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Would you want children units in Fire Emblem Switch

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1)I don't want to police your topic, but I don't think this is in the right section. This should be in the Fire Emblem Switch discussion section.

2)A similar thread to this topic has been made. But it is closed, so you won't be able to reply?

3)You may want to poll

4)What about kids? Just wanting them, or do you also want to talk about optimization or the possibility to make their stats more polarizing (meaning: make less "good" fathers/other parent, and more "ok" fathers/parents)

@Integrity @eclipse am I jumping the gun with this one?

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No. Unless it's a FE4 remake, I don't want two generations. Fully flesh out one generation before you add a second for no reason. Until IS proves they can do this, I am going to say no to kids.

Also, definitely the wrong place for the topic.

Edited by Slumber
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2 hours ago, Captain Karnage said:

Nah, I'm ready for them to move on to something different. 

Not trolling, but what would they even do instead of children? I mean in the case of doing something along the line of children units.

Pets? We all know how low IS can stoop, I wouldn't be surprised.

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2 hours ago, DietCocaine said:

Not trolling, but what would they even do instead of children? I mean in the case of doing something along the line of children units.

Pets? We all know how low IS can stoop, I wouldn't be surprised.

If IS wanted to have the child mechanic remain in game while not using children as a story reason, I'd like to see them try an apprentice approach, where "child" units are trained by the "parent" unit and whoever the "parent" unit bonds with/marries (depending on if S-Supports remain) can teach the "child" additional skills.

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Hell to the no. They add a level of absurdity to the story that makes you not want to take it seriously, Genealogy used it in a way that involved consistent time skips, while Awakening had a huge plot reason for there to be children, but after Fates came in second in a row with that level of ridiculousness, I think we can safely decline such features from future FE games. Maybe if they keep the children completely free of the main plot of the story, and in a DLC where it gives fans some fun, maybe then it would be okay. I don't even want children in a Genealogy remake because I prefer if they focus on one arc for entire game, and make it a huge epic story that leaves us with a bitter-sweet ending.

@eclipse: This is also in the wrong section.

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I like how heavily customisable children are, but they simply don't fit with most story structures, and they have already been done twice recently. There has to be some way to allow for customisability without using children AGAIN.

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17 hours ago, DietCocaine said:

Not trolling, but what would they even do instead of children? I mean in the case of doing something along the line of children units.

Pets? We all know how low IS can stoop, I wouldn't be surprised.

Have supports that aren't forced just so every possible pairing can occur. 

Add more chapters to the main game

Have more recruitable characters

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10 hours ago, sirmola said:

I like how heavily customisable children are, but they simply don't fit with most story structures, and they have already been done twice recently. There has to be some way to allow for customisability without using children AGAIN.

I completely agree with this. 

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No thanks. 

My main issues with the child system as it currently sits is that it causes massive tunnel vision towards army builds.

Completely ignoring the story, child units have issues in that it forces a "best" case for every child, and results in much of the early game army becoming utterly obsolete the moment you begin to recruit children.

It also forces units you don't want to use for a playthrough upon you for eugenic's sake as they pass down better growths in certain stats.

So, you really jack up one facet of the "pair-up" system but ruining the stat bonuses S-ranks offer partners as you need to save those for only the parents that result in specialized child units, verses letting you take advantage of that with units you want/need.

Essentially, there is no strategy to child unit recruitment. You have one or two options for the best spouse to the parent linked to a child unit, and that's it. 


I'm with Captain Karnage in what I would prefer to see in a future game. More story chapters instead of so many child paralogues, more units to recruit in story mode. 

I do like the support system, but not the child unit system.

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3 hours ago, Von Ithipathachai said:

Isn't that the way everyone hates?

I don't think its THAT hated most "hate" I see of it is on forums which obviously is ants to the general player base which clearly is massive. 

As to the question I say yes-maybe I don't really care what some here say I enjoy it and it added cool optimization to them. But wouldn't be mad if it's skipped in the new game as long as I have my Avatar and Marriage I'm good!

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No. I don't like how some of my favorite pairings feel wrong just because they don't give the kid the best stats. Take Ryoma and Orochi for example. I love their support and genuinely think she would be a good queen for Hoshido, but if I pair them up then Shiro comes out bad because Orochi gives him magic he doesn't need. I just want to play the game and go through the story without having to think about any unnecessary things, and children are unnecessary in Awakening and Fates. The only one you are ever required to get is Lucina and I didn't even bother using her because I didn't want to grind up new characters so late in the game (saved them for after the story was done). In Fates I did the same thing, and waited until the end of Revelations for most of them except Forrest and Dwyer. Even that was only because Conquest gives limited amounts of experience and some of my characters had fallen behind.

I'd much prefer if the work they put into the kids could instead be put into expanded support conversations, base conversations, and paralouges that teach you more about the world we are supposed to be protecting. I'd love to have little side missions where you find out a little bit more about what is going on behind the scenes.

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To assume it's the same ole(which I'm fine with) I wonder if a DLC like paralouge side story could be a thing but the twist is no combine stat distribution maybe just skill inheritance from main file pairs but hair colors and hopefully add in eye colors and even skin tones as well. So basically a separate what if post story of the main game probably too complex for IS.

Edited by Blade Lord Lyn
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I am impartial to character creation & romancing (I think they can be done right, but Fire Emblem has yet to hit a proper stride where I can say it has been done well), however children characters would be almost a deal breaker with how this franchise has handled them. I'm sure children character can be done right, however I personally believe even with Geneaology as the closest for the series having done it correctly, even then the second generation suffered heavily in likability compared to the first. Some of the second generation characters were almost replicas of their parental figure (Aless, Julia, Larcei) that made me question why they even killed off the first generation and the remaining cast was just so weak with virtually zero character compared to the first generation where the characters had more intertwined narratives and motivations.

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