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FEH: Winter's Envoy Banner


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1 minute ago, Korath88 said:

These skills are not OK. Really not looking forward to dealing with this in the arena.

At least they'll be fun to use, right? Use them for easy arena defense points? The two weeks these units will be focus is going to be hell (Reminds me of when the Brave Heroes were everywhere and Reinhardt before more stuff was released to lower his presence.)

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Wow...Christmas bikini, really? IS can't really be THAT desperate for money. lol I hope the same people who complained about Fjorm being cold will complain about Tharja because her costume is as ridiculous as the frilly spring costumes on Xander and Chrom. You can't even argue that she's used to the cold. XD Isn't her homeland like...a desert? 

It's kind of a bummer that so many of our armors are either seasonal or limited when there are still plenty from the actual games we could add. But oh well. Okay. Now that my complaining's out of the way... 

I like Lissa's art a lot. She does look cute, and the style is nice. Heck, I even like the style of Tharja's art even if the bikini is beyond ridiculous. Robin has a little bit of the bug-eyed thing going on, and Chrom is well...Chrom. The delivery of his line was absolute perfection however. As always, the skills look good. All of them probably have like...triple BST and amazing stats, but I'm just not tempted to pull. Unlike the dancer banner, I don't really NEED more armors. I only use them once a month (for the quests) as it is. They're annoying to deal with in the Arena, but I doubt I'd actually use them. So I'll do my free pull and dip. I've got a good stash of orbs now, and I can actually save it for the legendary banner.

I wonder if this means that the top Arena score will move up again? If they all have inflated BST, I wonder if that means the whales will be using +10 Christmas armors.

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I'm not the biggest fan of Armor Emblem, but how could anyone say no to that Lissa? Too bad she shares a color though.

Sigh, Tharja...I'm so disappointed that both Nowi and Tharja have had a chance to wear cute or funny alternate outfits, but they just had to keep the fan service going instead. Tharja's outfit in particular doesn't even make sense!

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1 minute ago, ChickenBits said:

At least they'll be fun to use, right? Use them for easy arena defense points? The two weeks these units will be focus is going to be hell (Reminds me of when the Brave Heroes were everywhere and Reinhardt before more stuff was released to lower his presence.)

Eh. I'm not interested in any of them aside from potential skill fodder so I likely won't be getting any of them to use.

The funny thing is that I'm going on holiday for 2 weeks starting tomorrow so I won't be able to roll on the banner or participate in their arena season anyways.

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8 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

Also noted that Lissa's weapon (having the same effect as as the other three weapons) is contradictory to her new Bold Fighter skill, which is a shame especially since the effect synergises perfectly with Tharja's apparent role. Geez, would it hurt to make half of them be player phase weapons?

Given that Chrom's effect is the same. I am suspecting a translation error.


Just watched JP trailer. I was wrong...

Edited by Clogon
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Man, they fucked up English Tharja. In Japanese, she pretends to be a completely normal girl in her lines, being cheerful and whatnot and not even breaking character when attacking, but they just completely skipped that gimmick on her in English, and now her title isn't relevant to her.

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Simply changing Chrom into a armoured blue mage (or healer I guess?) would have made this banner much more desirable, and as a bonus it'd balance out any future Chrom Emblem teams. As it stands, even hardcore Chrom fans would find it difficult to field Santa Chrom alongside Spring Chrom.

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Just now, Korath88 said:

Eh. I'm not interested in any of them aside from potential skill fodder so I likely won't be getting any of them to use.

The funny thing is that I'm going on holiday for 2 weeks starting tomorrow so I won't be able to roll on the banner or participate in their arena season anyways.

Well armor emblem is the hardest emblem to get used to and invest in(they're a pain in the neck to train) so that's understandable. My mages are going to be my best friend during the next few weeks although the tier 20 arena cutoff is going to be annoying thanks to whales with their plus ten Christmas armor units.


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8 minutes ago, Thane said:

Sigh, Tharja...I'm so disappointed that both Nowi and Tharja have had a chance to wear cute or funny alternate outfits, but they just had to keep the fan service going instead. Tharja's outfit in particular doesn't even make sense!

You do realize that Tharja was designed even before the game was released right?

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Just now, Clogon said:

Tharja never had a chance to wear anything else as she was intended to be released this way a long time ago. Everything about her looks since Awakening has been like this.

And, what, are you telling me I can't be disappointed over that fact? 

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Er, how is Tharja an Armored unit with that outfit? You could possibly excuse the others due to wearing baggy Christmas outfits/having heavy weapons, but Tharja looks like she was six months too late for the summer banner. 

Anyway, I'll do a free summon for Green since I wouldn't mind getting Lissa or Chrom, but unless the Legendary Banner that's being speculated about is a bust I'll probably give this one a skip. 

Edited by Medeus
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Just now, Thane said:

And, what, are you telling me I can't be disappointed over that fact? 

No, I am saying that you are wrong and Tharja's chance to wear something funny never existed. Be as disappointed as you wish and as long as you wish. I am not going to deny your hopes.

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Just now, Clogon said:

No, I am saying that you are wrong and Tharja's chance to wear something funny never existed. 

I'm not even sure what you're arguing about. If you're here to yell at everyone who gets disappointed by Tharja's outfit, then I'm afraid you're going to be busy all day.

1 minute ago, Clogon said:

Be as disappointed as you wish and as long as you wish. I am not going to deny your hopes.

Then why in the bloody hell did you reply to me in that condescending fashion? 

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Just now, Thane said:

Then why in the bloody hell did you reply to me in that condescending fashion? 

I already told you why. It is because "Tharja have had a chance to wear cute or funny alternate outfits" is an untrue statement.

As for the reason why that statement triggered a response from me, I sadly do not know.

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I mean sure, it's awkward to have the art not match the role, but I'd rather have the mismatch and get a unit that actually fills an important niche, rather than having more of the same old, same old. It could be handled better, sure, but it at least prevents her from being Summer Leo levels of viability.

It's the same reason I'm strongly supportive of more regular units having their type changed up, like what they did to Raven and Palla. It might bother hardcore fans of the specific unit, but ultimately makes for better gameplay. Off the top of my head, something like red mage cavalry Miriel would be an excellent addition to the game without being too egregiously out of character.


TL;DR: Armoured bikini Tharja might be controversial but I'd much rather that than Infantry bikini Tharja.

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Tharja’s outfit makes me want to bash my head against a wall. 

I am not terribly excited for any of these units but out of all of them I do want Chrom. I am going to end up with Lissa and by extension, Raven is going to get a funny ax. Robin gets to live if he shows up, but Tharja will be donating her tome to Raigh and leaving my sight the second she shows up. 

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Just now, Clogon said:

I already told you why. It is because "Tharja have had a chance to wear cute or funny alternate outfits" is an untrue statement.

Ah, so you're just arguing semantics. I see. Well, then I can safely put you on ignore and move on with my day, as I have no need for people like you giving me headaches.

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11 minutes ago, Clogon said:

Tharja never had a chance to wear anything else as she was intended to be released this way a long time ago. Everything about her looks since Awakening has been like this.

I'm not sure how when she was intended to release removes the chance for her to wear something silly. It's like saying I "never had a chance" to fail a subject in school just because I passed it. The chance still existed, it's just that it's now passed, and they decided to not go with that option. Escpecially given how little of Tharja's outfit you could actually see in the original datamined images, we could have easily speculated that she was wearing something more than what we now know she is.

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10 minutes ago, Clogon said:

Everything about her looks since Awakening has been like this.

I really don't think you are right about this Tharja was not really a blatant fan service character until the beach DLC, I'm quite sad they decided to run with that because this outfit is just why?
Why is a character wearing a bikini considered an armoured unit? Why is she wearing a bikini in winter? If they really must have had bikini tharja why is she in this banner?
That said I think the new year banner will be Fates based (Or maybe we will get the children in Yukata again)

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I suspect Tharja and Robin were originally intended to be infantry but IS later decided they wanted an armor banner and didn't want to throw away the art they commissioned.

That said, it's common knowledge that the less a woman wears, the higher her defense, in anime/video games. She might have the highest defense in the game!

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55 minutes ago, C. Turtle said:

Although, I kinda love how, as with the spring festival, Chrom really doesn't seem to be getting into the spirit of the season.

Because Chrom has become self aware and realizes how ridiculous he looks.

Though, Lissa and Chrom really seem to have gotten upgrades. Definitely want all but Tharja. It would also help with my armor team plus a Lissa that can attack is nice.

Edited by Arthur97
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