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FEBuilderGBA is an all in one editor for the GBA fire emblem games made by 7743.

It contains a lot of easy to use editors for character data, maps, events, music, and graphics.

The translation is still a work in progress.











How to Download: http://ngmansion.xyz/wiki/hackfe/index.php?解説/FEBuilderGBA/How to download FEBuilderGBA_EN

Click this button to get to the download screen.



Please report any bug you find, 7743 is actively trying to fix them.

(For those wondering, I have permission from 7743 to post this topic: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/243871665602166784/375417778410356738/unknown.png)

Edited by Kirb1337
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Ah, good. I was just about to look for a place to put this...

The other day I downloaded FEBuilder. At the time, it was working great, I didn't really do anything significant, I was simply experimenting with various features. When I open the program today, it is in Japanese when before it had been in English, and I got this error message after attempting to open a rom...

(Spoilered for size)


ErrorMessage:Could not find a part of the path 'C:\Misc\FE Builder\config\data\event_ALL.txt'.
FEVersion:FE7U @ROMSize:16777216
LastForm_Name:WelcomeForm @Text:WelcomeForm
LastControl_Name:OpenROMButton @Text:ROMを開く
MessageType:Application_ThreadException @Name:
   at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
   at System.IO.FileStream.Init(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, Int32 rights, Boolean useRights, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES secAttrs, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy, Boolean useLongPath, Boolean checkHost)
   at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy, Boolean useLongPath, Boolean checkHost)
   at System.IO.StreamReader..ctor(String path, Encoding encoding, Boolean detectEncodingFromByteOrderMarks, Int32 bufferSize, Boolean checkHost)
   at System.IO.StreamReader..ctor(String path)
   at System.IO.File.OpenText(String path)
   at FEBuilderGBA.EventScript.Load(String fullfilename)
   at FEBuilderGBA.Program.ReLoadEventScript()
   at FEBuilderGBA.Program.LoadROM(String fullfilename)
   at FEBuilderGBA.WelcomeForm.OpenROMButton_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnClick(EventArgs e)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mevent)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.ButtonBase.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Button.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)

After closing the dialogue window, the program opens up, then displays the same error in another window. After closing that, and then closing the program, the error pops up again. After closing out the program for good, it crashes. I thought I should report this bug before redownloading FEBuilder, so there you go.

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Gonna play around with this for a bit and find out how to work it. It'll probably get a spotlight on my dead channel, but I wanna see something like this worked on in a more collaborative manner. I mean, Emblem Magic released, it was buggy as hell, and the OP hasn't said anything publically about bugfixes since wtf is a .feh file. Now this apparently has some bugs.

Dammit Kirb, do some NES Magic for the GBA era

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The event definition file for FE7U does not exist or seems to be corrupted.
Please try unpacking 7z again.

The following file can not be read or an error occurred because it does not exist.

Edited by 7743
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ver 2017/11/07
Fixed an event editing bug in FE 7, FE 6.
Fixed support to reinforcement event by difficulty level in FE7, FE8.
Add Battle Screen Editor.
Add cloak command editor.
warning is displayed when importing animation script including C47 instruction.
Add automatic update check function. At startup, check every 3 days for the latest version. (You can turn it off by setting.)
Add Decrease Color Tool considering TSA. (Tool -> Decrease Color Tool, it is available.The algorithm is k-means, it is strong for animation picture, but it is weak for photograph etc. It is a future task.)
Transplanted C01 Hack to FE7J.
Add fixed Difficulty level patch was introduced to FE7J.

Please access the uploader and look for the latest file.

FEBuilderGBA filename is dating YYYYMMDD.

For example, the updated to 2017/11/07(Nov. 07, 2017) is FEBuilderGBA_20171107.7z.
Please use the new version.

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I must say, there is a lack of appreciation here. Am I missing something (why it's not getting the appreciation it deserves)? I will say that this is an incredible tool.

One aspect I noticed is the world map image tool is not the full world map. It's kinda zoomed in. I haven't found any other issues. 

Eventing looks really difficult on this. I'll probably just stick to EA for now haha. 

BUT DAMN yeah this tool is so helpful and makes development much, much quicker. 

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1 hour ago, Avril Lavigne said:

I must say, there is a lack of appreciation here. Am I missing something (why it's not getting the appreciation it deserves)? I will say that this is an incredible tool.

Fire Emblem Universe


(290 replies, 10k views)

Edited by Kirb1337
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Oh wow, I've had FEbuilder for a while, and had been searching for an eventing tutorial ever since. Thanks so much. Never really understood how Feditor worked. Thanks again.

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Wow, this is awesome! I've been playing around with it a bit and really love how quick and easy it makes doing so many things. I'm not an expert hacker, and the GUI makes things a lot easier, but I've had a few issues that I can't seem to resolve. The Chapter Unit Placer is one of my favorite features, but a few units seem to be missing. I've poked around a bit with FE7 just to learn how to use it, but can't seem to find the enemy army for Eliwood Chapter 12 (it's just empty, though the enemy army for Hector's mode is there), for example. 

It's also been awhile since I'v played FE7 so I don't really remember exactly how she joins, but should Priscilla's Chapter Unit data be in Chapter 14? Because I can't find that either (I found it in 15, but it's with the Player Army). I can't find Raven or Lucius in Chapter 16, or Fiora in Chapter 18. That's as far as I've gotten, so there may be others, but can anyone explain what is going on here? Is data for certain characters stored elsewhere? 


I figured it out. I just found the unit address in the event editor, plugged it into the address in the unit placer, hit reload, and it loaded whatever units I happened to be looking for. Still can't figure out where the Eliwood enemy arrangement for chapter 12 is, though.

Edited by Alondite
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Do you know if there is a way with FeBuilder to make a ally palette the same as a enemy palette ? What i mean by that is changing Joshua battle sprite color and making him look the same when he is a enemy for exemple? Thanks .

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Not entirely sure where to put this, so I guess I'll ask it here. 

This is an enemy AI question. After adding more enemies to the list using the "extended list" button for chapter 1 in fe8, It added a bunch of Breguet enemies, which I of course changed to generic enemies, but even after changing the AI, inventory, level, multiple times, multiple units like the one shown have the same AI programming shown, they all charge at my units, but do not attack until the turn after they went next to them. Like, they move towards a space right next to my unit, not attack, and then attack their next turn if my unit was still next to them. 



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> but can't seem to find the enemy army for Eliwood Chapter 12 (it's just empty, though the enemy army for Hector's mode is there), for example. 

The enemy arrangement of Ch 12 is thought to be empty.
It is because we are setting enemies at chapter start event.
Open chapter start event and scroll downward, there is an order installing enemies.

This seems to be because you are using a character at the beginning of the chapter.

>but should Priscilla's Chapter Unit data be in Chapter 14?

It is a bug that Precia is not displayed on ch14.
Thank you for reporting.
I corresponded with ver 20171202.8.
At the beginning of the chapter, the routine I made to exclude the production using characters was overreacting.

>I can't find Raven or Lucius in Chapter 16,

>Fiora in Chapter 18. 

It seems that special instructions are used to call Fiora.
This also corresponded with the latest version.

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On 2017/11/21 at 11:45 PM, Jayko04 said:

Do you know if there is a way with FeBuilder to make a ally palette the same as a enemy palette ? What i mean by that is changing Joshua battle sprite color and making him look the same when he is a enemy for exemple? Thanks .

In the old version, there was a bug in specifying the color of the unit.
The new version has been fixed.

The method of determining the color of the unit of FE 8 is quite complicated.

This time, because it is Joshua, in that case please look for "Image Editor" -> "Charactor Palette" from.
Alternatively, please search for "Advanced Editors" -> "Palette Assigner" (Left side of detail menu.).

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On 2017/11/28 at 1:22 AM, Bhoop said:

This is an enemy AI question. After adding more enemies to the list using the "extended list" button for chapter 1 in fe8, It added a bunch of Breguet enemies, which I of course changed to generic enemies, but even after changing the AI, inventory, level, multiple times, multiple units like the one shown have the same AI programming shown, they all charge at my units, but do not attack until the turn after they went next to them. Like, they move towards a space right next to my unit, not attack, and then attack their next turn if my unit was still next to them. 

If Primary AI was 03 - 05, I can explain its behavior.

However, when looking at the image, the Primary AI is 0.
In that case, you should attack immediately without waiting.
I can not explain why.

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FEBuilderGBA Manual

Village visit and village destruction(Tile change and event cond, and Escape point.)


English translation
http://ngmansion.xyz/wiki/hackfe/index.php?cmd=read&page=解説%2FFEBuilderGBA%2FVillage visit and village destruction_EN




English translation


Add magic effect.


English translation

Musics.(midi import/export   , s file import/export  , Transplant songs from other GBA games)


English translation

Background by using color reduction tool considering TSA.(Maximum 8 pallets 8 * 15 colors = 120 colors About how to use.)

English translation

Let's port FE7 Lyn  to FE8(about Map Hover Icon、Map Move Icon、Portrait、Battle Animation)


English translation

Item characteristics.(While setting up a super strong sword, I will explain the setting of item relation.)


English translation

How to obtain necessary tools to use FEBuilderGBA


English translation

If you find a mistranslation, please fix it.
When you press the second button from the left in this wiki, it becomes the editing screen.


Edited by 7743
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3 hours ago, 7743 said:

FEBuilderGBA Manual

Village visit and village destruction(Tile change and event cond, and Escape point.)


English translation
http://ngmansion.xyz/wiki/hackfe/index.php?cmd=read&page=解説%2FFEBuilderGBA%2FVillage visit and village destruction_EN




English translation


Add magic effect.


English translation

Musics.(midi import/export   , s file import/export  , Transplant songs from other GBA games)


English translation

Background by using color reduction tool considering TSA.(Maximum 8 pallets 8 * 15 colors = 120 colors About how to use.)

English translation

Let's port FE7 Lyn  to FE8(about Map Hover Icon、Map Move Icon、Portrait、Battle Animation)


English translation

Item characteristics.(While setting up a super strong sword, I will explain the setting of item relation.)


English translation

How to obtain necessary tools to use FEBuilderGBA


English translation

If you find a mistranslation, please fix it.
When you press the second button from the left in this wiki, it becomes the editing screen.



3 hours ago, 7743 said:

If Primary AI was 03 - 05, I can explain its behavior.

However, when looking at the image, the Primary AI is 0.
In that case, you should attack immediately without waiting.
I can not explain why.

Thank you!

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15 hours ago, 7743 said:

In the old version, there was a bug in specifying the color of the unit.
The new version has been fixed.

The method of determining the color of the unit of FE 8 is quite complicated.

This time, because it is Joshua, in that case please look for "Image Editor" -> "Charactor Palette" from.
Alternatively, please search for "Advanced Editors" -> "Palette Assigner" (Left side of detail menu.).









I think I've edited it well, but for no reason it don't seem i can touch the enemy/npc palette of unit, but its perfect for all ally unit. Normally I was using BS Palette Assembler for doing this but since I have increase the maximum palette quantity to 110 instead of 108, BS Palette Assembler don't recognize it anymore so I am quite lost.

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2 hours ago, Jayko04 said:

I think I've edited it well, but for no reason it don't seem i can touch the enemy/npc palette of unit, but its perfect for all ally unit. Normally I was using BS Palette Assembler for doing this but since I have increase the maximum palette quantity to 110 instead of 108, BS Palette Assembler don't recognize it anymore so I am quite lost.

In the old version, there was no palette type item.
Do you use a version that displays palette type?

If palette type is displayed, I think that you should change the color from here.


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