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You collectively decide to use your Golden Potato on Green Poet to defeat her quickly.


Green Poet- Shadow Barkley, the Mafia B-Ball Doppelganger- Lynched Day 4

proper role PM:
Green Poet, you are Shadow Barkley, the Mafia B-Ball Doppelganger.
“B-ball has become… convoluted. Charles and I, we wanted to take the game to the next level.”
An evil clone of b-ball legend Charles Barkley formed from his darkest thoughts, you lead the mysterious organization called B.L.O.O.D.M.O.S.E.S., who wished to destroy the world with a Chaos Dunk and remake civilization so that basketball could evolve as a game and a way of life. You’ll do whatever it takes for the future of b-ball.

As Barkley’s imitation, it’s easy for you to take the place of others. At night you may respond to this role PM “Night X: B.L.O.O.D.M.O.S.E.S needs you safe, USER”. You will take the place of USER for all actions that would be pointed at them that night.
You have the powerful Moon Regeneration healing ability that will give you a lot of your health back. However, due to your contractual boss limitations, you can only use this once. This means you will survive the first attempt made on your life (but not lynches).
Lastly, your powerful b-ball skills let you perform fear-inducing dunks. At night you may respond to this role PM “Night X: Threatening USER with my Verboten Jams.” USER will be intimidated and hand over their entire role PM for you to read.

You are aligned with the Mafia, and win if all threats to your faction are eliminated, or this is in some way inevitable.

this role is called DECOY and calling it martyr makes no sense

Anyway, you hear an announcement, as per usual:
What valuable insight.

It's Night 4. You have 48 hours to send in actions. But before we truly begin, you all hear a strange sound...

Anyway I might be late on that phase end too but I will make that the effective deadline still, 9:55 EST November 24th. To action!

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to be honest decoy just isn't a good name, but it's a better one than reverse martyr, which is what was used before

martyr is definitely a good name for GP's role though

I'm going on vacation starting tomorrow!

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Decoy is a great name for GP's role and the OP reflects such.

Also for the love of god I know this is a 48 hour phase but there are 8 of you left try to avoid actually making it 48 hours

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3 minutes ago, Reinfleche said:

Decoy is a great name for GP's role and the OP reflects such.

On 11/9/2017 at 4:23 PM, Reinfleche said:

10. Green Poet- Shadow Barkley, the Mafia B-Ball Doppelganger- Lynched D4


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If ya'll haven't claimed to me yet then you should probably fullclaim to me,  unless you're still convinced that I'm scum trying to destroy the game, or ITP trying to be 'clever'.

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I don't feel like doing individual ones for these at this point!


SB- The Joker- Killed N4


Michelaar- L, the Town Kira Investigator- Killed N4


Jaybee- Revolver Ocelot, the Town Chronic Backstabber- Killed N4

Their role PMs:

SB, you are The Joker.
“It wasn’t hard. See madness, as you know, is like gravity. All it takes is a little push!”
Batman has a number of colorful villains, but only you can truly be called his nemesis. A twisted psychopath with no clear backstory, no material wants, and little self-preservation, you prove unpredictable and a challenge to all of Gotham throughout the Dark Knight (great movie) and are probably similar in the comics if I read those, which has not changed since the time I made a Bane role about four years ago. Batman’s busy not being a role in this game, and that means there’s plenty of room for you to bring chaos.

Your favorite way to kill people is not by your own hand, but forcing others to do evil. All of these actions are chosen during the DAY, so that they can take effect the next night. You can only choose each effect once. If you would die to any of these effects (2 and 3 specifically), instead you will kill whoever would kill you. If anyone who is the kill target of one of these abilities (except for the first one) survives, they will lose all of their role abilities from injuries.
+“Day X: Tonight you’re going to be a part of a social experiment, USER1 and USER2.” After strapping bombs to them, USER1 and USER2 will be given detonators to the other’s bomb the next night. They can either choose to use it or not. If both use it, or neither uses it, they will both die. If only one player uses it, the other dies.
+“Day X: Well, USER1, USER2 is here, and USER3 is there.” On the next night, USER1 will be forced to choose between USER2 and USER3 on who lives and who dies. You can name yourself as USER2 or USER3 here if you want to (but you’re still immune to the effects).
+“Day X: Introduce a little anarchy, USER.” You will hand USER a gun, and they will be forced to use it the next night to kill any given player they choose.
+“Day X: Leaving a Joker card for USER.” USER will be given a strange card- and also you’ll poison them, and they will be roleblocked and die two nights after you use this ability.
+“Day X: You can either kill USER, or I’ll blow up a hospital!” At the start of the next night, players will be told they can vote to kill USER or there may be consequences. If over half of all players choose to vote yes, then USER will die. If not, you will choose up to three players on the next night, who will be roleblocked because they will be busy evacuating the hospitals.
If, after all these possibilities are exhausted, the game is not over, you will be able to respond to your role PM each night “Night X: Let’s put a smile on that face, USER!” This will function as a normal kill.

You also have a few more tricks other than killing.
+You have little information that appears on anyone’s records. Every odd night, you will vanish from anyone’s radar, and will be totally unable to be targeted.
+On the other hand, you’ve strong-armed the Gotham mob into giving you plenty of resources. Every even night, you may respond to this role PM “Night X: What’s there to know about USER?” You will receive USER’s full role PM.
+Lastly, once per phase, you can send me “Phase X: Let’s hijack the television! [MESSAGE]” I will post the contents of MESSAGE at the end of that phase as anonymous.

You are aligned with yourself and win if everyone else is dead. (snip)


Michelaar, you are L, the Town Kira Investigator.
“Things are going well. Just one clue, a single decisive factor is all I need.”
The best detective in the world, you’ve solved every case you started and answered some of the world’s biggest mysteries. In fact, you’re so good that nobody knew who you looked like except your retainer Watari for a long time, you are also the second and third best detectives in the world by working under different aliases, and nobody would assume that L is your real first name. The case of this Mafia interests you enough to intervene.

Your deductive prowess is incredible, and you will put it to good use here. At night you may respond to this role PM “Night X: What are you really like, USER?” You will do your best to determine whether or not USER is a member of the Mafia.

You are aligned with the Town, and win if all threats to your faction are eliminated, or this is in some way inevitable.


Jaybee, you are Revolver Ocelot, the Town Chronic Backstabber.
“I’ve been waiting for you, Solid Snake. Now we’ll see if the man can live up to the legend.”
Where your allegiances lie is never easy to tell. While Solid Snake and Big Boss infiltrate through stealth, you do a different form of infiltration, posing as an ally or agent to whichever side of a conflict suits you best. In reality, your true goals are rather in line with Big Boss’s- an Outer Haven for soldiers to be free. You’re even playable in some MGSV missions! A pretty good legacy for someone who was a rather underwhelming boss in Metal Gear Solid.

You’re quite skilled at ‘interrogation’… and unafraid of using shady methods. At night you may respond to this role PM “Night X: You’re better off submitting, USER!” You will capture USER and use your electric torture device… unfortunately, all the people here are quite strong willed and will not actually reveal anything to you. However, they will be unable to perform any actions, and anyone trying to kill them will not bother when they’re already being tortured.

You are aligned with the Town, and win if all threats to your faction are eliminated, or this is in some way inevitable.


Okay. For one last time... you hear an announcement:
"LG is being hooked tonight, so if 2 kills happen again he’s probably not mafia. Might still be third party bc I think his role gives town an absurd amount of power."
Wow, I wonder who was sending all of those.

Anyway... It's Day 5. It is potential MYLO (but not LYLO). You have 48 hours and there are 5 of you alive... things should be ending soon!

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Elieson - Last Tuesday at 9:22 AM
i'm relatively sure that only two town killing roles exist and i'm one of them
sb - Last Tuesday at 9:23 AM
Have you heard about the itp at all
Elieson - Last Tuesday at 9:23 AM
sb - Last Tuesday at 9:23 AM
first night
Elieson - Last Tuesday at 9:23 AM
how do you have all this information
sb - Last Tuesday at 9:23 AM
greencapps and mich both got bombs
Talking with prims/refa all game
And no i was never backup tl
But i was trusted bc my role caught walrein
Elieson - Last Tuesday at 9:24 AM
so you're the other itp

it's ok
i'm not sure you need to die yet
sb - Last Tuesday at 9:24 AM
prims told me about the bomb and shinori said he got a card n2 and was poisoned
which he learned n3
idk what happened with last nights third kill
Elieson - Last Tuesday at 9:26 AM
sb - Last Tuesday at 9:28 AM
who do you think
the last maf is
+ how many peope have talked to you

calleds it. gonna humblebrag because i actually figured something out.

ok here's a thing


15 minutes ago, Reinfleche said:

Anyway... It's Day 5. It is potential MYLO (but not LYLO). You have 48 hours and there are 5 of you alive... things should be ending soon!

5 alive, and it's 'potential MYLO'. Bartozio claimed to me to be the mayor plus something else that definitely has the power to impact votes. if we were to no lynch then tomorrow becomes 4 alive with 3:1, and i guess the mayor vote is disabled (which is a normal SF thing if you're not familiar with SF mayors), but his other power would'nt be disabled most likely.


What is it? a 2x Persuade. He used it once to make Ice vote for GP but according to his claim, has one left. That's obviously a problem. I'm saying, we go for the axe on Barto.

##Vote Bartozio

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