're damn insistent Anna's character is a deal breaker because of the exclusion of 1 character.

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10 hours ago, Emperor Hardin said:

Whimsical villager who wants to see the world, has a boyfriend, doesn't care about money and is one individual vs greedy merchant who is greedy, is a bunch of clones who all work together, and is single because she needs to be a waifu.

Yeah, it doesn't feel like the original Anna, the one you in an earlier post claimed has stupid continuity and no characterization.

Like how you conveniently edit that out. At the end of  you're just over reacting on something minor.

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7 minutes ago, Zangetsu said:

Like how you conveniently edit that out. At the end of  you're just over reacting on something minor.

I specifically criticized Jake being swept under the rug so the Avatar could date Anna, not Awakening as a whole.

You are the one who overreacted and called me an elitist simply for stating the opinion that Warriors is leaving out the aspects of the pre Awakening Anna.

10 hours ago, Zangetsu said:

Wow, they made all difference in contradicting itself, way to go there. Apparently it's more important to you for the game to have a continuity snarl.

The second bolded statement was referring to you calling Anna's appearance in FE4, a poorly done continuity snarl.

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Just now, Emperor Hardin said:

I specifically criticized Jake being swept under the rug so the Avatar could date Anna, not Awakening as a whole.

The second bolded statement was referring to you calling Anna's appearance in FE4, a poorly done continuity snarl.

Never said that, but hey let's fill the rest of this thread up with our pissing contest cuz no 1 else is getting uncomfortable with this argument.

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6 minutes ago, Anomalocaris said:

Could you two take it to PMs? This is getting repetitive and out-of-hand.

why would they? i'm having so much fun, i already prepared some pop-corn!

back on topic, anna looks very fun to use, and the recruiting method is pretty unique too

i wonder what she could become after promoting... inb4 she becomes jake himself.

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Just now, Pizzaface said:

How do you recruit her? I assume it has something to do with the "Anna's memory" item.


yes, you have to get every "anna's memory" in story mode, then, from what i got, beat an "anna-themed" history chapter, and here's your anna


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