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What are your obsessions besides Heroes?


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20 minutes ago, Alkaid said:

I'm hopefully getting a little kitten soon that I'm waiting for to be formally up for adoption. (the adoption place said the kittens were too young to be taken until a couple more weeks) They prioritize people taking multiple cats, so I'll be really upset if I get sniped by somebody wanting him along with another. But if all goes well, cuddling and playing with him should take up a fair bit of my free time.

Beware of dingle berries. I highly recommend getting a pack of wet wipes for cats. It is funny seeing your baby walking around with poo jiggling from his butt hair at first, but it can get pretty gross when he decides to sit down. You do not want to see those fruity surprises on your bed or clothes. I wish somebody told me that kittens, unlike grown cats, are quite the opposite of clean.

I had to wipe my kitty's heinie frequently until she was around six or seven months old and learned to clean her bums herself.

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13 hours ago, XRay said:

How do you spend your free time outside of Heroes?

Currently, I do not really do anything besides Heroes; hopefully, my obsession will end soon since I am getting a little tired of it. I have not really played Heroes for about a week now outside of logging in and doing the daily quests. When I am not playing Heroes, for some reason, I rather sleep and cuddle with my cat rather than moving on to another hobby. I guess sleeping is how I spend my free time outside of Heroes, but that sounds really sad and boring. I do other activities and stuff, but watching YouTube, reading the news, and going out with friends does not dominate my mind and time like Heroes does.

I am deciding between spending my money on the Halloween banner or the Switch; part me hopes that if I spent money on the Switch, I would be able to engross myself into a less demanding hobby/interest. I will probably still spend a little money on Anna, but I would not feel the urge to give Anna my savings. I am just not sure if spending money on the Switch would make me play Heroes less, since I tried to resume playing my 3DS, but every time I do, my mind keeps telling me to stop wasting my time on my 3DS and go back to playing Heroes.

Most of my time nowadays is spent at work, if I'm not at work I'm at home sleeping. My life is honestly pretty boring at the moment and work demands a lot of it (doubly so since it's retail's holiday season) especially since I recently accepted a promotion into management. I usually play Heroes on the bus ride to work and on my breaks. Otherwise I spend time on my other addictive mobile game (Ikemen Sengoku mobile otome for the curious). At home on my now dwindling days off I'll run through the various dailies in Heroes, do Arena, burn stamina/flags on Tempest Trials/Voting Gauntlet and work on unit builds (Heroes main draw for me). After that I'm either watching stuff on various streaming services, playing through one of my PS4 games (right now either P5 or XCOM2), doing laundry, browsing (ie: mostly lurking) forums or figuring out what to cook for dinner/lunch/breakfast.

All in all pretty averagely boring stuff.

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Apart from Heroes, most of my time is wastedspent on this subforum. Seven thousand posts in slightly more than a year show that something might be wrong with my talkativeness here.

Besides that, I love my three cats who are simply the best. Yes, I’m both a cat person and a cat-person too. All three have obviously different personalities, like and dislike different things. Almost like humans!

I’ve also been recently procrastinating and not playing more FE. I’m at C21 Shadow Dragon, storming Grieth’s Citadel in C3 Gaiden, barely started  replaying Sacred Stones (at C3), and am planning to replay New Mystery too.

Bonus, my cats:





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Currently FEW has broken up some of my time binge playing FEH (and I expect the upcoming DLC for FEW means it will stay that way for a while), so that's at least something to break whatever monotony I feel on FEH at times. I've also resolved to finish playing SD, Blazing Blade and Sacred Stones (Wii-U VC). And then I'll replay the Fates routes on harder difficulties and complete Support logs for Fates and Awakening at some point. And daydreaming up silly headcanons on FE.

Asides from playing FE I lurk this board - I'd post more on SF if I was more often at my personal PC (since typing posts on my phone is hell) or...I would if that shiny icon for Crusader Kings 2 didn't grab my attention whenever I boot up my PC. "Oh, I'll only play 1-2 hrs or so then I'll do something else. Oh uh...it's that late already? Oops." :S

If it's not CK2, it's Sims 3, some old managment sim like Caesar 3, or goofing around in Minecraft and 3DSMax that I end up using my PC for.

Oh right, there's more in my games department. I still haven't gotten around to playing Final Fantasy XII Zodiac Age - as my favourite FF I really ought to revisit it again. And then there's the DLC for Zelda: Breath of the Wild and new patch for Stardew Valley coming up as well. Plus, Super Mario Oddessey . There's also the occasional Pokémon and Hyrule Warriors Legends in the game mix as well. Oh, and I shouldn't forget the annual re-runs of Ocarina of Time 3DS, Majora's Mask 3DS, and A Link Between Worlds either - I've yet to do them for this year.

Yeah I know, my non FEH obsessions are basically games/programs that never truly end.

As for non-game things to do I draw and crochet (aka two other things I do on the commute besides FEH). I also sew on occasion, and I attend a tailoring/sewing course once a week. Earlier this year I took a course on Calligraphy as well. Fun stuff all of it. :]

I also help out my dad in his garden - though not rn so much since it's early winter.  Oh and I have my two cats ofc. 

And that's it for my personal free-time I suppose. *Phew* Seems like I do more than I thought I do. XD

@Vaximillian D'aww what an adorable kitty trio. :3
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17 minutes ago, Tactician_Iris said:

...I would if that shiny icon for Crusader Kings 2 didn't grab my attention whenever I boot up my PC.

@Vaximillian D'aww what an adorable kitty trio. :3

Crusader Kings is the best Paradox game, hands down, even though Hearts of Iron led me to the genre back in 2004. Europa and Victoria are amazing as well. Paradox does great games.

Kitties are always adorable :’3

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12 hours ago, XRay said:

That is even crazier. Tell me you believe in Normal difficulty. I cannot imagine people doing that through Lunatic+.

Maybe I will try Pokémon, although I am not sure how long it will capture my attention since I do not remember beating any Pokémon game since Gen IV.

Oh, of course. I tried switching up to doing Hard level for my Say'ri S-Support, realized it was a retarded idea for someone trying to burn through the game for Supports, married Kjelle instead and didn't even finish the file before starting the next one, just got Kjelle to A with Morgan. Eventually I'll go back and do a Hard run, then probably a Lunatic run, but I doubt I'll ever be confident enough in my skills as a tactician to take on Lunatic+.

As for Pokemon, you probably stopped at just the right spot - all of the 3DS games have little if any postgame content, with X/Y having you join a detective agency run by Looker(if you can FIND the place in Lumiose, that is) and Sun/Moon having you hunt down the Ultra Beasts, again with Looker's help. Been a while since I last played White, and I haven't got to White2, so those might still be good, but the 3DS ones are mostly just good until you beat the Story.

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4 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

Bonus, my cats:

They look so cute!

This is Poké Boots looking at real life Boots.




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too tired to do much lately, since my sleep schedule is utterly screwed (bedtime fluctuates anywhere from 2 am to 7 am). work is tiring too but i sometimes draw or drag myself to the campus practice rooms if i feel motivated to play piano. i recently restarted my Thracia playthrough and am on chapter 17A, having a much easier time than my last attempt but still state-scumming aggressively for maximum laziness (also i've misclicked way too many times, like accidentally making Glade exit the map instead of attack as there is a horde of enemies smiling outside the castle waiting to seize it). otherwise i research random topics to help flesh out my headworld and convince myself i'll write a series of novels/graphic novels some day, or just veg out and watch Netflix with my roommates. recently i've been watching some DRV3 LPs on the Youtubes. oh and a bi-weekly D&D campaign that i'm a little burnt out on because i can't roleplay my asshole of a character properly anymore. occasionally hop on Leg of Leaguends to play with some friends or do a drunk ranked binge and discord with the randoms, which can be very, very entertaining. you meet some...interesting people.

and sometimes my roommate's cat aka The dEmOn comes to snuggle, but i just miss my sweet beautiful dogs at home and this is a lackluster replacement to tide me over





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20 hours ago, XRay said:

How do you spend your free time outside of Heroes?

Currently, I do not really do anything besides Heroes; hopefully, my obsession will end soon since I am getting a little tired of it. I have not really played Heroes for about a week now outside of logging in and doing the daily quests. When I am not playing Heroes, for some reason, I rather sleep and cuddle with my cat rather than moving on to another hobby. I guess sleeping is how I spend my free time outside of Heroes, but that sounds really sad and boring. I do other activities and stuff, but watching YouTube, reading the news, and going out with friends does not dominate my mind and time like Heroes does.

I am deciding between spending my money on the Halloween banner or the Switch; part me hopes that if I spent money on the Switch, I would be able to engross myself into a less demanding hobby/interest. I will probably still spend a little money on Anna, but I would not feel the urge to give Anna my savings. I am just not sure if spending money on the Switch would make me play Heroes less, since I tried to resume playing my 3DS, but every time I do, my mind keeps telling me to stop wasting my time on my 3DS and go back to playing Heroes.

I have lots of cats around ?. I live in the country and my mother once started feeding a stray one - thats how it all started a couple of years back. I wasnt into cats before that but they sort of grew on me. Wouldnt call it an obsession though.

I like watching anime, chaos;child atm. I am into nintendo gaming - thats what brought me into feh.

Whaled out recently and after that the game became tiring as well - took away the challenge and the importance of getting 10k feathers from TT. Still gonna continue but its less exciting atm. Started playing hearthstone recently but I totally suck at it.

My physical activity has been quite limited the last years due to some health problems - which has made more of a couch potatoe.

You should definitely get the switch - its awesome! Valkyria Chronicles 4 has been announced recently and I am looking forward.



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Unless I feel the need to check the game regularly (voting gauntlet, tempests, or some kind of event where I can make the most of my stamina), I'm probably only popping in daily for a little bit. I mostly spend my fun times with friends, acting, running/outdoors adventures, reading, and making goofy little cartoons. I'm huge into Zelda too, so I'll sometimes go back and play one with a challenge or something, like not grabbing any heart containers.

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12 hours ago, XRay said:

Well, cats domesticated us humans to feed them and do their chores for them.

And it's my turn to pay it back! 

Now if only they had the opposable thumbs necessary to make me a cuppa... 

And yes, I was shocked by just how little my kitten could do for himself when I first got him, but he was also resistant to me trying to clean him, too. The female was a bit older when I got her, so she was a bit more cleanly... though I had to have her bottom half shaved 'cos she couldn't keep poop out of it at first and again refused to let me help her with that >.<

So much for cats being easy pets as people claim xD 

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Heroes has been falling behind recently for me, I play it when events are on but even then I've been slacking more and more (played it alot when the game 1st came out), when super mario run went on sale I picked it up and played my way through it (collecting all the pink/purple/black coins etc) but after that it drifted off, only play it every couple of days now to up my toad count, been playing some  casual hearthstone - notion comes and goes for me. Havnt really found the next game I'm going to obsess about, my main obsessed game was Diablo 3, thats fallen off ( I go back when big content patches release - but I've done everything there is to do over the years really ) and havnt found the 1 game to fill its void yet.

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On 11/22/2017 at 4:04 AM, XRay said:

Well, cats domesticated us humans to feed them and do their chores for them.

Well Egyptians worshipped cats, Bastet was the cat-headed goddess. If a pet cat died, the family had to shave their eyebrows as a sign of mourning.

The Egyptians also mummified cats and offered the mummies to the gods. Sometimes they were in a rush to appease the gods though, more than a few cat mummies display signs of a less than natural death. Sacred they were, nonetheless the anthropocentric worldview of the Egyptians led them to engage in less than holy practices with their beloved felines.

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I spend a lot of my time reading manga there are several on webtoon I follow every week, rewatching my favorite anime especially Saiyuki and watching some new, rereading my favorite fantasy and mystery books since the good book store in my area is in the next big city and I get to go there once a year, playing other video games, cooking for me and my parents, walking my dog and taking care of the cat and the horse.  Heroes does take a lot more of my time then I thought it would and I am quite happy with how good it is. I don't have much of a life and I honestly only have two people I would call friends so I use my time how I want, I get burned out with real life since my T1 diabetes can be hard to handle at times so video games are comfort in those times.

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1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

The Egyptians also mummified cats and offered the mummies to the gods. Sometimes they were in a rush to appease the gods though, more than a few cat mummies display signs of a less than natural death. Sacred they were, nonetheless the anthropocentric worldview of the Egyptians led them to engage in less than holy practices with their beloved felines.

Since their civilization ended, I am assuming the gods were less than appeased with what they did. The gods may want them to give cats a nice burial, but I do not think they want them to sacrifice more cats just to give them more blingy burials. Gold is nice and all, but I am pretty sure the cats cared more about napping in the sun and playing with their food.

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Outside of Heroes I like doing 100 man runs on Super Mario Maker and getting trolled for days or watching Mario Maker videos on Youtube. I also occasionally like playing through Persona 4 or Persona 5 or doing a speedrun of FE Awakening/Conquest.

Recently I haven't been that invested in Heroes but that might be because I decided to buy a Switch and I have been playing a lot of FE Warriors (I'm really addicted to this game at the moment but grinding supports in this game for skills is a drag though) and Pokken. Outside of video games though I mostly just go to work and take walks around my neighborhood.

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Youtube videos and reading online Webtoons in my free time. I also have classes to attend, but I wouldn't really call that an obsession, but more like something I should treat as.

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If I'm not playing Heroes, then there's a good chance I'm playing a different video game. Of the top of my head, here's the games (in no particular order) I've played since about the time Heroes launched all the ones I can remember anyways.


Shovel Knight: Shovel of Hope
Shovel Knight: Plague of Shadows
Shovel Knight: Specter of Torment
Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
Fire Emblem Awakening
Fire Emblem Fates
Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D
Mario 64: Last Impact (rom hack of Super Mario 64)
Metroid Prime Trilogy
Metroid: Samus Returns
LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga
Make a Good Mega Man Level Contest 2 (Mega Man fan game)
Pokemon Ultra Moon, currently playing through
Super Mario Odyssey, currently playing through
Fire Emblem Warriors, currently playing through

Though none of them were in the above list, I also enjoy Zelda, Kirby, Spyro the Dragon, Crash Bandicoot I so would've played N Sane Trilogy by now if I had a PS4, Sonic the Hedgehog, the Mario RPGs, Mario Kart, Mario Party, Smash Bros, etc.

My other favorite methods of wasting time include watching LPs / game commentaries on YouTube, watching MLB games, watching college football games and dicking around on the Internet in general. I also have a part-time fast food job.

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When i'm not working full-time, usually I am doing:

  • Further poisoning my mind by reading 19th-early to mid 20th century novels.  I generally find one author I like and obsessively read all his/her works.  Recently it's been Houellebecq, Nietzsche, Mishima...in 2018 I will probably focus on Nabokov, and the King James Bible lol
  • Going to jim, doing yoga, playing tennis.  I'm working on joining a league soon.  I'm actually pretty athletic for a nerd!
  • Take my motorcycle out, although it's not been out as much due to me being too tired from job to even ride it.
  • Playing retro games, usually Metroidvania, Zelda, Chrono Trigger, etc.

Usually I play Heroes when I wake up before I start my commute, and during lunch breaks.  FEH is very enjoyable to play while drinking my morning coffee, very comfy.

@EricaofRenais I wish I could meet other weird alienated people who play Fire Emblem.  We could talk about unit builds and rip on normal people.

tl;dr Jocks think i'm a nerd, and nerds think i'm a jock.

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8 hours ago, Xenomata said:

I'd hate to sound rude, but take a wild guess.

Hint hint, a new game was released on the 17th.

I prefer wild guesses, so I will pretend I did not read the hint.

I am guessing HunieCam Studio.

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@XRay You should get a Switch with Breath of the Wild.  I've beaten 10 Zelda games, and honestly BotW is my favorite.  There is so much to do.  I played it pretty frequently and it took me three months to beat it.  Collecting the amiibos is something that might strike your fancy, since they give you pretty good in-game content (the Link amiibo nets you Epona, which is the best horse in the game stat-wise).


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2 hours ago, Charmeleonbrah said:

@XRay You should get a Switch with Breath of the Wild.  I've beaten 10 Zelda games, and honestly BotW is my favorite.  There is so much to do.  I played it pretty frequently and it took me three months to beat it.  Collecting the amiibos is something that might strike your fancy, since they give you pretty good in-game content (the Link amiibo nets you Epona, which is the best horse in the game stat-wise).

Hm... That means I have to give up summoning in Heroes for a little while. I will think about it. I still have a few more days to decide before the Halloween banner ends.

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@Charmeleonbrah I am glad I am an adult now, being a teen is one of the worst things in life and I am glad that is in my past.  College is nice because you are in classes with people who are there because they want to be there, so it is not nearly as bad as high school.  As an adult I am just at the point where I can live with not having a lot of real life friends, because I can just do my own thing and when someone has time and wants to do something that is fine too.

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If you guys knew the number of mobile games I'm active in. . .

When I'm not doing that, I'm most likely playing another video game, helping with the cat, shopping/cooking for myself, etc.  Just finished Final Fantasy XV, and my mom wants me to replay the game in English.  Send help!

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